6. Dada & Surrealism Kenneth G. Hay 1 Raoul Hausmann - “Mechanical Head: Spirit of the Age”, 1920. 2 Hans Arp - “Head with annoying objects” 1930-2 3 Max Ernst - “At the Rendevous of Friends”, 1922. 4 Giorgio De Chirico “The Child’s Brain”, 1914. 5 Anonymous - “Assembalge of objects”, André Breton Collection. 6 Max Ernst - “Celebes”, 1921. 7 Max Ernst - “Two Children are Threatened by a Nightingale”, 1924. 8 André Breton, Paul Éluard, Tristan Tzara & Valentine Hugo “Exquisite Corpse”, 1929 9 Man Ray - “Bureau of Surrealist Research”, 1924. 10 Man Ray - “Return to Reason”, 1923. 11 Man Ray - “The Primacy of Matter over Thought”, 1929. 12 Max Ernst - “The Habit of Leaves”, 1929. 13 Max Ernst - “The Horde”, 1927. 14 André Masson - “The Four Elements”, 1923-4. 15 Joan Mirò - “Painting”, 1927. 16 Yves Tanguy “Extinction of Useless Lights”, 1927. 17 Inuit Mask of a Bird - Painted wood & Feathers 18 André Masson - “Figure”, 1926-7 19 René Magritte - “The Meaning of Night”, 1927. 20 René Magritte - “The Menaced Assassin”, 1926. 21 René Magritte - “The Treachery of Images”, 1928. 22 Max Ernst - “Loplop Introduces Members of he Surrealist Group”, 1931. 23 Yves Tanguy - “Outside”, 1929. 24 Joan Mirò - “Musique, Seine, Michel, Bataille et Moi”, 1927. 25 André Masson - “Massacre”, 1931. 26 Max Ernst - “The Hundred Headed Woman Opens her August Sleeve”, Collage, 1929. 27 Salvador Dali & Luis Bunuel - “Un Chien Andalou”, 1929. 28 Salvador Dali - “Little Cinders”, 1927. 29 Salvador Dali - “The Lugubrious Game”, 1929. 30 Salvador Dali - “The Accommodations of Desire”, 1929. 31 Salvador Dali - “The Invisible Sleeping Woman, Horse, Lion etc”, 1930. 32 Valentine Hugo - “Object”, 1931. 33 Alberto Giacometti - “Suspended Ball”, 1930-31. 34 Alberto Giacometti - “Disagreeable Object”, 1932. 35 John Heartfield - “Millions Stand Behind Me”, 1932. 36 Meret Oppenheim - “My Governess”, 1936. 37 Hans Bellmer - “The Doll”, 1936-49. 38 Cluade Cahun - “Untitled Self Portrait”, 1929. 39 André Breton - “Poem Object - I see, I imagine”, 1935. 40 Salvador Dali - “Retrospective Bust”, 1933. 41 Kurt Seligmannn - “Homage to Urs Graf”, 1934. 42 Toyen - “Prometheus Enchained”, 1934. 43 Oscar Dominguez - “Decalcomania without Preconceived Object”, 1936. 44 Joan Mirò - “Aidez l”Espagne”, 1937. 45 Pablo Picasso - “Guernica”, 1937. 46 Salvador Dali - “Autumn Cannibalism”, 1936. 47 René Magritte - “The Rape”, 1934. 48 Paul Delvaux - “The Call of the Night”, 1938 49 Roland Penrose - “The Last Voyage of Captain Cook”, 1936-7. 50 Leonora Carrington - “Self Portrait: The Inn of the Dawn Horse”, 1937. 51 Joan Mirò - “Constellations: Acrobatic Dancers”, 1940. 52 Paul Delvaux - “Dawn Over the City”, 1940. 53 Frida Kahlo - “The Two Fridas”, 1939. 54 Frida Kahlo - “Broken Column”, 1944. 55 Joseph Cornell - “Butterfly Habitat”, c.1940. 56 Roberto Matta - “Morphology of Desire”, 1938. 57 Jackson Pollock - “Guardians of the Secret”, 1943. 58 Pavel Tchelitchev - “Anatomical Painting”, c.1944-5. 59 Max Ernst - “Europe After the Rain”, 1940-3. 60 Tony Kaye - “Guiness Advert: Fish on a Bicycle”, 1996. 61