57 £fg 25 1^2 i^Q SKTT/uUtfo (Listening Comprehension) 5) Listen to the dialogue at a kiosk and find out the prices of the following items. If you can't find out the price, indicate such with a question mark (?). @wbo2-a (¥ ) (¥ 5. f33l/-h t, i z *u A t 3 — 7 it I* ) (¥ ) (¥ ) (¥ \ Mary introduces her friend, Christy, to Takeshi. Answer the following questions in Japanese. 13wbo2-b 1. 9 'j XtM 3>Cli T/ 'j # UX,T-r*\ 2. 9 'J Xf^H<^ -tf/CC •) (i ^.XT-f^o < i) t X k < 'J t r >< *77>X (France) * a, + Mary and Takeshi went to a Japanese restaurant. They are looking at the menu. @wb02-C 1. How much are these items? a. (¥ (pot) ) b. •) (¥ (noodle) ) C. Xl.l'ty (¥ (deep fry) ) 2. Mark O if the following statements are true. Mark X if not true. a. ( ) Sukiyaki has fish in it. b. ( ) Mary thinks sukiyaki is expensive. c. ( ) Both Takeshi and Mary ordered udon.