W, 3 IS Q ÍSKfJl ti (Listening Comprehension) Listen to the dialogue between Sue and Mary. Where will they be? What will they do? Choose from the list below. @wbo3-a * u x h -7 > (restaurant) Where What Where What \V Mary © Sue Where: a. school b. library c. home d. Osaka e. Tokyo f. Kyoto What: g. read a book h. play sports i. study j. see a movie k. eat dinner Listen to the dialogue at an evening meeting at a summer camp. The group eader and the students are discussing the schedule for the next day. Complete the schedule below. @ WB03-B *Xty*a-^ (schedule) 3 if (yoga) 1. 6:00 a.m. ( ) 6. 3:00 p.m. ( ) 2. 7:30 ( ) 7. 6:00 ( ) 3. 9:00 ( ) 8. 7:30 ( ) 4. 12:30 p.m. ( ) 9. 11:30 ( ) 5. 1:30 ( ) a. breakfast b. dinner c. get up d. go to bed e. lunch f. do yoga g. play tennis h. study i. watch a movie