(£) Listen to the dialogue between Sue and her friend. How often does she do the following things? 0wbo3-c (a = every day, b = often, c = sometimes, d = not often, e = not at all) 1. ( ) study Japanese 2. ( ) go to the library 3. ( ) watch American movies 4. ( ) watch Japanese movies 5. ( ) play tennis 6. ( ) drink coffee (D) Listen to the dialogue between Mary and a Japanese friend of hers and answer the questions below. @)wbo3-d 1. What time is it? ( ) a. Eight b. Nine c. Ten d. Eleven 2. What did the man suggest first? ( ) a. Coffee at a coffee shop b. Beer at a bar c. Coffee at his place d. Lunch 3. How did Mary turn down his suggestion? (Mark O for all that apply.) a. ( ) By saying that she needs to go back home b. ( ) By saying that it is too late c. ( ) By saying that she needs to study d. ( ) By saying that she needs to go to sleep early 4. What other suggestions did the man make? (Mark O for all that apply.) a. ( ) Reading Japanese books together b. ( ) Practicing Japanese at a coffee shop c. ( ) Having lunch together the next day d. ( ) Walking her home