52»>ějž-:g>žjf 037 037 _ NKiJlli (Listening Comprehension) A) Listen to the dialogue between a real estate agent and his customer and choose the appropriate answers. @ wbo5 a * ~^|[ (°ne month) 1. The house is [ a. new / b. old ]. 2. The house is [ a. clean / b. not clean ]. 3. The house is [ a. quiet / b. not quiet ]. 4. The rooms are [ a. big / b. not big ]. 5. There are [ a. many / b. not many ] rooms. 6. The rent is [ a. 90,400 / b. 94,000 ] yen a month. B) Listen to the TV game show "Who's My Date?" Three men want to invite Ms. Suzuki On a date. @ wb05-b * & *"> T t 1 Z* *\ »t -f (Congratulations.) * 1. Fill in the blanks in Japanese. Favorite type What he does on holidays at a J1|U <**> 4** i 2. Who did Ms. Suzuki choose? a. tffl i L ti b. jiln C) Listen to the interview with Mary and Takeshi and fill in the chart with the following letters: a = likes, b = doesn't like very much, c = hates. Qwbos-c I-Pop Rock Classical music Action movies (T 9 -> 3 >) Horror movies 'j?^ Mary Takeshi