USX SKI! (Listening Comprehension) 9 nAjU(»5 A) Ken and Michiko are talking. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions in Japanese. @wbo9-a * 4 9 'j T (Italy) l. £< ** 'J £ »5* fi Jun is showing the picture taken at his birthday party. Where are the following people in the picture? Qwbop-b *-!r — + (cake) 7 4 > (wine) b c M ) Jun 2.( ) Jun's friend 3.( ) Jun's younger sister 4.( ) Jun's older sister 5.( ) Jun's younger brother 6.( ) Jun's father 7.( ) Pochi C Listen to the dialogue at a shop. How many of each item did the shopkeeper Sell? @wb09-c How many? Total amount 1. coffee ( ) ¥_ ( 3. rice ball ( ) L 4. tea ( 5. boxed lunch ( ) L ) L ) L