Phonetics Sample Test Spring 2016 Name: ………………………… l. Explain what the redundancy effect is. 2a Spell the transcribed expression: [tʊ prəˈfeə] 2b Spell the transcribed expression, tick the correct and cross the incorrect transcription: [ənɪksˈtrɔːdɪnriʲəˈkʰʌrəns] or [ənɪksˈtrɔːdɪnriʲəˈkʰj ʊrənts] 2c Transcribe the spelt expression: an impressive personality [ ] 2d Transcribe the expression K. Tomkova will read: [ ] 3 Mark main stresses in the following words: unknown, well-known, ado, female, important, appetite, projectile, to present a present, to rebel against the law, photography, photographic, acclimatize, aquamarine, educated, constipated, objectivity, apotheosis, inexactitude, administrative, cannibalism, aristocracy, inferiority, electrification, meteorological, ceremoniously, indistinguishable, intelligibility, unilateralism, industrialization, internationalization, grasshopper, fire-extinguisher, easy-going, postgraduate, second-hand, archbishop, downstairs, blackcurrant. 4 Give a phonetic description of all the sounds of the word determined. Transcribe the word. Do not forget about its main stress. [ ] Vowels diphthongs monophthongs type of Horizontal position of tongue The degree of openness = vertical pos. of tongue labialization yes - no quantity, reduction Consonants type (real ....) place of articulatiom manner of articulation tension, sonority aspiration yes - no 5 Explain these expressions and give a fitting example in English: * phonologically relevant stress * articulatory difference between consonants and vowels * affricate * juncture