Nímen xuéxiäo zäi nälí I a : i^in^ht^m^ ? ® b : o a : ? b : ^ iv£ » K#JL > Ä-ŤHMá. ° a : #féí>£-£(sůshě)*li ? ÄS*4řZ (súshě) s dormitory A : Nímen xuéxiäo zäi nälí? B : Zäi Däxué LŮ. A : Xuéshéng duö büduö? B : Bútäi duö, zhí yöu wü, liüqiän ge xuéshěng. A : Yöu sůshě ma? B : Yöu, túshuguän hôumiände dälóu jiüshi xuéshěng sůshě. A : Ní cháng zäi sůshělí känshü ma? B : Bů, sushělí rén täi duö, wo cháng zäi túshuguän känshü. A : Xuéxiäo füj in yöu shüdiän ma? B : Yöu, xuéxiäo wäimiän yöu liängjiä shüdiän, xuéshěng döu xíhuän zäi när mäi shü. A : Näme, xuéshěng känshü, mäi shü döu hěn fängbiän. B : Shi a. A : Where is your school? B : It's on University Road. A : Does your school have many students? B : Not very many. It only has five to six thousand students. A : Does it have dormitories? B : Yes, it does. The big building behind the library is the student dormitory. A : Do you often study in the dormitory? B : No, there are too many people in the dormitory; I often go to the library to study. A : Is there a bookstore near the school? B : Yes, there are two bookstores outside the school. All the students like to buy their books there. A : Well, in that case, it's very convenient for students to read and buy books. B : Yes. NARRATION 29 3d ■fc # ^ £ # o %TA£%$1 (dangjhong /dangzhong) * # - ^ A 31 @ 2—12— + 8 (dangjhong /dangzhong) • in the middle of, the center (ciáng/qiáng) * i # - tfířf # t Ä • V JiiH (ciáng/qiáng) s wall Wo füqinde shüfang zäi lóuxiä. Shufánglí yöu hěn duö shü, yöu Zhôngwénde, yě yöu wäiwénde. Fángjiän dängzhöng yöu yizhäng da zhuözi, zhuözi pángbiän yöu yíge yizi. Wo fůqín cháng zäi zhěr känshü. Zhuözishäng yöu bi, yöu běizi, hái yöu yixiě xiäo döngxT. Yizi höumiände qiángshäng yöu yizhäng hěn häokände huär. Xiänzäi shufánglí méiyou rén, kěsh) wömende xiäo mäor zäi zhuözi dixia. My father's study is downstairs. There are many books in the study, including Chinese and foreign books. In the middle of the room there is a big desk, and at the side of the desk there is a chair. My father often studies here. On the desk are pens and cups and a few other small things. On the wall behind the chair there is a beautiful painting. Right now there is no one in the study, but our little cat is under the desk. vocabulary 1 S> (zai) V/CV : to be (at, in, 2 °# ?v t / a8f> \ $L i (nali / nar) Ni jia zai na li? Where is your home? $^(lu) N ' road (M : %i< 1 tiao) Jhe shih DongyT Lu. Zhe shi DongyT Lu. This is 1st East Road. 4 |* 4t% (tushuguan) N : libra Ta bu zai tushuguan. She's not at the library. tf$L 5e &l % (houmian) N(PW) : be 1*11 i Ni houmian shih Jhang Siansheng. Ni houmian shi Zhang Xiansheng. Behind you is Mr. Zhang. fe(hdu) L : after, behind T§? £ (mian) N : face, surface, side 6 AMtHdalou) N : big building, skyscraper (M : &l zuo) (16u) N : floor, story Ta jia zai erlou. His home is on the second floor. 7 (li) L : in Tushuguanli you hen duo shu. There are many books in the library. (Hmian) N(PN) • inside Shei zai Hmian? Who is inside? 8 Pft^. (ffijin) N(PW) : nearby Wo jia fujin meiyou dasyue. Wo jia fujin meiyou daxue. There is no university near my home. i£S;>(jta) SV-to be near 9 # % (shudian) v : bookstore Neijia shudianli you hen duo syuesheng. Neijia shudianli you hen duo xuesheng. There are many students in that bookstore. % (dian) ;F 10 g> tg? % (waimian) N(PW) = outside Ta zai waimian. He is outside. (jia) M : measure word for si tores Neijia shudian jidu mai Jhongwun shu. Neijia shudian jiu mai Zhongwen shu. That bookstore sells Chinese books only. 12 / JlpMfeJ- (nar/nalT) N(PW) there Nide ylfu bu zai nar. Your clothes are not there. 13 %$^MZ (name) A : well, in that case B • «P?^5 > #.?—*fc£&MESJMs»_ A • Ta bu zai ketlng. B ' Name, ta yiding zai shufang. A • He's not in the living room. B • Well, he must be in the study then. 14 JiZfei (fangbian) SV : to be convenient Wo jia fujin you hen duo shudian, suoyi mai shti hen fangbian. Near my home there are many bookstores; therefore, buying books is very convenient. 29 # 1% I(shufang) udy Ta zai shufangli kanshu ne. He is studying in the study. 30 ^t'~F£ (lousia / louxia) N(PW) : do ~f £ (sia / xia) L : down, under "t^nx£j 5> (siamian / xiamian) N(PW) : Nide bi zai shu siamian. Nide bi zai shu xiamian. Your pen is under the book. 23 >|£5'-k£ (loushang) N(PW) = upstai Wode shufang zai loushang. My study is upstairs. (shang) _L£l&^ (shangmian) N(PW) : abov Shangmian you hen duo huar. There are many paintings up there. 24 J%r$Tm\$ (fangjian) n = room %«M ° Jhe shih wo meimeide fangjian. Zhe shi wo meimeide fangjian. 20 % % if | (pangbian) N(PW) : beside At? & "~ Ta zai wo pangbian. She is beside me. 31 3^1 (jhuozih / zhuozi) n : table Nide shu zai neijhang jhuozihshang. Nide shu zai neizhang zhuozishang. Your book is on that table. ^ | (jhuo / zhuo) BF : table ^ x | (shujhuo / shuzhuo) N : desk 32 (yizih/yizi) m : chair 33 /&**T^ (dlsia / dixia) N(PW) • underneath, below, beneath Yizih disia meiyou dongsT. Yizi dixia meiyou dongxl. There is nothing under the chair. 34 ft] 5. tl7 5> (cianmian / qianmian) N(PW) : front, ahead Wo jia jiou zai cianmian. Wo jia jiu zai qianmian. My home is right ahead. ft] % (cian / qian) L : front, forward, before 35 i£$te*< / (jhělí / zhěliJhěr / zhěr) N(PW) : here #,5 tíji #^ *>_ Täde shü zái jhěr. Täde shü zái zhěr. His book is here. Li I. Place words ■■■■■■■ ■ (I) Proper Noun used as a Place Word t jbMTäibSi)* - feM^S (Niöuyue/ Niüyue)* > etc. (II) Positional Noun used as a Place Word .L\§7 * Tfi/ N N ^hS; - jftiD - * .hit N Tit N 4lit *hit > tit ^ fiit ^ ^it ^ * * f t * 4LT ' etc. * 4>c / &Sib;'. (Täibei) : Taipei * \> $7 • (Niöuyue / Niüyue) « New York (I) Noun+Positional Noun used as a Place Word £fc - - ' etc. II. S as Main Verb (with place word as complement), is used to indicate "Y is located at X" . S & PW ♦ & °^&? Where is the book? f & *#-k • The book is on the table. 1. 43C##& 9 £ » 2. If $ ' & ffl 5 (slshoujian / xishoujian) * £. °#ig_ ? 3. 4LT ° 5. ' fe&£'4&li ° 6. ' » III. Existence in a Place When M (there is ) is used after a place word, the meaning conveyed is "in X there is Y". PW # N Where are Chinese newspapers? ■'##41 * In the library there are Chinese newspapers. l. a.fa%TA ° 3. $.$LWfL}&%&4fctifl o 5. »P WJ.A ° 6. *Pi$«l££-f o Look at the pictures and complete the sentences below 1. fa ^% ft & ? 3. %M$k\®^ ? 4. J.-f-^^T'H-* ? ~£k, which is used as a coverb (or preposition) to show where the action of the subject is taking place, is generally placed together with its object in front of the main verb. S & PW V o He is studying at (the) university. 1. <*L$L&° 2. * * #-MfcH.fc*te 0 3. #&&fc*MMfc* ? 4. 4t4t&&*4Mŕ$4L<£ ° 6. *fcfl***llíÄÄlr* ° Look at the picture and complete the sentences below 1. 2. 3. # 4. 5. 6. V. Nouns Modified by Place Expressions (&) PW N that book on the table 6. #*TÄ (#) 2.__%Wfa££yk$k&& ° ■ I. Describe the things in your classroom, and describe where they are located. (The teacher may want to write the names of the objects on the objects themselves.) II. Draw a picture describing your room. Have one student orally describe objects in the room in the picture, and the other students listen and draw another picture. Compare pictures when finished. ,fU JR.* (heiban) ' black board H S (men) : door 'il*; (chuang) : window fci- (chuang) : bed %k%-%tl (taideng) : desk lamp rfc-r (shujia) ! bookcase fc-tfkl (ylgui) : wardrobe -1 NOTES — 1. Positional suffix [Si, can be interchanged with g§l (tou) or e.g. _ht& = _h#N = _hi above, on top of below, under inside outside front, in front of back, behind Positional Nouns, such as _h@] N £f jS N Jg£~F , etc., can be used like any other noun: they can also be added to the end of other nouns. When they are used in this way, with the Chinese words for _L "on" or ^ "in" for example, the suffix ffi / §f and j§ are often omitted. e.g. T&tf ° There are pens below. There are pens on the bottom. He is outside. #6$t&£^Ji (t&) o Your book is on the table. The person inside the room is my younger brother. 3. If city, country or proper nouns occur after 10E, they never take the positional suffix Sill or H!. j e.g. 4tif*«^^^t^° There are many famous painters in Taiwan. 4|if*tf (incorrect) £ 4k