Adina Zemanek Assistant Professor Institute of Middle and Far Eastern Studies Jagiellonian University in Krakow National Identity in Taiwanese Popular Culture Elective course, 20 class hours This course will trace various kinds of national identity constructed in Taiwanese popular culture, with special emphasis on the recent years. A short introduction to Taiwan’s history and the main kinds of texts to be employed as examples throughout the course will be followed by a series of lectures dedicated to selected topics related to national identity. Each lecture will be illustrated with numerous examples, which will also serve as starting point for class discussions. Evaluation methods: * class attendance is compulsory; students with over two absences (regardless of the reason) will obtain a „not passed” * the course will be followed by a test in the form of a short essay based on visual material presented in class 1. Introduction Historical background: the Dutch in Taiwan, the Qing rule, the Japanese colonial period, the Republic of China, the martial law era, democratization and Taiwanization Taiwanese cinema after the martial law era: the “New Wave” and recent years Comic books in Taiwan since the martial law era Tourist souvenirs in present-day Taiwan 2. Chinese identity during the martial law era The Kuomintang’s sinicization of city spaces (Taipei); Chinese identity as expressed in „Campus Folk Songs” (1970s) and in contemporary graphic memoirs 3. History and memory Taiwanization, “de-Chiang-Kai-shek-ification” and “subjectivity in history”, with examples from popular non-fiction books, contemporary graphic memoirs and postcards 4. Ethnicity The 本省人 benshengren (native Taiwanese) and the 外省人 waishengren (Mainlanders) in the New Wave cinema, recent films and comic books 5. Taiwanization and the 台客 Taike culture Origin and evolution of the Taike stereotype; its employment in defining Taiwan during the 1990s and in recent years; with examples from popular books, Hoklo rock, films and postcards 6. Taiwaneseness and everyday life Tim Edensor’s idea of national identity embodied in everyday life, John Urry’s concept of the “tourist gaze” and definitions of Taiwan in tourist souvenirs and comic books 7. Cultural hybridity Taiwan’s culture as unique configuration of localized global influences; with examples from films and comic books 8. Linguistic issues The use of Mandarin and Hoklo to emphasize a Chinese or local identity; linguistic hybridity in present-day Taiwan; with examples from films (“Healthy Realism”, the “New Wave”, works from recent years) and graphic memoirs 9. Generations and national identity Student political activism, the “China factor” and the 五年級 wu nianji (“fifth-grader”) generation; with examples from popular non-fiction and graphic memoirs Recommended literature Allen, Joseph R. (2012). Taipei. City of Displacements. University of Washington Press: Seattle and London, 2012 Edensor, Tim (2002). National Identity, Popular Culture and Everyday Life. Berg: Oxford and New York Hong, Guo-Juin (2011). Taiwan Cinema. A Contested Nation on Screen. Palgrave Macmillan: New York Hsiau, A-chin (2000). Contemporary Taiwanese Cultural Nationalism. Routledge: London and New York Lynch, Daniel C. (2004). Taiwan’s Self-Conscious Nation-Building Project. Asian Survey, 44, 4 (August), 513-533 Makeham, John and Hsiau, A-chin (eds.) (2005). Cultural, Ethnic and Political Nationalism in Contemporary Taiwan. Bentuhua. Palgrave Macmillan: New York Manthorpe, Jonathan (2005). Forbidden Nation. A History of Taiwan. Palgrave Macmillan: New York Taylor, Jeremy E. (2010). Qujianghua: Disposing of and Re-Appraising the Remnants of Chiang Kai-Shek's Reign on Taiwan. Journal of Contemporary History, 45, 1, 181-196 Urry, John and Larsen, Jonas (2011). The Tourist Gaze 3.0. Sage: Los Angeles, London, New Delhi