JEDDA Questions - >refer to scenes / dialogues Any other points welcome 1.What motivated C.Chauvel to shoot a film about an indigenous girl? When was the film shot, what were the views of Aboriginal people at that time? Who wrote the script? Who were the actors? 2.Why did Sara decide to keep the baby? Why was the girl called Jedda? 3. How are full-blood Aboriginals portrayed in the film? What about the character of Joe? What is his role in the film and what message is he to convey? Was Jedda a victim or did she act on her own will? Is her death an ultimate punishment? 4. The character of Marbuck , what was the consequence of bringing Jedda to his tribe? Why? 5.What racist (?) attitudes could you observe in the film? Which character? 6. From what you know about Aboriginal culture – what is improbable in the plot? Why? 7. What filmic techniques could you identify? (clothing, light, camera, sound, music… etc.) reinforcing the main message? 8. What is the main message of the film? Does the film reinforce the current views or does it stand in opposition?