SPOKEN FLUENCY 01 SPRING 2019 Výsledek obrázku pro fairy godmother Facilitator: PhDr. Kateřina Tomková, Ph.D., 2060@mail.muni.cz; office hours: Tue 1100-1200, Wed 1015-1115, Thu 1430-1630 Location and time: G32, Thursdays 1800-1940 Assessment: Peer 1 You assess presentations you were present at (not your own). 2 You scale them from best (50pts) to worst with min. - 2pts difference between them if you heard 18+ presentations, - 3pts difference between them if you heard 14-17 presentations, - 4pts difference between them if you heard 12-13 presentations, - 5pts defference between them if you heard 10-11 presentations, - 6pts difference between them if you were present to 9 presentations, - 7pts difference between them if you witnessed 8 presentations, - 8pts gap if you heard 7, 9pts gap if you heard 6, 10 if you heard 5. 3 Your criteria are - the presentation: how new, useful and memorable you found it for your speaking practice - preparation: how innovative you found methods of presenting facts and strategies of retaining skills; effort invested in rehearsing Individual assessment: STUDENTS’ AVERAGE + PRESENCE IN CLASS +FINAL MINITALK (max. 50) (max. 22) (max. 16+12) Syllabus Feb. 21: Introduction. Constituents of a good spoken (x written) performance. 1 Knowledge x skill. Automaticity. Spelling and pronunciation: The Chaos, the collections of pronunciation errors. Homework: practising the nursery rhyme This is the house that Jack built (text http://www3.amherst.edu/~rjyanco94/literature/mothergoose/rhymes/thisisthehousethatjackbuilt.html pictures http://www.amazon.co.uk/House-Built-Classic-Books-Holes/dp/0859534685#reader_ and the song Rock-a-bye-baby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9E_MJrl2so. Feb. 28: Revision of nursery rhyme and song. Segmental exercises. Presentation dates. 2 Mch 7: Tongue twisters. Stress patterns and the Chaos assigned. 3 Mch 14: Stress patterns, the Chaos. 4 Mch 21: Academic Oracy – preparation for oral exams and diploma defences. 5 Mch 28: Presentations – Lucie V. 6 Apr. 4: Presentations – Martin K. 7 Apr. 11: Presentations – Tung M.V., Soo Yun K. 8 April 18: No class, Reading Week. Apr. 25: Presentations – Lucie N., Evgeny A. 9 May 2: Presentations – Johana S., Dahui J. 10 May 9: Presentations – Nir T. 11 May 16: Assessment sheets handed in. Exam minitalks. Results in the IS by May 23. Remedial interviews taken on Wednesday mornings during the examination period.