Subject: Essay questions - Seminar of Aesthetics, March 2019. Prof K. G. Hay Essay questions - Seminar of Aesthetics, March 2019. Prof K. G. Hay 1 Discuss the impact of Praxiteles’ work on his contemporaries and future generations. What were the reasons for these responses and in what terms were the discussions framed? 2 Discuss the function and importance of mathematics and perspective in at least two of the paintings of Piero Della Francesca. 3 What was revolutionary in the work of Caravaggio? Discuss his technique, subject matter, composition, scale and other relevant aspects in relation to at least two of his paintings. 4 Cézanne’s mature style in oil or watercolour is very particular. Discuss, in relation to two or more examples of his work how the painting is structured and how it relates to the physical reality in front of him.