Rationality Myth How & Why People Make Weird Choices „Man is a rational animal – so at least I have been told. Throughout a long life I have been looking diligently for evidence in favour of this statement, but so far I have not had the good fortune to come across it.“ B. Russell  What does “RATIONAL” mean?  Reasonable & logical  Unbiased by emotions  Optimal, given the information available  Expected Utility Theory: Expectancy × Value Set A: 24 pieces  Dinner plates 8, all in good condition  Soup/salad bowls 8, all in good condition  Dessert plates 8, all in good condition Set B: 31 pieces  Dinner plates 8, all in good condition  Soup/salad bowls 8, all in good condition  Dessert plates 8, all in good condition  Cups 8, 2 of them broken  Saucers 8, 7 of them broken Hsee, C. K. (1998). Less is better: When low-value options are valued more highly than high-value options. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 11, 107-121. Three groups: Hsee, C. K. (1998). Less is better: When low-value options are valued more highly than high-value options. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 11, 107-121. Offered price Set A(24pcs) Offered price Set B (31pcs) Group 1 – simultaneous evaluation $ 30 $ 32 Group 2 – Set A only $ 33 Group B – Set B only - $ 23 Dictionary A:  Published 1993  10,000 entries  Like new Dictionary B:  Published 1993  20,000 entries  Cover torn, otherwise like new Hsee, C. K. (1996). The evaluability hypothesis: An explanation for preference reversals between joint and separate evaluations of alternatives. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 67(3), 247-257. Three groups: Offered price Dictionary A Offered price Dictionary B Group 1 – simultaneous evaluation $ 19 $ 27 Group 2 – Dictionary A only $ 24 Group B – Dictionary B only - $ 20 Hsee, C. K. (1996). The evaluability hypothesis: An explanation for preference reversals between joint and separate evaluations of alternatives. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 67(3), 247-257.  Preference reversal In certain conditions, our preferences and/or evaluations may change even though the attributes of the objects remain the same. Rational prioritization (transitive): A is more than B is more than C Irrational prioritization (intransitive): A is more than B is more than C is more than A amount amount amount defect defect defect  Preference reversal  Evaluability effect Our evaluation of options is only based on the information immediately available. We do not consider relative value of possible alternatives if they are not available. Rational thinking / decision making Irrational thinking / decision making HEURISTICS  Preference reversal  Evaluability effect  Anchoring Initial information on one of the alternatives profoundly influences our evaluation of subsequent alternatives = RELATIVE EVALUATION.  Preference reversal  Evaluability effect  Anchoring  Loss aversion We invest more into avoiding losses than into achieving gains (of the same value). When negative information is available, we tend to give it special attention and prioritize it. Daniel Kahneman Amos Tversky Behavioural economics People avoid risk and uncertainty. (Daniel Bernoulli) Unfortunately, most of our decision-making involves risk and – especially – uncertainty. Risk = I know the probability of outcome (e.g. gambling – probability of winning can be computed) Uncertainty = I don’t know the probability of outcome Situation A: You have been given $1,000. You are now asked to choose one of these options: 50% chance to win $1,000 OR get $500 for sure 50% chance of $1,000 or $2,000 OR 100% chance of $1,500 Situation B: You have been given $2,000. You are now asked to choose one of these options: 50% chance to lose $1,000 OR lose $500 for sure 50% chance of $1,000 or $2,000 OR 100% chance of $1,500 Kahneman & Tversky Certain $1,500 Uncertain $1,000 or $2,000 Situation A: $1,000 given 50% chance to win additional $1,000 OR get $500 for sure YES!!! No, thanks. Situation B: $ 2,000 given 50% chance to lose $1,000 OR lose $500 for sure Not if I can avoid it. THANKS FOR THE CHANCE!!! Certain $500 gain Uncertain $1,000 or $0 gain Situation A: $1,000 given 50% chance to win additional $1,000 OR get $500 for sure YES!!! No, thanks. Situation B: $ 2,000 given 50% chance to lose $1,000 OR lose $500 for sure Not if I can avoid it. THANKS FOR THE CHANCE!!! Certain $500 loss Uncertain $1,000 or $0 loss Situation A: $1,000 given 50% chance to win additional $1,000 OR get $500 for sure YES!!! No, thanks. Situation B: $ 2,000 given 50% chance to lose $1,000 OR lose $500 for sure Not if I can avoid it. THANKS FOR THE CHANCE!!! A matter of FRAMING. ”Let’s go for a hike! Adam and Susan said they would also go!” ”Let’s go for a hike! Adam and Susan said they would also go, but, unfortunately, Steve cannot make it…” A matter of FRAMING. Influenced by CONTEXT.  Expected Utility Theory: Expectancy × Value Kahneman’s examples: Estimate  Plan to write a textbook on decision making  Estimates of time needed based on available information on resources:  1,5 to 2,5 yrs Reality  Asked a colleague about other teams who attempted the same  Only 40% success rate (others abandoned the plan)  The others took around 10 yrs  Most teams’ resources were better Kahneman’s examples: Estimate  New Scottish Parliament building – initial estimate £40 million  Estimates of American homeowners of how much kitchen remodelling would cost: $18,658 Reality  Finally completed for £431 million  Real cost: $38,769 People tend to…  Only consider best-case scenarios  Disregard “statistics” on actual success rate of previous similar attempts Why?  Because we do not consider unexpected events and random disruptive factors, which are almost always present  As specific information on them is unavailable, we do not pay attention to them People tend to…  Rely on immediate examples that come to mind when considering a situation / problem = AVAILABILITY HEURISTIC  Make decisions based on this immediate information  Which information is processed influenced by context (different cues remind us of different things)  The cues may include attributes of the situation, of the present alternatives, of surrounding objects, previous events, inner states, etc.  In addition, we seem to be “hard-wired” to pay more attention to certain pieces of information rather than others (information presented first, losses, beginnings and endings, unique features, etc.) – systematic biases What the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t ache for. (Czech proverb)  Before attempting the first quiz, watch the two videos available in the interactive syllabus in the IS: Dan Ariely’s TED talk on decision making Daniel Kahneman’s TED talk on past, present and future selves  Recommended good reading on behavioural economics: Kahneman, Daniel: Thinking, Fast and Slow. Ariely, Dan: Predictably Irrational. Ariely, Dan: The Upside of Irrationality.