MORE TRANSCRIPTION PRACTICE MAY 15 2a Rewrite these 3 expressions (phrases) in conventional spelling: [tʊəˈkʰɜː] [əˈkʰʌrəns] [əˈreɪntʃtəˈtʃeɪndʒðət ˈeɪnʃəntˈeɪndʒəlɪŋ ˈ*kʰeɪmbrədʒ] 2b Which is correct? Tick it, cross the incorrect and rewrite in conventional spelling: [ˈfɒkjəsɒnjəˈwɔːk] [ˈfəʊkəsɒnjəˈwɜːk] 2c Transcribe in GenAm: Your brother Bob was the last. 2d Transcribe what Mrs Tomková says and spot the three RP innovations: 2a to occur / occurrence / arrange to change that ancient angel in Cambridge 2b focus on your work = the latter is correct 2c [jɚˈbrʌðɚˈ*bɑːbwəzðəˈlæst̬] 2d [ðiːaɪˈdɪəʳəvendjɔːriŋə ˈkəʊɫdˈʃɑːə]