ACADEMIC ORACY, Spring 2020 Location and time: G32, Thu 0800-0940. Facilitator: Kateřina Tomková, Office hours: Tue 0830-0930, Wed 1230-1330, Thu 1030-1130. Assessment: 40 pts progress tests; *assigned presentation up to 5pts; **students’ own initiative presentations up to 10pts, course administration up to 10pts; participation in the skit up to 20 pts, final test (speech?) max. 50 pts. Syllabus Date Organization & Theory Skills & Skit Fb.20 Introduction of subject and projects: a) Oracy topics below b) Skit to perform at Creativity Night c) Election of best speakers to host on May 10 The post of course administrator. Topics: Academic hierarchy Academic Slang The discipline of Academic Debate The art of presenting (lectures, conferences, debates) Academic life as pictured in works of art Academic speaking style: - Pronunciation - Sophistication: grammar, vocab, idiom - Figures of speech (tropes) - The blend of pop culture and academia - Political correctness - Argumentative Fallacies - Crystal, D The Stories of English - Fox, K Watching the English - Brookes, I. (ed.) TV Talk - Orkin, M.M. Speaking Canadian English Test 1 3pts Personal / teaching goals speaking / teaching English. Past skits: 2010 - Oral Exam 2011 - The ED Odyssey (in the style of Men In Black) 2012 - Conference 2013 - Zombie Studies 9YVN7HlKFlg&feature=share&fb_ref=Default 2014 - Dreamin’ America (prep for exam) 2015 - Saturday Night Dead Here is the link: and the password is academicoracy. 2016 – Literary characters seeing a psychoanalyst 2017 – Academic Lecture 2018 – Trumperica (diplomatic job auditions) 2019 - Job Interview? Interpreting? Clash of Philosophies? Inspiration by Tracy Ullman: An exercise in formal expressions of Latin/Greek origin (I can talk from Charlotte’s Web). Feb 27 The course administrator: Lucie Tomaňová. Test 2 3pts University hierarchy. Reading 1: google Reading 2: Humanitarian education x edu in science and technology. Reading: ities-sororities Discussion on personal / teaching goals. Exercise in phrasal verbs and their synonyms of Greek and Latin origin. Brainstorming for the skit’s direction. Mch 5 Results of poll. K.Tomková: Pitfalls in making pesentations Test 3 3pts Uni life in lit & film.Video on grading trends at Harvard: Films and books set in the Academia (Changing Places, Small World, Educating Rita, Possession, Arcadia, Social Network, Smiley, Gossip, Good Will Hunting). Skit layout entered into a shared google document started by Lenka Žárská: Mch 12 Presentation 1 Test 4 3pts Politically correct fairy tales: pdf Lines of skit discussed. Mch 19 Tabboo word competition. Test 5 3pts Presentation 2 Mch 26 Latin card game. Test 6 3pts Presentation 3 Lines of skit finalized Apr. 2 Discussion on Erasmus. Test 7 3pts Presentation 4 Rehearsal 1 Apr. 9 Presentation 5 Test 8 3pts g+you%27re+quoting+shakespeare&oq=21+phrases+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i19j0i22i30i19l4j0i22i10i30i19j0i22i 30i19l4.12362.20332..23002...0.0..0.161.4421.47j7......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i71j0i67j0j0i131j0i2 2i30._y972J4Xz04 Rehearsal 2 and 3 early the following week Apr. 16 NOT KEEPING THE READING WEEK. Rehearsal. Test 9 5pts Rehearsal 4 and 5, 6, 7 the following week Apr. 23 Test 10 5pts Rehearsal 8 and 9, 10 and 11 the following week April 30 Presentation 7, 8 Test 11 3pts Feedback of skit (performed probably on April 29) May 7 Presentations 9, 10 Test 12 3pts May 14 Discussion with visitors Exam date set up: