CJVA1B - Course requirements Credits will be given for - attendance (2 absences are allowed, you do not have to inform your teacher about the reason of your 2 absences) - completing and handing in homework tasks assigned by your teacher - presentation delivered in seminars - regular active participation in the course - inactivity in lessons will be considered as absence PRESENTATION - a semi-formal talk on topic of your choice, can but does not have to be connected to your field of study - choose a topic that is original and not too general - the topic should be chosen to inspire discussion - to be presented during seminars (students will assign themselves to a particular week) - see the Presentation Criteria in the Administration folder in IS Study Materials - 6-7 minutes long - although you may use notes, you cannot read from a full-text script - minimum pass mark is 15/25 HOMEWORK TASKS 10 summaries of ten podcasts, + questions - Find and listen to at least 10 podcasts (from cca 5 to 10 mins long) of your own choice (1 podcast every week) - Write a summary of the podcast - there is no length requirement, write as much as you want (the idea is that as time progresses, you will be more and more comfortable with expressing your ideas in English) - Write down 12 open ended questions for each of your podcasts - You are given this homework in order to practise listening and writing skills 10 learning log entries - Keep a learning log throughout the whole semester - Include at least 10 learning log entries in the portfolio (1 entry per week) - Do not worry about grammar, that is not the point of learning logs - There is no right or wrong way with learning logs, every learning log is unique - there is no length requirement, write as much as you want (the idea is that as time progresses, you will be more and more comfortable with expressing your ideas in English) - The form of the learning log is entirely up to you, it can be in an electronic form or if you prefer having a real notebook and taking handwritten notes, that is ok as well (you will then take a photo of your log or scan it in order to submit it online), feel free to get wild with your creativity - You can find more information about learning logs and reflection here: https://k12.thoughtfullearning.com/minilesson/keeping-learning-log https://www.jyu.fi/edupsy/fi/laitokset/psykologia/en/studies/instructions-for-studying/learning-log - This HW task will allow you to reflect upon your learning experience, analyse what works for you and what doesn´t and ultimately, to improve your writing skills Word list - Should be submitted in an electronic form at the end of the semester (details will be given) - Should include at least 100 new words (+ their definitions and example sentences) that you had to look up during the whole semester - Example sentences can be taken directly from your source or from online dictionaries (Macmillan, Oxford, Webster etc.), DO NOT create your own example sentences - The words can come from various sources, it does not have to be academic vocabulary (e.g. words from books you read for pleasure, from TV show, films, lyrics, etc.) - Words in the word list should be numbered (from 1 to 100) - Thanks to the word list, you can keep track of all new words you come across, therefore it can be a great tool for expanding your vocabulary