CJVA2M NAME: ... A. LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the recording and complete the following tasks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXGd8w1xFgw 1. Create 4 questions based on the recording to ask other students in a discussion. Incorporate specific information from the recording in the questions (Do you think people in the Czech Republic would demonstrate against xxx as well? Do you believe that xxx is really happening? Do you agree with the speaker that xxx is inappropriate and should be limited?)(4 points) question 1 ... question 2 ... question 3 ... question 4 ... 2. Choose 3-5 key words or phrases for the recording. (2 points) II. READING COMPREHENSION TASKS FOR TEXT 1 1. Explain the meaning of the highlighted word “commemorate” (1 point) 2. Give an antonym to the word “reject“. (1 point) 3. Give a synonym to the word “vanish”. (1 point) 4. Paraphrase the underlined section from the text (The Holodomor has emerged as a contentious issue in Ukraine's relations with Russia.). (1 point) TASKS FOR TEXT 2 5. Highlight an appropriate title for the article from the choices below: (1 point) a) Monumental Problems: Why Charlottesville’s Confederate statues are still standing b) Take the Statues Down c) Why We Should Keep The Confederate Monuments Right Where They Are 6. Copy below the paragraph in which the author informs that there are some voices from the American Right that it would be better to be passive/inactive in the monument debate. (1 point) 7. Summarize the text with your own words (4-6 sentences). (2 points) 8. Write down 3-5 appropriate key words/phrases for the text (2 points) 9. Create two questions based on the texts (text 1 and text 2/only text 1/only text 2 - it is up to you) to ask other students in an imaginary discussion. Incorporate information from the texts in the questions. (2 points) question 1 question 2