Date: June 2010 BPMN 2.0 by Example Version 1.0 (non-normative) OMG Document Number: dtc/2010-06-02 Standard document URL: http://www.omg.0rg/spec/BPMN/2.O/examples/PDF Associated File: http://www.omg.Org/spec/BPMN/2.0/examples/ZIP Copyright © 2010, camunda services GmbH Copyright © 2010, IBM Corp. Copyright © 2010, Object Management Group, Inc. Copyright © 2010, PNA Group Copyright ©2010, SAP AG Copyright © 2010, Trisotech, Inc. USE OF SPECIFICATION - TERMS, CONDITIONS & NOTICES The material in this document details an Object Management Group specification in accordance with the terms, conditions and notices set forth below. This document does not represent a commitment to implement any portion of this specification in any company's products. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. LICENSES The companies listed above have granted to the Object Management Group, Inc. 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As part of this process we encourage readers to report any ambiguities, inconsistencies, or inaccuracies they may find by completing the Issue Reporting Form listed on the main web page, under Documents, Report a Bug/Issue ( Table of Contents 1 Scope.......................................................................................1 2 Conformance...........................................................................1 3 Normative References.............................................................1 4 Additional Information..............................................................2 4.1 Changes to Adopted OMG Specifications........................................................2 4.2 Acknowledgements...........................................................................................2 5 Small Examples introducing Core Concepts...........................3 5.1 Shipment Process of a Hardware Retailer........................................................3 5.2 The Pizza Collaboration....................................................................................4 5.3 Order Fulfillment and Procurement...................................................................5 6 Incident management..............................................................8 6.1 High level model for quick understanding.........................................................8 6.2 Detailed Collaboration and Choreography........................................................9 6.3 Human-driven vs. system-driven control flows...............................................11 7 Models and Diagrams............................................................19 7.1 Lane and Pool.................................................................................................19 7.1.1 Lane.........................................................................................................................19 7.1.2 Pool.........................................................................................................................20 7.2 Sub Process and Call Activity.........................................................................21 7.2.1 Expanded Sub Process Example............................................................................21 7.2.2 Collapsed Sub Process Example.............................................................................22 7.2.3 Call Activity Example...............................................................................................23 8 Nobel Prize Example.............................................................25 8.1 The Nobel Prize Process Scenario.................................................................25 8.2 The Nobel Prize Process Diagram..................................................................26 9 Travel Booking Example........................................................27 9.1 The Travel Booking Scenario..........................................................................27 9.2 The Travel Booking Diagram..........................................................................28 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 i 10 Examples from Diagram Interchange Chapter....................29 10.1 Expanded Sub Process Example..................................................................29 10.2 Collapsed Sub Process Example..................................................................29 10.2.1 Process Diagram...................................................................................................29 10.2.2 Sub Process Diagram............................................................................................29 10.3 Multiple Lanes and Nested Lanes Example..................................................29 10.4 Vertical Collaboration Example.....................................................................30 10.5 Conversation Example..................................................................................30 10.6 Choreography Example.................................................................................30 11 Correlation Example...........................................................31 12 E-Mail Voting Example........................................................35 12.1 The First Sub-Process..................................................................................37 12.2 The Second Sub-Process............................................................................38 12.3 The End of the Process................................................................................38 Annex A: XML Serializations for all presented Models..........39 ii BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 Preface OMG Founded in 1989, the Object Management Group, Inc. (OMG) is an open membership, not-for-profit computer industry standards consortium that produces and maintains computer industry specifications for interoperable, portable, and reusable enterprise applications in distributed, heterogeneous environments. Membership includes Information Technology vendors, end users, government agencies, and academia. OMG member companies write, adopt, and maintain its specifications following a mature, open process. OMG's specifications implement the Model Driven Architecture® (MDA®), maximizing ROI through a full-lifecycle approach to enterprise integration that covers multiple operating systems, programming languages, middleware and networking infrastructures, and software development environments. OMG's specifications include: UML® (Unified Modeling Language™); CORBA® (Common Object Request Broker Architecture); CWM™ (Common Warehouse Metamodel); and industry-specific standards for dozens of vertical markets. More information on the OMG is available at OMG Specifications As noted, OMG specifications address middleware, modeling and vertical domain frameworks. A Specifications Catalog is available from the OMG website at: http://www. omg. orgitechnologyidocumentsispec catalog, htm Specifications within the Catalog are organized by the following categories: OMG Modeling Specifications • UML • MOF • XMI • CWM • Profile specifications OMG Middleware Specifications • CORBA/IIOP • DDL/Language Mappings • Specialized CORBA specifications • CORBA Component Model (CCM) Platform Specific Model and Interface Specifications • CORBAservices • CORBAfacilities • OMG Domain specifications • OMG Embedded Intelligence specifications • OMG Security specifications All of OMG's formal specifications may be downloaded without charge from our website. (Products implementing OMG specifications are available from individual suppliers.) Copies of specifications, available in PostScript and PDF format, BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 iii may be obtained from the Specifications Catalog cited above or by contacting the Object Management Group, Inc. at: OMG Headquarters 140 Kendrick Street Building A, Suite 300 Needham, MA 02494 USA Tel: +1-781-444-0404 Fax: +1-781-444-0320 Email: Certain OMG specifications are also available as ISO standards. Please consult Typographical Conventions The type styles shown below are used in this document to distinguish programming statements from ordinary English. However, these conventions are not used in tables or section headings where no distinction is necessary. Times/Times New Roman - 10 pt.: Standard body text Helvetica/Arial - 10 pt. Bold: OMG Interface Definition Language (OMG IDL) and syntax elements. Courier - 10 pt. Bold: Programming language elements. Helvetica/Arial - 10 pt: Exceptions NOTE: Terms that appear in italics are defined in the glossary. Italic text also represents the name of a document, specification, or other publication. iv BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 1 Scope This document provides a number of BPMN 2.0 examples, which are non-executable BPMN 2.0 models conforming to the Process Modeling Conformance class as defined in the the OMG specification Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Version 2.0. It is a non-normative document and its main goal is to assist in interpreting and implementing various aspects of the BPMN 2.0 specification. The examples are provided in form of Collaboration diagrams, Process diagrams, and Choreography diagrams as well as machine-readable files using the Extensible Markup Language (XML). As this is a non-normative document, an implementation, which claims conformance to any of the conformance classes defined in section 2 of the BPMN 2.0 specification, is NOT REQUIRED to comply to statements made in this document. Furthermore, if there are any inconsistencies between the BPMN 2.0 specification and this document, the statements of the BPMN 2.0 specification always have precedence. The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this specification. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Version 2.0 • OMG, May 2010 http://www.omg.Org/spec/BPMN/2.0 2 Conformance 3 Normative References RFC-2119 Key words for use inRFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S. Bradner, IETF RFC 2119, March 1997 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 1 4 Additional Information 4.1 Changes to Adopted OMG Specifications If there are any inconsistencies between the BPMN 2.0 specification and this document, the statements of the BPMN 2.0 specification are considered to be correct. The following companies contributed to the content of this document: • camunda services GmbH • IBM Corp. • PNA Group • SAP AG • Trisotech, Inc. The following persons were members of the core teams that contributed to the content of this document: • John Bulles (PNA Group) • Jakob Freund (camunda services GmbH) • Denis Gagne (Trisotech, Inc.) • Falko Menge (camunda services GmbH) • Matthias Kloppmann (IBM Corp.) • Sj ir Nij ssen (PNA Group) • Gerardo Navarro-Suarez (camunda services GmbH) • Ivana Trickovic (SAP AG) • Stephen A. White (IBM Corp.) In addition, the following persons contributed valuable ideas and feedback that improved the content and the quality of this document: • Joram Barrez (Alfresco) • Mariano Benitez (Oracle) • Conrad Bock (NIST) • John Hall (Model Systems) • Bernd Rticker (camunda services GmbH) 2 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 4.2 Acknowledgements 5 Small Examples Introducing Core Concepts This chapter introduces the core concepts of process modeling with BPMN. We will not explain every single symbol you can find in the diagrams, but show how process modeling in BPMN is basically done, how we can use pools and message flows for explicitly modeling collaborations between participants, and how we can (de-)compose process models with sub-processes and call activities. Those examples do not contain executable process models, but represent process models focusing on organizational aspects of business processes. 5.1 Shipment Process of a Hardware Retailer extra insurance required Take out extra insurance Check if extra insurance is necessary Fill in a Post label Goods to ship Decide if normal post or special shipment Mode of delivery Request quotes from carriers Assign a carrier & prepare paperwork Oi Package goods Insurance is ■ included in carrier service Add paperwork and move package to pick area o Goods available for pick Figure 5.1: Shipment Process of a hardware retailer In Figure 5.1 you can find the preparing steps a hardware retailer has to fulfill before the ordered goods can actually be shipped to the customer. In this example, we used only one pool and different lanes for the people involved in this process, which automatically means that we blank out the communication between those people: We just assume that they are communicating with each other somehow. If we had a process engine driving this process, that engine would assign user tasks and therefore be responsible for the communication between those people. If we do not have such a process engine, but want to model the communication between the people involved explicitly, we would have to use a collaboration diagram as in the next chapter. The plain start event "goods to ship" indicates that this preparation should be done now. Right after the instantiation of the process, there are two things done in parallel, as the parallel gateway indicates: While the clerk has to decide whether this is a normal postal or a special shipment (we do not define the criteria how to decide this inside the process model), the warehouse worker can already start packaging the goods. This clerk's task, which is followed by the exclusive gateway "mode of delivery", is a good example for clarifying the recommended usage of a gateway: The gateway is not responsible for the decision whether this is a special or a postal shipment. Instead, this decision is undertaken in the activity before. The gateway only works as a router, which is based on the result of the previous task, and provides alternative paths. A task represents an actual unit of work, while a gateway is only routing the sequence flow. This gateway is called "exclusive", because only one of the following two branches can be traversed: If we need a special shipment, the clerk requests quotes from different carriers, then assigns a carrier and prepares the paperwork. But if a normal post shipment is fine, the clerk needs to check if an extra insurance is necessary. If that extra insurance is BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 3 required, the logistics manager has to take out that insurance. In any case, the clerk has to fill in a postal label for the shipment. For this scenario, the shown inclusive gateway is helpful, because we can show that one branch is always taken, while the other one only if the extra insurance is required, but IF it is taken, this can happen in parallel to the first branch. Because of this parallelism, we need the synchronizing inclusive gateway right behind "Fill in a Post label" and "Take out extra insurance". In this scenario, the inclusive gateway will always wait for "Fill in a Post label" to be completed, because that is always started. If an extra insurance was required, the inclusive gateway will also wait for "Take out extra insurance" to be finished. Furthermore, we also need the synchronizing parallel gateway before the last task "add paperwork and move package to pick area", because we want to make sure that everything has been fulfilled before the last task is executed. 5.2 The Pizza Collaboration Pay the pizza Eat the pizza »_O_, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i 1 0 Deliver the Receive pizza -► payment Hunger satisfied Figure 5.2: Ordering and delivering pizza This example is about Business-To-Business-Collaboration. Because we want to model the interaction between a pizza customer and the vendor explicitly, we have classified them as "participants", therefore providing them with dedicated pools. Please note that there is no default semantics in this type of modeling, which means you can model collaboration diagrams to show the interaction between business partners, but also zoom into one company, modeling the interaction between different departments, teams or even single workers and software systems in collaboration diagrams. It is totally up to the purpose of the model and therefore a decision the modeler has to make, whether a collaboration diagram with different pools is useful, or whether one should stick to one pool with different lanes, as shown in the previous chapter. If we step through the diagram, we should start with the pizza customer, who has noticed her stomach growling. The customer therefore selects a pizza and orders it. After that, the customer waits for the pizza to be delivered. The event based gateway after the task "order a pizza" indicates that the customer actually waits for two different events that could happen next: Either the pizza is delivered, as indicated with the following message event, or there is no delivery for 60 4 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 minutes, i.e., after one hour the customer skips waiting and calls the vendor, asking for the pizza. We now assume that the clerk promises the pizza to be delivered soon, and the customers waits for the pizza again, asking again after the next 60 minutes, and so on. Let's have a closer look at the vendor process now. It is triggered by the order of the customer, as shown with the message start event and the message flow going from "order a pizza" to that event. After baking the pizza, the delivery boy will deliver the pizza and receive the payment, which includes giving a receipt to the customer. In this example, we use message objects not only for informational objects, as the pizza order, but also for physical objects, like the pizza or the money. We can do this, because those physical objects actually act as informational objects inherently: When the pizza arrives at the customer's door, she will recognize this arrival and therefore know that the pizza has arrived, which is exactly the purpose of the accordant message event in the customer's pool. Of course, we can only use the model in that way because this example is not meant to be executed by a process engine. 5.3 Order Fulfillment and Procurement Order received Check availability Article available Procurement undeliverable f s f \ Ship article Financial settlement . EE . Late delivery Inform customer o Payment received f \ Inform customer * * Remove article w from calatogue Customer informed o Article removed Figure 5.3: Order Fulfillment This order fulfillment process starts after receiving an order message and continues to check whether the ordered article is available or not. An available article is shipped to the customer followed by a financial settlement, which is a collapsed sub-process in this diagram. In case that an article is not available, it has to be procured by calling the procurement sub-process. Please note that the shape of this collapsed sub-process is thickly bordered which means that it is a call activity. It is like a wrapper for a globally defined task or, like in this case, sub-process. Another characteristic of the procurement sub-process are the two attached events. By using attached events it is possible to handle events that can spontaneously occur during the execution of a task or sub-process. Thereby we have to distinguish between interrupting and non-interrupting attached events. Both of them catch and handle the occurring events, but only the non-interrupting type (here it is the escalation event "late delivery") does not abort the activity it is attached to. When the interrupting event type triggers, the execution of the current activity stops immediately. BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 5 Stock level below minimum Procurement ffl Article procured undeliverable Remove article from catalogue Article removed Figure 5.4: Stock maintenance process The process for the stock maintenance is triggered by a conditional start event. It means that the process is instantiated in case that the condition became true, so in this example when the stock level goes below a certain minimum. In order to increase the stock level an article has to be procured. Therefore we use the same Procurement process as in the order fulfillment and refer to it by the call activity "Procurement", indicated by the thick border. Similar to the order fulfillment process this process handles the error exception by removing the article from the catalog. But in this stock maintenance process there appears to be no need for the handling of a "late delivery" escalation event. That's why it is left out and not handled. If the procurement sub-process finishes normally, the stock level is above minimum and the Stock Maintenance process ends with the end event "article procured". < = 2 days' O Check availability with supplier Late delivery Article procured —<2> undeliverable Figure 5.5: Procurement sub-process We now zoom into the global sub-process "procurement" that is used by both order fulfillment and stock maintenance. Because this is a sub-process, the start event is plain, indicating that this process is not triggered by any external event but the referencing top-level-process. The first task in this sub-process is the check whether the article to procured is available at the supplier. If not, this sub-process will throw the "not deliverable"-exception that is caught by both order fulfillment and stock maintenance, as we already discussed. In case that the delivery in the Procurement process lasts more than 2 days an escalation event is thrown by the sub-process telling the referencing top-level-process that the delivery will be late. Similar to the error event, the escalation event has also an escalationCode which is necessary for the connection between throwing and catching escalation events. Contrary to the throwing error event, currently active threads are neither terminated nor affected by the throwing 6 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 intermediate escalation event. Furthermore, the Procurement process continues its execution by waiting for the delivery. But the thrown event is handled by the nearest parent activity with an attached intermediate escalation event which has the same escalationCode as the thrown escalation event. In the order fulfillment process, the "late delivery" escalation event attached to the Procurement sub-process catches the thrown "late delivery" event. But now, the event is a non-interrupting event. Because of that a new token is produced, follows the path of the escalation handling and triggers the task that informs the customer that the ordered article will be shipped later. When the procurement sub-process finishes, the Order Fulfillment process continues with the shipment of the article and the financial settlement. BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 7 6 Incident management In this chapter we want to show the different perspectives you can take on the same business process, using BPMN. In the first step we will provide a rather simple, easy to read diagram that shows an incident process from a high level point of view. Later on we refine this model by moving from orchestration to collaboration and choreography. In the last step we take the organizational collaboration and imagine how a process engine could drive part of the process by user task assignments. The main purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how you can use BPMN for creating simple and rather abstract diagrams, but also detailed views on human collaboration and finally for technical specifications for process execution. 6.1 High level model for quick understanding question received handle can n question can handle myself? Explain solution o Handle 1 st level issue Handle 2nd level issue Sometimes opinion of development is needed Provide feedback Figure 6.1: Incident management from high level point of view The shown incident management process of a software manufacturer is triggered by a customer requesting help from her account manager because of a problem in the purchased product. First of all, the account manager should try to handle that request on his own and explain the solution to the customer, if possible. If not, the account manager will hand over the issue to a 1st level support agent, who will hand over to 2nd level support, if necessary. The 2nd level support agent should figure out if the customer can fix the problem on her own, but if the agent is not sure about this he can also ask a software developer for his opinion. In any case, at the end the account manager will explain the solution to the customer. This diagram is really simple and somehow a "happy path", because we assume that we always find a solution we can finally explain to the customer. The model lacks all details of collaboration between the involved employees, and the abstract tasks indicate that we do not have any information about whether the process or parts of it are executable by a 8 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 process engine. This diagram is useful, if you want to scope the process, get a basic understanding of the flow, and talk about the main steps, but not if you want to dig into the details for discussing process improvements or even software driven support of the process. 6.2 Detailed Collaboration and Choreography Some issues cannot get fixed right now but should be fixed in next release lequest from support Provide Examine feedback for problem -► 2nd level support HD Figure 6.2: Incident Management as detailed collaboration We can take a closer look at the ping-pong-game of account manager, support agents and software developer by switching from a single-pool-model to a collaboration diagram, as shown above. We can now see some more details about the particular processes each participant fulfills, e.g., the dialogue between the account manager and the customer for clarifying the customer's problem, or the fact that the 2nd level support agent will insert a request for a feature in the BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 9 product backlog, if the current release of the software product cannot cover the customer's demand satisfactorily. We have also specified each task as manual, which means that we still think of the processes as completely human-driven with no process engine involved. This could hypothetically be the As-Is-state of the incident management before the introduction of a process engine. The next step could be to define whether we want to drive the complete collaboration by a process engine, or only parts of it. But before we discuss that matter, we can have a look at an other way of modeling such a ping-pong-game, the choreography diagram shown below. This diagram only shows the tasks that are dedicated to the communication between the different process participants, hiding all internal steps, e.g., the task that inserts a new entry into the product backlog. Note that the diagrams shown in Figure 6.1 and 6.2 have no formal connection between each other, whereas the Figure 6.2 and 6.3 have the exact same semantic model behind them and just provide different views on it. See also Annex A for an XML serialization of the underlying semantic model. g problem g ,„.„„ Figure 6.3: Incident Management as choreography 10 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 6.3 Human-driven vs. system-driven control flows Explain solution Send mail to Close ticket account manager 15" O Sometimes opinion of development is needed Ask developer Request from support Provide Examine feedback for problem 2nd level support Figure 6.4: Incident Management with human-driven and system-driven pools If we imagine we are realizing a project for automating the incident management process, we could now decide which parts of it should be actually executed in a process engine, and which parts should remain human-driven. In this scenario we decided that the account manager should not be bothered with web forms or task lists, he should just send an email if he wants to report a customer's problem, and receive an email when the process has completed. The same idea applies for the software developer: Let us assume the 2nd level support agent sits in the same room as the developers. Maybe it is more efficient if the support agent just walks over to the developer and talks about the issue, rather than playing some time consuming ping-pong-game with task assignments. Therefore, we want to keep this part of the incident management human driven as well: no process engine driving the collaboration between 2nd level support and software developers. But BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 11 we do want the assignment of tickets to 1st and 2nd level support agents by a trouble ticket system, which now takes the role of the process engine and therefore is modeled in a dedicated pool. That system can actually receive and parse emails sent by the account manager and opens a ticket for it. If the 1st level support agent decides that this is a 2nd level issue, he does so by documenting his decision and completing the assigned task "edit 1st level ticket". The trouble ticket system then routes the ticket to the 2nd level support agent. When that agent has finished, he maybe declared the issue to be fixed in the next software release. Then the trouble ticket system makes a service call on the product backlog system, a new feature we have introduced with our process engine: The entry does not have to be inserted manually any more. In the end, the trouble ticket system will send an email to the account manager, containing the results of the incident management, and close the ticket. The account manager can then explain the solution to the customer based on the information in the ticket. Of course, this way of modeling both human-driven and system-driven control flows in one diagram is just a proposal, that should give an idea of useful modeling approaches based on collaboration diagrams. It should demonstrate how BPMN could support Business-IT-Alignment in process modeling: We can hand over the modeled process engine pool to an actual process engine for execution, while we can show the other pools separately to our process participants, the support agents or the account manager, and discuss their involvement in the collaboration based on those simplified views on the same, consistent collaboration model. This gives us the opportunity to talk with both Business people and IT people about the same process model, without overburdening business people with too complex diagrams or IT people with too inaccurate process models. TT I I Customer has a problem Get problem description -yes- Can handle myself? 3 Send mail to support system Explain solution o Figure 6.5: This rather simple diagram is all we have to show to the account manager 12 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 Issue received 'a Open ticket edit 1st level ticket Issue resolved— 2nd level issue Send mail to account manager HD edit 2nd level ticket Issue resolved ^msert issue into product backlog Figure 6.6: This is the only part of the whole collaboration we will execute in a process engine r.ti-: = "l.ttl..........:-r-i-_i ■:■[■_!■: | -r-\ BF'MllCO UM"" .4 T-10C EL ■^semantic: message id="_1275940773779"/=-■^semantic: message id="_1275940773809"/=-: ■: rr. -.rti-: f ■: : : :E -it "J-I-: ='t )='_ ■^semantic: laneSet ="ls_1 -1 "> -^semantic: lane name="1 st level support" id="_1 -9"> ■^semantic: lane name="2nd level support" id="_1-11"> /semantic: laneSet> -^semantic: startEvent name-'Issue received" id="_1-13"> ■^semantic: scriptTask completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation="false" startQuantity="1" name="Open ticket" id="_1-26"> ■^semantic: userTask implementation="Other" completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation="1alse" startQuantity="1" name="edit 1st level ticket" id="_1-77":= ■: :■ : :rrr =»rti-: r ■: lu : i r\-itr ■ i. -jitr ■ =>. C-n -r-: tiv-r. = 'ijr.: [ -r-.; irie i" r, :ir,r = 'Fr i'jlt "' i-f="_1 ■ J-:-": © -^semantic: endEvent name="" id="_1 -376"=- : :rir irti-: ■ i: ei T h;1 i[i,| ih-:--.= \tliri" ■:■:■". ■IrtKr.vjinlfl. = "1" i: For -tV itor. = "l il:e" : irtOuintJ . = "1" r, irr,e= v-iH ItmI lr rl ti-: I et' =' _1 ■ j'-j © -^semantic: exclusiveGateway gatewayDire Unspecified Result?" d="_1-303"> ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_1-13" targetRef="_1 -26" name-'" id="_1-390"/> ■ :rir irti.: ir-l'ieri-: rF ■:■ ■ : -:-ir ■: eF ei = _ I ■ t ir._irtFet= _l r, irr,e = !■ ="_l ■ ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_1-77" targetRef="_1-128" name-"" id="_1-394"/> ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_1-128"targetRef='_1-150" nam -"Issue resolved" id="_1-396"/= ■=:semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_1-150" targetRef='_1-201" name="" id="_1 -398"/=-■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_1-201" targetRef='_1-376" name-"" id="_1 -400"/> ■ :rir inn: ir-i'ieri-: rF ■:■ ■ >:.■«.:eFei="_ i ■ i .:■ t ir-.i-rt-ei = _ r. w<*=_tnI ir -ri i: :ue ni="_i ■•*>.>i ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_1-252" targetRef='_1-303" name="" id="_1-404"/> ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_1-303" targetRef='_1-150" name="lssue resolved" id="_1-406"/= ■=:semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_1-325" targetRef='_1-150" name="" id="_1 -408"/=- ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_1-303" targetRef = '_1 -325" name-'Fix in Next release" l="_1 -410"/> ■^/semantic: process* ■=:semantic: collaboration id="C1275940773964"=- : :rrr irti-: I'iit -:i|-ir,t riiTi^="Tr.:.i)l.le Ti.; I H '. . :trrr" |-r ■:■■:■: : :Frt = "_1 ■ . 1= "_1 .1 "■: ■^/semantic: collaborations Figure 6.7: XML serialization for process engine pool. 6.00000267028808 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 13 Table 6.1: Process engine pool enriched with execution details. This is what a process engine would execute. < ! — Java SE 6 is used as type language for the model whereas the Java Unified Expression Language serves as language for Expressions. --> collaboration id= "C12 75940 773964 "> Is sueDatalnputOfProces s < ! -- This Lane Set partitions the Flow Nodes of the Process according to the Resources that are responsible for them. However, this does not affect the actual assignment of Resources to Activities as meaning of the Lanes is up to the modeler and not specified in BPMN. --> _l-13 _l-2 6 _l-7 7 _1-128 _1-150 < f lowNodeRef >_l-2 OK/f lowNodeRef > _l-376 _l-2 52 _l-3 03 _l-325 IssueDataOutputOfStartEvent Is sueDatalnputOfProces s 14 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 < ! -- This script task uses the Groovy programming language to create a Data Object and fill it with data of the Item received in the Message that started the Process. --> IssueDataInputOfScriptTask TicketDataOutputOfScriptTask IssueDatalnputOfProcess IssueDataInputOfScriptTask TieketDataOutputOfScriptTask TicketDataObject TicketDataInputOf_l-77 TicketDataOutputOf_l-77 TicketDataObject TicketDataInput0f_l-77 TicketDataOutputOf_l-7 7 TicketDataObject tns:FirstLevelSupportResource BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 15 ${getDataObject("TicketDataObject").status == "Open"} ${getDataObject("TicketDataObject").status == "Resolved"} TicketDataInputOf_l-252 TicketDataOutputOf_l-252 TicketDataObject TicketDataInput0f_l-252 TicketDataOutputOf_l-252 TicketDataObject tns:SecondLevelSupportResource ${getDataObject("TicketDataObject").status == "Deferred"} ${getDataObject("TicketDataObject").status == "Resolved"} BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 TicketDataInputOf_l-32 5 TicketDataObj ect TicketDataInputOf_l-32 5 ${getDatalnput("AnswerDatalnputOfSendTask").recipient A ticket has been created for your issue, which is now in status ${getDataObject("TicketDataObject").status}. ${getDatalnput("AnswerDatalnputOfSendTask").body} TicketDataInputOf_l-39 8 TicketDataObject TicketDataInput0f_l-398 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 tns:AddTieketMessage tns:AnswerMessage 18 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 7 Models and Diagrams The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate via examples some of the interrelations between models and diagrams. We explore how different BPMN diagrams of the same scenario lead to different serializations of the model. The process scenario used in the examples from this chapter is inspired from figure 10.24 of the BPMN 2.0 Specification document. 7.1 Lane and Pool In this section, we explore the use of lanes and pools in a BPMN diagram and their corresponding serializations. 7.1.1 Lane A process can be depicted in a Process Diagram with or without lanes. Both these depictions lead to one process in the model and one diagram of that process. The main difference in the two serializations is that one does not have a Laneset with a lane in it, while the other does. | ^semantic: process isExecutable-'false" id="_6">_ ^semantic: endEvent name="" id="EndProcess"> ^semantic:parallelGateway gatewayDirection-'Converging" name-'" id="ParaJoinOderAndShipment":= ^semantic: endEvent name="" id="TerminateProcess"> ^semantic: userTask implementation="Other" completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation="false" startQuantity="1" name-'Approve Order" id="TaskApproveOrder":= =:-rrri.iritu: :-rii'i-rrn:-rFii:i-, :i:.iin:eFet="Ti:i. — f:ir>i■:'--e,T,riler" t Hrij-rtF'irTs^^T'.^le--.-HvT'iiJ-rr.—[irh■^■--r-IC'ei:i:niiri"" ri.=,irie="" n:l= "_:-500".'': ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" targetRef="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment" name="Approved" id="_6-502"/s ^semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment"targetRef="_6-190" name-"' id="_6-504"/> ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment" targetRef="_6-241" name="" id="_6-506"f= ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_6-190" targetRef="ParaJoinOderAndShipment" name="" id="_6-508"/> ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_6-241" targetRef="ParaJoinOderAndShipmemt" name="" id="_6-532"/> ^semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef="ParaJoinOderAndShipment"targetRef-'TaskReviewOrder" name="" id="_6-534"/> ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskReviewOrder" targetRef="EndProcess" name="" id="_6-536"/> ^semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef-'GatewayOrderApprovedDecision"targetRef="TerminateProcess" name="" id="_6-552"/> I |1 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 19 ■=:?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISQ-8859-1" standalone="yes"?:=-Ej] ^semantic: definitions id="_1275486169167" targetNamespace="h(ttp:/M'ww.trisc^ 275436169167" xmlns: xsi="http://w ww .w3 .org/2001 WMLSche ma-instance" xmlns:di="ftttp://" xmlns: bpmndi-'http: //Www .omg .org/spec/BPMN/20100524/DI" xmlns: dc="http: //www.' tilns: semantic="http: //www .oma □ra/soec/BPMN/20100524/MOD EL"? ^semantic: process isExecutatale="false" id="_S-1 "> | semantic: laneSet id="ls_1275436169372":= I _ F»tev---v1-C,ii ei: tionsT-ivei ■:iirnj1' ri=irrnr= "" i■:I=I-.^tev-.--=i-.--■ I■ r■ ier .--i:if>i ove-JC'-ri: i: ion": ■^semantic: userTask implementation="Other" completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation="false" startQuantity="1" name="Approve Order" id="TaskApproveOrder"i ■^semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef="StartProcess" targetRef="TaskQuotationHandling" name="" id="_6-468"/? ■^semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskQuotationHandling" targetRef="TaskApproveQrder" name="" id="_6-470'7> ■^semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskApproveGrder" targetRef="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" name="" id="_6-500"/? ■^semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" targetRef="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment" name="Approved" id="_6-5027= ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="GatewayQrderApprovedDecision" targetRef="TerminateProcess" name="" id="_6-552"/> ■=:/semantic: process? Ej] =:semanitic:definitions id="_12754S6197916" targetNamespace=,,http:/M'ww1nsotech.comydefinitions/_12754S6197916" xmlns:xsi=''hittp://www" xmlns:di="http://www." xmlns: bpmndi="http: //www .omg .org/spec/BPM N/20100524/DI" ^mlns:dc=', ■min: :-rir.oriti-: = "tittt:- -. oiriQ oig-:oec'PPMNQji005J44.-1'I'C€L |^semantic:process -'false" ="_6-l"> J Y Y O Y Y -=: semantic: start Event name="" id="StartProcess ■^semantic: task completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation-'false" sta rt Quant it y="1" name="Quotation Handling" id-'TaskQuotationHandling"* ■^semantic: exclusiveGateway gatewayDirection="Diverging" name="" id="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision"> ■^semantic: task completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation-'false" sta rt Quant it y="1" name="Qrder Handling" id="_6-190"* ■=: semantic: task completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation="false" sta rt Quant it y="1" name="Shipping Handling" id="_6-241"* ■^semantic: userTask i m pi erne ntation="Other" completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation-'false" startQuantity="1" name-'Review Order" id="TaskReviewGrder"* ■=:semantic:endEvent name="" id="EndProcess"* ■^semantic:parallelGateway gatewayDirection="Diverging" name-"' id="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment"* ■^semantic:endEvent name-'" id="TerminateProcess"* ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="StartProcess" targetRef="TaskQuotationHandling" name="" id="_6-468"/* ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" targetRef="TerminateProcess" name="" id="_6-552"/* ■=:/semantic: process ^semantic: collaboration id="C1275436198151 "* I ■=:semantic: participant name="Buyer" processRef="_6-1" id="Buyer"/* ■^/semantic: collaboration* r':.iBPf-1M.C'l'1'l"|i:'J4.'M';'['EL ■ | ■=:semantic:exclusiveGate way gatewayDirection-'Diverging" name="" id="GatewayOrder ApprovedDecision":= ■=:semantic:task completionG!uantity="1" isForCompensation-'false" startG!uantity="1" name="Shipping Handling" id="_6-241"> ■=:semantic: user Task implementation-'Other" co m pi eti on Quantity="1" isForCompensation="false" start Q uantity="1" name="Review Order" id="TaskReviewOrder"; ■=:semantic: end Event name="" id="EndPmcess"> -semantic: subProcesstriggeredByEvent-'false" com pi etion Quantity="1" isForCompensation="false" start Quantity="1" name-'Approver Order" id="SubProcessApproveOrder"> 470 ■=:semantic: user Task implementation="Other" completionQuantrty="1" ■=:semantic: user Task implementation-'Other" completionQuantity="1" ■=:semantic: end Event name="" id="SubProcessEnd"> ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="SubProcessStart" targetRef="TaskApproveCustomer" name="" id="_6-472"/> ■=:semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskApproveCustomer" targetRef="TaskApproveProduct" name="" id="_6-474"/> ■=:semaritic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskApprovePmduct"tarqetRef="SubProcessEnd" name="" id=" 6-476"/=-_ " isForCompensation="false" start Quantity= " isForCompensation-'false" start Quantity= name: name: "Approve Customer" id="TaskApproveCustomer"; "Approve Product" id="TaskApproveProduct"> = errir»ritn: i'.il'Pf e; ■: ■=:semantic:parallelGateway gatewayDirection="Diverging" name="" id="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment -■^semantic: para II el Gateway gatewayDirection="Converging" name="" id="ParaJoinOderAndShipment'-■=:semantic: end Event name="" id="TerminateProcess"> = iTfn.iriti': ie^.i-rrNi-rFiM.". :o'.ii':eFTi=-it-.iilPi'>:e::" t .Hr..i-rtF-^-i=""T-.Hit ■ I■■.jotMioriM-.nri-.niri-j"" ri.=irriT= "" i-.i=""_«=---at-i-"".' = ■=:semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskQuotationHandling" targetRef="SubProcessApproveOrder" name="" id="_6-470"/> ■=:semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="SubProcessApproveOrder" targetRef="GatewayOrder ApprovedDecision" name="" id="_6-500"/> ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef-'GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" targetRef="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment" name="Approved" id="_6-502"/> ■ : rrri-iriti.: ir-'ii'ien.: eFlM-.-.- : .:-nr ■: trF-et="F,.:ir =)"] plit-i-t ■ Ir-r -.rii|[.lii|>irirrit" t =iM_lrtF.rl= 1 'j\.V' r,.wir="" "U" _ii-^-U4"'i ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment" targetRef="_6-241" name="" id="_6-506"/=-■=:semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef="_6-190"targetRef-'ParaJoinOderAndShipment" name="" id="_6-503"£= ■=:semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_6-241" targetRef="ParaJoinOderAndShipment" name="" id="_6-532"/> ■=:semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef="ParaJoinOderAndShipment"targetRef="TaskReviewOrder" name-"' id="_6-534"/> ^semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskReviewOrder"targetRef="EndProcess" name-'" id="_6-536"/> ^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="Gate wayOrder ApprovedDecision" targetRef="TerminateProcess" name="" id="_6-552"/> ■^/semantic: process* (I j - -=:/bpmndi:BPMNDiagram> ^/semantic: definitions* 7.2.2 Collapsed Sub Process Example In this example our "Order Process" is depicted with a collapsed "Approve Order" Sub Process. While the content (or details) of the "Approve Order" Sub Process is depicted on a separate diagram. 22 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 o a Approve S Approve Customer Product o This is a single process depicted into two diagrams: one diagram for the parent process and one diagram for the sub process. Note that both expanded and collapsed depictions are visual variations of the same single "Order Process". I -^semantic: process ="false" ="_G"> | it =:semantic: startEvent name="" id="StartProcess"; ■=:semantic:task co m pi eti on Quantity="1" isForCompensation="false" start Quantity="1" name-'Guotation Handling" id="TaskQuotationHandling"> ■^semantic: exclusiveGateway gatewayDirection="Diverging" name="" id="GatewayQrderApprovedDecision"* =:semantic:task com pi eti on Quantity="1" isForCompensation="false" start Quantity="1" name-'Order Handling" id="_6-190":= =:semantic:userTask implementation="Other" completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation="false" startQuantity="1" name-'Review Order" id="TaskReviewOrder"> ■=:semantic:endEvent name="" id="EndProcess"> : tiMi"i="; on- ri 'jm.j" r,.HiT, Y ii ■=:semantic:subProcesstriggeredByEvent="false" completionQuantity="1" isForCompensation-'false" startQuantity="1" name="Approve Order" it -'SubProcassApproveOrder"; I -^semantic: incoming :=_6-470-=:ysernantic: incoming* ; -^semantic: out go in g>_6-500-^semantic: outgoings -^semantic: userTask implementation="Other" completion© uantity="1" isForCompensation="false" startQuantity="1" name="Approve Product" id="TaskApproveProduct"> ■^semantic: startEvent name="" id="SubProcessStart":= ; ^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="SubProcessStart',targetRef="TaskApproveCustomer'' name="" id="_0-131 "l> i -^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef-'TaskApproveCustomer"targetRef="TaskApproveProduct" name="" id="_0-133"y> ; ^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="TaskApproveProduct"targetRef="SubProcessEnd" name="" id="_0-135"f> ■^/semantic: subProcess> -=:semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="StartProcess" targetRef="TaskQuotationHandling" name="" id="_6-468"y> ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskQuotationHandling" targetRef="SubProcessApproveQrder" name="" id="_6-470"y=-■=:semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef-'SubProcessApproveOrder"targetRef-'GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" name="" id="_6-500"y> ^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" targetRef="ParaSplitOrder AndShipment'' name="Approved" id="_6-502"y=-=:semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef-'ParaSplftOrderAndShipment"targetRef="_6-190" name="" id="_6-504"/> ^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="ParaSplrtOrderAndShipment" targetRef="_6-241" name="" id="_6-506"/> ^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="_6-190" targetRef="ParaJoinOderAndShipment" name="" id="_6-508"y> ■=:semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_6-241" targetRef="ParaJoinOderAndShipment" name="" id="_6-532"y> ^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="ParaJoinOderAndShipment" targetRef="TaskReviewOrder" name="" id="_6-534"y> =:semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskReviewOrder" targetRef="EndProcess" name="" id="_6-536"y= ^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" targetRef="TerminateProcess" name="" id="_6-552"y> ■=: ysem antic: process > | | iybpmndi: BPMNDiagram> | | ■=: ysem antic: definitions* 7.2.3 Call Activity Example In this example our "Order Process" is depicted with a collapsed Call Activity "Approve Order". This diagram is quite different than the previous example, as here we are introducing the notion of Process re-use. In this case, the "Approve Order" is not a Sub Process of "Order Process" but separate independent process that is called (re-used) within the "Order Process". BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 23 The "Approve Order" Process O a a (u) Approve (u) Approve Customer Product We thus have two processes each in their own diagrams (2 processes, 2 diagrams) ■=:?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8359-1" standalone="yes"?> E3 ■=:semantic:definitions id="_1275486058980" targetNamespace="hLtp:/Avww.trisotech.comydefinitions/J 275486058980" xmlns:xsi=" /XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:di='Mp://" xmlns:bpmndi="http: //www xmlns:dc=" xmlns:semantic="http: //www"* | -^semantic: process ="false" ="_6"> | f Y Y Y ■^semantic: call Activity calledElement="_0" name="Approve Order" id="SubProcessApproveOrder"* ■^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="StartProcess"targetRef="TaskGuotationHandling" name-'" id="_6-468"/= -^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="TaskQuotationHandling" targetRef="SubProcessApproveOrder" name="" id="_6-470"/* ■=:semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="SubProcessApproveOrder"targetRef="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" name-'" id="_6-500"/* ^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" targetRef="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment" name="Approved" id="_6-502"/> -^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef="ParaSplitOrderAndShipment" targetRef="_6-190" name="" id="_6-504"/* ■^semantic:sequenceFlow sourceRef-'ParaSplitOrderAndShipment"targetRef="_6-241" name="" id="_6-506"£= -^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="_6-190" targetRef="ParaJoinOderAndShipment" name="" id="_6-508"/> = ■:erririritu: :e'iueri.:eFi.:. ■:jt■:eFei= 141t ^njetF-et =,1Pfir-;i.'■jiri-T-.Jer -ri.ij.iiiprrient" ri=urnr="" i<\=" -^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="ParaJoinGder AndShiprnent" targetRef="TaskReviewOrder" name="" id="_6-534"/> ^semantic: sequenceFlo w sourceRef-'TaskReviewOrder"targetRef-'EndProcess" name-"' id="_6-536"/* ■^semantic: sequenceFlow sourceRef="GatewayOrderApprovedDecision" targetRef="TerminateProcess" name="" id="_6-552"fc ■=:semantic:userTask implementation="Other" completionOuantity="1" isForCompensation="false" startOuantity="1" name="Approve Product" id="TaskApproveProduct"* ■ :etriiritu: :t =*rlE .rnt ri-:nrir="" n l=""j-i il'Ft r i : "i-t-irfs = ■: erri riritu: :e'iueri.:eFi.:. ■:i:.'.n.:eFei = "T=i^ — (■( -z.-eF-r !■ j-: t" t-=it -:ietF ei = "" ■ il-Ft e-: ■: En.;]" n^irn^'" !■:)=" 0-1 =:bpmndi:BPMNDiagram_="" =''Trisotech.VisiQ-_6" name="Order Process" resolution="96.00000267028S08"* I ■=:/bpmndi:BPMNDiagram* ^/semantic: definitions* 24 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 8 Nobel Prize Example 8.1 The Nobel Prize Process Scenario The selection of a Nobel Prize Laureate is a lengthy and carefully executed process. The processes slightly differ for each of the six prizes; the results are the same for each of the six categories. Following is the description for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. The main actors in the processes for Nomination, Selection and Accepting and Receiving the award are the: Nobel Committee for Medicine, Nominators, Specially appointed experts, Nobel Assembly and Nobel Laureates. Each year in September, in the year preceding the year the Prize is awarded, around 3000 invitations or confidential nomination forms are sent out by the Nobel Committee for Medicine to selected Nominators. The Nominators are given the opportunity to nominate one or more Nominees. The completed forms must be made available to the Nobel Committee for Medicine for the selection of the preliminary candidates. The Nobel Committee for Medicine performs a first screening and selects the preliminary candidates. Following this selection, the Nobel Committee for Medicine may request the assistance of experts. If so, it sends the list with the preliminary candidates to these specially appointed experts with the request to assess the preliminary candidates' work. From this, the recommended final candidate laureates and associated recommended final works are selected and the Nobel Committee for Medicine writes the reports with recommendations. The Nobel Committee for Medicine submits the report with recommendations to the Nobel Assembly. This report contains the list of final candidates and associated works. The Nobel Assembly chooses the Nobel Laureates in Medicine and associated through a majority vote and the names of the Nobel Laureates and associated works are announced. The Nobel Assembly meets twice for this selection. In the first meeting of the Nobel Assembly the report is discussed. In the second meeting the Nobel Laureates in Medicine and associated works are chosen. The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony is held in Stockholm. BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 25 's ü-d Identify Potential Nominee(s) a ' Send Nominee Completed Form(s) III Nomination Form(s) Sent Assess Candidates Work I -i- 0 Send Candidates Assessment Report III O Assessments Completed j ;semb X Brv Discuss ® Select Announce < Nominations —P Laureates Nobel Prize o (Meeting 1) (Meeting 2) Laureates V-/ o -z. ■i1 Announcement ? i Made _ Fisiörr one Nominator may nominate one or more Nominees A selected Expert is asked to assess the work of the Preliminary Candidates in the Announcement Nobel Prize Laureate III 9 Travel Booking Example The purpose of this chapter is to provide an example of in-line event handling via event sub-process constructs. The process scenario is inspired from figure 10.100 of the BPMN 2.0 Specification document. 9.1 The Travel Booking Scenario The Travel Agency receives a travel reservation request, including airline transportation and hotel reservation, from a Client. Following research and evaluation of both flights' and hotel rooms' availability, selected alternatives are packaged and offered to the Client. The Client has 24 hours to either select a proposed alternative or cancel the request. In case of a cancellation, or after this delay, the Agency updates the Client record to reflect the request cancellation and the Client is notified. When a selection is made, the Client is asked to provide the Credit Card information. Again, the Client has 24 hours to provide this information or the request is canceled via the same activities stated before (update and notification). Having received the Credit Card information, the booking activities take place: The flight and the hotel room are booked. Measures are taken to insure reservations reversals if problems occur in the booking and payment activities. The Client is also entitled to provide the Agency with Credit Card Information modifications before the booking is completed. Such information will be saved in its record. If an error arises during the booking activities, the flight and hotel room reservations are reversed and the Client record is updated. The booking is tried again as long as the booking retry limit is not exceeded. Following successful booking the Reservations are charged on the Client's Credit Card and the process stops following successful confirmation. If an error occurs during this activity the flight and hotel room reservation are reversed. The Client is asked again for the Credit Card Information and the booking is tried again as long as the payment processing retry limit is not exceeded. In both cases, following the error, when the retry limit is exceeded, the Client is notified and the process stops. BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 27 9.2 The Travel Booking Diagram 28 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 10 Examples from Diagram Interchange Chapter The purpose of this chapter is to provide a subset of the diagrams used into the Notation and Diagrams chapter of the BPMN 2.0 specification along with their serializations. The complete serializations of the herein provided diagrams can be found in the accompanying machine-readable files. 10.1 Expanded Sub Process Example f SubProcess ■ ■ Activity o O StartEvent SubProcess Start SubProcessEnd End Event 10.2 Collapsed Sub Process Example 10.2.1 Process Diagram _ O StartEvent 10.2.2 Sub Process Diagram SubProcess El SubProcessStart O End Event O SubProcessEnd 10.3 Multiple Lanes and Nested Lanes Example Manual Task Sub Process BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 29 10.4 Vertical Collaboration Example _b_J^l ----H"-a--------1> 10.5 Conversation Example 10.6 Choreography Example Participant 1 Participant 1 Participant 1 CT 1 CT 2 SC a Participant 2 Participant 2 Participant 2 Participant 3 o 30 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 11 Correlation Example This example illustrates the usage of two concepts, namely correlations and definitional collaborations. It introduces a collaboration between three participants - Seller, Buyer and Shipper - and the Seller process that interacts with the two other participants. The SellerCollab collaboration is defined as definitional collaboration for the Seller process, as it specifies all Participants the Process interacts with. It is used to derive which individual service, Send Task or Receive Task, is connected to which Participant through Message Flow and associated correlation information. Moreover, this example illustrates definition of key-based correlations. See Annex A for the according XML Schema and WSDL description. tns:seller tns:buyer tns:shipper /request/quoteID ID" type- "xsd:s trmg"> :msgRFQ"> BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 /response/quoteID /fault/quoteID /priceQuotationRe f /customer/id /customerID /order/orderID /order/orderID /order/orderID /order/orderID tns:sellerServiceInterface tns:shipperServiceInterface 32 BPMN 2.0 by Example, Version 1.0 tns:msgRFQ tns:msgQuote tns:msgFault tns:msgOrderData tns:msgOrderConfirmation tns:msgShippingData tns:msgShippingConfirmation