问路(Asking Directions) THIS IS A ART TEMPLATE , THANK YOU WATCHING THIS ONE. THIS IS A ART Li Xin Yu 生词 过 guo (particle used after a verb to indicate a past experience 生词 中国城 zhōng guó chéng Chinatown 生词 城 chéng town; city 生词 地图 dì tú map 生词 拿 ná to take; to get 生词 次 cì (measure word for frequency) 三次考试 sān cì kǎo shì Three exams 一次旅行 yí cì lǚ xíng A trip 生词 从 cóng from 生词 一直 yì zhí straight; continuously 一直直走。 yì zhí zhí zǒu Keep going straight. 生词 往 wǎng towards 生词 过 guò to pass 生词 路口 lù kǒu intersection 生词 拐 guǎi to turn 拐(guǎi), in the sense of “ to turn,” is used mainly in northern China. In the south, 转(zhuǎn) is more commonly used instead, which is also the more formal substitute for 拐(guǎi) in the north. 生词 哎 āi (exclamatory particle to express surprise or dissatisfaction) 生词 东 dōng east 生词 南 nán south 生词 西 xī west 生词 北 běi north Chinese speakers customarily mention the four directions in a set sequence, 东南西北(dōng nán xī běi) or 东西南北(dōng xī nán běi). For southeast and northeast, one says 东南(dōng nán) and 东北(dōng běi), never 南东(nán dōng) or 北东(běi dōng). Similarly, for southwest and northwest, one says 西南(xī nán) and 西北(xī běi), never 南西(nán xī) or 北西(běi xī) 生词 前 qián forward;ahead 生词 红绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng traffic light 生词 灯 dēng light 生词 右 yòu right 生词 左 zuǒ left 生词 前面 qián mian ahead; in front of 生词 日文 rì wén Japanses 生词 东京 dōng jīng Tokyo 生词 日本 rì běn Japan 5.The Dynamic Particle 过(guo) The dynamic particle 过(guo) is used to denote a past experience or occurrence that did not continue to the present but, typically, had an impact on the present. 1.我在中国城工作过一年,所以我知道怎么走。 wǒ zài zhōng guó chéng gōng zuò guo yì nián, suǒ yǐ wǒ zhī dào zěn me zǒu. I worked in Chinatown for a year, so I know how to get there. [The fact that the speaker worked in Chinatown for a year is the reason why he/she knows how to get there.] 5.The Dynamic Particle 过(guo) The dynamic particle 过(guo) is used to denote a past experience or occurrence that did not continue to the present but, typically, had an impact on the present. 2.我见过李友,(所以知道)她很高。 wǒ jiàn guo lǐ yǒu, (suǒ yǐ zhī dào)tā hěn gāo. I`ve met Li You before, (so I know) she is tall. 5.The Dynamic Particle 过(guo) The dynamic particle 过(guo) is used to denote a past experience or occurrence that did not continue to the present but, typically, had an impact on the present. 3.A: 运动场远不远,你知道吗? yùn dòng chǎng yuǎn bù yuǎn, nǐ zhī dào ma ? Do you know if the sports field is far from here? B: 运动场我去过,(所以我知道)不远,很近。 yùn dòng chǎng wǒ qù guo, (suǒ yǐ wǒ zhī dào) bù yuǎn, hěn jìn. I`ve been to the sports field, (so I know) it is not far away. It`s very close. 5.The Dynamic Particle 过(guo) 4.我以前去过中国城,知道怎么走。 wǒ yǐ qián qù guo zhōng guó chéng, zhī dào zěn me zǒu. I`ve been to Chinatown before. I know how to get there. 5.以前我们见过面,可是没说过话。 yǐ qián wǒ men jiàn guo miàn, kě shì méi shuō guo huà. We`re met before, but we `ve never spoken to each other. In this kind of sentence,expressions of time are often either unspecified or completely absent. If there is no time expression, the implied time for the action or event is 以前(yǐ qián) can appear in the sentence as well. 5.The Dynamic Particle 过(guo) 6. A: 你见过李小姐吗? nǐ jiàn guo lǐ xiǎo jiě ma ? Have you ever met Miss Li ? B: 见过, 上个月还见过她。 jiàn guo, shàng ge yuè hái jiàn guo tā. Yes, I saw her as recently as last month. An expression indicating a specific time can also occasionally appear in a sentence with 过(guo). 6.Reduplication of Verbs 1. 老师,您再说说什么时候用”了“,好吗? lǎo shī, nín zài shuō shuo shén me shí hou yòng ”le “, hǎo ma ? Teacher, would you say a bit more about when to use “le”, please? Like adjectives, verbs can also be reduplicated. Reduplication of a verb in this lesson refers to an anticipated or requested action, and it makes the tone of the sentence milder. 6.Reduplication of Verbs 2.你考完试,我们一起去公园走走,聊聊天儿。 nǐ kǎo wán shì, wǒ men yì qǐ qù zǒu gōng yuán zǒu zou, liáo liao tiānr. Let`s take a walk in the park and have a chat after your exam. Like adjectives, verbs can also be reduplicated. Reduplication of a verb in this lesson refers to an anticipated or requested action, and it makes the tone of the sentence milder. 6.Reduplication of Verbs 3. 妈,您看,我这样写对不对? mā, nín kàn , wǒ zhè yàng xiě duì bu duì ? Mom, take a look——did I write this correctly or not ? Like adjectives, verbs can also be reduplicated. Reduplication of a verb in this lesson refers to an anticipated or requested action, and it makes the tone of the sentence milder. 3a 妈,您看看,我这样写对不对? mā, nín kàn kan, wǒ zhè yàng xiě duì bu duì ? Mom, take a look——did I write this correctly or not ? 6.Reduplication of Verbs 4. 我用你的电脑可以吗? wǒ yòng nǐ de diàn nǎo kě yǐ ma ? May I use your computer for a minute ? Like adjectives, verbs can also be reduplicated. Reduplication of a verb in this lesson refers to an anticipated or requested action, and it makes the tone of the sentence milder. 4a. 我用用你的电脑可以吗? wǒ yòng yong nǐ de diàn nǎo kě yǐ ma ? May I use your computer for a minute ? 6.Reduplication of Verbs 5.你帮我找我的笔,好吗? nǐ bāng wǒ zhǎo wǒ de bǐ, hǎo ma ? Could you heip me look for my pen for a second ? Like adjectives, verbs can also be reduplicated. Reduplication of a verb in this lesson refers to an anticipated or requested action, and it makes the tone of the sentence milder. 5.你帮我找找我的笔,好吗? nǐ bāng wǒ zhǎo zhao wǒ de bǐ, hǎo ma ? Could you heip me look for my pen for a second ? 6.Reduplication of Verbs 6. 她想看我的新手机。 tā xiǎng kàn wǒ de xīn shǒu jī. She wants to take a look at my new cell phone. If a sentence includes both a modal verb and an action verb, only the action verb can be reduplicated. 6a.她想看看我的新手机。 tā xiǎng kàn kan wǒ de xīn shǒu jī. She wants to take a look at my new cell phone. 7.Resultative Complements a. 完(wán): 看完(kàn wán) (finish reading) 吃完(chī wán) (finish eating) 喝完(hē wán) (finish drinking) 考完(kǎo wán) (finish taking a test) 买完(mǎi wán) (finish buying) 卖完(mài wán) (sell out) Let`s review all the resultative complements that we have introduced so far, and learn some new ones that can be formed from the verbs and complements you already know. 7.Resultative Complements b. 到(dào): 找到(zhǎo dào) (find[something or someone] successfully) 看到(kàn dào) (see[something or someone]) 听到(tīng dào) (hear[something or someone]) 买到(mǎi dào) (buy[something] successfully) Let`s review all the resultative complements that we have introduced so far, and learn some new ones that can be formed from the verbs and complements you already know. 7.Resultative Complements c. 见(jiàn) 看见(kàn jiàn) (see [something or someone])——same as 看到(kàn dào) 听见(tīng jiàn) (hear[something or someone])——same as 听到(tīng dào) Let`s review all the resultative complements that we have introduced so far, and learn some new ones that can be formed from the verbs and complements you already know. 7.Resultative Complements d. 好(hǎo): 做好(zuò hǎo) (complete doing something, which is now ready) 买好(mǎi hǎo) (complete buying something, which is now ready) 准备好(zhǔn bèi hǎo) (prepare something, which is ready) Let`s review all the resultative complements that we have introduced so far, and learn some new ones that can be formed from the verbs and complements you already know. 7.Resultative Complements e. 错(cuò): 买错(mǎi cuò) (buy the wrong thing) 找错(zhǎo cuò) (give the wrong change;find the wrong person or thing) 写错(xiě cuò) (write[something] incorrectly) 说错(shuō cuò) (say[something] incorrectly) 走错(zǒu cuò) (go to wrong way) Let`s review all the resultative complements that we have introduced so far, and learn some new ones that can be formed from the verbs and complements you already know. 7.Resultative Complements f. 懂(dǒng): 听懂(tīng dǒng) (comprehend what one hears) 看懂(kàn dǒng) (comprehend what one reads or sees) Let`s review all the resultative complements that we have introduced so far, and learn some new ones that can be formed from the verbs and complements you already know. 7.Resultative Complements g. 清楚(qīng chu): 看清楚(kàn qīng chu) (see[something] clearly) 听清楚(tīng qīng chu) (hear[something] clearly) Let`s review all the resultative complements that we have introduced so far, and learn some new ones that can be formed from the verbs and complements you already know. 7.Resultative Complements h. 会(huì) 学会(xué huì) (acquire the skills[for doing something that one was previously unable to do]) Let`s review all the resultative complements that we have introduced so far, and learn some new ones that can be formed from the verbs and complements you already know. 8. 一...就...(yī ...jiù ... as soon as... then...) This structure connects two actions. It can be used to combine actions in two different types of situations: habitual situations or one-time situations. In a habitual situation, whenever the first action occurs, the second action immediately follows: 1.他一上课就想睡觉。 tā yí shàng kè jiù xiǎng shuì jiào. He feels sleepy every time the class starts. 8. 一...就...(yī ...jiù ... as soon as... then...) This structure connects two actions. It can be used to combine actions in two different types of situations: habitual situations or one-time situations. In a habitual situation, whenever the first action occurs, the second action immediately follows: 2.小张平常只吃青菜,一吃肉就不舒服。 xiǎo zhāng píng cháng zhǐ chī qīng cài, yì chī ròu jiù bù shū fu. Little Zhang normally eats only vegetables. He feels sick whenever he eats meat. 小 8. 一...就...(yī ...jiù ... as soon as... then...) This structure connects two actions. It can be used to combine actions in two different types of situations: habitual situations or one-time situations. In a habitual situation, whenever the first action occurs, the second action immediately follows: 3.李律师一累就喝咖啡。 lǐ lǜ shī yí lèi jiù hē kā fēi. Attorney Li drinks coffee whenever he feels tired. 李律师 8. 一...就...(yī ...jiù ... as soon as... then...) In a one-time situation, the second action takes place as soon as the first is completed: 4.我们一进饭馆儿,服务员就告诉我们没位子了。 wǒ men yí jìn fàn guǎnr, fú wù yuán jiù gào sù wǒ men méi wèi zi le. As soon as we got into the restaurant, the waiter told us there were no seats available. 8. 一...就...(yī ...jiù ... as soon as... then...) In a one-time situation, the second action takes place as soon as the first is completed: 5.这课的语法很容易,我一看就懂。 zhè kè de yǔ fǎ hěn róng yì ,wǒ yí kàn jiù dǒng. The grammar in this lesson was very easy. I understood it the moment I read it. 6.活动中心离这儿不远,到第二个路口,往右一拐就到了。 huó dòng zhōng xīn lí zhèr bù yuǎn, dào dì èr ge lù kǒu, wǎng yòu yì guǎi jiù dào le. The activity center is not far from here. Turn right at the second intersection, and you`ll be there. 没问题(méi wèn tí, no problem) vs 没关系(méi guān xi, it doesn`t matter): One uses 没问题(méi wèn tí) to assure someone that their request will be met or a problem will be solved, e.g.”开车送你去机场?没问题!”(kāi chē sòng nǐ qù jī chǎng ?méi wèn tí. Drive you to the airport? No problem!) 没关系(méi guān xi), on the other hand, downplays the severity or impact of an issue, and is often used in response to someone`s apology for a minor mistake.