运动 Sports yùn dòng Li Xin Yu 胖 fat pàng 你真是越来越胖了。 nǐ zhēn shi yuè lái yuè pàng le. You are getting fatter. 你太胖了。 nǐ tài pàng le. You are too fat. shòu 瘦 thin 当然 of course dāng rán 你平常吃得那么多,又不运动,当然越来越胖了。 nǐ píng cháng chī de nà me duō, yòu bú yùn dòng, dāng rán yuè lái yuè pàng le. You usually overeat, and on top of that you don`t exercise; of course you`re putting on more and more weight. 怕 to fear; to be afraid of p 我很怕蛇。 wǒ hěn pà shé. I'm afraid of snakes. 我不怕狗。 wǒ bú pà gǒu. I'm not afraid of dogs. 简单 simple jiǎn dān 最简单的运动是跑步。 zuì jiǎn dān de yùn dòng shì pǎo bù. The simplest exercise is jogging. 这道题很简单。 zhè dào tí hěn jiǎn dān. This question is very simple. 跑步 to jog pǎo bù 冬天那么冷,夏天那么热,跑步太难受了。 dōng tiān nà me lěng, xià tiān nà me rè, pǎo bù tài nán shòu le. It`s so cold in winter, and so hot in summer. Jogging is too uncomfortable. 跑 to run pǎo 快跑。 kuài pǎo. run fast 他跑回家找妈妈。 tā pǎo huí jiā zhǎo mā ma. He ran home to find his mother. 难受 hard to bear, uncomfortable nán shòu 2. 好/难(hǎo/nán)+V 2. 好/难(hǎo/nán)+V 网球 tennis wǎng qiú 拍 racket pāi 篮球 basketball lán qiú 游泳 to swim yóu yǒng 危险 dangerous wēi xiǎn 不看红绿灯过马路很危险。 bú kàn hóng lǜ dēng guò mǎ lù hěn wēi xiǎn. Crossing the road without watching traffic lights is dangerous. 现在不戴口罩出门很危险。 xiàn zài bú dài kǒu zhào chū mén hěn wēi xiǎn. It ’s dangerous to go out without wearing a mask 淹死 to drown yān sǐ 他快被淹死了。 tā kuài bèi yān sǐ le. He was almost drowned. 愿意 to be willing yuàn yì 你不愿意运动,那就胖下去吧。 Nǐ bù yuànyì yùndòng, nà jiù pàng xiàqù ba. If you are unwilling to exercise, then get fat. 你愿意嫁给我吗? nǐ yuàn yì jià gěi wǒ ma? Will you marry me? 1. Duration of Non-Action Time Expression+没(méi)+V+(了) This structure indicates that an action has not been or was not performed for a certain period of time. 1. 他三天没上网了。 tā sān tiān méi shàng wǎng le. He hasn`t gone online for three days. 2. 我两年没检查身体了。 wǒ liǎng nián méi jiǎn chá shēn tǐ le. I haven`t had a check-up in two years. 1. Duration of Non-Action Time Expression+没(méi)+V+(了) 3. 我的狗病了,一天没吃东西了。 wǒ de gǒu bìng le, yì tiān méi chī dōng xi le. My dog is sick; she hasn`t eaten anything for a day. 4. 妹妹上个月特别忙,三个星期没回家。 mèi mei shàng ge yuè tè bié máng, sān ge xīng qī méi huí jiā. My younger sister was especially busy last month, and she didn`t come home for three weeks. 1. Duration of Non-Action Time Expression+没(méi)+V+(了) 5. 去年寒假我去英国旅行,一个月没吃中国菜。 qù nián hán jià wǒ qù yīng guó lǚ xíng, yí ge yuè méi chī zhōng guó cài. I went on a trip to Britain during the winter break last year, and didn`t eat any Chinese food for a month. 1. Duration of Non-Action Please note the difference between this construction and the one that indicates the duration of an action in an affirmative sentence. 6. A: 我学了两年中文了。Verb+了+Number+Measure Word+Noun+了 wǒ xué le liǎng nián zhōng wén le. I have been studying Chinese for two years. B: 是吗?我两年没学中文了。Time Expression+没(méi)+V+(了) shì ma?wǒ liǎng nián méi xué zhōng wén le. Really? I haven`t studied Chinese for two years. 3. 下去(xia qu) indicating Continuation 下去(xia qu) signifies the continuation of an action that is already in progress. 1. 说下去。 shuō xia qu. Go on speaking. 2. 你别念下去了,我一点儿也不喜欢听。 nǐ bié niàn xia qu le, wǒ yì diǎnr yě bù xǐ huan tīng. Please stop reading. I don`t like listening to it at all. 3. 下去(xia qu) indicating Continuation 下去(xia qu) signifies the continuation of an action that is already in progress. 3. 中文很有意思,我想学下去。 zhōng wén hěn yǒu yì si, wǒ xiǎng xué xia qu. Chinese is very interesting. I`d like to continue learning it. 4. 你已经跑了一个多小时了,再跑下去,要累死了。 nǐ yǐ jīng pǎo le yí ge duō xiǎo shí le, zài pǎo xia qu, yào lèi sǐ le. You`re already been running for more than an hour; if you keep running, you`ll be exhausted. As mentioned before, 又(yòu) can indicate repetition of an action over the course of time, e.g., 我昨天看了一个电影,今天又看了一个(wǒ zuó tiān kàn le yí ge diàn yǐng, jīn tiān yòu kàn le yí ge, I watched a movie yesterday, and watched another one today). 又(yòu) can also suggest augmentation or exacerbation of certain conditions or circumstances as in the sentence 你平常吃得那么多,又不运动,当然越来越胖了。(nǐ píng cháng chī de nà me duō, yòu bú yùn dòng, dāng rán yuè lái yuè pàng le. You usually eat so much, and on top of that you don`t exercise. No wonder you`re putting on more and more weight). 水平 level;standard shuǐ píng 他中文水平很高. tā zhōng wén shuǐ píng hěn gāo. He has a high level of Chinese. 提高 to improve; to raise; to heighten tí gāo 他想提高他的中文水平。 tā xiǎng tí gāo tā de zhōng wén shuǐ píng. He wants to improve his Chinese. 为了 for the sake of wèi le 为了提高英文水平,她每天都看两个小时的电视。 wèi le tí gāo yīng wén shuǐ píng, tā měi tiān dū kàn liǎng ge xiǎo shí de diàn shì. To improve her English, she watches TV for two hours every day. 足球 soccer;football zú qiú 比赛 game; match; competition; to compete bǐ sài 快把电视打开,足球比赛开始了。 kuài bǎ diàn shì dǎ kāi, zú qiú bǐ sài kāi shǐ le. Turn on the TV, the football game begins 国际 international guó jì 这不是国际足球。 Zhè bùshì guójì zúqiú. This is not international football. 美式 American-style měi shì 这是美式足球。 zhè shì měi shì zú qiú. This is American football. 这是美式咖啡。 zhè shì měi shì kā fēi. This is American coffee. 应该 should;ought to yīng gāi 你现在应该去上学。 nǐ xiàn zài yīng gāi qù shàng xué. You should go to school now. 你应该写功课。 nǐ yīng gāi xiě gōng kè. You should write your homework. 脚 foot jiǎo 踢 to kick tī 王朋很喜欢踢足球。 Wáng péng hěn xǐ huan tī zú qiú. Wang Peng likes playing football very much. 足球应该用脚踢。 zú qiú yīng gāi yòng jiǎo tī. To play football you should kick (the ball) with your feet 手 hand shǒu 抱 to hold or carry in the arms bào 为什么那个人用手抱着球跑呢? wèi shén me nà ge rén yòng shǒu bào zhe qiú pǎo ne? Why is that guy running with the ball in his hand 压 to press; to hold down; to weigh down yā 下面的人不是要被压坏了吗? xià miàn de rén bú shì yào bèi yā huài le ma? Wouldn`t the people underneath be crushed to pieces? 他把梨压坏了。 tā bǎ lí yā huài le. He crushed the pear. 担心 to worry dān xīn 别担心。 bié dān xīn. Don`t worry. 我担心她的身体健康。 Wǒ dān xīn tā de shēn tǐ jiàn kāng. I'm worried about her health. 棒 fantastic; super [colloq.] bàng 他们的身体都很棒。 tā men de shēn tǐ dōu hěn bàng. They`re really strong. 运动服 sportswear; athletic clothing yùn dòng fú 这件运动服很适合你。 zhè jiàn yùn dòng fú hěn shì hé nǐ. This sports suit is for you. 半天 half a day; a long time bàn tiān 我看了半天也看不懂。 wǒ kàn le bàn tiān yě kàn bù dǒng. I`ve been watching for a while and I still don`t get it. 4. Duration of Actions A. Repetition of the verb or B. Time expression placed before the object, often with 的 (de) Time expression+(的)+object When a sentence contains both a time expression that indicates the duration of an action and an object, it needs to be formed in one of these two patterns: 4. Duration of Actions A. Repetition of the verb or B. Time expression placed before the object, often with 的 (de) 1. A. 她每天听录音听一个小时。 tā měi tiān tīng lù yīn tīng yí ge xiǎo shí. B. 她每天听一个小时(的)录音。 tā měi tiān tīng yí ge xiǎo shí (de) lù yīn. She listens to recordings for an hour every day. 4. Duration of Actions A. Repetition of the verb or B. Time expression placed before the object, often with 的 (de) 2. A. 她每天下午游泳游四十分钟。 tā měi tiān xià wǔ yóu yǒng yóu sì shí fēn zhōng. B. 她每天下午游四十分钟(的)泳。 tā měi tiān xià wǔ yóu sì shí fēn zhōng (de) yǒng. She swims for forty minutes every day. A. Repetition of the verb or B. Time expression placed before the object, often with 的 (de) 3. A. 她每天看英文报纸看两个小时,所以英文越来越好了。 tā měi tiān kàn yīng wén bào zhǐ kàn liǎng ge xiǎo shí, suǒ yǐ yīng wén yuè lái yuè hǎo le. B. 她每天看两个小时(的)英文报纸,所以英文越来越好了。 tā měi tiān kàn liǎng ge xiǎo shí (de) yīng wén bào zhǐ, suǒ yǐ yīng wén yuè lái yuè hǎo le. She reads English newspapers for two hours every day, so her English is getting better and better. 5. The Particle 着(zhe) 着(zhe) signifies the continuation of an action or a state. Its function is descriptive. When 着(zhe) is used between two verbs, the one that precedes 着(zhe) signifies the accompanying action, while the second verb signifies the main action. 1. 老师站着教课,学生坐着听课。 lǎo shī zhàn zhe jiāo kè, xué shēng zuò zhe tīng kè. While the teacher stood lecturing, the students sat listening. 5. The Particle 着(zhe) 着(zhe) signifies the continuation of an action or a state. Its function is descriptive. When 着(zhe) is used between two verbs, the one that precedes 着(zhe) signifies the accompanying action, while the second verb signifies the main action. 2. 我喜欢躺着听音乐。 wǒ xǐ huan tǎng zhe tīng yīn yuè. I like to listen to music while lying down. 5. The Particle 着(zhe) 着(zhe) signifies the continuation of an action or a state. Its function is descriptive. When 着(zhe) is used between two verbs, the one that precedes 着(zhe) signifies the accompanying action, while the second verb signifies the main action. 3. 美式足球可以抱着球跑。 měi shì zú qiú kě yǐ bào zhe qiú pǎo. In American football, you can run with the ball in your hands. 5. The Particle 着(zhe) 4. A: 学生们在做什么呢? xué sheng men zài zuò shén me ne? What are the students doing? B: 在运动。 zài yùn dòng. They`re exercising. 被 by bèi 6. 被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng) in Passive-Voice Sentences A sentence in the passive voice can be constructed with 被(bèi), 叫(jiào), or 让(ràng). Its structure is as follows: 1. 我的功课被/叫/让狗吃了。 wǒ de gōng kè bèi/jiào/ràng gǒu chī le. My homework was eaten by my dog. receiver of the action+被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng)+agent of the action+verb+other element (complement/了[le],etc) 6. 被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng) in Passive-Voice Sentences 2. 你买的那些书被/叫/让你的女朋友拿去了。 nǐ mǎi de nà xiē shū bèi/jiào/ràng nǐ de nǚ péng yǒu ná qù le. The books that you bought were taken away by your girlfriend. 3. 糟糕,你的网球拍被/叫/让我压坏了。 zāo gāo, nǐ de wǎng qiú pāi bèi/jiào/ràng wǒ yā huài le. Oh gosh, your tennis racket was crushed [by me]. receiver of the action+被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng)+agent of the action+verb+other element (complement/了[le],etc) 6. 被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng) in Passive-Voice Sentences 4. 你看,我的梨被/叫/让你的西瓜压坏了。 nǐ kàn, wǒ de lí bèi/jiào/ràng nǐ de xī guā yā huài le. Take a look. My pears were crushed by your watermelon, receiver of the action+被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng)+agent of the action+verb+other element (complement/了[le],etc) 6. 被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng) in Passive-Voice Sentences In Chinese, the passive voice often carries negative connotations and usually appears in situations that are unpleasant for the receiver of the action, or in situations where something is lost. As in the 把(bǎ) structure, the verb is usually followed by another element, such as a complement or 了(le) 6. 被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng) in Passive-Voice Sentences In a passive-voice sentence with 被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng), the agent of the action does not always have to be specified. If the agent of the action is someone that is not identifiable or need not be identified, it can be referred to simply as 人(rén, someone; people). 5. 我的信用卡被/叫/让人拿走了。 wǒ de xìn yòng kǎ bèi/jiào/ràng rén ná zǒu le. My credit card was taken away. receiver of the action+被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng)+agent of the action+verb+other element (complement/了[le],etc) 6. 被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng) in Passive-Voice Sentences With 被(bèi), the agent of the action can be omitted from the sentence: 6. 同学们在教室里又唱又跳,他快被吵死了。 tóng xué men zài jiào shì lǐ yòu chàng yòu tiào, tā kuài bèi chǎo sǐ le. His classmates are singing and dancing in the classroom, The noise is driving him to distraction. 被(bèi) sometimes can be used in a positive sense receiver of the action+被/叫/让(bèi/jiào/ràng)+agent of the action+verb+other element (complement/了[le],etc) 1. 上(shàng) is a versatile verb. To board a car or plane is 上车/飞机(shàng chē/fēi jī), and to go to the bathroom is 上厕所(shàng cè suǒ). In this lesson, to go to school is 上学(shàng xué) in colloquial Mandarin. So one can say 上小学/中学/大学(shàng xiǎo xué/zhōng xué/dà xué) for attending elementary school/ middle school/college. 2. 为了(wèi le) usually appears in the first clause of a complex sentence,e.g.,为了学好中文,他每天听两个小时录音。(wèi le xué hǎo zhōng wén, tā měi tiān tīng liǎng ge xiǎos hí lù yīn. In order to learn Chinese well, he listens to the recording for two hours everyday). 3. 赛(sài) stands for 比赛(bǐ sài). 4. Although the term 足球 (zú qiú) literally means “football,” it refers to soccer, rather than American football. To avoid confusion, Chinese speakers refer to American football as 美式足球(měi shì zú qiú, American-style football) or 橄榄球(gǎn lǎn qiú, lit.,“olive ball”). 5. 半天(bàn tiān) does not always mean exactly a “half day” as the word literally suggests. Rather, it often metaphorically denotes a comparatively long stretch of time.