1. 听力测验(Listening Test) 40% 2. 阅读测验(Reading Test) 50% (1) 造句< Not only gramma, but also vocabularies> (2) read article and write the answer< It won’t be multiple-choice questions> (3) write the article <150 characters at least> 3. 口说测验(Oral Test) 10% There are 10 topics from L11~L20, each lessons have some questions. In the final exam, you will draw which topic that you need to talk. Time of the exam 08 Jun 10:00-11:30(8-9人) 11:40-13:10 14:30-16:00 15 Jun 10:00-11:30 11:40-13:10 14:30-16:00 22 Jun 10:00-11:30 11:40-13:10 14:30-16:00