27.1 Which names for types of books or other reading material would best fit these statements? 1. · – It's by General Rogers who led the allied forces during the recent war. 2. · · – It's so badly written I don't know how anyone could learn how to use the video camera by reading it. 3. · · – I recommend it. If you want to read a typical selection of English poets, it's excellent. 4. · – The latest issue contains a paper by Professor Colin Frith, in which he presents a new theory of the human mind. 27.2 Now rewrite these sentences using words or phrases from C to describe the experience of reading particular books. 1. I just could not seem to become involved in ____________________ the story, so I stopped reading it. 2. It's not very serious, and it's easy to read ____________________. 3. It's dense and very difficult to read ____________________. 4. Take it to bed with you; it's just right when you're settling down at night ____________________. All the time I was reading it I just couldn't wait to get to the next page ____________________. 5. You find yourself wanting to read more, it's so fascinating ____________________. • bod 9.3 Give words which contrast with or are the opposite of… 1. a sweet dish – ________________________ 2. a friendly waiter – ________________________ 3. a formal gathering – ________________________ 4. rude staff – ________________________ 5. quick service – ________________________ 6. dreadful service – ________________________ • 29.4 Which expressions mean ... eat whatever your hosts are eating at home, not a special dish for you? ________________________ tell me when I've poured enough in your glass? ________________________ get a quick meal or some other food that does not take a long time? ________________________ small items you eat before a meal, or perhaps at a reception? ________________________ another portion of what you have just eaten? ________________________ a semi-formal party or reception in someone's house, probably not a meal? ________________________ •