36.2 Fill the gaps in these sentences. 1. Alec has spent most of his life in London, but he is keen to back to his roots when he retires. 2. The business is firmly in the west of England. 3. The idea took some time to root but it's very fashionable now. 4. His grandfather sowed the of the business's success. 5. The US bookshop chain is opening a number of in the UK. 6. It's about time she down some roots. 7. The idea for her novel from her interest in mountain climbing. 8. The St James's Drama College turns out a hundred actors every year. • 36.3 What is the link between the literal and metaphorical meanings of these words from B? 1. fade – 2. shrivel – 3. flourish – 4. sprout – 5. germinate – 6. weed out – 7. prune back – 8. wilt – 9. reap – 10. wither – • 36.4 Select three nouns that each of these adjectives could describe. Romance, trade, contempt, dreams, ideas, values, anxieties, fears, attack, business, look, customs, nightlife, looks, hopes, filmstar, footballer 1 budding 2 flourishing 3 withering 4 fading 5 deeply rooted 38.1 Make these sentences formal by rewriting emphasized parts. Make any other necessary changes to produce a correct sentence. 1. All that carbon-what's-called gas put out by cars and factories is a major problem. cars and factories is a major problem. 2. These flowers here are a type there's not many left of, so it's illegal to pick them. These flowers here are , so it's illegal to pick them. 3. A lot of wild animals have to survive in smaller and smaller areas where they can live. A lot of wild animals have to survive in . 4. Most of Patagonia is a completely spotless area that's never been touched. Most of Patagonia is a . 5. We have to look after the things we use on this planet because they won't last forever. We have to look after . 6. If the cutting down of trees continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now. If continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now. 7. Burning coal and oil and stuff like that causes a lot of pollution. Burning causes a lot of pollution. 8. The sea will get higher if this heating up of the world continues. continues. 9. Increasing population puts really big pressure on economic resources. Increasing population economic resources. 10. The way things all balance one another in nature is very delicate. is very delicate.