A SOCIOPATH’S JOB INTERVIEW TL Well, Barbara, I have to say… a hugely impressive CV. AP Thank you. LV We’ve seen a lot of candidates … amongst the most impressive. AP Thanks. Project management … a lot of experience with team leadership. LV There was just one thing on it … crimes against humanity. AP I decided to leave that off the CV … to be honest with people. TL Honest? AP Well, in the sense that … two years. M So, what are the details? AP Of the – what – CAH? M Yes. AP Well, I was convicted about two years ago … that’s about it, really. M Was it a genocide or something? AP It was a genocide, yes. M So – how many people would have died? AP The U.N. reckons about 15 thousand… more like 20, maybe 30. M And what was your role in this? AP Largely organisational ... terms, I was very successful. LV Did you try to stop the genocide at any stage? AP I did try to stop it… easier to go along with it. LT Yes, I’m just – I was looking up… slavery and cannibalism. AP Guilty as charged! LV And the sentence for CAH was in your absence? AP Yes. I wasn’t in court and again… it was 25 years. M And you’re on the run now, are you? AP Yeah. M OK. I think we’re all agreed… hugely impressive CV. LV Yes, it’s definitely the best we’ve seen. LT Yes, I think… Welcome to the bank! AP Thank you.