SWOT ANALYSIS strengths weaknesses opportunities threats What are you good at when you are learning a language? What do you like about languages (even your native one)? What is your greatest achievement in terms of learning languages? How did you achieve it? Did you enjoy the process? What personal strengths (characteristics) could you use for learning English? What general learning strategies you are good at could you use for English? What problems do you typically encounter when learning languages? What do you hate when learning a language? What do you find boring? What personal weakness could stop you from speaking better English? Can you turn it into a strength? What is your inspiration/ motivation for learning English? Are there any people you can “use”? Where can you plunge more into English? What are your passions that you could follow in English? How can you increase the percentage of speaking English in your life? What are the biggest obstacles on your way to better English? Are you sure you cannot do anything about them? When you were learning a language last time, what was most difficult? Do you lack anything in order to be successful in learning English? Look deep – who says you are not good at learning languages, speaking etc.? How do they know? Can you find one example when this was not true?