■ Dedicated to the memory of the late Academon's publishing manager, Yakov (Yfrah) Iftach, whose Hebrew learning project was close to his heart. 'H p^n IXy* |IY>TpX jimyn no'tnľľoiNn b\y nN^inn jvn - Ecyn y\niptó 2007 nniovy nviotn to D'tWIT ,24130 T'TI ^TIüp!?N ,>Vü)3N D1\yai DTI* DWü UOO D>VOp IN m Y$ľ£> W P^Viť "|>N (ono^Nn Nin\y nv too nnQť ra^n pwno ,nobpn ,Dt»* um)) -ořoo in P'ism-i inv oyu :d>tpn 0»Vn TIOTpN rDÜDini "i1*PÜ ,V1ü'1 nnipn H'obn ,JiiNü>tm>3wn o'djuuo :D>b">nno nma o-oDbiNi onmbb two "vrmn nbnnnn p rimy ist» n .a pbm 'N pbn :rj>pbn >3vy iDt>b .onnN onma Dnmbi □""pan m>üni iio>n ,d»Tinn oma ;nvpi*Tpi nvnn :n>n>D~io bD by iivybn nvpbw lynvya >3i\yb iwid o N>n i3b\y tidti nran .m ">DDb ibwn tin i")3p orrpn mbwm ibbn o>n-mn nymN bvy n>n>mn msn .o>vnoi o>b>a isin .□i2um □•»biiia om nx3>bn bvy itonid nbvyn >n\yn >oin on n»vnnnn o»3anni nvpMpin ni»3ann ,n^\ybn rmrao o-onam nvnnn miron pDiy ipn iddd .ovn o>yim \yio>vy mvyflNo onn nu>b\yn ,n>pvi3 nr>n> ddin iy ,nidn o>pTi£3n ibbn omon .npnpi nin>3 Nbi nf3vyn no>b N>n irnDovy 1110x3 .dptpun Jii^Niü'ra nmim N'nw od nprnivypn by mown myxsvyo nbya □>b>a invn b\yni navyn pinový bvn nni3 cpb^n .Tinnm pnpm d>op*un nivn >om Nin n*b»nn isin d>iüx3 oopovy HD pi wain in .-[wonn ibmn Nb\y mnow nin£> o>b>n myoio DTiyb .nnnya nptPta pb^mi tiw bD lien d-oib^m myoian d>b>x3 tiino rmovso \y> pbn bon .p^ "rnyp d\yi3i >n n>n> pbn bD 11D1 iJl'32bNn □n d>nyb .d^ipq o»33\yb oobvym d>33.iyan mrp3 >byn d»io>3 m~i o by dd idcd o»vann TN - mnpo H3">£3 Dnb nvnpm .n<3\yn jpjpon nv33 im^rö d^mvnn nbN d>vna .33bt> bvy oin d^nwp .-Tab3n *>3i\ybn p-oyn in o>b>on "phni ,pim -iiy>vyb mivypn ,»a nbbN» :d>33D nvyibwo on -iddi n>y\?pn .d^qpqv d»mivypn d'Nvym mrv\y .1 .□nnb3n o»3ivybn owvypb nx3Nnnn dojidiwd riNnp »vup .2 urn .d^bbD d>N\yi33i bNivi^i mm> >N\yi3n nn\yno miyo ,>bNiopbD3'N ">£nN >byn nNnp ">vdp i3-inn .3T J1130VO pIPnb D>3113.0 d>b>31D "IDDľl d'V^O 33N1 ,N~lp3n J13in niTPD bV DV^m *TD1>0 i3iiN ."pb>m \yio>vy - n"n«33 n3->q noun "nit^a id^v mniDn nabb o3i3u>Dn bvy inbiD^ dn bbDv^b hd .Dniy>vyn n3pm\y b>vf3n d>b>an i^ini bbD3 Nb p n3>oi o^ban .muDvy Nbb o>n\3>ai o»3imo ,nv\y nm ,nmpan p o»mnoi o>pioa .3 □n nbN d>yup .iöb3n ->33\ybn n3iX3b in pinbi d'b'an i3i3Nb DDDNnn n>n nbN d>vop ^33>vyb bipwn i3"ib □,'v>D3D3 d>7pi3XD on 3D3Din Nbi ibiiiTi Nb Dnn mv>f33Qn mvymn cpb^m ,m\y-i ri3>nnn Trnyn ,N3ni Divyiv 3in imbb 3iib3b 33>3n3 jinx Dy in> pm n>ibn n3>N d>no>bn jp3Dim 3-nDipTinn .d^qisq i»iy iniwinvy d'b^an nsw dn DJ ,D3->nnb biD> ,yiax mm □^b^ino ,"ioibD .o,'n3D£) d'b^nn iv onwo D'b^-iľia >n3~nn inyo Nin iddd bi^iJin jin nmon inp>yn 31n v>iD3 i3i3> ,pnw3 i>X3bnn onn\y o^b^inb tvi pwb in o'Nnnb ,~imnb ,p>nvnb D>-pabnn bv onn\y .T1Í33 ^ti NbN "ií3pn Nb ľobnnvy N*>n i3D333d .ni33\y3nn Jin>TiDb ií3Dn Dipo pN .invT .0»tPt?l d^ioi D^>D 131N pi nJlDDl PIDTn mmiN "|ni ni"to^ .JVa-^ND JlVPľV V3Vy3 nm£) "1£lDn .DN>ip!7 d>Dtro o>y\?pi lo^n !?y mtn \y> nl?n d>p-i£q .jot poo v» omy>\y nv»\y 1?d nnNi niT>rvn nr>n wain d^>d noům .nmyn yivy^ moipNn ">sb *np>3n ion n!?on nmon nid nam jrmn a»nan .HNnpn tin on>o!mn ^pni? hd d!?n d>^do .□my^n ^pra om>yt> my>9ion ni^i\y!?n nnynn ťvyi nwnnn n>uni> in ji^mn!? omn iDtn vy □mn oy loon moou nmino n>^id^ nupo umx .">tm-niy in ^jn-niy 11^0 vj» naon pt>i nmins ,jim£>o ,n>:ny ijrnriN mow!? nnpi. -i pit? o^pinvy y\?p .o>ynoni d>vopn ,mrv\yn í?d itfcpin ira\y ytt\y nnj^p "i£it£> mt>] mio^ tito ns> p 103 .n>osy miiyb mm ^^ini mmrt? o>yop - "ytt\i>3 ritt" !?vy nvnn mnno N*n invmi ,r6nnnn jn may t?vt> rmuwin ntnn m»m laon nmt» tin imN ips>vy niw ^zb mm .npbip-mtn H3\í)i\y :DT i£iD nNsinn ipt">i iy»tn imov >o ^ nnint? mi^m fposnw p'a*an ^ai»i? min .yoyn omtyn Tio^ni nuoN n\yyo on vtpn .au oy3 ~i»no!? nťn poiyo mm .1PND nDNt>0^ .oinra ny»tw y'r onnin n^wi? ouinn i>y ino ittnť mm .Dn>vn >im nN no\y*i\y n«a »3ni? mm .n p^vb d>m d>oi^ no!^\y psio ttV? mm .p»n** 1Ö1V ,iioipND t?'O30^i *po3iabioo nun^i nno* apv*^ "ip>yn ,pttipNn mi^ mm .n>iniN ^nptJ «posnin nmyn n\yoi T^nn nN runt? dhoi^d nN my> "lounw nupo uroN >ťN*i\y> m\y CONTENTS n r C ß c c c > 9-1 I ............................................................................................................ n,f ,J ,p ,N/ ,k - ji ,i ,3 ,d ,n ,> ,n ,n □ - p,>U ,nvi3n h)w - Qr- ü,Ck- □, Syntax: Declarative and interrogative nominal sentence D^NViQI >TPni \3D\i>)2 Examples: ?^DfC 'N . ... 'jk :Jria:m Question words - ?'H ?7)N - rÖN^D m^E 24-10 '6 ,0,-),/,?/j-'\y,\yf*O,*T,) Morphology: Singular noun - masculine and feminine mpJl "D* ,7>rp - D^V OY) Example: VVHfa ,THfa -.mam n\yon) ni?n\ym >ivnn ü£3\yn Syntax: Declarative and interrogative nominal sentence (cont.) Examples: ?J)fC f'fCN ...N /...N 'jk :mmrr The definite article - example: :nmn - yVP>n ND The preposition particles - Iß , ...N - tTVD TW^lß Question word - ?\'kH - Vb*iVT\ TÖm 41-25 Morphology: Plural nouns - masculine and feminine 111311 O'H") - D^V DVJ Example: T)/?'n/T) ,P'THfa iDnan . i mm1 Vivian nnnji II mm' ...III mm1 nnpn "idt ,-pm ,rmn pt ,vy mn ,Ovy3) conjugation, weak verb type vy, present tense, singular, masculine and feminine Example: 7)")^ :nayn mpji iDT ,"nn> ,rmn pt ,o^\yn jiih ,Oys) i?p pjn basic stem - pa'al conjugation ,strong verb, present tense,singular, masculine and feminine Example: T)?Nlf ,?Nlf :nmn (*T\y»n) n^wm >n>nn ^d\y odwe Syntax: Declarative and negative nominal sentence (cont.) - Example: .ffH'! (kl) 7>£ iDlOjn Positive and negative verbal sentence Tt>^W2 ^TPrQ ^bVQ 0£>\yQ .en" niHlf (kl) nk .?n// (kl) 'jk :jnmn Waw consecutive - .../ - "11D>nn rpb^E Demonstrative Pronouns - vlk ,T)kij - TD1"1 "IPD Miscellaneous: Names of languages - D1£)\y D1D\y Example: iviyk :nmn :"pnnn 59-42 p /J ,3 ,x ,o -p ,\ ,y ,v □u - □ ,G Morphology: mi")1 0>m ,rmn pt ,0">D^\yn D~in ,C?y3) V^n Verb: basic stem - pa'al (^va) conjugation, strong verb, present tense,plural, masculine and feminine Example: JlllHll ,P'?Nll :nmn nrni D>m ,nnn pt ,vv rim £p pn Basic stem, - pa'al Ova) conjugation, weak verb type vy, present tense, plural, masculine and feminine. ^ , , Example: T)n} ,p'~)± :nmn rmn pt ,n»l? mu ,bp pn Basic stem - pa'al (bVfs) conjugation, weak verb type n»^, present tense Example: fl/?h ,p'l\l ,7)?h ,7)?h :nmn Syntax: The Preposition particles - pX , ...I - t>l"Pn DPb'Q Question word - ?jkf - nbNWn nb>X3 IV m«n' :"l>inTl n r G b c c c > 74-60 V m'n1 n r 2 n c c Morphology: HllD pt ,d>Db\yn JTltt ,bp<3 ^V1£3 Verb: pi'el conjugation, strong verb, present tense Example: J)hmH /p'">3?N ,m3?N /")P?N :nmn Syntax: |'k / 0' - ("f\yDD) H^?\ym >ivra >:D\y o£j\y» Declarative and negative nominal sentence (cont.) Nominal sentence (cont.) - (*fvy»n) ^0\y Example: JklO'a 'Jk -.nnyn Preposition particles - ?'/, itf ,...3 - Dmn Jivi?>0 ... p = ...v >m» + ...a) - vn>n Preposition particle ...a + definite article ...n = 3... Example: W3d P'6}?l60 5)3*) i) Q' :nmn 88-75 Morphology: Him pt 111« ,C?V9) bp 1»H :byi3 Verb: basic stem - pa'al (Ijya) conjugation, weak verb type present tense Example: Tllkllp ,p'kllp ,T)kllp ,ktlp :nmn Syntax: Preposition particles - ... N/... + the definite article ... 71 = ... / , ... ?)N = ... i> WT» + .DCoiyflkm k7i ')k .i\#e[ pita ')k :nnjn The conjunction - hk - Tl\y>pD Jl^'O Question word - ?V9'k - 7t)WM)T\ rfr'O VI mm' n'lnn 99-89 Morphology: - ^ ,'y rmn pt mn oai vb mn ,C?y<3) bp £yi ,npm ,nvi ,yr ,bb>n !»n nbbw w H |J0T J7DD :D>yup 123-111 Morphology: Syntax: Miscellaneous: nrvvy ... "on ,Dibvy mn>\y ?m>o ns>N ,188 yyma ,144- yy>-n» ,nmbt> tivjdid nib bNivyn mi rnm\y oiiioin ,nvn /nims -pDbu ,o>Tirvvy nmvy on □> p>3 nbbw w (7vyDn) - D">n-)i ,-pm ,nnpn ovyn mnvt> Singular and plural feminine suffixes (cont.) Example: T)1'l]n ,T)l]n -.TVOm bn o>n >\y>bvy byis - >nnt> Impersonal - plural third person verb without a pronoun Example: p'o/ta -.nmVT Question words: ?'M ?^H0 ??'k :nbNVyn mb>£ Feminine cardinal numbers: 10~1 -.nip31 D>31)3 CmQDQ 1 iiyiy :D>VDp nonn :rrm\y ... iimn mn ?Kb 1K p id>d n>n nntr>p !»i nbbw w ,2 "iiyiy :D>VOp 3k (1 r c c c C c 138-124 nv*n» nn>\y rwnp vop nwnp vop n r £ c c c C c > Morphology: Adjectives D\y Examples: T)l7il6 ,p'7i\6 ,^\6 ,"d\0 :D10>n t Syntax: -I3DD11 pm DW1 DSV D\y pi DDNDH Agreement of noun and adjective in gender and number Examples: p'DlC p'llfi ,T)1}0' Till'? rfd' fll/AP ,Q?t) ?'\\\t) rJlimVT Interrogative sentences: ?ff'k ?lyk ?i>yk - VbtW ">\3D\y)2 Grammatical summary: 7>n"> Dip!)! DWD mDPD Suffixes of feminine singular nouns • :Jmi>l 151-139 Syntax: Miscellaneous: mrvvy nn>\y nNnp *>Vüp nrvvy nm\y nrvvy mn>\y nNnp vwp ?nbiv m ddd 1950-n n»ji3 mn ravy to my bD ppin D">bp\y 2 - 13Ü i?D n"0DDN3 nrv^D ... mn hvon vn^n nNin ovyi dsv d\y pi nnNTin Agreement of noun and adjective in definiteness Examples: JVJJi) //tfpT) ?/'^ lb + Singular noun - *PrPl DSV D\y + h Example: pi' h :nmn Masculine cardinal numbers: 10~1 :~D\1 D>31D D>"I9P)0 (II ) *H • :"i>inn 3 "iiyiy :D>VOp 165-152 nrv\y DK>"ip yvp ... T\K nmN w nNnp yop "i?v-i?n»i !?n~ivy>!7 ptp-vmj nn>\y mvnn !?jtd!> nrvvy ?\y*m dd nbnN nNnp >vop D»n nvmy / *niy ,iaiv irnipDn in n*in jp\yN*D Syntax:: The preposition - T)k - Vn>n n!?>n Examples: Dk fo/p klv -.main .vl1n nk avlk pik cm nt?>£ + osy ovy iit>^ iNin o\y nnNnn Agreement of the adjective and the noun + preposition Example: jO'i) T)'7)7) :narn Days of the week ynvyfl The combinations of a noun with a pronoun + an adjective nmvy *n»^ nsn >jn rwnp yop "i>npi nwan nrv\y in\y>D / invyo Morphology: bV13 OV> ,&y£>VT\ D1U ,C?y3) bp 1»33 Verb: basic stem - pa'al ,0y$) conjugation, strong verb, infinitive form Examples: khp[ ,llfiff :Jiiojvt □ □,□> !hkl □ c& a/en/ □ Ota Miscellaneous: Grammatical summary: 178-166 ,4 "liy'UJ :D>VDp :t>nrm ......5 iiyw rD^VVJp n r G c c C c > Syntax: tine! vi np? Infinitive verb combination: í)31l + infinitive form Example: .?/NÍT 7)?/") |? :norn Adverbs - ... óp63 ,")T)N - t?V1D nNJl 190-179 d r ß c c c rnrv\y "p\yb o^n ,Nini? nsn n!? ,Dipt> nsn mrvvy D131DJ1 rwnp vop HNnp >Vüp ?HDl? ,T\Y2b ,T\lCb yirppn nnnn ^ii->p ^n>pn rmriD np>oDTim rnbN\y Morphology: ,V'V 111« ,0V3) ^>P :^V1£3 Verb: basic stem - pa'al (!?y<3) conjugation, weak verb type vv, infinitive form Example: "7^/ :nmn □ Cb T6Í □ Cb ■ T klaf T Syntax: Causal clauses 'o ?ílHÍ - Hl^P ">D£5Vyn Miscellaneous: 100-20 -.o^isvd (III) T)N 198-191 DN>"lp Vüp 6-1 oniw by mtn ipm nniü nnnN idp Dv nap .6 iiyiy :D>Vüp |DT |70D :D>VV3p 208-199 nrvvy nopi viv rwnp VDp nop! n^in >3N rwnp vop o>^K-)\y*> o>o*itn ^Ni\y>n nrv\y ptn >d tq^ Nin !>■>! nbtw> w Morphology: ^VIO D\y ,n»t? JllO ,(^^3) ^p 1»J3 Verb: basic stem - pa'al conjugation, weak verb type n"t>, infinitive form Examples: T)lT)Gl :nimn nOp> Syntax: ID + a definite singular noun - "Pmn VTPD D^V D\y + lb Example: p/'T) /j :HO)n Object Clauses with questions words - r\*?hv mt»» DV N\!n» Example: .'jk 'N *?/' 'jk rnojn 7 iiyiy 221-209 HNnp vup DNnp VDp nrv\y mrp\y o^\yiT> nopn / N»rn "pppvy mmn Morphology: ^VIO D\y mw ,0^Q) ,bp y»31 £yi2 Verb: basic stem - pa'al conjugation, weak verb type >»a, infinitive form Examples: J1P6{ :nimrT rOptj 8 "liy'W :D>VWp 3k rl r C e c c c Syntax: n r ß c c c > Grammatical summary: Gender and number agreement in nominal clause Example". .DOp :nmn .p'jc pnaoa Negative clauses + ~>P? p/6 + rfr^vy >VJ3VQ Nominal clause models - D"30\y D'üD\yD >)3jn :t>nrm 231-222 Morphology: Miscellaneous: twin nin*tt nnnN nrvvy ?nioiN dn ddi ťvi£) ow ,D>D!?\yn rnu ^yia Verb: pi'el Op£>) conjugation, strong verb, infinitive form Example: :na5VT Feminine cardinal numbers: 20-// :D2p31 D^1D D>"lilt»3 (iv) an ?i)n3 r>a / ??)no p 243-232 nm\y m>pn rwnp vop onac >in o»nn i?>3nn ?yTPN JIN TDD Ni? >Q Morphology: ^13 DW1 Dim ,D^WD jnw >V£>n p>33 :^V13 Verb: hif il (i»)>3n ) conjugation, strong verb, present tense and infinitive form Example: |'N£i>/>f'N£N :na5ri ....9 iiyw :D>Vüp 10 iiyej :D>Vüp Syntax: h + plural definite noun D>1*11 D^V 0\J> + h • :T3nJl Example: p'?/^) lb :nojn Grammatical summary: [D + plural Dv{y D\y + lb :>31\J>!7 DID^O 256-244 Syntax: Miscellaneous: twin yn\y Singular and plural indefinite construct state Example: p'£/e>J) J)j/* ,P'£/3t) :DOjn p'^/ar) n/j/* ,p'$/ar> 3* Masculine cardinal numbers : 20"// :"DH D^ID D>")9U)D 11 iiyej :Tnnn 267-257 Morphology: Verb: hitpa'el Syntax: ovn nun ,D>oi7vyn nin ,^9rin ^yia n ) conjugation, strong verb, present tense and infinitive form Example: eafav! ,ea!nN :noan Construct state + adjective D\y + TTD>DD Example: 7>p/<2/7 JlOp jn3D J)Op :noan n/p/en nop nan ,p'a1en nop nan 271-268 12-7 onw n*nn 12 nyiLP :D>VDp nnnn |»7 J7DD n r C c c c Q C 284-272 nrv\y mnoirpy Jiniro rwnp yvp nanp yu>p dv n>\y DNnp yup nn>\y nrvvy mv? "ipin -prpyn p nmoa mi» pn >pn mpTn nn>3 nnuDpn ni> "in\? dtp / orbn nn Morphology: 11V ,v'v hh) ,C?y3) 1"» :i7V13 Verb: basic stem - pa'al (tys) conjugation , weak verb type vv, past tense Example: 'J)l± :nmvr Syntax: Miscellaneous: Definiteness of the construct state DID^DOD yi"T" Example: HOjDTI mpfl /J)Opi) 17)11 -.nam >3»\y oawm nyivD niD>Dt? Definite construct state as the subject of nominal clause Example: .m?^ flj'pp T)#X :nmn Ordinal numbers d">mD Dn3t?)3 13 llV'W :D>VDp rJTITlil :-pinn 297-285 3k r C c c C nrv\y nunp VDp n^np yop rwnp yup jiumn jiHin> rumn □»nrp rmnn ">>r\:n rmjirfc rmmn 14 iiyw :D>V\3p mrvvy nn>\y rwnp vup Morphology: The conjugation of the preposition ninN iwv - !»3 nbbw w □nionn >(v "Pb □>b\yn>3 3niN nn ... / - orpn ni»d d»oj Example: 'I :nojn Syntax : Definite construct state as the object of the sentence N\yiQ3 JTD^QD Example: .p'tfDfli) T)k Sikh 'jk :nn>VT Construct state in which the second noun is a proper noun Example: p'feh' '6jk :nnjm 309-298 n^np vop rwnp vop nbp b>:nn - nm\y nNnp vop Syntax: Possessive sentences bb>n .v / ?d«i7)*i3 nn !»3 nbbw w nmvy rpn / o»nin "iojp on 3P3ni 3wn Example: .~)30 'j?/ 6' :nojn 317-310 nn>n HNnp VOp nbp b>nn ?">n nip >n !»3 nbbw w ypoy y ,tn.\y / "i3V vpn mimai rmop mnbn 15 iiyw :d>VOp 16 iiyej :d>VOp n r G C C c c 326-318 n r C C c c K c nrv\y YiNnp yop nbp b>nn Morphology: nvnron nb>>D Verb: basic stem- pa'al conjugation, strong verb, past tense Example: 'T)7)T)0 rDoan 337-327 HNnp vup rwnp vop rwnp VDp ID nNnp vwp bN~i\y>n jiinawo by np>wuop nsp Morphology: Conjugation of the preposition ie - urvn nb">D Example: 'fe :no3i"T 345-338 nn>vy nrvvy rwnp yop nbp b">rm rwnp yup 18-13 onivvy by mm H3\3p nnavyo ,nbm nnavyjo □>:iy\yn nn rnbin *>n> n\jnb\y 17 liyw :D>VV7p 18 niyw :D>yop 7 |DT J7DD :D>VV?p 356-346 Syntax Miscellaneous: 367-357 nrv\y rwnp yop >:\?Bn pn nwip yop d>wp o»n rnyiiD d>!?wit3 nvnn p p'~)? + noun 0*y d\y + p'")2 Example: .ílpflk p'l? k/fl :n»3in j>'l3 + infinitive form byiD d\y + pO? Example: .7ÍHÍI p'~>? kfa :nmn pj ink - p?/p rwnp yop nm\y DKnp yop Morphology: The conjugation of the preposition Syntax: indirect speech- Object clauses prpynn mvnn .n bvy vyinn noon ?>niN nniK nriN Jiuoitna b\y Diny !»n ni?i>N"> m nk - turn ni?">D Example: 'Jl/k :no)n v>£)\yD Example: .kP k/7>0 "7Nk k/í) :nmn 19 niyw :D->yOp 20 rD^yop • ':TinJl rl r C c c c 378-368 n r k C c c c c Syntax: 389-379 nn>\y vpn mrp\y loom mvo ,mn "pffcon >in rfrp ^)in pi\yn DKnp vop □>DHp DiK] mrpvy byis dw + jif/b' ,p'/b' ,?>/b' ,/b' • : ■ : t : t Example: .khpf fly k/f) rnnan Syntax: Miscellaneous: 400-390 DNnp Vtfp rwnp vup DKnp vdp DNnp VDp nvyp n>vn Nominal sentences, past tense - "liyi 0»JD\y D^SWD Example: .pHTit) f'i) P7> .f)"")30P 7)'T> kit) :n»3n Consequence sentences DNinn >\9£5\y)G Example: .llX'el Vka ki" k'T) pf rffln 7)D"7> :DD)n ... k/ ?nk VDp 22 iiy w :D">y\3p :-)">nnn 23 :D>VOp nwip yop i»9n nbp ^nn ninNn iy\y Morphology: 11V ^ 111« ,(^9) ^P 1"33 £yi2 Verb: basic stem - pa'al (t?V2) conjugation, weak verb type past tense Example: 'JVJp :nm"n Miscellaneous: /000 - 100 (D3pm ion D>19t>D) I^N TV DNE 413-401 Syntax: rwnp yv?p nvpn nn>\y nn>vy "V?VD H3 D>WN1 roup TV" ii9tn own TT " _ ?n>n m >n ?n>^ib nip na nwip Vüp pD>D p nv^D im - D'axnn !"3 w Past tense nominal sentences (cont.) (fWDn) 33V3 D»3ö\y 0>D9\y>2 Example: .120 JVP ^'fl :nmn - f'k / ß' 13V .n Example: .130 '/ tVt) :nmn - /'*( / ß' t?V 13V .n • :jrm\y ...24 iiyej :D>V\?P 420-414 rwnp vop nn>\y 24-19 Dmw t>y mtn ?nDt> rfcp twin D>:\?pn D>it»n i?\y miman miwvyn □>pD2 3n^\y n>n / ropt ...\y 3iü / ...\y / ...\y inn p>m man / ?^\d nPN 'n |»T J7DD :D>y\3p n r ß c c C c > 431-421 n r Č C c c c c Morphology: Miscellaneous: 444-432 nwip yop •p"mtn >iw*i\y> n\yiv hd rwnp VDp "in - oi3*ip in itdd pn>vb iron pa irmrp / pn na> on n-rt?>n nt?p ^nn in>T inv ,o>Db\yn mu i"n Verb: přel (ťy><3) conjugation, strong verb, past tense Example: :noyn Superlative: :T\t>DT\r\ *py Example: .^D'DP íl/p^ Oít k/í) :n»JiV! nmvy DinioiNn p>n« ijin n>nn / npm nn\y DNnp VDp "iDnn w inti onp Nt? on o»nn pa iiuirp / mn p-ran nNnp vop HNnp VOp ji-oon *iio\yi? ins >*pon tid>p npDi - ro^Dn pn\yD -p\y 7^ii rov / "ifiDť yn Syntax: Impersonal phrases with infinitive forms D\y DV □"DJID D>£31T3 ^yi£) o\y + ... / 7>l6 / vep / p'*j / tp / ?n3 (kf) / min / ifok / neok (>k) Example: .|<2*f llok :nojiVT 25 iiyiy :D>VOp 26 "liyiy :D'VOp :T3njl 456-445 Morphology: Syntax: Object clauses (cont.) (*f\y»n) N\yUJ ^VSVK Example: .\QX\ !T\\\k pk T)X?I S)lh 'jn :nmn nrvw rwnp yop nNnp yop ?N13b WD nn>\y rwnp >y\?p nrvvy nyavy !"3 nbbw W D»obNn n-ovyi D>3\yna bN*iv»3 nniPDi ni by npnn ?>D dv lav i»t ,o->Qb\yn mu ,b>yon rbyis Verb: hif'il C^yon) conjugation, strong verb, past tense Example: 'J)6pi) :noyn The conjugation of the preposition pX - VD">r\ nb>Q TP>\33 Example: .- nrcrn (7\yDn) byifD D\y DV D»DDU D'QITiJ Impersonal phrases with infinitive forms (cont) byiD D\y + 'k?D (kl) Example: 'k?D :nmn 27 "iiyiy :d>yop 470-457 nNnp vop rwnp yup rwnp yop nn>\y nbp b^in - n*>t>n -ns>t> .............................................28 niyej nbnnn d> >biN Nin yop zooo ro\y - »poN» >w \jot? ron n vy^p run / nnt^pb DD>bn r vwt? ron - mnon C c c C !»3 nbbw w c .h c fl1 Morphology: 12)) 1»t ,D>Db\yD J)1U ^T\T\ ")"»}! :bV1£3 Verb: hitpa'el Oysmn ) conjugation, strong verb, past tense Example: 'í)7niT)í) :nmn Grammatical summary: phrases with infinitive forms - bV1£) D\y DV D'£)1"PiJ 479-471 m*n nwip y\?p nmvn nbp íwíi DNnp v\?p ?DHb> by nvovyQ navy t>n rwnp vop Vno w> o>b>D in w> D>b>n mrvvy TOO / TlHIDpl Dbin 'I |K>7 |7DD :D">VV?p The Hebrew Alpha-Bet nrrnxn mow THE LETTERS nvniKn PHONETIC TRANSCRIPT THE NAMES OF THE LETTERS cursive 3J"D | print DID! alef ■ft* k b,v bet, vet ? a g gimel ^} 6 d dalet V T h he 7) n V vav \ i z zayin 3 T h het rrn n n t tet y yod t •> k,k kaf,kaf 1 lamed V T r m mem D ,D n nun J13 J, J 0 I s samek D '(c) ayin r? i? p,f pe,fe ts tsadi • T r q qof VP -> ? r resh i sh shin e w s sin e 'w t V g tav vn T n V z '5 'T ch '3 the vowels myimn wis pTiyn phonetic transcript mjmnn rmo names of vowels myunn a rms *\vn ,rms ,fE>p e t t : □ ,□ .□ ei x*7ft Vno ,kV^) htx • i thn P'TO ,ion pn;n 0 ,irt>» oVin ,-ion a^in •• t t " t t TO lt?n ,jt?p pp u pints? ,pi:np 0 t t : P • 2D jvn *fiNn m>ni (i The symbol [—] represents a consonant. Consonants oni^'y •> - k - H h - - n y - - > m - p - □ H - >o n - 1 - l ) - i t - T) - n Vowels Vocabulary D'7»» ^ n r C fl c c c yayin r 1?? 'ima kH'k yam P' CP t 'ani >jk >3N ma ?nn 'at nk JIN mi VH 'ata vnk DDK mayim P'N hay matana rnrijQ hi (2 (3 ("ODD t t - irp t t (3 n-prv It n íl n N AJ n .III n r Č C c c c > 2 f. .3 m. .r nriN !"v !*»n .oniN 131131 mnu>n jin inip .5 Read the names and write them. n>3N ,n>N ,d>d ^ Write at least 5 sentences with the names from .5 !W1J1» m»U>n OJ> D'tfOttm 5 DIDfl? 13J13 .6 exercise 5. ...^Dk ...nk (6 3k ri r c r: c c > .7 Read the dialogue and write it. .djiih ian31 nn»\!>n jin imp .8 5 .9 b>nna nrv^n .nm>an »ab nuibuitt nnn .10 Say monologues according to the illustrations. Use exercise 9 as your guideline. 1™ G 01 .12 .nn'Knnn nnbtynn riN nriD .13 Complete the following sentences using the correct word. nriN (3 (p> / >xp / >fiji) (4 (1 (nvx / wr\ / >jn) (2 (JIN / 0>X) / nJIN) (W / WJID / D>) P, 'P,P ! .11 J nr 1 P'N .n>Kn»n ni^n ddin nriDi «bon dn nniN »n nm Match the following slang expressions with the illustrated characters, and write them beside the illustrations. !» » >K • po? ,ND*>N • .VN N>D PPft !i~P Summary of Topics Vocabulary D>^tt71 *121N .N mow Personal Pronouns Nouns I you you she O) TIN mother wine sea water gift / present nincpjs ,(.3) ND>N (.3) rono Miscellaneous Hi! !»n ntwvy mi»a Question words what? who? Grammatical topics D»31U>^n D'tWUTl Syntax: niwvyni >ivnn >jnvy oawa :T1DD Declarative and interrogative nominal sentence Examples: ?^T)k 'H . ... ')k Question words - ?'N ?7)N - niwvyn mi»a .1 Grammatical notes .I.P.A 'Q\y"in >o3i3n The manner of pronuciation of consonants and vowels is represented by graphic symbols and Latin letters, according to the official IPA (International Phonetics Association) transcription. .npnw nd riNipi nnm raPHWti .rroro roPN ni?>a )ro rm>n\y n .ni»a lira in n^o v^oni ,nyun men N>n *wnd tmhj n^n n tiind (3 .npmvy *pN nNipj The letter N is not pronouced when it has no vowel, in the middle of a word or at the end of it. .rp^io^Nn pi >vpn >D9\yQE d^w in p n>d dd^v nnwnn\y n!w\y 'ddwq (4 .n!?N\y o3\yQ - !>nj> djin .nvn - ,>nj> tijin :na:m Interrogative sentences with Yes or No answers differ from declarative sentences only in their intonation. Example: .>NJ> fiDN - declarative sentence. !>NJ> TifiN - interrogative sentence. un it rmrvi .y: niwi ro aiw niw i>vy o>yit> ~>w \y> .niw nnnyn p^o D (5 .>oDian p>nynn 0 uo>tn ,nyon ion Ninvy ,*n!n ro niw onoit? In Hebrew the symbol IZI indicates a shwa. There are two kinds of shwa: shwa mobile and shwa quiescent. In this unit we will only be learning about shwa quiescent, which does not have a vowel sound and is given the phonetic symbol of 0. .piPQ tO Nin nt»Q ^ira 7111 .nairai n^o ysaNn o»p n:n niwd M Shwa quiescent appears in the middle and in the end of words. Usually it is not visually indicated at the end of a word. .(i) nyun!? p>ra pi (y) *m>yl? p>ra in nwovwo » mxn (6 The letter * is used to indicate both the consonant (y) and the vowel (i). na n7Nn 2 mm* r 1 ty t Consonants oni^'y M Cl g - - y d - - i 1 - í - b r - i - i sh - e - w s - e - "vy Vowels niynn ^ Vocabulary D'7'r> ^ me'ayin l'kn 'ish, 'isha ,e'k margarina glida t shir t vy gam Pí shel fe degel tfi sham pe Dvy ha... ...í) / ...^ ...n / ...n shemesh ene vypvy hine te Híí har in talmid ruín yeled, yalda talmida rmnbn t : — mi... / me... ...N / ...N ...d / ...Ľ n r Č ß C c c .h c i0 vy • vy • n . 'vv • b . i . vy . •>> . i . vy . -i (n • h • ^ • i? • i • t7 • >'\y • vy • ) • a • vy • i? .jim»\yi >n\ya umn ianai mvnbnn) o»T»nbnn jii»\r>n nn iNip Read the names of the male and female students, and write them in two separate lists. n n'vy 1™ t DPI t — pipe n f. .3 m. .t t • : -nl 1 t f&\ 1 o The symbol I I represents a word. The symbol 0 represents zero (o). .n*>» ww I I t»>on .mnntn >Ji\ya ojiin ianai Jin*»>Jin ^\yi o»Tn^nn Jiiawn jin inij? Read the names of the male and female students, and write them in two separate lists. Jt»y nn t t t TDD 15 t t ■ t — INrn rrnw ■ t t : — • t t -pv*n r0>» ■ t t 75 16 .7 !...D ,r\H :JiiniN mnn n» n»N Say what the aunt is saying: !...£ .8 17 Read the sentences, say them, and write them. ?t»n pan ...»i»n (3 ...» pn (l .» pn (4 ...» pn (2 Ask each other questions about D'o ,D"p!?3 ,mn:nn ,nrj and answer them. .n>b:uN» nnn • 1 ?n*p»i?n N>n ...ddn T .10 (23 3 jtwn-d) nmpNT) jn O Match the dialogues to the illustrations. 0 ?dn i>nd ,»n ;d7 (n :D1 (3 ?DN VNO ,»n -Ol (5 Write the male or female forms as required. .mpm tin ik 13TD nx una .12 20 Say what you see in the picture. .namna nn n»s .14 ...Je ^ :n»Ni nbu) inn by iv*asn ,ntt*\mnn nj*in o\» nni (m .15 Choose a name of a country from the list, point at its flag and say: ...!g fjtfi) t)J't) • ipyn • rpn • bNiVp • ma»*ia • j#n :nmo n*»s (a 22 Summary of Topics Vocabulary n»^»n law M Question words Particles Where from? the ...n from ...p / of/belonging to ^>\) rnmpa maw Names of places Cities Countries Nethania Ireland England Germany Denmark Jordan Israel Yemen t ■ : "" t : ■ Nouns man woman / wife d>ym ,(.3) nyw ice-cream flag mountain (.«in boy girl song / poem sun student (.3) rrpi?t?ri-p#>ri Miscellaneous also there ('There is Ruth"...) there ("Go over there"...) n r C fl c c Foreign words marganne tea (o.-) .t) nn 23 Grammatical topics 0»i1\^71 O'NUmn .1 Morphology: Singular noun - masculine and feminine rap3i "lot ,frv - d^v ovy iJTniiJ Example: VTHfa ,7'Hh ITiptl? Grammatical notes IWiWb JinVD J - d>3£)in 71-120 noma n>iJNivy> nnnyn mro row □ (l In contemporary Israeli Hebrew Q mobile shwa is pronounced in one of two ways - with a zero vowel: glida - mty :ny"on vdhd (n with a short e vowel: Nethania - nurp :m*p e nyuro D ia>na >wz£> ,nnnN\y niND \ym ...a - pn>ra bbD I'm mpua ...a omn n^o (2 The preposition particle a is usually given a chirik vowel sign 0 and the following letter is stressed (Dagesh). For example: yn~>T\r? .rp?MNp ,...a - mm mpw wn n ,y ,n ,n ,n) nvjnj dvjiin 0££ When it proceeds the guttural consonants - "i ,y ,n ,n ,N it is given a tsere vowel sign For example: n^«n)?. .n - yn»n nd invn >pDjn Tipon pi n rmnn )*ia owa >ayoo (3 In order to simplify the subject of the definite article, only its most common vocalization is presented here n. 3 mm* n T 1 I» Consonants Dni^'y ^ V - - 1 z - h - T h - n - n t - 6 - \D Vowels mynn <4 Vocabulary Q,lJin n r ß c c c > yidish en" 'o 1k IN lo k! 'ele vlk lehitra'ot nlknnv! 'atem pí)k □TIN lomed mil 'aten ink lehem pní □rů 'anglit wfak limon f/N'i gar V ■)) more, mora viíh ,vi\h rnio ,mvia germanií ■ t : v mayonez t hem Pil □n melah hen 13 in menta ve... ...I ...i radio VT] vide'o ikvl ínt>i romanit D'JN/") zot r)kij TINÍ shalom p/íe ze shar zo'ologia vyfikli, n>)ibiNi\ toda rnin hala vín t - televizia vyWíc 25 (het) h - n (vav) V - 1 (tet) t - (zayin) Z = t C n • ) • V • ) • o • * • n • >n • >*) • \? • n? • n • t • n • "i • * • y\ •suoirejiAui SuippaM sip ajsidraco 01 saureu §utmo|pj sip asß J* UCV^CU Cn (9 nrrn i?m (6 onna in (2 irpiw i?m (10 d^rjrin i?nj (7 nnvy^n in (3 ni?>n i?vy onnn (4 t Look at the map, write the names of the places using the numbers by each name on the list. on the map 28 h • i"i • v • iü • n • in • VT • 3 • i> • ín (n • n • -i • íd • in • ü • ib • 5 • o • in • b f/N'/ ,lÍX3'b k/ ,N'b (3 íplíe Add nouns. .DJřJ> JilttW 1fl>Oin nvy^n nr pn/ nm rn>o (44 i □'■mj JlIlIpNTl /N ??Ni\y> bw bnn m .yn> bvy brrn m ,Nb (i ?bo m - 0 .1nt>1 m - ?ni DD (n .nn^ibu - ?onb ,m nn - 0 .nbn dní .onb Nb m ,Nb - tit m - ?m - (n .npbPDn dní - tdní >q - (n \ .7 ,m dd - (a ...nr ^ .8 ^ ?J1NT >» Complete the sentences as shown in the example. .nmm 1»D D'Vfltyttn DK 1tt^\yn • nbn • ini • ijgp • -g*>i • rnio • u1>p • libD ^-"on ní ,-ibn Nb ní ,Nb :^tť3 ...ní ,npnu Nb nw ,Nb (l ...ní ,T>>obr) Nb ní ,Nb (2 ...ní ,into Nb ní ,Nb (3 ...dní ,onb Nb ní ,tó (4 ...ní ,-pxpb Nb ní ,Nb (5 ...ní ,nb"n Nb tiní ,n? (6 JllTlO f. .3 .3 / .T m./f. m. .T s. .* pi. .1 mt?n □ma f. .3 m. .T -pabn s. .» pi. .1 m| | 0*| | • t : .9 .10 Complete the sentence with the appropriate demonstrative pronoun - fi^N in J1NT ,DT - 1»»b\yn .11 n r C c c c .nba .nv>n .nbN"ivy*> bw jmi»n •im !?\y □mat>nn a/k .nnmbu nkj .v*n a* instil (6 (7 (8 (9 .nbn_i ,onb .rmabn (l (2 (3 (4 (5 .12 Write the question ?nt n» or ?n^N ♦» ?I1NT >» ?nr »n and write the correct answer. N) L* Id úa ŇLxa ai 4« -s NHL! LUN KU r "m •J/-UI r / c* r "J sT □ J u iUiLU cucal gulu ť -s cuuu U* "Id er cuci mu u«u«i m nu uLc«a* uuoi TBjriTd jo .rem§uis sm sjijm .Jiwrani d'wjnd ni»\y ,d tin la^nn ;Jimn Jiitvw irnnn (i Role play: Create similar dialogues; change the personal pronouns, names of the people and countries. C 34 t t ?m\y n>n dd .-?>r (3 n r c c c G C .o>uoty»n m iNipi n»Nnan i>yian tin nm (n Choose the correct verb and read the sentences. .16 n> / ma ivy / -i) m\y /15 .d\y. .□\y_ .T>\y mm _run (l _?d (2 _m (3 35 .d'\?fl\i>nn jin in*ij?i njiaan byian mis dn iina Choose the correct form of the verb and read the sentences. mvy / "ivy in ma / yj (a _N>n ,_ .nnN _T)K ,_ .TIN ,_ .nnn nipib dpi N*>n ,ivy nnN /mi* (n .17 f. .3 m. ,T □□ID .d'vavynn wnpi mttli / Tttlb nna Choose the correct form of the verb and read the sentences. (a TIN .. Say as many sentences as you can. Write eight sentences. .18 mm' (i r C c c c J"* c □in rnin ^ 7Qp . dPd ^ nwb rroaP mop nriN >w (n .19 .□Pvy :pDN pnx nnN .mb\y :*PVT ,pW p/~W "ON :pDN rn^Pwrt "toib nnN :TH TDDKI .W>t» TOP "ON :pDN iiiNTO DDK .DTIO ~>)k :Tn :pnN :TrT .niNinrP :pDN niNinnb ,Dp\y oPvy ?d>T>Q Till pnN (3 ?tvt pNO (1 ?pnN toi!? no (4 ?pnN pno (2 .ni>*Ti> nj\yi\y t>a non nrviy n>n»n (a Role play: create a similar dialogue between n3\J)1\y and run. According to the illustrations: say what jitoiI nm n»i ini!? din no onran »ab n»n .20 ms is learning and what nin is learning. Summary of Topics Vocabulary 0»^ttn .N Nouns English (lang.) German (lang.) challah bread Yiddish (lang.) bread lemon teacher salt Romanian (lang.) Names of places Cities (0 .1 J) JVÍpHN (0 .1.3) (j) ni?n to .i j) \yn>> (j) rnio ,(.í) rnin to .-i .i) ni?)p to .i j) rrooii DnnN Others Dimona Toronto Jericho London inn? linií? the Golan the Dead Sea limn m>?>o Particles Verbs or and you you they they IN ...1 live "13 learn 10t> sing Personal Pronouns (.1 í) DTJN (.i iriN (.i .i) on n .3) in inn Demonstrative Pronouns this this these .3 .i) niw Foreign words video zoology television mayonnaise mint radio (o .i .x) ÍNT>1 to .i j) rmiíňNis [0 .1 .1) ui>r> (o .i j) nuoa (0 .1 .1) im Miscellaneous no NÍ? See you / Au revoir p"ß iniřOTiní? hello / goodbuy p»n Dibvy Thank you p»o niixi Grammatical topics B»iW«7n n»NWin .1 Morphology: Plural nouns: masculine and feminine - mmi d>m ,d^v d\y :T11Tli{ Example: T)1?'Hfa ,p'?'N/r) ITipill - rap^i -pt ,t>m ,rmn \rx ,vv mu t>p Verb: basic stem - pa'al Ovq) conjugation, weak verb type vy, present tense, singular, masculine and feminine. >. Example: ,^ /D/^/? - mp:i -ot ,Tn> ,rmn im ,D>at>\yn mo !?p )»n basic stem - pa'al (bv>a) conjugation ,strong verb, present tense, singular, masculine and feminine .» .» . Example: T\1HU in^tl? Syntax: - (-j\yan) nWvym •>w>ra ^mv vdvio :T2nD Declarative and negative nominal sentence (cont.) Example: .jfH'l (fd) 5)£ '.Ti^tl? Positive and negative verbal sentence - nt^wm >TPm ^vo o£>\yn .6'?" malt (kl) T)k .iHi! (k!) 'jk :aptP3 Waw consecutive - ... / - ~in>nn rp^o Demonstrative Pronouns - vlk ,T)k^ - ton Names of languages - rilDVy mow :D13W Miscellaneous: Example: D'tyk ^ptf? n-r'n» Grammatical notes n r C C c c C c > . ...1 - -in^nn 11 t>\y invn ^l^n tip^n pi ijo win oito •>ovoo (1 To simplify the subject of Waw consecutive, only its most common vocalization is presented in this unit. .o'to in nnpn n'n nmvynn on dj ,Trra -pin twan ,»>3 - nt>Nvyn m'O nnN (2 Following the question word - , the verb will usually be masculine and singular even if the answer is feminine or plural. Example: .pC VI), Vie ?pe 1) >H .'nptl? na ^ND ľiľrv Consonants oms'y M O * T Vowels mynn ^ Vocabulary Q'V'D ^ matematiqa n^uaria 'o qey "p Ik "i? ín na'im me'od ilktt p'Kj tino D>V1 'ulay 'Slk student 6)1160 'eleqtronika W)h6plk studentit T)'6)?f60 mon-iop 'anahnu Ijnjk salat 6ÍO vbv 'erets n ?ypvyj na 'ose hayim P"n velx mits % VP 'ir -py metsuyan yilH 'im p* □y mis'ada t)?*on ntyua t t : mm1 mm n r Č C c c C c r* c rusit D'Oh rppm qomuniqatsia n^poioip rotse qontsert 6->3)lp oi^ip raq ?-> PI qoqa qola vflp vplp n^p npip raq rega xp pi vn pi qyosq pot'p Ppi'P shoqolad itiple tbipiw qtsat nip shote nrrivy rega xp D 7 (samek) s = t? ('ayin) V (tsadi) ts = 0 (tsadi sofit) ts = J (qof) q = : P >p • i 2 * P p • p • y y • i? f 1) .1 • p • V. • P • ^ • • p • y • >p • iy 0 .nyon men n>m a nynn \y h^^wd ,n^nj m:>n y nwn The letter y is not pronounced and does not receive any vowel sign when it is preceded by an a vowel. Example: ?yDW DO tap til .tv in "\1n :n»Nl INIp .2 •inn> • MT. * íují~iíu • i>piD • irn • rgian • rp:aT • ít>;on • "t^"jn (n • yrrj • rmp • pt>v • • n^rn • ip'Pi?!? • d?13>? • VV'^ • ^?S*]V? .NpN tint d>-|^q '.TifJtll .tv tin t 1itt f. .3 m. .T nam t nam ľtimi v>)3 nan nriK ,p>* .3 ^) rmi ddn ,\vx -.DTin ,iio>i dv ntnp run >ín ,ní> - ?d^d rmn tin rrm>3 - .ibipíW Dull >3n .DTin ,Nť - ?n*pba n^p rmi nriN ,pra> -.nTin »p ín - dv m'n1 ZK n r Č C c c c c 9 Create questions by matching the corresponding words in the two columns. nbo nbn nn---in ' t t : • - nbip npip . >-^^- • onb ^ ibipw ?iiyipN px pn! vlh vnk - ?rm lk% vlh nk '.nptn ^1111 n^n nnN / n^n dn nil 7i_T| HjYlUJ JJACI -x-'- «0 Ask each other questions and answer them. .uyi m tin nr ibN\y 0 ?n^Ti tin no • ?n^n nrw no • ?nm\y nriN no * ?nmvy tin no • Circle the unrelated word. m'n' (1 r C c n c C c c nn>bu / (rup) / min / uno cpy:i raptf? □n^o / / nniD / ntvpo (6 Tbipw / into / im / nn>nbu (l nm\y / njno / ioib / nsn (7 nno-n / n>b:oN / ov / vl»*t» (2 n>n / nriN / m / >jn (8 >o / p^o / pi / no (3 n^ibwtt / npi)iD / np^oano / np-m-iuptw (9 cpo / nbip / obt? / v° (4 V> / nw onb / nbnuo / yn / th / pn*-> (5 1 f 7) (n ..- O" o V * ,1 X /p'0,9n OP^PP Choose the correct verb and write sentences. .mm? 1« t»i^ ,rm*i ,nsn ,nniu> ,n>i^y nin .np^oono n\yo .nbip npip (l (2 (3 (4 (5 .\>n :aptP* 47 Ask each other questions and answer them. .uyi nr ns nr (i Create dialogues using the following words and phrases. .mrv\2>3 D"1tf>2n DN .9 iv) • n • it • 3 • i> • in • n • ip • i • iy • > • w (n • in • 13 • v • 13 • o • b • n • i • in .10 d^v/it D 03T10D Personal pronouns «iun IľTOU) (N .11 f. .3 .3 / .T m./f. m. .T >3n s. .' j1n nriN n>n Nín 1j1n p □DN □n pl..1 .d'uavnn jin ixipi .•p-mba .□>t5\yiTQ____________ .□vpabn__________ .m-pabn .n\y>n .7n-|\^Q "'DPI "ON .lujniuQ rum ]vx .ip>cpao bnn run ?nm\y nriN no - 7 rninp npip in rmn .rP>No "on - _,prwi >tin - .□mo unw -_,nm bv> - f. .3 m. .T n-n 13 s. .' T H*"u P1..1 13' □□ T f. .3 m. .T rnoi? ioib s. .> nODD pl..T .mm ,nn -_ >o ,nnno - ?d\y 13 >o -mi) r?>>j? n>>* -?D\yi - ?yn\yj no ,wv mbvy .-j)'* .□hoi1? uruN »p in '□hot? DDN no :)vx ,np^nopt3N iyyb >jn :>d)> .np'onno roi1? >otn ?np>uana dhov? ;.rm>) 7>nm .•;)>.* .n>)Y?iNn dhov? Dn ,n? :>dp ?no ioi? (1 (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 (8 (9 (10 (H (a .(a 12 - b ninn mri'W mnnn Role-play: Create dialogues similar to the ones in (3 12 using different names and words as shown below: Instead: "PH ,">VV ,)VX :01)7tta (1 Say: bmi !?y> ,nt?>^ ,>rm ,no>t> :n»N Instead: n>3lt?1Nin Dp^DQTlQ ,np^nv?ptw :01pttl (2 Say: .\y>"T»1 D>3Q13 ,H>D11 :l7ttN ?on\2> on n» ?vo\yj no .>D)> oib\y .-?)>.* .□n\y unw ,p^o .->D)> ?Dn\y oriN na .•?>>.* .□n>\y .->D)> .DHGlb OH .Nt? ;>D)> .nnn nn>\y mnnn Role-play: Create dialogues, using different names. Instead: 7>17 ,>tTP itSlpttl Say: t>mi bv> ,nb^ ,>rm ,HO>D :n»N i3vi nr riN nr ,rmua iNip .14 Read the following exercise with a fellow student, ask each other questions and answer them. n-prv ri r c c c c c f. .3 m. .r nsn nsn s..' nisii nOiD pi. .1 ?o^n on / onN no • 'm^m in / )T)H no • ?D>m\y Dn / ddn no 'mmw p / inN no ?P'3h pnk vh -.jftple - ?T)lT)!e \v t)H - .vilp vpip - Match the sentences with the illustrations. .DHI'Nb D'\JD\ynn TiH IM'Nnn .15 •vd o~>r\w on - ?d>'vyiv on no 0 .nnvy uroN - ?nVvyiv pN no (n .□»n nwiy in - ?nVvyiv in no (1 .toy? Nb Nim ,toY? - ?o>'vsny ddn no u □ □ □ .o'Nnnn £h) >d?> dv dhoiI? .n>t>"n □hoi!? tji >od :apbl? p ninw .rr>tm dhoiI?_ .p nimvy >y>? >m nip* :5m .□nvy omoni dh^nn (1 (2 (3 (4 (5 Write: 1 IN 1 13D3 (1 pjp>* • nmo • pmn • • Y?Y?'Pn • wiunw • npnra • pioNn • iwno • oYpvyrp • p~n> to • Ypein • bnipnp • "imp • nbnu • uddw • Y?i> • >:n> • n^ibp^iD • n^p>3inip • n^Ywonp • oniY?>p • mitpp • -iooib>p • n-prv ffn&BHHiilll n r C C c c C c c ?w J - rp?i?w»i;?i miv .17 Q .to'-no !d3twd NTH .OmOD Mb MID ,n!? na ,>nn mbw ,>n ?m\yiV pN DXD .TWO D>v3 ?niN ,n\yiv hdn no rnriNi .n^p^ioip nnoiii unw ?nny ov nn msn idn ^in .nn nnw >3n »p w .m5\y .nnn Nb ,Nb ?nn pi Pin .map "on .naiy Ntn nn Nb .mNinnb :>JM> >j7)*7 'to >j7h >mn :>*7w What do you know about: .py>) >m~l ,niN b)> D^VIP dt1n DD ^ Example: .n>XpVV01p T)lDt> >mi .'d^iY? nTrv 3k n r C C c c C c c Complete the missing verbs. .Dnonn o'bvon tin una .18 (N f. pi. .1.1 m. pi. .1 .T f. .3 in. ,T in ,idn ,i:n]n □n ;ddn ,1]n]n n>n ,dn ,">:n Kin ,nnN ,->ih in ,idn ,un3N □n ,ddn ,^njN nti ,dn ,>3n Nin ,nnN ,"on nrn\y d^P ni'vyiy in ,pn ,uroN on ,ddn ,uroN n>n ,dn ,^:n Nin ,nnN ^n □nap (1 (1 HI. 5 Read the signs and write two more signs. .D'u^y 2 ny nmi i«ip ifonV pi unj/o.niAJiJ mijj hid ntö Summary of Topics Vocabulary D^*ttn .N Foreign words ;electronics mathematics student salad communication concert I Coca-Cola kiosk chocolate o.k. to .i.)) nporipp^n ío i j) np^onria (.3) i'WllOD (.») ÜHIOO í.í) üIpü to .T .3) n^poioip (.í) vm:ip (o .i o) nbip npip co ppi>p (.o ibipiw "p ín jrm\y Miscellaneous maybe what's up? no wonderful / great pleasure to meet you TiND o~>v: excuse me / forgive me / sorry nrvbp have fun □>>n rn\yy!? a little n*P only PI rmnn Countries Egypt Mexico ip'Ppp China Iraq Kenya ™p Particles Verbs to / for with ...í3 □y do / make want drink Nouns n\^ny n^ii nniw country juice restaurant cake city / town movie moment Russian (lang.) Personal Pronouns i.t) V*3 (.3) nivvy? d>\?"TO ,(.*) DID co yn (j) iron Question words we (.n .3 .t) UrUN he (.t) N1H where to? maipn mow Names of places Cities Others Tokyo i'piü Jerusalem D'bvyn-» Disneyland Tft'?üH Sinai 0>t> Grammatical topics D»Ji\y!?n o»N\yi3n .a Morphology: nmi om ,min pi ,D>ai>vyn mn ,DV3) bp pn :byiD :nni3 Verb: basic stem - pa'al (bya) conjugation, strong verb, present tense, plural, masculine and feminine. Example: D/TN//,p'?N// '.Tiptft mm Dm ,rmn pi ,V'V mo .bp 1"^ Basic stem - pa'al (bvs) conjugation, weak verb type vv, present tense, plural, masculine and feminine. Example: T)h± ,p'"^ '.Tiptl? rmn pi ,rrb mu ,bp Basic stem - pa'al (bva) conjugation, weak verb type rrb, present tense Example: T)l3ll ,p'Vl ,tóh ,7)?b ITifitll Syntax: The Preposition particles - pt , ...! - wvn nvb'q :*Pirm Question word - ?fk! - nbNwn nb^o Grammatical notes ni»31\J>!7 nnvn .X . ...b - pn'n n>b>n bvy inra ^l^on Tip-on pi ind own >nvon (l In order to simplify the subject of the preposition particle ...b , only its most common vocalizations are presented in this unit. 5 mm' (niNpnann ,'jni my) ri'po^n lyi iryponn a Consonants oni^'V b - 7) - 2 k - 3 - J P - d - 9 Vocabulary D'^'n M medaber lain 131» 'aba N3N muze'on HWh 'ulpan \di\k mishpaha nnav/a 'ein I'k P?S sukar nolo 'eshkolit n'lloek. supermarqet 6p->tf-)9lo be... / ba... ...p / ...a ...3 / ...3 'olam bayit n'3 'al !x banana ?>/p nm po n'Q beseder politiqa Vp'6'[ld harbe nrnn polanit rpplria yapanit portugezit yesh & te'atron \htkn ken P 13 tapuz kita leyad ."ON :>]>-D o f. .3 m. .T nhai» ni 0>ĽIĽO» pi. .i f. .3 m. .r «□□Do lain □ □□p s. 7V nbiyn b3» o»unioo (n .3 .rpniuiis Dnna on >ma ivp#W vip .rpb;oN ma Nín .n^)3ND >tó .bPn by nnnia on .obiyn byi np^bis by mra Nín .rroíP mimo in .)&ľ )pnm >> .jrobis Jiino Nín .pbiaa rťpis .nripn byi i^biNn by mimo in .nnfwan byi rran by rmio N->n n-prv 'illl ZK (1 r Č C c c C c c Say sentences similar to the ones in (n 3. .0>»VT 0*tf3\yo n>3N (3 1. Change the names of the countries .niflwn »1101» J1N1 msnNn Jim\!) m Utt> .1 and the names of the languages. 2. Use the personal pronouns. .n / nid / tin / hdn d .II 3 3 0 3 5 s 3 5 63 .5 buinaw JiibNtt>^ onswn malum tin una (x .6 Write the answers the vendors gave to the questions in exercise 5. m'n1 3k n r C 2 c c c c c :nl7N nsy nmw oy (n 6-i ,5 d»b»nna i»3 maiumi nibm lansi nns (a Say and write questions and answers similar to the ones in exercises 5, and 6 (h using the following nouns: ni-^-DWN ,nim ,m^n ,-po>t? ,Tt?ipi\y ,Dnisn ,n!?n .d/n e< ,p .nln i'k ,kf !*a»s !na>3d m^y (k .7 -----i_ P'leh< ,vyjo pile ?%Mi tin 'jk/ p'ích'3 in,i yk .ftoe'a yk c/ pf/kp n?N/í yk ,|lk^/N p^l,\hókr\ p'leh'i c rtí-k p/fe .-)?op yk ?isnej íin .p'íi ?'í ;n,i yk .rtí'kp yk .nTN'i kí 'jk .\hokr\ i'kl idílk \'k nl'ko .enei p' pT c íip-)í) c/ rtí'kp |/k£/N c .P'úllj\\) .pllxv hu p'Cjk e< vo pt .Vj'JD ,ľ\lklí\7l\,"2 Complete the table according to the postcards written by nj'JO and 'O'U . P' P' Create sentences and say them. \l30'l l'j)ic .n>v>a\y» n»« .8 Rearrange these sentences to create a dialogue. .nrm!>b o>t»fl\ynn tin mo .9 n-prv .D'uawnn t\h mtpt D'Knnn mpnn ns nna .10 Choose the crorrect city or country, and read the sentences. .rmnN / DD"j3D • DpisnpNn (1 .d>!?jon / • riupn (2 / n^ri • (3 / DPI • (4 p*ii> • (5 / inn? • briPn (6 / hi? • mo? (7 Complete the missing words. .oibvy .-run _ :7>77 l./7j>7>3n .v"7j>l .7>)7>3n :7>)7 _ ,-7>777 W>1 ?nnK pxa :m>i _ 1 ."|3>0 >jn :7>77 .1uj1tioq >jn :/7j>7 _ tin :7>77 _ .p ;/7jn >3n :7>77 .DiNinnb .•f?j>7 :7>77 ?\?boa t»» n» (n .12 t t - .v^v nsn >JN ,NQ>N :"PVT .obcn djti rmn \y> :no>k n>t7iDvyN pN .nrvbo ,Nb ...hn .p Ti^p \y>i ,nm vy> .obra >obta iwv w :-pn o n-fn1 .jiudvw nD^y vn»n nhi vn"n nd nyon dn niapo ...1 :cn' ri'^n t^\y d^v d\y yn" When the preposition s precedes the definite article, it receives the vowel of the definite article, and the definite article is dropped. d r C c c c C c c .N12 b'nna nn>u>a i»3 ,iavi nr tin nr (a Ask each other questions, and answer them in dialogue form as in exercise N12. mm w n» • ?nra y>n no « Use the words: ™« ,t1*» -.O^on WOJWn Create sentences using the words from the chart. .rtoUTW 03)1213 D*U9\y» n»K .13 □HlP DH*>Qbn □mo 71 !>n n^n> w :w ?dn ,o»n n\yiv nnN ,">) >iN :a itimntyni nimiyn > ansn jiwin ns iijid .15 -1" , ■do , -TV , -TPp , -n>n v*y, I_l-^n , l_Hip, l_l-n* ,1_I ,1_l -y>v, I_l-ipv -ivn, Alef-Bet of kinderdarden kids Summary of Topics Vocabulary dsv ma vy Nouns Verbs rrprv n r Č C c c c c father TráK ,(.\) N3N studio (Ulpan) IX) 13bW grapefruit nvb'SüN ,(.3) JPtňDWN house D>rj3 ,(.í) TP3 Japanese (lang.) (0 i j) class / classroom (.3) DTPS family (.3) nn3\yG world Polish (lang.) (0 .1 .í) D>^if3 Portuguese (lang.) ío .i .i) jpwwpa orange rrpb'n Particles in ...3 near / by i?1? on /about bV rnmpa mavy Names of places Countries □ny Cities U.S.A. rrnsn niinN Buenos Aires Belgium Boston p\?yi3 Brazil b>nr3 Brussels Denmark Bat Yam D3 D3 Japan Warsaw nyní Poland Pbif3 Lima nn^ Portugal Lisbon "p3t»b Peru 1*13 Copenhagen talk -)3*Tü Foreign words (•3) nm D'Jin ,(.x) rpi to .1 .x) 3310 banana camel olive (fruit, tree) museum sugar supermarket politics (0 .iDp">p^i2 theater, theatre (.t) p~i\3Nrj date (fruit, tree) Dnori ,(.*) 3»n irmvy Miscellaneous there isn't (there aren't) pN alright D"n TTD3 everything bisri many / a lot 3"n ,n"\y n33.n there is (there are) \y? yeh! .u ,p»n !\JP the whole world 3 Dbiyn b3 yes 13 here D"n D'3 Grammatical topics 0»J1\y^7l D»Nt!M3rl .3 Morphology: niin ^ )CP)3^n ni,3 ^,9 pm :^1£3 :n"ni2 Verb: pi'el Ops) conjugation, strong verb, present tense Example: J)ha?H ,P'"7P?N ,jn3?N »1P?N Iftptft Syntax: |'|< / 6' - (7\ynn) nWvym >ivm 'onvy oa\yn :T>inn Declarative and negative nominal sentence (cont.) \'k / 6' Nominal sentence (cont.) JklG'3 'jk - Hvyon) >30\y Preposition particles - ?'/ / i# , ...2 - orpn JTP^O Preposition particle ...7) + definite article 1) = d = ...t) vn" + .../) - E>n>n Ji'^'Q Example: pto P'6)lf60 ap*)?) Q' ITi^t^ Grammatical notes m»Jl\y^ JinVD .3 ;Div>Din p ."nwp" irpnm riwirr in b, k, p - a ,3 ,3 nvniNn (1 ,po - n<3 ,kita - nn>3 ,bayit - rp3 £vy»i> n^nra .n ,'esh-kolit - n^isvw ,har-be - rain :i?\yai> ,nvnn Tiipy nnM ni3n vwo .3 .mish-paha - nnaw? .tap(p)uz - mri , suk(k)ar - i3it> ,shab(b)at - mv ,medab(b)er - "1370 ^wo^ The letters 3 ,3 ,3, b, k, p are with a dagesh (occlusive, plosive), and their pronunciation is "hard". They appear: a) At the beginning of a word, for example: ri>3 - bayit, nn>3 - kita, n'3 - po. b) At the beginning of a syllable following a consonant without a vowel sound, for example: nsin - har-be, n>!?i3\yN - 'esh-kolit, nnawQ - mish-paha. Other cases of "hard" pronunciation indicate that the consonant is doubled (geminate), for grammatical or historical reasons, for example: 1372 - medab(b)er, raw - sha(b)at, 1310 - suk(k)ar. ...a pn>n n>t»a t?vy im>3 ^13371 tip^n pi ind ;mn dito 'oyoo (2 In order to simplify the subject of the preposition ...a only its most common vocalizations are presented in this unit. D\y >3££ n^m ...a t>n>n vfom >\y im>3 ^i<»n Tip^n pi ino jsio cwa ~>nyva (3 In order to simplify the subject of the preposition ...3 preceding a definite noun, only its most common vocalizations are presented in this unit.