mm' 2 3 3 £> Consonants nni^'y A V - 3 - 1 k - 0 - D f - a - a Vocabulary D'Vn ^ me'od ?lkH TWO 'avoqado hpfak ma shlomek? ??nl!e tin 'aval hk ma shlomka? ?j>Nl!e tin 'ohev PTifk muziqa n^nia 'universita vcoiyjik mazal-tov 'internet úpóyk mahshev nem 'eifo Tid'k miktav nrpn ba kd N3 malon |I/n libo bevaqasha 7lCp33 sefer i?P boqer tov 7>\c ipla sfaradit ri'Tiao banq RP 'ivrit nnnv baruk hashem pen php own inn 'akshav brukim haba'im Ip'kpfi pobp 'erev to v drishat shalom pile mm 'aravit wait holek T?in falafel hkh halav a/n profesor iloolio -|íd£ň"l9 tov 3ÍD tsarfatit nn (2 □nwno o>nniN on (3 .□>1DDQ D'lmN dpi (4 .d>\rro mnw n>n (5 .1» nnw Nin (6 □ mm nr tin nr ibsw () ?nnw nnN na • ?mniN dn no • Use these words: ... ,□> ,ni31V ,Ot>tJ ,yn\3Nn ,niJTia ,n*T>!73 :D>b>»3 iwnnwn m'n1 n r c 2 c c c c c ?no>s (n .3 ?ns >d ?71£l >3N □) .D3 Nin ,p ?b^>D na>Ni .na Kb N>n .n£i Nim ,dw n>n ,nnN :>97 :/7Jf>7 :'f>7 :nw7 .ntv«^ d'uawnn tin mo (a Rearrange these sentences to create a dialogue. .D»3i»an D'uown^ D'pbnn »3\» jin nan Match the sentence parts on the right column to their corresponding parts on the left column to create a full sentence. .nbn ov rmp anw 20 kid .nri-oa n!? mian .MV2 N1D .a-aN-bm onj on .rmy p\ioy rmi Nt> Kin >3N ,n\ynn n3 \y> (l ,o^vynn dhdi^ on (3 tnN ,jrmy nnw ->dv (4 ,n!?n nnw npy (5 ,cp d'iniK on (6 ,nnon □•'■pobnn (7 Rearrange the following words to create full sentences. .O'VOUmb D'b'ttD un 1TTO Add punctuation marks: :p10*3 *3Q»D 1fl*Oin / byi / nnovyan / ^d^d / by / nnn / iraia / d'vwn / d'bvynn / boa / citnyn / w (1 / m£fT / Dn3 / DTI / '311 / *pb (2 / bm / dhidp / tiiti / nvraib / mnrmi (3 / nn / idn / oy / ^in / mini / rmy (4 / dd">n / OT\H / nmbp / Dní (5 / TPDins / Kb / DD / D>13TO (kaf sofit) k : 1 (fe sofit) f - 1 T 1 (6 (7 (8 (9 / DV / D£)p / nbn / *>2H / r\T\w / oyi / ioit> / řon / Kb / niDib / DD^pia^iKn / bnN / wn / ^omüü (10 / jinn / run / nw >n (11 rl r č C c c C im^an mana ,tipi*i rpa 3 , v? X .TTPl .71no i\o .min Put a check mark by the true sentences, according to the first grade student list. 'k two 1>X ---—. tw pil6onk D'NO pp*' vnk-o'ik /be pvizk (lyoo'k iWh b .nnnn m^iNO n:n (i .rptrno nt? inn (2 .-risen yinibo ^t?v (3 .rPDvnNn 5kiw dh-qn (4 .n£n>jo ri>nt> npy> (5 .ip>opon vbp nn (6 .h^^no povu ono (8 .DDbty nn'DD t»i» nx nnai on t'Nn nnoi nnmioon tin rtsty Ask fellow students - where they come from, and write your class's student list. (3 d>kid noma :<7p?> ?m m ,p :<]pp .npnnND >mra itn> :<7p)> ?foib\y no . ot>\y !nnN :<]p)> ?i?Ni\yn nnN .nfy>ra i:roN .p :<7P?> ?>n ?oriN ,n^vi )m ,mn ,>ini "inn njnjN :<7P)> ?pirm T»n n£wi .nD on m ,p :<)p1> ?npnoNn >n t Match. mrpQvy ring .ani'sn 'flb Q'l7tt>n'i oni\y mmpna vwih »j\j> )>a mnn mmw 3 una (k .10 .nmna nTV»n Create 3 similar dialogues between two people in different places in Jerusalem according to the illustrations. See example. eaten nria in^tr* ?no>D~in>:iNn tint .yf?n rpp m .Nb .dvi> .nn'an DJimy onns mnipn l>y nan nrvty una (a Write a dialogue, similar to the ones above, about other places you know. .n»Nnon uawoa nown n\y tin una .11 Write the name of the language at the end of the correct sentence according to the illustration. mnrott (n .12 * t •• : rnTOib tin ,vvypv n'wiv tin na ,n

3N .N^ - ?Nin hq>n - .'ipp'pnp IP? - ?n'\yiv dtin no ^ov -.nfp b\y dtde NTip •on -mm r\om -.mnN-bTQ nti - f. .3 m. .T s. .» pL.1 ?1N^ t ?t/?ftYJ no ,ri9> Dt>vy .ryw liupiiD Tiy>vyi? vwdv 7!? in -on ,np>pn:p:iiN3 "on .nnfwo1? a'ltjvy Tiwnf .onp.^nd □) tine nniN .^DV ,TllN"lTin!? (3 rv ?<1DP P^NI ,n£P H£PN ^ n r C C c c C c J* c .noow nmy yn»n Mm ,yvT»n Nn nyon dm ninpo :un>n n>^>a i>32i?vy d^v d\y yn» .(5 m>n>3 myn ini) ...a urvn rp^n iod The preposition particles ...a and ...b preceding definite nouns receive the vowel sound of the definite article, and the definite article is dropped. nnob - rm^ptf = nrpsn + ...b Write the answer no' eave. .na» bv naiwnn tin una (a Answer the questions according to the illustrations. .nni'^n 'Db TllbN\yn by UV (1 ?tN^l pNtt .14 Create sentences, according to the example, and say them. .\d\\kl ^?^on?N poll* p'tpldon mptl? |S^mn p'^?i^0lT TtT^oion ■ / \ / \ 1 BANK Add more sentences. .nDJi2i3 o»uawn tij> ia»oin (a tuv n'wiv on no "Tj^in rmK rmn "pK)3 jjt' nnipNTi /n ( m'rv V- * n r C c r; c C c > .nni'nn »ab nnonn n»3»nn dn nro .is Complete the sentences according to the illustrations. Dai dj \y> 3 (1 3 (2 2 (3 Write the cursive letters you have learnt. .q'VTi' nnt anon nnniK tin una .16 o -v.i, -ND 1« , -op , ^7,1—I 19» ->0>3 -TV -n>n -i>n , 1_ nntpNTi (N Q m'rv t r k & C c Summary of Topics Vocabulary TT»1 n r c c c c Nouns rrmvy Miscellaneous please rwpi3 good morning .3 irho npi3 Thank God .3 awn ina welcome .3 !D>N3H D>Dn3 regards (Send regards to. ..) .n vrby n\y>Tf the Knesset good / well great! good! p»n PDP very How are you? How are you? now good evening .3 ;nio 3iy Question words Particles where? ?n'3>N but t?3N Verbs milk to .i .o n^n love nnw computer come N3 letter walk / go 7bin hotel i^o >ri3 ,(.x) \bn rr>3 write 31113 book read NT)p Spanish (lang.) (0 .1.3) TlHIDD Arabic (lang.) to .i j) nn^ French (lang.) co .1.3) rpri£m Foreign words lesson / class university jiwo'tra^N ,p) np^p-Q'OW avocado internet bank music falafel professor coffee DHi7i3K ,{.x) nf?fa« (0 .-i .x) vpww f.« pJ3 (J .0 -liDDilS (0 .I .x) D£)J7 N'an moipa mow Names of places Cities Countries Addis Ababa D33N OHN Haifa Df5>n Jaffa i£P San Francisco ipp>pJ~i£) )V Tel Aviv 3>3N-bn Ethiopia rpQVriK Spain llßV France Russia rpon Grammatical topics tj"ji\ybn autumn .a Morphology: rmn ]o\ ,n"b mn ,(by3) bp i«n :byi3 rDTm Verb: basic stem - pa'al (t>ys) conjugation, weak verb type H"5, present tense Example: JlfJofp ,P'kl1p ,T)kllp ,kl1p .'TifJtf? Syntax: Preposition particles - ...H > .../ - rrvn nvb'n :T3nJl + the definite article ...7) = ,...7lH = ...i) VVT" + .atf'tnsyfkaN yk .ito'e/ p/to 'Jk instil The conjunction - fok - nvypn jvb'b Question word - - nbNwn nb'n Grammatical notes .3 ,3 ,3 oniipyn bvy n3in n»jnn tin nuara (wn Nbb) v, k, f - 3 p ,3 nvniNn (l ,miktav - iron ,'ivrit - nnay ,'aval - bnN :bvyob ,nyon nrw nb>a y^ENn (n . sefer- i3p .Yosef - ipv ,ma shlomek?- npibvy no ,halav - abn :bvynb ,nb>o oo iwji nb3Dn bvy onpm .5 rmrp (1 myra nom hni .nyi:n nrw nb'O .aiponp'O ,n'jibiN'3nN ,rP3ioib'>3 ibwob ,nnyibn n»}nn mow Tint O'b'm The letters - 3 p p v, k, f (with no dagesh) indicate the tenuis pronunciation of the consonants 3pp. They appear: a) In the middle of a word following a vowel, for example: 'aval - b3N, 'ivrit - Tinny., sefer -lap , miktav - nrpo . b) Always at the end of a word, for example: halav - 3bn, ma shlomek? - qpibv? nn , Yosef -1Pi>. For historical grammatical reasons, sometimes the consonants 3 p p do appear with a dagesh in the middle of a word following a vowel (gemination). See example in note no. 1 unit 5. ovy ':3b nNm ...b - crvn Tpb'n bvy "lnm np>:n pi ind win owa 'oyoo (2 ...b :ytva D^y In order to simplify the subject of the preposition ...b joined to a definite noun, only its most common vocalizations are presented in this unit ...b . nifrv nnrsoo Consonants Dni^'y M n''i-ii'a n r C c c Vocabulary □ '■7'ID M chelo \n 'az ■>k chembalo lhn'l a'hat nnk T\r\H qoncherto lórljlp 'ahat esre me* nnk i Ti.'vyy nn?s qetshop 3leóp e'ize mazal lfi,H vyk ibTO hpn reva 'arba XTilk V33N sheva hadashot T)íe?n ni\yin shalosh elíe hamesh enn shmone hetsi 'In sha'a me nvw y ode'a *?/< sha'on \\xe sonata sheqet cpe sinit jvyo shesh ee sendvitch 'Villip shtayim P"T)6 'eser ne* shteim 'esre chips OD"l tesha chekit T)'D'l n>7a .2 nun na»nn nwvb 1 iiua nm\j>n pa i»*Nnn Match the names in column 1 with the corresponding nicknames in column 2. .1 ?»» Kin »» dn>> rpb? nn'\y nniN .rr^vn bpp in\y t\y>y nyo? .n^n inn n^i a* div / yiui nmn iirntt rmio nj?vm rppiu mpa rwm np^p rrppo npp-r t t : " ■■ t t nb>n rur) mm >nn t t t .nbaoi Urol oipn 1?d mya» it»ni n»n Say the names of the continents that the countries below belong to, and write them in the table. ?nr no>K -prv n r C c c c c ___!kie>__ \ { .^'okp /foe' :7){Jtf3 Tell each other: W DD :7H!j dt HON .3 f. .3 m. .t s. .» pi. .1 .n>y>o Nin pea Nin (n .no'^ n^rv n>n -rro^Q .jimy rriy*n> p .nn>'j!??sp in Ask each other the following questions and answer them. .ijyi nt DS nt ll?N\2> (a ?nH~iDD yiv nnN • ?n>on nyn> tin • ?n>D'^ nyiv n>n • 92 (I) ?nyu>n ntt .5 ^ Match the dialogues to the illustrations. .oni>N^ JllTViyn JIN M>Nnn ?ny\yn no yrp nnN ->biN ,nn->bD - D ?ny\yn na ,nn^v - (h .nnn - ?ny\yn no - n ?nywn nn ,ib' - (a .ni\yy cpn\*> - .ytd:i Kb py\yn .nrvbu ...t\h ,y:n - 1 mm1 ri r C c c c > (N .6 VII (j) 12-1 .1 .2 t .3 .4 wan " t .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 iw .10 .11 .12 ?nv\yn no ,nn^u - (l Read the hours and write them (in words). Say the hours and write them (in words). 11-JO 10:15 0 ?nv\yn no - (2 .vmi t\dh - nnN ,nrpbc - (3 ?nv\yn no yiv .wonb vn ,p - .|iyu> baa nvwn nn ianai n»N (a 04:00 2:45 J;J5 ?ny\yn n» y*n> nriN (n .7 ?ny\yn no yiv r\r\n Pin - (i .vili ni\yy D'TW -Kb ,?in ?ymi m\yy D?nvy ?no -.ymi m\yy nnN ,nn">bt? ,yn -!b*a nPN .nnn .'Qv - ?ny\yn na ,->n - (2 ?na - ?ny\yn nn yiv nriN - .VTP >3n .p - ...1: - .?sni n\yy ,p ,hn -.'nnb w piv? - .-pin ?3n w ,niv? - (3 ?ny\yn nn -.miavyl? ym -jbin "on w - nT'n1 ?ny\yn no - (4 n .?üni \yyy - č .nn'iibra nivnn vvyoy vy? - C .p ,HN - c c !Dp\y ...\y\y\y w - c c n*>WDy nyvyn na - (5 ?n>b^N2 ny\yn nai -.□»nvyb ym -.nm mm - .naiuna niywn tin u\»> .(n 7 *»nna Jiim\*>n tin n»nnn (a Dramatize the dialogues in exercise 7 (n. You may change the hours as you see fit. ?nyvn nn ,ron -...b yzn - ?ny\yn na ,T>n -.YTta m w ?p~i - Summary of Topics Vocabulary 0»b>»n *UMN .N d^v mow O^vd Nouns Verbs news (.-i j) nwin know V1V half quarter hour clock / watch d>3iy\y ,(.?) livvy quiet (o .-i Foreign words sonata (.:) DO]iO Chinese (lang.) (0 .iTPPp sandwich (.?) 'V"n"PP nnp:n d'iduo Numbers (female) chips /fries (?) Czech (lang.) (0 .iTPD'if one cello (.0 two harpsichord (.*) iblO'i! three \yib\y concerto iOl'iOip four ketchup (0 .-i2i\yOj? five won six seven eight Miscellaneous nine ten eleven twelve nnvyv nnN rn\yv D>Ti\y then 3"ji W What luck! .i ibTD DPN What is the time? ?n^\yn DO J m»n» Grammatical topics Morphology: nnn 10? ,"'3 rnu oji mo ,(bva) !?p yn :!?yiD Verb: basic stem - pa'al cojunction, guttural V"1? and weak verb type v>9, present tense Example: nl#?/' ,p'#?f' ,#?/' mptf? Miscellaneous: (i) ?wev 7>H Grammatical notes n-prv rl r C C d^'ob d'yynwo nbN o>jn>u .npTiy nnava o>n»p oj>n ,n ,o om^yn (i □\yn iod,George - 'nv> duo ins ') moipo ,d>vwn mow ,mnyib The consonants '3 (as in George), (as in Jacques) and >x (as in Churchill) do not exist in ancient Hebrew. These letters are given an apostrophe and used for foreign words, names of people, places, etc. mwpn a nynn rwtnn niapo e nyon nnN v nwn nnn mwn '^vq3 (2 .raw nnQ riKipi n nyiin . yode'a - VIV - □"jTon □nwyn "pm o, i, e, u myun pn rp-oyn rD'O na»p rmjjn nnon .n^o iita d'vdio Dn nwo ,y ,n ,n In the present tense masculine form of the V'O (guttural) verb type, following the vowel e the y is given a connective vowel sound - yiv - yode'a. This vowel is called a "furtive patah" (patah gnuva). Furtive patah appears at the end of all Hebrew words, between the vowels u, e, i, o, and the guttural consonants, n ,n ,y following them. For example: same-ah - nn\y , shati-ah - D'\?vy, lishmo'a - yiow!?, no-ah- ni3 .yoda'at nvii' .•oi'on Tr^yn t>n a mynn >nvy w rrpm nnn iitim vi? >i>y£n In the present tense feminine singular form of the guttural verb type, there are two vowel sounds caused by the guttural consonant: T\Vl_v - yoda'at. . Churchill - b»2t3 own iod '2 ,Jacques - p't IDT J7DD (n .1 .-nobrin m .nwon tint .tporin m .b^n ">:>n ?>jn •>» .nwrion nn d"3nin b\y Dnaun nbN :nnb>m DHb>n nbw ,bm ,n\iwn tint .nnfwon .nbnNbi nbm'vy ,nbp:iy: ,p>*>n ,nbon3N .□"nn bD -pobn >w ."roibi 701b ,701b >jn ?n'\yiy >jn no Say the appropriate sentence for each illustration. Use the following words: 7)iH / 11 NT / JIT Match the noun with the illustrations. .nni'N^ QSyn ni»3M> TIN M>NTin (N .n^N -a lumnvni n>aia vnx>n bo nn« "p inn .tint in nr - iitidi vwn (l Say and write - TINT or nt then say every sentence in the plural form and use - n^s. .p'7'N/n vlk .-pobn ^ :nptfv n 15 >w vvioy bnN ,n>Dn: ^m'po >dn .n ?>jn >o .i>in bro ,nv-iDDp \y>i mivoo \y> ;binn \y> :p3n bra \yi onnioip \y> ,d>pvriptr>i vy>i □•oinpo w .Dp\y iniN Mb >w .v?pvy y>N bnN ,ynuNn v?p-io-i9ita mi obivn boa nnQp \y> nvr>tm,oiNi .obiyn boa d'wjn \y> n>nK bra .□biyn boo biDn \y> .d»n n'vmy "on .n'vmy "on no vtv Nb >dn ?n\yiv w no /0i ?i>3n bra \y> no ? Write according to the map - f>N / \s>* | - noon >ol? una (N .□nn C ,□> |'k d>)wito ;r?^/? m_____i ,onn__bn:a (l .□nn____i ,□•>___nb>Nn (2 .Dnn____i .cp__nnN-^m (3 .□>_____i ,onn__n^n (4 .□>_i ,onn__n'onn (5 .□nn_i ,□•> .□> .□nn i ,Dnn .in D)i □•> □) vn\y (6 _ Tibpwn (7 -rnwNn (8 n£pra (9 Norn imp ji«*in j»i jia^un nn>\y rm nm .nimni oiiy mow io»oim ni»si\y onyn nwiyi i\ywi\t>n Write the telephone conversation between Robinson Crusoe and his mother. Use the nouns in the illustration and add different ones at will. imp jiwan (3 This is the beginning of the conversation: :DTVt>n Ji^Tim TINT ?yibo ovj w> ?dw n'wiy nnN nn ,yinvm - ?...........o\y \y> - This is the end of the conversation: ?o\y \y na w -.op\y pn .nd'n ,opy hq w - :nn»\yn iio nti D3H .5 Nb ~>ih v2h >q .>:n Nb tini ,tin Nb "on ?~on >o lilTlN >q vtv DDNI ?J1N >q TiyTP tin .tivtv .•on no nyiv Nb >jni ,-on >q dvtv Nb >jn .Dbi3 b\y rmn >w b3N .biDD vtp Nim ,no>Din>iiN3 toib Nin .m b\y mnn >w .nypi n^pnp n'\yiv N>n .dti Tb ni) N>n .by> b\y man >jn nnvyo mvyp ,d>p>jp>o Tmny upon .nam bD>o b\y mnn >jn ,o3>pn ,nim ;Dbiyn bD3 dh .v\ioy no Nb on ?dh nD>N .bmi npy> b\y dj mnn "on .□n nm on >o onaib on o\y>\riNOJNn ,-n>wa ,ibibmnn .□»nn by ?onnnn oy mmo *on na by ?njn bv o>yTP dtin no ^ :nbNn d'bvon b\y nuns n»vm rm vton .6 Say the conjugation of the following verbs and write down the conjugation of the additional verbs: .1 .3 .» .3 in / vriN / unw □n / dtin / umN n>n / DN / >jn Nin / nriN / >w nrrin ,fbin :D3i :n»»jni d»»i3»\»> \y» ns»v sin tyiityn ma>yn inn iwnd When one of the consonants in a root is a guttural consonant, some changes in pronunciation occur: / niNiip ,d>n-pp ,jintip ,NYip / ninniN ,d>nniN ,nnniN pniN rriyTp ,d>vii> ,T\yiv |7DD n r C e c c C c niwiy nwiy T nwiy | nil* T on* • T ma T T "l\y ,N3 - DVI 1111™ Complete the following sentences with the appropriate personal pronouns. ?p\wv Tnoib T)k ,mn - raptt? .•pot'on Train >w .Mb - ?nVnv____nn - (l .o»n rwiv_____- ?tpyjv onznn____,tvti >oi> - (2 .3t0£>>! tpu11 ,TPTlD"liJ ,TPmm ,t\^h Dn:TO____bUN ,Ni> - ?d>i>\yiT:i Tiim_____,!?v>i i>m - (3 .DD t11"0__.p - ?nD>t»*in>Jwn Toib "pn - (4 .□»nno idi1?_____.Nb - ?m>QbTi in mm m'w - (5 .mmim D3i mm 05____- ])•>•> d>Tl1Vy d>T>n - (6 •VB pi d^Tiivy__Nb - ?Dvy Tii'vinv i>mi run nn - (7 ... in ,m*o*>To in ,mv in ;VTi> Nb >3n ?jwiv_______nn - Write the appropriate verbs. .0*n*NJ1»n n^VflD TIN 13113 nam tit (n •pbiNb__dd .bNi'vn p'~)^ on vuov .moiia mm *pvt □51 rpura nnow^ DnTon____on .nrav dv__________i tpdiyj ,T)>b5wn Dnnnn dv____on .tpui-q onoo_____ .tp-ovh Tisp niNi iff— / onw / d>\yiv / Tobin / ToniN / o>Tiivy d ____run □n _________________ NT) TOYO .p^pn _____________Dm ,onnn dv mo na run"________on p^pnn ,Dn:iD ,d>-qto ,Dn:nni y>_____,"d>v) noi nnipNTi /N :"irr -na rotf D*wnai aitrnn run -it - j' - V \V iV t ~ J" * (l £>p o>i»rm) / nnniN / ü^ii / nviv _oriN no ,njn non .n\ypm ,nbip püp ir\h □) ,njn non .nbip__Kb "on :nm ?nn in nop >biN w non .nnn ,Nb :n:n ?VQ >biN non .Kb :™n ?p no w non Kb >JN :H3n 0 Rearrange the words to form sentences. |7DD ri r C ß c c C c > c / op\y / nniN / npn / nnniN Kb / •oi / op\y (l / >tn> / omnb / npnoKi / nrro / n^biofiKn / onnDo (2 ? / onj / nfPN / )t\k / m-n / now / ddk (3 / nnnyn / b\y / nv^tm^iNn / pbiNi / Nin / ioib (4 / o) / bm / D3i / rpjisns / nnnv / "iom / mviv (5 / onDD / nmoon / ino / n>myi / >on / NTipi (6 ? / nriK / tquo / no / n'uny (7 / oobim / cpni / bNi\y> pwiob / on / ntODno (8 □rraN ,n\yo b\y mo->m -on .npm >jn ?"om •'o .niN bw mo->n ...nnMi tt ,pn*> ,™n ,>mi nnmbo roniM "om ,nm >jm ?n\yiy >im no .11113 n DV 1"i£)b\?3 J11310 >5M1 J11310 Kb ^M1 ,np^O>blD by 111310 Kb >JN ,onb>n by p ' .mmo >)M .n->Dioib>£i ?y .rran byi nnowon t>y .□»nn m onb^n ?n\yiv Mb M^n no ?n\yiy npm no Write the appropriate prepositions and preposition particles in the text. qv / ...» / ...3 /...!? / / ^\!> no*tna>3iN2 nnoapi tidi*_0JI10D .nop nnwi rm>t>__iod riMiip p>_rpomoo n>oii_jii'unwo .vo nm\yi ymy bvy cpiDon_inn__imo nnnn jusim_d>omot> .d^o rrmwi nnpoio_d>nri30 nwiip .1" d'mvyi nnowo_□nnDO n\yno__ d>nniD .iiv\y_"jbin Min .nni\y Mb ">vv pi (m .mo'm bvyi M3M b\y 7?->n >jn .ib> >m .b) >jm >o .TP3nO '"on PMO .no ?u ^m no'm .□\yb ?7bin >jn 1Mb .vwny ?ibin tio .ibipw ov nTba ?3nw >:n no yiv Mb >3N ?n\iny "om no ?b) ?y cpyi^ djim no Circle the picture of b>. sin»»lino D Ask bl three more questions. .nibNW \yibu> iiv bA tin i1?nu> d :nbsn nbswn nn»na i\y«n\yni ipa niwATinn n'b'ttb ni^n\y una (n .13 Write questions referring to the underlined words using the following question words: ♦n / no / / i^b / no»H Nin Dvy .nnob t?in Nin .ibipi^ nniN Nin .cpn *p1? -a Nin .jr>NQ Nin .brown >j .nniDi N~iip ,TQib Write a similar paragraph about nb'A. .nbn bv nnn vvp ran (n .DDttiiv by nnn vup way wo .Jw npai ,»dt ,;t ,W»n by onsip .14 You have reaa about ,7ipai ,ni*i ,p ,bbr\ and ^A Write a similar paragraph about yourselves. J7DD n r C 2 c c C c > .njiow nyvn .vmi yvyn .mvyy nnNb vm nywn .>sni mvyy cpjw ... nywn ?ny\yn nn .15 Sav the hours in the nini. - - cities of the world. NQ11 11:00 20:00 VIS 12:00 PpIO 19:00 .obiva mbmn nnva nv\i>n no nn« (n 10:00 nnpuiQ 13:00 P"i1> 1>3 5:00 nnN bn 2:00 vyi ny\yn no ,i2.-oo nywn 3»in Ima iwnd (a When it is 12:00 in Tel-Aviv, what is the hour in your city? Say and write the hour in words. .tr!?>»i ny\yn m nnai n»n (a 12:00 ?ny^n no - !23:15 vvdv !>W Complete the missing words. ?nv\yn no ,nrvbo - (03: ij ~)* t----rsr ?nvwn no ?n\ypnn ,ny\yn no ,>Tin - ?nywn no .nnonn n*5*nn riN nriD (n .16 nriN ? __>jn .n^nn ,nvPD-a>JiNn bv pbwn >:n puoy •I^n nnm rimy D>nnDO___,Tmiyn idv___nrron □>omoun .Tinny vtp Nb >jn pi .nnnvn on>\y___nnnyi □a mmo n>n___bN-iypo n">n .npi^o mion no vp.___no^-D'own oa tpi-idd ,n*»baw nnN no ?nriN no">N .obiyn too__\y>i nnoopi myraa ?pTP-"rm w liopm ,vvdv_______.....__nnN no>N ?Nb in TDib .nnowob__nyyni ,mN-vnnb Write the reply letter *n wrote 'Oi». .'Oi»b »n bv naiwn anan iana (n Say: Three words beginning with the letter V: .v-i nt»nna\y D>b>o 3 (l Three words ending with D: pile :nmn .D-n rmo:ovy o^o 3 (2 Three five-letter words: .jivtvin 5 inn \y>\y o^a 3 (3 Three three-letter word nouns: nan .jipniN 3 dv d^v movy 3 (4 Match the dialogues to the illustrations. .nni'Nb nin'WD JIN in'Knn Summary of Topics mvbn lawn Vocabulary 0>^nn L nimpo mow Names of places Countries India Honolulu Zanzibar Tibet Cities Ashdod Ashkelon Beer Sheba Saffed nin i^buin Ü3>0 •pbpvw no* □nnN mmpo Other places Antarctica Galilee npnppizspw ray m;o\y Nouns friend / boy / girl friend y»\y (.3) niin ,(.?) inn Mishnah (.3) nwft kibbutz (.;) y^Wp Sabbath / Saturday (.3) TQp Talmud U) "na>ri the Bible (.*) ym Pentateuch, Prophets,Writings Foreign words discotheque telephone yoga meditation philosophy picnic cafeteria (.0 ppippn CD "pD^p (.3) mv (.3) n^pnp (.3) n>£)iuib>£3 l.x) p>2p>3 (.3) nnpsp (7DD im everybody Miscellaneous (.1 .x) Dbl3 n r c c c c c > r: 1 iiyu ..♦3K ,Qlb\!> (m .1 >3n ,Dt>\y :'D"I ?nsQ nnN .run .tinq :ron inuny dtin nni .run .rpnson iniyi no'D-a^iNi toi!? -on mi nnt> nnN na run .rp£iit>t»£n onvyno ?VDJ ,t?N"l\y')3 Nt? TIN JDN :'0*1 .nmsa •on .Nb -.w>i rbNivyn nwiy tin nai ^di .n£3 np'onisn by ist? mmD :mn .pntJai nmtn ,on^m ,n"in dji ,p :n:>n liNII pan n r C c c c C c c Answer the following questions. .I1ll?n\yn b)> 13v (3 ?')3"l y>NQ (1 ?ron (2 ?VWDV DD DQ'N (3 ?n\yiv run no (5 .rwHi run :nnina »n\y pa (a .1 nrv\yn tin nan 0 Change dialogue (x .1 into a dialogue between two young women: 7iJ>1 and b>i nbn .□N>b>11 DD pK .Kb ?3549174 Mb ní TTDOp'vy ON>b>ii bvy rpnn Kb m .3539175 DT .Kb .nrpbo mi pK 144 pynitt .Dibvy viin vniN thin v^no 188 |»VHin .Dibvy rmnvy rmnvy thin pvmo .nvypin ,iiyt ni inn inipn^ ooivri oiV> bvy pabon iíjdq tin .oibvy .00-1-55-12-648793 :1DDQÍ1 DPil !V>"1 pi 2k n r Č C c c c > c ľDI^q .ut>v :Di'vy .>J1 D* .Nb :>J*T ?nm ni>q :m\y .vvoy n£3 Nb n>n .ivouq >jn ihtd ...yn pi ?n>d dípn yip ddn :ni'vy .m^D bvy nm n>n >!?in :>n ?yiabo o\y vy> :ni'vy .p :->n ?"í£jpon no :Di'vy .637958 :m ?03 :m'vy 03-637958 .p :>i*T .nun :m'vy 12 O «0 Say the telephone numbers and write them down. .pabun '12013 ns unai 110n (a □»nvy ,ynvy ,wbvy ,\ynn ,nnN ,vyvy ,vyibvy ,vnK ,cdn (1 nnK ,rmn\y ,rmo\y ,vyon ,yn\y ,vyib\y ,vaiN (2 vyvy ,vnvy ,\yibvy ,nnN ,yn-iN ,\y\y ,n:w\y ,D^n\y ,vsh (3 yn~iN ,vi"in ,nnK ,nnN ,\yon ,y\yn ,o»nvy ,\yib\y ,vsh (4 .nn'Da dwwo bu> ps^o naon nwibw unai n»n 0 Say three telephone numbers of students in your class, and write them down. - t: t - a*$a n*ia .myn iniy >nN o .toi1? >:k ipm ...a ?»n» .ipi^ii miy ~>)h (h .yi\^n niinyb "pin >:k .jinn >jn D>nn^n -pin ->:h -my >w ft .minvb .poipcm >3N nb?!?n AM 576 □>b\yiTi n>n ^up-p. nbiNoiNn 12:00 i3 dhidd ,rptm ,nnny iJiwin 13:00 D^wnn nn\y :>:m> Tiopn 13:30 n>mv3 *iiv>\y 14:00 FM 95.5 rprm* ,rpb30N ,nnnv :iiimn 6:00 nniüü'nn Tiy->\y :p tidspiíd 7:00 (2 Dbiyil pNIl 8:00 on>w pi 9:00 < b\y rPDIDliPDD - pit? TIÜ£)1-|£) 10:30 nwin 1L30 Si ."bNi\y»a im" biy nn"ni>nn nib »ab mv (a Answer the questions according to the radio-broadcast schedule. ?ni\yin vow inn >no (i ?!nn b\y nv^it? nvow dd> >no (2 n>nN bn by on>\y myoi\y nnb>n >na (3 ?pn niyoiv p >na (4 ?o»-in>n m\yy o>nvn yoivy 7m na (5 ?myn y\ym niyow nnb>n no (6 ?nniot»nn iiy>\y w >no (7 ?pm rnma y>t> iiddiid >no (8 •tn^v uyi omwan nil? by nibm»> iiy nr nr ibK\i> Ask each other questions about the radio-broadcast schedule and answer them. Feminine cardinal numbers 10-1 D2p31 0*31)3 D'1£)0)3 i 2 m*vnwo wi^y 3 4 5 nnyon wm> 6 nina\y» yaw 7 8 9 m*j»nb iiyy 10 .d*yn d\i> nnN nv'Dio nnN maon .1 maub uia d^vn dw >i3b void "laonn dw Numeral numbers precede regular nouns except for the number one, which follows the noun. The number two is shortened when it precedes a noun. .D>jyn D\y >39t> mifpno 2 macn .io-i onaonn mn>a eaauns iayi nr tin nr ibNw ,n»>unnn osy nna Choose a noun from the list, ask each other questions and answer them, using numbers one to ten. (3 ,nno ,rmn ,dd31d ,rpbiD\yN ,min ,miy .nbn ,mia ,nns\yo E C c c Say the numbers and write them down. 1 2 3 1 5 9 nvbiD^N rmiy mm .nnaonn tin nnai nns (a pnk rpvjnn? ?n3ip no (l mm mbn miy jD^ip on no (2 Tell each other: ?D'31p DDM no :nrt nt nflO (3 117 ?D>ni-p\yn dípn ,nn>bo -.ovy -insw -.*ivy> -.rmn - ii Impersonal - 'OIjp ?7bin >o -uton in ,Nin in ,nriN -.□bin... in D>31p ?rmp >ü - □TIN 1N ,N>n IN ,DN -.OblD ... IN nia** pabv (2 !>ii3^ "pDbu n£) w ,nn">bt> -.nnoapn 7>b ,p -?D\yb o>ibin -.rtpon i\y> -.nnn ,rmn - man ?nv^nb DD d*jij7 na>n ,nrvbo - .rmnn -munn riD">n -.nbN'o'vyi ivy -.nm rmn -.nwpm - ?va\y "iNnb o>vtm 7>n ,nrvbo -.446 trmoiNn -rpimoiNn n£T>N -.nbN'o'\y wi ,ru>a> n\y> - o>you ,1TW in ,on w ,>:n -.□b>D ... in .{h 7 ^'nna rnrmy1? ni»n nin»\!> lanai irnnn (a Create dialogues similar to the ones in exercise (n 7 and write them down. In dialogues say - instead of - (2 ,(1 - rrnviya niypo in pn - nnx mrrs in o>nn>\y - oipoa In dialogues say - instead of - (3 - nrvwa Dp-io-i£ntn mm in nV?n - n»n rmn-i m^onl? - mpna In dialogues (4 - nrviya say a name of a place other than - Vn\y "IN 3 - Dlpna 1dn DipO 11»n Answer the questions using the verbs from the list. Verbs: D'VOIJ / Unmi / D>Jlp / D'SIlp / D»nity rO^yan 2k ri r C C c c C c -y Ask each other and answer. ?up"io-)Diun o>\yiy DO • ?n»-i£5D3 m'Yny no • ?nn>Dn o^iy no • ?nnu£5pn onyiy no • ?t?muiN3 cp'vjiy no • mum onyiy no • .13V1 fit tin DT i^nw (a ?plpw3 cp'wiy no • ?ro\yn o->my Nt> noi o>\yiv no • mi da ?n"n£run n£PN viv nriN ,nmbo :D3h m ,p -.)! ?nao njiN :nin •P 0*t bNIW yiNnob DObm pn d3 V*TV nJIN 'blN W :DJH .vwdv owb pin ->m ,p o"T .^N d3 .">sv :t\V1 ?n»-i9Db jobin Nb tin ,vai :p •ON WDV...nN ,Nb ,p :npi .•pNnob jobin t • : ?cpb\yi~PO njiN :njn .O'bvyrPO Nb HD3 TIN ?J1N1 .Nbl p :)1 .cpbwpb n:in Jiyou ^n b3N ,:mN-bTO ma "on .yD3 :njn ?nD jnoib tin :p ?no't?*i3^iN3 "mib njiN ,nj)Ni .onanb nNn •on ,Nb :nm ."Toib Nb -on .Nb :p ?*niy njiN :npi .D^W1T3 Nb bllN ,J13p ,p :p ?n£PN :nrn .ipdn bJi iiNnm p'nN bJQ :p ?nnN bJiQ in □•'bwiTO nJiN w ,vn :nm .□31 D3 :p .njpo Nb -on ?jnoiN jini no -.wi n'DK bJ)Q D31 D'bWTPO D3 nJIN pn .yiNnon n^n......nN -.yi ...y»nan iio ,»u3ttn iio :niii\» nona nrvtyn tin Create different endings for this dialogue: a romantic ending, a surprise ending... Summary of Topics Vocabulary 0>b>ttfi littN .N Nouns Verbs zero D'PDN ,(.1) DDN say noin morning understand pip shop nvi:n ,U) nun sorry "IVP^O roll (.j) n»Jonb ride / go ypij night work iiiv number (.t) -iDpp buy nj.ip library (.:) rpnot? hear VOiW work (j) rniny evening d'3-jy: ,u) nny afternoon d .í) cpnns street niiim linn toilet / lavatory (.-i .í) D">rnT>\y Adjectives mnyi!? d'^d Foreign words public n>"ľm>3 ,ni3^ bus hello ibn archeologist (o) rPVlbiNOlN iibÍNľnN doctor u /.D -riupn Miscellaneous history (o .i j) nniup>n symphony u) rpjiQO'p never mind .3 121 PN rock (music) (o .-ipin sure / of course yH\>> m^n straight D"n Questions information / telephone directory (.1) pynio how? correct / right 3»n how many ? (how much?) ?no? to the left 3"n nbN'o'vy t when? two ri r Č C c c c > c Grammatical topics Morphology: (7\yon) - Dmi ,"pn> ,mp:a ov;n niavo Singular and plural feminine (noun) suffixes (cont.). Example: Dt'fjfl ,T\\)X) ■. SipttV Syntax: Miscellaneous: Ton dw >bn Dm >\y>b\y byia - mrm :~pnnn The impersonal- plural third person verbs without pronouns. Example: p'3J"h) : Question words: ?'DH ?^HD ??'k :r£>Nvyn n;i>a Feminine cordinal numbers: 10-1 :nnp33 D'Oia cPTflDB rrmiVJ Grammatical notes .ivyom nob" DnnN Dnpo . ...a on>n nt»m -pon dvdd nnma »d>3 nbNvyb nniwrin (1 The answer to the question 'TWO almost always opens with the pronoun ...2 . Other cases will be learnt in the future. .!wi\y>l = in the country = !?htv* = the country = (2 nvinfo ~\k ,24 ly li-a o>-i9t>m bbD tto nnriD3 7b>w o»-m«in my\y (3 .12-1 Dnsom The afternoon hours are usually written with numbers 13 to 24, but are said with the numbers 1 to 12. P c r. r. C C c 123 2 nyní pnu p aimi mn .1 2»in bna 3 tmu p uma mn .cpniTvyi rinbpQ ,rr-i\?G ,bi"n rrn 03-5889412 .bo Write the names of the different rooms on the apartment plan. .mni \y> n» n»Ni uiui\i>a nns .2 ant* ,9 min* p nm ,5 mn .p'jiln'e e' ^t?^ mptli n r c c c c IN p ?7425004 m .Dib\y •P •nnnb ivypn m .npwQ rrvi .p ?d-ihi w Dnin nop .lop rrm bm nn ,yibo \y> d'hitw \y» rauon T>b .win b3N pp raoo w .n\?3 .d'niTW dv nnbpo m n-pin \y>i ,d>\yin ?nw in nwm nin tint ,yn .ninPDi ns> bnN ,nw Nbi n\yin Nb dti jw rno-'Pin^iNn t>b nti w bnN ,Nb .nun pio ?Nb in p w ,yn .mb\y .mm yiv Nb .mbw Itrp pun .m»Tn by nyim ,nn»\yn >ob nro Write an ad for the apartment according to the dialogue above. (9 n nbnp) •■it - - or t t I v : nmpNT) Accordance between nouns and adjectives 1\i)'MJ in their grammatical gender and number lounai i»oa -win o\y j>ai o\y j>a nnsnn Match the sentences with the illustrations. .DHi'Mb u'uoumn tin in>Nnn (n .5 rum m r .bn) mi m (1 .□>:\y> d'Iiitw nbN (2 .n\yin nnbpo (3 .mop mn tint (4 .nD> niDQ DT (5 Match the greetings with the illustrations. .DHi'Nb manan dn itt'snn (a »iio :ny !0>niD □"in* itid nbn Complete the sentences using the correct adjectives. (mmo/Dmo/nmo/^u) (nwp/Dwp/roop/iop) (rm\yvD>wvro\yvi\y>) (nwin/D^in/nwin/vyTn) (nipTlV/d'p^V/npTIV/pTlV) _mn>iibo >n\yi ate im rm \y> (l _rmy D)i__^>inDt? rm~i Nb >jn (2 _nvom_dtd nmn \y> rmg (3 _mn Nb tint (4 .__nnbpoi moo n£i up bnN _on3t> up rmm (5 mup rpoun trna - jva • t bvy mm :bvyob ,onnr>o d>wn bvy d>3> d>ju nbN .d'owno-a^ni vy Dbiyn bil loni o»n bvy mm in nimi nrio libp b vy min ,mnin m^nNi príp piü .i>in bm p">bN?i bvy min ,pmio-mi vy> d>bvyi*r>i 03 .ii>ü njNi DmiN Tiopn d->£p onp* vy -pbon .b"m yby vy mu bvy - o>bvyn> bvy onvü pina mN bvy .d>bvypi cpviONn bvy o^yn Pvy ,Dnnn npiuq o> ovy vy .ii>o niopn bvy inbivyn ,bm inpivy vy id>ü iiüpii bvy rrm ."id>o -nDpn bvy mpiunn ,ob"iyn bio mp>riy mnooi vy .bNivy byi o>bvy-p by anst» \y> mnDtn .n^op mnot> mu vy niyDDi .nionj myoai mop nun vy mnaon *pb .rmvym onspi d>jvy> onou .rmnn o^nvno ,d->obt> vy> bvy o->oi^Jip mu w npn vy o^ob .d>bn) m^y oy n£i> ru>:j vy min i>b .mpbp npmn ,n7yt>nb ,jronb ,n»*i£)pb in yiNnab d>ni nn .ii>o mib d>ni ď>wix nnn .d'ü~in3ipb in íwô Write a description of the contents of Ticho's house. .i3>u nm \y> nn wis (3 □nm (9 HTOp n:>) (io _(li __(12 (5 (6 nron: nun (7 bn) _ (8 _ /y?j iii»t? (i _ DnPii (2 (3 mourn (4 1980-1894 ID^D rON Write about a museum you know. :DiD -rap) nave d>mn n~nin \y> ion m:n d^v mowi? • Many masculine nouns in their plural form receive a feminine suffix XVlD For example: .b\yob .Jiijnbm - tn1?i\y ,nl3im.K - lim.N ,niairn - aim. ,niJi1?» - .d>P - im b\y novo omn rniin \y> rnpn o^y mow nauo!? • • Some feminine nouns in their plural form receive a masculine suffix o~> Q. For example: • The adjective fits the noun's gender and the suffix is not taken into consideration. For example: Write in singular form. via lb TVtV1 7>->l'-W .rrva nro (m .DoiD biN D^\y rmnbivj mm .□•>^i cpp^ny nnim nbN (l .nnnvo cpvj) b\y tps yp pmim (2 □"nnm d^ttj rmibn onrriN nP umN (3 .□^ DTin w o^vyiTn moNnn "p? (4 .o^op rmwnNn onj on (5 .Jimo nvjonb \yt>\y njip (6 .m-ram nvun w DYvtnn^iNn (7 .opw pN mbm onyn (8 Add adjectives to the following nouns. .win mow ia>om (a una mira □mm mia mia O'Tilc ama 111*110 *t> 7>j6p n**> ____□">*!> nnb> ern -pabn ____m>abn __Dvpabn (i □mn libo rppnbo .3 .3 / .T .T f. m./f. m. IT'S s. .» •1^»N pi. .1 moo *vy ma rnyoo □ny 1DO (2 aim ___nir>D\yo ___□miT-vy P'D' J113101N ___nunc ?Niip nnN i£)D nvH .•>1DPbiD bW -)£)P N11p *0N ?raniN tin npmo ipn .D'DNbp npmo ?np^nyn -pya \y> maim t>">H .□"•irvpoi D*ODp maim **\ d r C G rz c C c > Write questions according to the following sentences. .mbNWD TIN 11713 (a .npinN dv -vinoo !?din •on ta^tl? .rmsa \>i rm*i ^n (6 .bnj inbivy \y> iibtn (l .rvvbp npnm d^vqw dd (7 .cpp^ny □nr* vy iiNnm (2 .\y-rn rauo w by bvy rnnn (8 .mop mn □"oip i:n]N (3 .□nnvo □•'wn 3niN >:n (4 .□>3vy> onao w rpnara (5 .Nnn itrp ,01001),in Dvy by dti -pb rnm->n iiv - nntpp P\y bit) yioiN ,D^op nmm Dvy v .npTiv i">y wr\ nno^p .'an inpNTpanNi omin in obn cpnyabi Dnnva d'on^ip diti vy> ynoNrpDONii .□biyn bno inoNn nmm \y> D\y .nvjnn *vy m>n \y> np'nyn nno>p -pb □nps dv inpo iiNnoi jiuiaiN ion cpra ,cpbrn (m'ac* H-D-m* 63) .d^mDO .nno*pa t>* no uopon >ob nro (n Create a list of all the things that exist in ancient and modern Caesarea, according to the text. nwinn -pyn np->nyn tvi ^ptf? __________ fl7± jlNfk Grammatical summary Suffixes of feminine singular nouns •wv-najm ta\yn rnnvo (n mmvr Examples Suffixes T " T ' T ' T 71 □ t mnro ,riD3D ,jrana . JiCK nnbpo nniPü ,rpbi3\w ,nnnv nun rod' .nb^ono pbn n^k dovp m'Nvy ;n -n D»nt>a D^yn D\y D'oval? Sometimes nouns end with a letter XI, which is not a suffix but actually part of the word. This noun may be masculine, for example: n»T bvicb ,"o\ nvni> im> m Oxy D\y or feminine, for example: m\y Pwo!? ,mp3 IN .mpt> mnvn novo mpn D*y maw w There are feminine nouns that do not have a feminine suffix. For example: Wttiy ,vv ,yiN bV)f£> Suffixes of feminine plural nouns n>n - nipaa myn Jiwi'o (a moan Examples D>D1] jiovpd Plural suffixe nnnvo ,nrana mnbpo npun ni □ xiiD xiiD xii'D xivi □ Tnn novun Singular suffixe DD n r G c c c c c > c Summary of Topics Vocabulary O^'flf! ISIN .N Foreign words amphitheater LV invpNTPSON ballet (.?) oto living room / salon (?) "pbp emperor, empress U) Tr>"lC/>p ,(.;) ~\v~>\2 modern rwy nnilio PniiO classical jr\y TPObp PDbp Queslions which?/what? p) ?nr>N which? (j) ?n>N which? (j.-v.-i) ?ii»N Nouns love a) nnriN castle young man (.3) rnira ,<.o Tiro garden u) nr>:> apartment (J) TITT. room Chanukah lamp (.:) rppun notebook (.3) r.-onD kitchen (.t) nnpa shower p) rinbpa tree painting / drawing (t) TPS table Miscellaneous iNin nio\y Adjectives n r C C c c C c Jh c about the/in connection to a ...b like / as iQ3 for example sometimes d-d D^DiJDb named after ovy bv big t : ' t new nvnn ,\inn good nnio beautiful / pretty ns-* ,n£)> t t ' v t old / ancient special mnva .mm : " t excellent nice rnom jam. ancient np^riv ,p->roj small Grammatical topics n»lr\y!?n 0>N\yi3M Morphology: Adjective INinn DW :m~l1^ t)lal6 ,p'2f6 ,v7)\6 ,7)\6 '*T>lfibte ... villi ... p'v ,vd< ,vd< Syntax: iDomi "pm "win am axy o\y noNnn :~pinn Accordance of nouns and adjectives in gender and number. dí/c dít? e?n rnh :ftfpkf3 p'M pnlH w vilna Interrogative sentences: >l!'k ?lyk ?vyk Grammatical summary Suffixes of feminine singular nouns and plural nouns □>mi i>n> - nnpn own niovü Grammatical notes .Dvon pmno ,D>mn rrm in rap:n n*m yptfb man nQou two ,nm D^m .1 .Dvuno npimn nvunn msprw nbN d>b>m In many words, when a syllable is added to indicate the plural form, the stress moves to the last syllable. In these words, the farthest vowel from the stress is shortened. For example: gadol - gdola, gdolim, gdolot Jli5VT*. ,0^173 ,7lbiTl ,bVTJ b\)it> ,d>]t D)i r\ipt> dj ,m>n DnoiN ,on&tn as d>ayabi ywwi ,d>-an oy pimn ,iwmB nnnvi .2 ?nv)>d"in^iNn w» rrcpga hpn ?mmD tin o'tiw r\vn inan ddn miy nt>* :bwob In contemporary Hebrew, on the street, among friends, in newspapers, and sometimes in books, rmn is used for the feminine and plural forms (see examples above). .Ni\y:n pni nwiwi tjin w ,d^v dw Kin Nivnn ~i\y?o ,d"m\!) mDfwm .3 In nominal clauses, there is a link word between the subject and the predicator, when the predicator is a noun. For example: kwi ton kwv predicator link subject .np»m> i»y s»n nno>p .irjomi pon nwi^ tod dnjiio - p ,0D ,N*n ,Nlfl -liwp The link word - ]D ,Dn ,N»D ,N1D is always in accordance with the subject in gender and in number. ri r c; g n n C c > /35 3 IIV'U n r C C c c C c Masculine cardinal numbers 10-1 nan ooin onaon 0 TTIN t v 1 2 □n-rn n\yi>w niwibiy t : 3 □nop nyniN t t :~~ 4 □mnp. n\y>on n\y»nn 5 □nnn nw>\y t 6 □npy nyi\y t : • 7 □m>3 rmn\y rmm> t : 8 □>\mn: ny\yn t : 9 m\yy rniyv t t _: 10 it v ; ^* v jt : at:1 t t (4- n onm) nmpNTi /n 0 "nnpn nibim bsn nninyn by ,n-iinn by n^is;n di-d-i ntfi1?^ ^sr ('N 'N JTI3N O'p'O) .0331^13 10 iv i - n Dnaon ia>omi o»na osyn nmw tin lansi nnx .1 Say the plural form of the following nouns, then write the nouns using numbers 1 to 10 (as you wish) to determine singular or plural forms. Aw*? p^v ,iiy>\y ,mm ,n\yno ,-in ,iqo ,nnoa ,inin\y ,"nn ,n>n ,wh Read the numbers and say them. .onaonn na nnm inij? (n .2 ?D>n£)Ti vo vy> -.n\ypnn ,p -?n!?iy m noo -.□>bp\y 5 - .nvypni ,v)mn oy nrip -'inwp iiy -?ntJiv m noo .mm ,n!? -.□>bp\y 9 - .uyi dt tin nr ibN\y (a Ask each other the following question and answer it (according to the product). ?T}fla Tit, vnd - :7)(Jtf3 .p'fpe 6 - □np\y 10 - r>ipi\y • □np\y 6 - mip npip • onp\y 5 - '^>inju • onp\y 7 - n:ny • nt>pv 9 - DTb) • (11) ?ny\!>n n» .3 ymö n\y>on .vniNb mpT won 3:55 ?nv\yn no ,nnnp .n\y>oni yn-i>u .nip! worn vn~iN * (n 4:05 - .nnNb mpi n'\yy 12:50 ?ny\yn no viv nriN nw .n-i\yyi nnK, .mpi -i\yyi t)dh ■ 1:10 n r C c c c C c a .13V1 ?nywn n» - nr rm nr ibN\» ,nj>\y nna (a Choose an hour, then ask each other - ?nyiyn n», and answer the question. 2:55 2:50 2:10 2:05 9:10 8:55 7:50 6:05 5:50 11:05 4:55 3:05 (nr>vy>nm rriNp vwri 2N iftl DT*T (N .4 pp raoo vj> .D>*Tb>b *nm "pbt> ;o^op omn "ovy .n>iN bra rpbNiYP mn jini inbwi nw'D ,o>jyy> dinpo n\jnb\y D»3\y - o>vr>m rmn \>h .DTiiTvy nnbpQi .□»nna Kb biK d'd'mn .bn) .nno'pa nb>i by rmnnn >ab nna (a Write about a villa in Caesarea according to the picture. (y\yrn □"QbN) 2009-2 nnO»p2 JV2 ...o>p>nv D">o?m ^niin rav?o ,D>bm onm :d>b>m wnnwn Use the words above in your description. rs r - i. D G c c (3 747 b3 + a singular noun dp 1DH i>obn l|?*il nb>o / __lb> í73 ttvi Düv + bs .5 O 1DD 31V ľniua nvy-iv nriN no - .nnDv^on ov b»oo w - ?mvy bi - .Nb ,p row .row bi Nb - .rip: in rpib 7bin ">:h ipn bi .iiobn 101b >jn iiv bi .niini Niip >:n nivy bi .phi Jiivym vow >jn ipii bi .n^ppbv? iNii >w iiv bi .□mn ov b^Do >jn mv bi ^WTn i7)ii)^ i"^1^ v * "TJ1' ^ O (:i ,ov nj'jn ,>»b\yrr> -nobni 'D'Jian bioúř'' ba" ■■ t : ■ t nnipNT) fN O ww d r Č C c c C C .m\y ba ,di> ba ,ipu ba n>\yiv win nn nna (a Write what you do every morning, every day, every Sabbath. .mvyn tin nniN iuh bD (K .6 0>bpW 2 - ISO .□>bp\y ~>yv p~i - iot> bD :iDV7n .nwpnn o^pvy mvyy noion .n*i»»i\!>n mpon? nuna nnn nn>\y una (a Write a similar dialogue taking place in a used CD store. Complete the sentences using the appropriate words: :d'b»na rttmmyn .o'snnn m / dp / r\w / -pnbn / m\y / ~ipo __pno Kb !?in ,nnny Niip "on (1 .HfDPPNb yOP NTH ,001)1X1 ,___(2 .9:00-n nivrmn m\yi pi .nn>nboi jiwm \y> 8:00-i_____ (3 .a nrpDE -yon mt>____i?N-i\y>n (4 .mini d'NTipi rifjD n>nb o-obin upon____(5 Read the dialogue and say the numbers. .onDonn rm nnto bipa nmwn jin imp .-on dh nmvyn Dsyn mow "in' bn .mpn osy ninvy on iUDNl D1pO W 1p1l pop ?ddn non .p :t>n .d>wn 7 ppon pop .1 pbwi nwoo 6 ,mo>o 6 w -itn bin .n>n bin d'nn 5 ,o>nn 2 na w .-non :t>n ?-nn bin nnbpo \y> pop . 1 room d>nrpvy 5 ,mnbpo 4 w ipn bnn biN ,Nb :*pvt ?-nnn rpppbo vy> pop .nnoon *Pi> n>n bra 1 n>piibo \y> .-nnn nn>iPo pn ,Nb n>n ?PDbo vy> pop .□>ni-i>\yn -pb n>n bin o»-nn>^ o-oiobo i \y> .p :*pn ?nno9p no \y> ?oPdin d3>ni pop .nn\yi 1-1 npbq l :mnoop 2 no \y> ;non n>n ?nbiy m non .-tinq mo pop .□>bp\y 10 :Tn ?d>omoobi pop .□>bp\y 8 -Tb>bi ,nPp\y 9 onioob n>n .OHb-' 3-bl cpohioo 4-b ;mo>0 7 uroN pop pop <5p .nvpnn :*pvt rn'ooiNn \y> no a yn»a ism du> )»ai oay n\» "»a nnsnn Nouns and adjectives must have corresponding definite articles. .yap "Tb> no vy> ... yap i> .DO*'* aniK iopn "T^n ... |\jpn *Tb>n ?ooi3t>*-< no \y> ,nn*>bD .nn^n iiobon T>b ,p .mm .n\ypm .9 Write two similar dialogues. Use these words: vyinn opioioion ,nnoop -.2 nn^vy .man ninny »n\y una (a :nbN D>iJ'on iwDnvyn nbnan niyoon ,pn -.1 nn->\y "a, (1 r C 2 c c C c > .yn» ifl»oini n»vfl\»»n ns iNip .10 Read the following sentences, then complete the new sentences using definite articles. .fl7±T> inflea by nni:> Nin .nnny onoib____________ .ton bra o->\yjN by______ .piano by nvyp .pbcb_ .□biyn b\y onpi! \y> iood. .ibipivyo □y iran moib -on ."T1DDO _i ,n>bo>NO .bi-n inbivy no vy> .o>\yrn o>omoo o\y onoib (l .•omia Y>vy Niip niion (2 .nw no^o nm (3 .TflPO Ntra m (4 .□>p>ny D>u>ni o-oip mnjN (5 .o>3> d>ton by 100 m (6 .nmo nny nboiN N">n (7 .miam ninnn nrpDn w> (8 .ppi bna mumble "ovy nina w> (9 ľimpNT) fN \ ... miao nüo )rbvs> 7)X>m Drn vn_ t v ■,- - vit t ľ-' t \i t : t x'* -a- i- t ľ t ft j| t i á' 4' • I -t jt XBp- inb'c- ntsp oj? £ ĎTJi n?Dp hp-n^p ^"Tflpft :natf -nr w^s 1K33 nrn rrnjei ' ' < J ; ;t t : at : (10-8 7 O OObO) •nin noon >n bw - .'n^/*? ]nD n bvv - /47 am |i«nn (n .12 .rmnbw pro nio>n pn jon^rn pN bnwn .^ta bm'N vy> yiNnm .D>inan !?vy .rmrnivym mNonn ,nwan on D>rwvyn .0^1 onm onpov Dvy \y 11m o>"fr>n dv mn\yv cpwm inN nm onwv onnjn ;Dmn >w vy> bmNn d>wk .mo nopi niirmo mrps ,>mn !pdw dv nnoap \y> pNnon in .idn .onmn by o\y ohq-di pNnn!? ami Dbiyn inn .♦mi ^niaa (X) i»n nm (V) \j>» nn nan (a Say and indicate what Bedouin tents have (\y>) and what they do not have (t>n). .p»by lavi wopun Vy ni^n\2> nr tin nr iVnw (j Ask each other questions about the text and answer them. 148 (Summary of Topics Vocabulary d^v mow Nouns Verbs tent D>>niN biliN eat bzhN hostel (.3) rmpDN sit 3\yp synagogue riu:r ms ,(.t) Dp33 IT3 go for a walk / travel bp\?Q man onii ,(.« "0?. cost nbiv minute riipi ,D) npl day D'O? ,(-t) DP chair jiinp1? ,(t) Np'D -iNin mow Adjectives bed (.3) np'O word □•>>•>?? ,(.3) nb'o another rnriN ,idk place niDipo ,(.t) DipO of meat 3P"i'\y3 ,n'\y3 pita (kind of bread) (J) HTPa dairy n-qbn ,>3bn furniture U) Will Israeli rpbNH'YP ^HIW carpet D>nn?\y fPp\y shekel np>i?w bpv Dnrjuo Masculine numbers rrmw one Miscellaneous two - ->w ,D";p all / every / each -b3 something (t) inpo three four five nvpnn more rr-n liv thank you very much nil illiD six seven nypp HNJ3P eight rma\y nmyr? D'i»o nine nvpri Foreign words ten one thousand chick-peas / humus (t) CTOin fifty D'P'on ATM machine (^ vjoiQtG one hundred niNO (J) DNO Bedouin wv mm ^"Oia two thousands D"5>N n r C 0 c c C c Grammatical topics Syntax: - yn»n iniji d\yi Dsy D\y yi riDNnn :"l*>3nn Nouns and adjectives have a corresponding definite article. + Singular nouns. - TrP3 D>jy OVf + bD Miscellaneous: :n*13ivy Masculine counting/cardinal numbers - 10'1 - "DU D>3in Dnaun r C G c c C c c Grammatical notes :irapnn 2 maom ,osyn d\y nrw ny>Qia 1 moon ,napn d>-iqdco mo idu onaona As in the case of numbers in their feminine form, in masculine form the number one appears after the noun, and the number two is shortened: The suffix >□ is used as an adjective. .nvbNiw ,D»!wi\y> ,rpbN"W> ,>!?N"i\y> :i>\ynb .nvmiD ,o»n*no ,Ji>n*na ,>min o»u>\y \y> Dm onpra o ,n>onioiN *p*n n!w nwn mn\y -ma? *i\y<5n >n .nun own u>Dm These adjectives cannot be created in an automatic manner by adding this suffix, because in many cases the original noun is changed. For example: 'pbVPN - TPbVPN ;>:pnON - DpnON ,~>VM - D>f M :?\yn? .din >n? d>pn»nn on -ivjnd o^y jiiqwd \yn\y? o>?id> n?n -win ma\y .nnN iv pi >nnn mm \y> o>jyn mown These adjectives can be used as nouns when they refer to people. In their plural form, these nouns have only one yod ('>). .d>p?o>n ,d>jp>-ioN ,D»cn ,o>?n"w> :?\yn? 151 Iohdo rmm (n .innb hjtiq tono >w .oib\y ... bvy on£3DD tin nnw nid nznn .nbNn Dnfjun tin -roni anw nth ,p pdn ... b\y unnn ~iDt?n tin n*n htin >biN w :~Din ...HN pin ... bvy iDpn tin 'bw in :~did .ymy by unn nap no hnti *on ,yn ,yn pin .mn noon tin nsri ?invyn *ny rmi djin .nwpnn :-dio .rmn ,Nb .niNinnb nDin ?-anb rmp "on no ^ .npnm nuna nan nm\y lanai iiok (a Create a similar dialogue in a CD store -say it and then write it down. .man! v}nn ,po'7 neonn 'jk .pile .bm jin aniN V3>3 o>aniK Nin .o>b\m-p jin d»i»d)3 on ...jin intN >3N .p'/ ewe avik yk -pn fokfo pti/Ic 'jk ,íi]'núl ofHln avik >)k .vyi... nk 3vik 'jkl *0 •ins* dn JIN 1d'01í11 0»09tt>n n»n .3 Say the sentences below, using the preposition tin when necessary. *T>£)Up\y Example: T))tfiS / .'TiffJtfl .4 .-]h2 b\y npmon nnw >)n .fia iřo b\y onr^n jiň nniN >jn .pbs's >in's bvy cpd-idd tin nniN >ín .•>£DD3 >DD bvy D'TWH TIN 3D1N >JN ,)•>•> nmN ^n .Tbipivy nniN >w .Tt»N tin aniN >:ni Ask each other the questions below and answer them. .uyi nr ns m iíhv (a ?raniN tin no mniN ddn no ?... b\y d'oion tin niniN tin ?... b\y npnian tin iniN nriN bvy onsun tin ?mniN tin ">d tin ?nniN dtin >q tin ? ... tin mniN tin ? ... tin IDIN htin Write what you love: ...le T)p'£ÍN7> T)k ')k :D'aniN oris nn una (5 Complete the following sentences. .o'oawnn tin w»bwn (n .nmn ti^T) nk nmN Nb >jn biN ,myiy nniN >jn ,1'in bm winn mniN Nb N>n biN ,D>riNno mniN npi n r Č c c c c; c > c .\xb: yh b\y \yinn_ _npjip pmN ovn .pfH o>jip i:mN yn\y bo mn Twsno n>n bnN ,n£pni nin bvyi no>n bvy_mniN n>n .no'tnrpPNi ovy rnoib n>n pyyoy o ,vn\y inii .bm bvy_nNii Nb >ín biN ,d>m nNii >jn .vpbio bvy_pi Niip Nin .d>idd nun Niip Nb Nin D>yi1> DTIN .TPIiyi D'b'o yi1> DTIN .mn iiy>\yn bvy_d3 onvy on D>aysb .nnnyn D»mia on>vy onvy on .Dmoni ovjvym_□> (l (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 .oni'sn ntyn .nnuapa oa'j'a inniw (a Dramatize in pairs talks in the cafeteria. Use the illustrations. .□"^i-mon n:n .p 'Vinson tin n^ii >jn w - :d>bľo\y>n DK »voiw'i bNi\y> tin »riNn» >jn pnv-vn "by-iwi rbNivy tin "DNii" du »vqw ~>m »by-twa □nmo d^üpn on^n dn yaw .d'pTi nnn oy d^niv^d dn dnii >ín .ip-Qy :"Dbiyn bD" tin ^n .tt riNi >nn dn vwid >jn nnnyb rmon dn uoiq >j~n d>oniüün tint .no>tm>nNno niiin bvy rrann tin wia >jn ...dni nnN bno omiN b\y WW ä d yiyvy Tiy rmp ,bN-ivy>o iin>vn tin ntip >ín übüD dn bDIN ^bNlW 1pD3 blN 31ü - bN")\i»o mon ^on tin nmun >!ww>n .□niQD yo r ß t: r: 756 .!*>!n bn b\y miimn tini □>mn tin dnii "on .!*>!n bn b\y d>d tin dnii "on wi □ib\y ijnid" T\yn tin obm oy i\y >jn .cpsyn tini ,d">oimoiNn tin dnti -on .bNiwi -on - inn ,»d!>by :h--r VP I"M -= —' *—1 * * 4 —f' \'*1— "...pyfx plfe tjkaa n r Answer the following questions according to the text. .VOpUD >0? 13V (3 ?DTii\y Nin no (7 ?Niip Nin no (4 ryoivy >bNi\y>n >o tin (1 ?nNi"i Nin no (8 ?nnp Nin no (5 ?wid Nin *>o tin (2 ?ivy Nin no (9 rbniN Nin no (6 ?nNii Nin *>o tin (3 thnvi ny Nin no ?\y)iD liy Nin >o tin :ty>n\yin dtin no mna 0 .o'uawnn jin unsi JIN ia>ow ,o»uswn? o»?»nn jin mo .7 Arrange the words into complete sentences adding the preposition TiH in the appropriate places. □n>obTin / *r>\yn / dwip / nbNn ta^bl? .re^ nk p'kilp fl/k?> p'TNfav / w>\y dp / bvy / on / iin>vn / d^ip (6 / mm** p nmi / >oi> / unoN / □•'Nil (1 / Nb / nm / obun / nTiN / nniN (7 / mmnn / d^om^n / o^on / Dnoib (2 / Tinny! / uroN / Tvyn / on\y (8 / nob / Nb / nopn / nnb>n / mmvy (3 5. / mimpn / ib'^b / □>uniDf n / cpyoiw (9 / "on / b\y / noobio / noon / nsin (4 c__________ c / Nin / miyn / nmn / bniN (io / n*>n / mnn / b\y / own / mnm (5 157 Say and then write down the question or the answer. .□>d tin nNII >3n .mitynn tin in n^Nvyn tin nmi n»N ??din nriN no (l _ (2 .NUN TINT NO>N TIN ?DPH riVWlS TIN >Q TIN (3 ._____-__(4 ?mm\y p no (5 .nfj>no >trp tin cp-ioo on ?rfyow n>n ->o tin (6 ___(7 .•>bN"i\y *prpy nwnp umN . ?nn\yn d^dw dd no (8 ?d\y dwi dt1n >0 dn (9 (10 iNiri n\i> j»ai otv n>!?>n + osv ta\y pa noNnn Agreement of the noun + a preposition, and its adjective (2 bi*nn n>nn ?tnn dt1n -|Nb ,>trp :>n .np^nyn "py? ;>\tp ?np>nyn Tyn *|Nb :>n .•»myon bmDb :>dp nbin >trp iNb ?\!>*m ritt ifbnu (a ?vymn nm t>n ?vym no ipn* non .□>o>nn px biN ,onm omn ,nfp np) ,\ytn nnoo w> .pi^o -.-pvt td^vyiv oriK no w .-ion ?o>bin d>iio npo>nn o^ip na>n nyip tin .da^ni vvyny \ysno >w :t>tt ?Nb no ,mo>o ,nunbi\y ,niNE»n vy> .yn\y iNnn >imn pwn .nun non .pni Nb / pn} nn»u>n uno According to the dialogue above write pDJ Nb / pDJ (true/false) by the following 0 statements. pm Nb / .npa pN .1 :Tn t?vy rim pnj Mb / pro .onm omn \y> .2 pm Nb / pD3 .on^nn nmn \y> .3 pm Nb / pm .nnoo pn .4 .nun ^a \i>» no onvan vwn According to the illustrations say what every store has in it. .mop rmni nbun nun ;nuun >nw w ->vv bw n>nn in ...\y> mopn nunn ...\y> nbnan rmnn .p'n'6e e> 7>//?^n nljnz mptl? tin iyr» ,iniji du> + nay o\y » nnai + dsv nitt\y Nouns + adjectives o'byan Verbs .emn jlk^inf flofo iijn d'»» nya\s> = yiaw yiWI dy> >v/>3"i DV njop ro>) nbnj rpnarj 310 iPo jiinpo nun p'jiv iiqin na> mn vnn yiNn» mm iin np'jiv 'mm nnoa D1pO hiv ,tiiv,*niv (n .12 .131v Nin flWO dv3 .731v N1H U\y dv3 .731v Nin >vyn\y dt>3 .731V N1H >V>37 DV3 .731V Nin >\y>on Dm .7p133 p7 731V Nin >\y>\y DV3 .n>33 Nin mvia «»0 .n^ü'io n\yiv Nin -puw-i dpd .nap n\yiv Nin *>j\y dpi >nü n\yiv Nin dpi .ioib Nin ijim dpi .□•>n *pb 2W ton ^\y>on dpi .T\y nniD Nin >\y>\y opn .nm Nin mvn in» - oi»n .13 •>]\y dp ino .yi\yNi dp dph Read and complete the following sentences: .w>nn dp ino _ino _nna opn .•o\y dp opn (l .•>\yb\y dp Dpn (2 _opn (3 .row inn (4 .(k Vuina iod o'oawn 5 "ni> 03Jisi3 nnx Create 5 more sentences similar to the ones in exercise (n . (3 .Jin\2> inn ,»\y»\2> qi» oi»n CT (1 r C C c c C c c ,->\y>\y dp opn ,">vw dp opn coov .nnun dp ,rnvy ina ,rn\y ina 161 nmpNTi in .O'IDiD PN1 VypW VN ,n*p pN .>QN pNl d'ow pN. (n .DlpJ pNI IDT pN HW'N PN1 W'N PN - D'WiN pN noiNi d'o\y - 'j\y op o'lDiDi ni' .vuovj - >vm op - t : - --* ' Tjwim iiN - pvwi op o'^y ;Nvyi ,d' - 'wbvj dp nnuo - mvy nipji idt - D'ww - w>v dp d»n ''bys - '\yon dp Say what God created on each day. ,01> 1>33 O'nibK Nia no HON (a .■pefnTi nkf ilkv nk ki7> p'vlfk \lekiv p/»a mptr* Grammatical summary »J1ti>? Q13»0 The combination of a noun and preposition + adjective INID Ott> + DTV nb>» OV tWV >01Vtf Definite V*ti>» Indefinite yn*n inid d\y + ...n + d^v dw + ...!? / ...3 ...3/...!? + noun...+ ...n + adjective nNin d\y + ...n + o^y dw + + noun + ...n + adjective -iNin d\y + d^v oyy + ...!? / ...3 / ...n ...o /...3 /...b + noun + adjective ppn rpanp ppn n>33 ppn rpab pp pp nm pp n>nb in din) 'oio d^v Dvy + ...5 I ...3 / ...a "win o\y + ...n + (oipo ...o/...3/...> + proper name (person or place) + ...n + adjective np>nyn if^o np>nyn id>3 np>nyn id>> nummary of Topics Vocabulary i Nouns uncle, aunt money sales person / clerk newspaper week bag / file (.3) rail ,(.\) i'm u) rnpin "Din (.i) iin>y niyi3\y ,(.t) VOW : Miscellaneous Verbs search know meet see \ypnn ron riNi"i Adjectives (word signifying a direct object) ->»n X)H today DVP, the Wailing Wall (.« pnynn blYDn That's it int. tomorrow a»n "inn ■ vn\yn >n> i days of the week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday *>y>:n dp •>\y>nD Di> cheap correct / right duty-free Tai Chi tahini passport cigarette Hi! Foreign words (0 .1 .0 >"!p >\?=p1 (0 .1 .1) ">'2 (j) npno (.1) D"IÍÍ)P5 Slan" n r G C c c C c Grammatical topics Syntax: The preposition - dn - pn>n Db'o :Tinn .yQi) nk kilp kfv '.nptte Mr) nk ?nlk pik urv Db>o + d^y dw *b inid dw dondd Agreement of the adjective and the noun + preposition Miscellaneous: Days of the week yll\J>n ">0> :]T01vy Grammatical summary: 1N1T1 + PIT nb'O DV DVy ">£l1T* :UWb DID'P The combinations of a noun with a pronoun + an adjective Grammatical notes ? :d>bNi\y ,DDwm n\yio i>pam Ninvy ,-invyo by d'bNivy "iwo (l ?Niip nnN no ?... >o dn :d>bNi\y foa\yo3 Nvyio Tp3D3 nidu ,in\y>o by d'bNivy ivwo ?iniN Nin ^o nN :aptf3 When asking about something, which is the object of a sentence, the question is: ? (see example above). When asking about somebody, who is the object of a sentence, the question is: ?...'0 dn (see example above). dvdin d^yn d\yb maioso -iwo oy ,yiT»m iapm ,pm d^yn d\yb dndid inidh dw (2 ....o ,...b - wio>\yn Agreement of adjectives and nouns in gender, number and their definite articles, even when the service letters ...o ,...5 ,are added to the noun. iVS conjugation - strong verb - infinitive form by»a 0\!> ' Q'nbiyn nm' bj>3 .2 n*nn Infinitive form Present tense "TOP Í1DDÍJ NT)p voivy n\yin Complete the sentences with the correct infinitive form. .byian 0\2) JIN 1Sl\y (N .3 .elzff no nwnb p* pN w»> o->vit> d'mn tTifitfa .□nDD_pT pN .pn>V D>NTlp d^JtS (1 .□nriDO . _p* pN >p ">N d>iniD d>WN (2 .n\y\p>3 bvi iv>t>nN bv_ _p*; pn .nmpib^ w>irrb Kb d^jh (3 .mpY> d^t?__p* pn ,3im3 'VIVnD d>bD1iS d>WN (4 .□nun .p"U01p. .nrawob .nnriN by ,o>vwn by .p»nn tin .p>b>o rann _pt pN _im pN _PN __im pN _IDT PN _yot pN pi IDT \y> .□nan cpwaio Nb d>wn (5 .vm m\yin a>ypw o>\yjN (6 .iinyb d^ypu d>\wn (7 by pounn d'wn (8 n*pnpn tin pnniN d>\mn (9 .□>üti "»n» pi pnaiN dwjn (io .anmyi DHmy .pmiy d>vwn (11 Ask each other the following questions and answer them. .13V1 m TIN DT läHU> (a nnnb 2T)dd mnob im \y> npnnNn • ?nnnN byi p>wn by nwnb p\ \y> nn>3Nn • ?p>£>> dhd \yinbb \y> no-m • ?pnop Nnpb p* vy> po • ?...b pt \y> ...n • Complete the table. .r6avn tin m^wn .a nun .3 .t .3 .t imb TaniD p>\yai3 Tiwmb Nnpb TINTlp yaw nyuia pnmy miunn biDNb nmN iQib -llJJ'Vd* p 1. £ r. r. p; c C 765 The verb nsn + infinitive form ^yian o\» + nan mii nan »3N n)v trnpb i\yp3 nv .Dib\y .-mbvy ?DTlp3 70lb DT1M ,p :DTD .nobb rmi *on ,Nb .-mbvy ?70\y no .YTDn :n-po .□ib\y mbvy :mb\y ?iovy no b3N ,p :n-po .□ibvy oib\y - io\y m :oib\y — P — ™h — D'ümüun — rrpümoun Complete the sentences with the correct questions. :ni^N\2>n TIN 13T1D / ?;roib\y no / 'Tfovy no / ?7pib\y no / 'tovj no .rnmy Nbi rnoib Nb "on .mo Nb_ d .•>bN-i\y> nJH >o\y_ (2 .-nun binn .pi^o_ (3 .pD 3pV> _ (4 .nmm wd ,nnvsn >3^> n»N (n Say the sentences according to the illustrations, as shown in the example. ?o>aniN on no .iiobb mniN Mb tint ,jnoib Nb tin taptli .Tiobb o->nniN om onoib on Ask each other the following questions and answer them. ?Nnpb ranw tin no mobb nsn tin no ?bnNb mniN tin no ?nnyb nsn tin no>N ?yiTOb nwn in iNb ?nobb mnnw pN no ibiNVJb nsn >m .uyi nr tin nr )bx\i) (a ?Nnpb nniN nriN no • ?-nobb nsn nriN no • ?bnNb iniN nriN no ?7inyb nsn nriN n£PN • >yitOb d>^n dt1n iNb • ?nobb onmN ddn no • n r | c c r. P. c c 171 (1200 - 900) T7ij?a nrwn (n Dnoo \y> np:m .nPB vy> neon tin bnn mvm .iiv) 7iobn ,m\yo ;nmn -.ow* .onnno □) \y> mpTivn .tino nbn) mo>, -pnpn nown nnn □nnnono .Dnnno nmn vy riN^n npm □nimn b\y D»nn by onoib nbxn lpnon jiDtn ,nnira pNivjn ,Dnsm nbNn m^iNn bno dhihi :munn o:n tin Dnmn Dn .-pnpn Donn!? Dnmn .\yn»n in nnnyn ,rpmyn onrinon tin onNi\y oni 7iobb o>jn D'WNn Nnpb no ?nt>nn bnNb no :mbNvy omin .iivi ?nn\yn onb>n oy mbNW in .D>vy) b\y Danno □) \y> mon ib^n" :b\yob .o»nn by mbNvy cmn tin "?D'\yiy no .iiobb nsn Nb "?n\yin nriN no .myb nsn Nb bynn" on :1n .inN ovi> nsn oni ,nNb-n7'\y -ah no ryiv Nb on .d>w >n\y n^n bynn» ".nwnb nnnyn n>n-n Nnpb onoib n-n nNpn onb>n :onbn .nnny nmnbi -pnpn nwjn - jra aS una (a .r\r>)> >bn dd:d ira pN (l pn \y> nrm (2 .niinN nmno d^itdd \y> mun (3 .n>i3vn o^tdo nwja px (4 .iinobi Niipb myrp Nb in o ,d>\w npnma pn nron (5 .□umb mbNvy ov □•aroo nrm \y> (6 .iMva niinn mis tin byia o\y !>a 7>b nna .dtiin ip»nym oopua ^yian ma\y 5a tin uno 0 Underline all the infinitive verbs in the text and copy them down. Write the present singular form next to each infinitive verb. Write down your opinion: :d>a\!>in win n» nna (f (3000 - 2000) "ivivnn nvn" mumon tin nrro >d • c 772 Adverbs "ino bDiN Min ,riN-iipi vpvi mvv n>d .y>wn Jinny -ma nid .o>oa\t>nn tin nroi o>Nnan !>yian initi tin hmn (a Say the correct adverb, and write down the complete sentences. .ivh d>yt>u on .i^h "inn mid .itm d^din n>d .im pn :7iptft __Niip nriN____mzny >dn________________o>ypp dd ."im \y (l _d>-q70 dd ._nniD Kin ._______DNIlp N>D .□>p1^0 D'DHTOD on (2 --ivy Nin______m\y n>n .iwq □" on (3 ____mmy n>n_____iny nid .□•>pp>-i>np on (4 Draw a line from the words to in\y>o or inwo. .in\2>« in in\!>»» :ipa i:no (a in •pmy oipa 7b> n1n min -nrano Tim y^n p>T1 ;nbUOTN .in\y*» in inum nirvwn riN iNip Read the dialogues and complete the sentences with inw? or in\y>n. ?n\yin dun >o by ,>n :bo>o (l .____by :>n by tbD'q .toin Nb >3n (A n r c c c c c 775 ?d>-qto dun by ,nd>n ,nqn -.tot .___by :n3n ?no by baN -.vw .d>tb>b Nb m :no>n (2 lyiobon. __,>D1> :'3N .y"T1> Nb >JN :>3N run___ (3 (4 .2 iiva j3?oa dpiV d'V'apnn d'yann t'ai i iiva d'yann fa ip uno Draw a line between the expressions in column 1 and the corresponding slang expressions in column 2. !pDN ... >b DWlp ?nn>Dn)o ninp'n dnitd ?nriN nD>nq pp tnb!w> .... >nw m-iionnb Trmono Dnnnn tin dnii nriN ?-fo\y no n r c 2 c c c c > c Summary of Topics Vocabulary 0»b'»D .N asv mow Nouns Verbs alphabet garment husband archives time Jew century ("one hundred") rabbi name (0 .1 .T) TP3 (clothes - DHH) ,(.?) 133 D^V3 ,(.*) bV5 (j) n»T''"1? ,(■*) 'Tin? D>33"! ,(.0 21 Foreign words e-mail (?) b»0 >N musical (j) rpbpn/io ,uj mo jeans (.?) DP'} "career oriented" O) rP\?pn»*lj? ,(.?) Opn»"]i? course (.?) Pllp career (J) think wear run ask nivynb pyrin b)K\yb Miscellaneous quietly slow / slowly fast / quickly somebody hard What is your name? What is your name? my name 3»n ~inp a»n nvyp (j) ?;n?\y no (.« ?io\y no >o\y Grammatical topics Morphology: dw ,d'X3?vyn uto ,(?ya) ?p rpyia :nrm Verb: basic stem pa'al (bva) conjugation, strong verb, infinitive form !hk[ □iDn? a/en/ DiDrt Syntax: DW + ^)1h :pyiD d\y Infinitive verb combinations: rmn + an infinitive form :-)>ann Adverbs bVID nNT) Grammatical notes ni»J1\i^ nnVD .pyian "iNiriD im inid dwd in d>\yo\yo Dm 'win mn\y Many adjectives are used both as adjectives and as adverbs. For example: flCp ,?NHJ /f'/?N ^T)3' /3/ c 175