Reading Colombian Myths (Odd) Fridays 15:50–17:25 (29. 9., 13. 10., 27. 10., 10. 11., 24. 11. a 8. 12. Lesson plan: 1. Introduction: Cauca tribes- geography and general information, landscape, language, community. Creation myths: How from One many were born, Four houses of the existence, the story of Tay (the Sun), the story of Water and Earth, the role of a shaman. 2. The Principles of existence: The arrow of time and the way it`s reflected in Namtrik language, life cycle, the Dualistic forces of nature (hot and cold, left and right), pieces of traditional clothing and their place in Misak cosmology. 3. Children of water: Water cycle, creatures of water, rainbow myth (the story of the rainbow serpent), venturing into páramos and the dangers of “contamination”. 4. Birth: Myths and beliefs connected to the event of birth, the importance of placenta, myths of the arrival of prodigies and chieftains, contamination forces and malevolent spirits (connected to birth). 5. Adulthood: The organization of household, the way Misaks tell time, principles and symbolism of agriculture, community work events. 6. Death: The myths, beliefs and customs connected to death, departure for the other world, the ceremony of offerings and cleansing rituals.