Sigrid Undsetová známá i neznámá Romány o středověku jako texty o současnosti? Historické romány •Walter Scott Waverley 1814 •Victor Hugo •Henryk Sienkiewicz Quo vadis 1895 •Václav Beneš Třebízský Královna Dagmar •Alois Jirásek Psohlavci 1884 •Lion Feuchtwanger •Johannes V Jensen •Mika Waltari •Ken Follett • Výsledek obrázku pro Sigrid Undset Výsledek obrázku pro Sigrid Undset Výsledek obrázku pro Sigrid Undset SU: første selvpresentasjon (1909) •Middelalderens stil er ikke den størknede skorpe om et avdødt tankeliv. I islandske sagaer, i danske ridderviser, i tysk minnesang, har de menneskelige følelser og tanker, som er til alle tider, fått fast og konsis form og kunstnerisk uttrykk. From Margaret Atwood Masterclass •Elements of Historical Fiction 1.Setting: The setting is the most important part of a historical fiction novel. It should take place during an authentic period in history and be set in a real historical place. For example, New York City during the Great Depression or Paris, France during World War II. 2.Plot: The plot in a historical fiction novel is a combination of real events and fictional events. You can invent characters, cities, and events, but they still must make sense to the time period. For example, a novel set in London, England in 1666 would benefit from incorporating the Great Fire of London, a major turning point in the city’s history. 3.Characters: The characters can be real, fictional, or both, but they should all look, speak, and act in ways that accurately reflect the era. For example, if you are writing a book about Mary Tudor, it shouldn’t disregard or reinvent her family history as the daughter of Henry VIII and sister to Elizabeth I, who both played an important role in Mary’s reign. 4.Dialogue: The dialogue must be authentic to the time period and should reflect the status of the characters who are speaking. For example, British soldiers in the Revolutionary War wouldn’t use Western slang of today. 5.Conflict: The problems the characters encounter should be conflicts people of that era would encounter. For example, your book might describe the hesitation and fear German soldier feels as he is to the Eastern Front, where he knows he is likely to die. • Výsledek obrázku pro Sigrid Undset Výsledek obrázku pro Sigrid Undset Undset: •Man kan jo bare skrive romaner fra sin samtid. Výsledek obrázku pro Sigrid Undset Výsledek obrázku pro Sigrid Undset Výsledek obrázku pro Sigrid Undset Výsledek obrázku pro Sigrid Undset Kristin Lavransdatter 1920 - 22 •Kransen •Husfrue •Korset Olav Audunssøn •I. Olav Audunssøn i Hestviken (1925) •Olav Audunssøn gifter seg •Ingunn Steinfinnsdatter •Olav Audunssøns lykke •II. Olav Audunssøn og hans barn (1927) •1. Veiskilet •2. Ødemarken •3. Vinteren •4. Hevnersønnen autobiografie •Elleve år 1934 •inneholder Sigrid Undsets barndomserindringer fra oppveksten i Kristiania. Her kaller fortelleren seg Ingvild, et navn hun velger for å vise sin kjærlighet til faren, arkeologen Ingvald Undset, som ble syk og døde på den tiden hun skriver om. •Tolv år 1998 Tilbake til fremtiden •New York (Knopf) 1942: Return to the Future •Rio de Janeiro 1942: portugalsky •švédsky 1943 •dánsky 1943 v ilegálním tisku •německy ve Švýcarsku 1944 •islandsky 1944 (po získání nezávislosti) •francouzsky 1947 •turecky 1953 •norsky? 1945 X 1949 • SU Tsjekkiske oversettelser •1929: Våren (Rypáček/Kuncíř) •1931: Gymnadenia (Rypáček/Kuncíř) •1931: Kransen (Emil Walter/Vyšehrad) •1932: Den braennende busk (Rypáček/Kuncíř) •1932: Simonsen (Walter/A. Synek) •1932: Husfrue (Walter/Kuncíř) •1932: Kransen (Walter/Vyšehrad) •1932: Husfrue (Walter/Vyšehrad) •1933: Jenny (Kosterka/Kuncíř) •1935: Korset (Walter/Vyšehrad) •1935: Olav Audunsson I. – IV. (Kosterka/Vyšehrad) •1936: Korset (Walter/Vyšehrad) •1936: Vaaren (Rypáček/Vyšehrad) •1937: Ida Elisabeth (Rypáček/Vyšehrad) •1939: Den trofaste husfru (Vrtišová/Vyšehrad) •1939: Thjodolf (G. Pallas/Družstvo Máje 1945-1948 •1946: Madame Dorthea (Vrtišová/Katolický literární klub) •1946: Vaaren (Rypáček/Vyšehrad) •1946: Ida Elisabeth (Rypáček/Vyšehrad) •1947: Jenny (Kosterka/Vyšehrad) •1947: Den trofaste hustru (Walter/Vyšehrad) •1948: Kristin Lavransdatter (Pollák/Vyšehrad) •1948: Den braennende busk + Gymnadenia (Rypáček/Vyšehrad) SU 1948-1989 •1963: Kristin Lavransdatter (Chvojková-Pallasová/Lidová demokracie) •1972: Jenny (Kosterka/Lidové nakladatelství) •1976: En fremmed, Fru Waage, Gunvold og Emma. In: Byla jsem nevěrná (Vrtišová/Lidové nakladatelství) •1977: Kristin Lavransdatter (Vrtišová/Kejzlar/Lidové nakladatelství) •1982: Olav Audunssøn (Köllnová-Ehrmannová/Vyšehrad) •1987: Fortellingen om Vigaljot og Vigdis (Köllnová/Odeon) •1988: Vaaren (Köllnová-Ehrmannová/Vyšehrad) •1990: Lykkelige dager (Köllnová-Ehrmannová/Vyšehrad) Šťastné dny