ro Ol co OCTOBER Books Annette Mkhelson, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-AIain Bois, Benjamin Buchloh, Hal Foster, Denis Hollier, and John Rajchman, editors Broodthaers, edited by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh AIDS: Cultural Analysis/Cultural Activism, edited by Douglas Crimp Aberrations, by Jurgis Baltrašaitis Against Architecture: The Writings of Georges Bataille, by Denis Hollier Painting as Model, by Yve-Alain Bois The Destruction o/Tilted Arc: Documents, edited by Clara Wcycrgraf-Serra and Martha Buskirk The Woman in Question, edited by Parveen Adams and Elizabeth Cowic Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Ninteenth Century, by Jonathan Crary The Subjectivity Effect in Western Literary Tradition: Essays toward the Release of Shakespeare's Will, by Joel Fineman Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture, by Slavoj Žižek Cinema, Censorship, and the State: The Writings ofNagisa Oshima, by Nagisa Oshima The Optical Unconscious, by Rosalind E. Krauss Gesture and Speech, by André Leroi-Gourhan Compulsive Beauty, by Hal Foster Continuous Project Altered Daily: The Writings of Robert Morris, by Robert Morris Continuous Project Altered Daily: The Writings of Robert Morris An October Book The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York, New York © 1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology AH lights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, ot information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher. This book was set in Bcmbo by DEKR Corporation and was printed and bound in tlrc United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-irepublication Data ro en 4^ Morris, Robert. 1931- Continuous project altered daily : the writings of Robert Morris / Robert Moiris, p. cm. "An October book." Includes index- ISBN 0-262-13294-X 1t Sculpture, American. United States. I. Title. NB212.M67 19» 709',73'09045^-dc2O 2. Sculpture, M.odern™20th century— CIP And Form In recent object-type art the invention of new forms is not an issue. A morphology of geometric, predominantly rectangular forms has been accepted as a given premise. The engagement of the work becomes focused on the particularization of these general forms by means of varying scale, material, proportion, placement. Because of the flexibility as well as the passive, unemphasaed nature of object-type shape, it is a useful means. The use of the rectangular has a long history. The right angle has been in use since the first post and lintel constructions. Its efficiency is unparalleled in building with rigid materials, stretching a piece of canvas, etc. This generalized usefulness has moved the rectangle through architecture, painting, sculpture, objects. But only in the case of object-type art have the forms of the cubic and the rectangular been brought so far forward into the final definition of the work. That is, it stands as a self-sufficient whole shape rather than as a relational element. To achieve a cubic or rectangular form is to build in the simplest, most reasonable way, but it is also to build well. This imperative for the well-built thing solved certain problems. It got rid of asymmetrical placing and composition, for one thing. The solution also threw out all nonrigid materials. This is not the whole story of so-called Minimal or Object art. Obviously it does not account for the use of purely decorative schemes of repetitive and progressive ordering of multiple unit work. But the broad rationality of such schemes is related to the reasonableness of the well built. What remains problematic about these schemes is the fact that any order for multiple units is an imposed one that has no inherent relation to the physicality of the existing units. Permuted, progressive, symmetrical organizations have a dualistic character in relation to the matter they distribute. This is not to imply that Chapter 4 4.1 Robert Morris, UMilicd, 1967. (Courtesy of Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. New York.) these simple orderings do not work. They simply separate, more or less, from what is physical by making relationships themselves another order of facts. The relationships such schemes establish are not critical from point to point as in European art. The duality is established by the fact that an order, any order, is operating beyond the physical things. Probably no art can completely resolve this. Some art, such as Pollock's, comes close. The process of "making itself" has hardly been examined. It has only received attention in terms of some kind of mythical, romanticized polarity: the so-called action of the Abstract Expressionists and the so-called conceptualizations of the Minimalists. This does not locate any differences between the two types of work. The actual work particularizes general assumptions about forms in both cases. There are some exceptions. Both ways of working continue the European tradition of estheti-cizing general forms that has gone on for half a century. European art since Cubism has been a history of permuting relationships around the general premise that relationships should remain critical. American art has developed by uncovering successive alternative premises for making itself. Of the Abstract Expressionists, only Pollock was able to recover process and hold on to it as part of the end form of the -work. Pollock's recovery of process involved a profound rethinking of the role of both material and tools in making. The stick that drips paint is a tool that acknowledges the nature of the fluidity of paint. Like any other tool, it is still one that controls and transforms matter. But unlike the brush, it is in far greater sympathy with matter because it acknowledges the inherent tendencies and properties of that matter. In some ways Louis was even closer to matter in his use of the container itself to pour the fluid. To think that painting has some inherent optical nature is ridiculous. It is equally silly to define its "thingness" as acts of logic that acknowledge the edges of the support. The optical and the physical are both there. Both Pollock and Louts were aware of both. Both used Chnptcr 4 44 Anti Form 45 ST " _ij Ol 4.2 Jackson Pollock, One (Number 31,19S0), 1959.Oil and enamel paint on canvas, 8" tO" x ir 5'/.". (The Museum of Modem Art, New York, the Sidney and Harriet Jsmis Collection Fund {by exchange).) directly the physical, fluid properties of paint. Their "optical" forms resulted from dealing with the properties of fluidity and the conditions of a more or less absorptive ground. The forms and the order of their work were not a priori to the means. The visibility of process in art occurred with the saving of sketches and unfinished work in the High Renaissance. In the nineteenth century both Rodin and Rosso left traces of touch in finished work. Like the Abstract Expressionists after them, they registered the plasticity of material in autobiographical terms. It remained for Pollock and Louis to go beyond the personalism of the hand to the more direct revelation of matter itself. How Pollock broke the domination of Cubist form is tied to his investigation of means: tools, methods of making, nature of ma- 4.3 Alna Saict, Untitled, ]%S or earlier. terial. Form is not perpetuated by means but by preservation of separable idealized ends. This is an anti-entropic and conservative enterprise. It accounts for Greek architecture changing from wood to marble and looking the same, or for the look of Cubist bronzes with their fragmented, faceted planes. The perpetuation of form is functioning Idealism. In object-type art process is not visible. Materials often are. When they are, their reasonableness is usually apparent. Rigid industrial materials go together at right angles with great ease. But it is the a priori valuation of the well built that dictates the materials. The well-built form Chapter 4 46 Anti Form 47 of objects preceded any consideration of means. Materials themselves have been limited to those that efficiently make the general object form. Recently, materials other than rigid industrial ones have begun to show op. Oldenburg was one of the first to use such materials. A direct investigation of the properties of these materials is in progress. This involves a reconsideration of the use of tools in relation to material. In some cases these investigations move from the making of things to the making of material itself. Sometimes a direct manipulation of a given material without the use of any tool is made. In these cases considerations of gravity become as important as those of space. The focus on matter and gravity as means results in forms that were not projected in advance. Considerations of ordering are necessarily casual and imprecise and unem-phasized. Random piling, loose stacking, hanging, give passing form to the material. Chance is accepted and indeterminacy is implied, as replacing will result in another configuration. Disengagement with preconceived enduring forms and orders for things is a positive assertion. It is part of ^ the work's refusal to continue esthcticizing the form by dealing with it 00 as a prescribed end. 4.4 Ckios Oldenburg, Giant Sofi Fan—Ghost Version (center). Installation in one-person exhibition at the Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, W67. (Courtesy of the artist.)