A picture containing text, several Description automatically generated "Gypsies" everywhere 16 March 2023 Photography, picture postcards and the commercialization of racialised images Jana Horváthová, Devleskere čhave - svedectvom starých pohľadníc, Region Poprad, 2006 A picture containing text Description automatically generated Victoria Shmidt, Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky , Historicizing Roma in Central Europe. Between Critical Whiteness and Epistemic Injustice, Routledge 2021 Text Description automatically generated A group of people sitting outside a tent Description automatically generated with low confidence Picture postcard, 1916, Josef Drotleff Publishers, Sibiu A picture containing text, outdoor, ground, person Description automatically generated Picture postcard, ca. 1904, Croatia POSTCARDS, TRAVELLING, TOURISM Picture postcard, Joso Bužan, Two girls with a horse (ca. 1925) A picture containing text, outdoor, old Description automatically generated A picture containing text Description automatically generated Antoni Kozakiewicz, The painter’s study, picture postcard Joso Bužan (1873–1926) Antoni Kozakiewicz (1841–1929) A painting of a group of women Description automatically generated with low confidence Girls, 1912 A picture containing grass, outdoor, person Description automatically generated Gorałka, 1920s A picture containing text, book Description automatically generated Hans Larwin, Gypsy women, 1915, picture postcard A picture containing text, book, old Description automatically generated Hans Larwin, Gypsy soldier, 1917, picture postcard for the international Red Cross Hans Larwin (1873–1938) A picture containing outdoor, snow, person, people Description automatically generated Winter Joys, 1911 A picture containing text, clothes Description automatically generated Soldier and death, Museum of Military History, Vienna, 1917 A group of people posing for a photo Description automatically generated with medium confidence Paprude magic dance, Romania ca. 1920, coloured picture postcard A picture containing text, wall, person, person Description automatically generated Bosnian gypsy boy, Studnička publishers, Sarajevo, ca. 1910. Rudolf Balogh, Women fill a barrel (c.1931) Rudolf Balogh, untitled, 1920s-30s A person with curly hair Description automatically generated with low confidence A picture containing person, outdoor Description automatically generated A person with dark hair Description automatically generated with low confidence A person holding a baby Description automatically generated with medium confidence A person holding a child Description automatically generated with medium confidence Kata Kálmán, Tiborc (1937) and The New Face of Tiborc (1955) A group of people posing for a photo Description automatically generated with medium confidence Group of Gypsies with Policement, picture postcard, ca. 1910 A picture containing text, person, person, book Description automatically generated Fortune Teller, picture postcard, n.d. A picture containing text, book, old, vintage Description automatically generated Franz Schubert studying gypsy music, n.d. A group of men holding guns Description automatically generated with low confidence Moriz Jung (?), Gypsy Music, picture postcard, around 1910 A picture containing text, several Description automatically generated Advertising postcard Franckova, n.d. ADVERTISING and COMMODITY CULTURE A picture containing orange, tableware, ceramic ware Description automatically generated Helena Johnová: The Black Boy, 1912, Moravian Gallery, Brno A picture containing text Description automatically generated Josef Binder, Meinl Moor, 1924 A picture containing text, book Description automatically generated Calendar Description automatically generated Emil Kosa, Advertising posters for Libuše tooth paste, 1910–1914 Pavla Vošahlíková, Zlaté časy české reklamy, Karolinum 1999 Map Description automatically generated with medium confidence A picture containing logo Description automatically generated A picture containing text, book Description automatically generated Molusson, design for Gitanes cigarettes, 1943 “Gitanes is a great example of a design that can be called 'quintessential'; it's quintessentially French, with a particular cool allure and style all of its own. The design is a statement that says one likes life unfiltered, jazz-scored and a little bit Left Bank. No wonder Bowie was a fan, and Paul Weller posed for the cover of The Face slipping a pack into his jacket pocket. Like all really powerful brands, it is a signpost for values we ascribe to it and which it in turn inspires.” Silas Amos (Brand Strategist), December 2012 https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/champions-design-gitanes/1162598 A person and person posing for a picture Description automatically generated with low confidence Gypsy couple, wall decoration, turn of the 20th century Museum of Romani Culture, Brno A picture containing text Description automatically generated Tibor Honty, Maringotky (Proroctví krásné cikánky), 1940, Moravian Gallery, Brno Tibor Honty (1907–1968) A picture containing text, furniture, bed Description automatically generated Josef Lada, Gypsy motif, picture postcard, 1942 A picture containing text, sign Description automatically generated Josef Lada, Sedlák a cikán, n.d., Moravian Gallery, Brno Josef Lada (1887–1957) A picture containing text, sign Description automatically generated Eduard Milén, Černošský pámbůh a páni Izraeiti, Cikáni, n.d., Moravian Gallery, Brno Eduar Milén (1891–1976) Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated