LESSON 5 Dl wu ke Visiting Friends Kan pengyou 4> LEARNING OBJECTIVES In this lesson, you will learn to use Chinese to: • Welcome a visitor; • Introduce one person to another; • Compliment someone on his/her house; • Ask for beverages as a guest at someone else's place; • Offer beverages to a visitor; • Briefly describe a visit to a friend's place. RELATE AND GET READY In your own culture/community— 1. Is it common to pay a visit to a friend's house without advance notice? 2. Do people bring anything when visiting a friend's home? .3. What are some of the common beverages and foods offered to visitors? 122 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook Dialogue: Visiting a Friend's Home i #»# ? 1 spiNl—##*e* ° Lesson 5 • Visiting Friends 1 23 LANGUAGE NOTES © Although it takes a question mark, (Shi ma?) is not a question here but a mild expression of surprise on hearing something unexpected. Here it indicates one's modesty on receiving a compliment. It could be translated as "Is that so?""You don't say!" or "Really?" (nar) is a question word meaning "where." Do not confuse it with (nar, there), (zher) means "here" in Chinese. (The doorbell rings.) Sheiya? Shi wo, Wang Peng, hai y6u LT You. } W QTng jin, qTng jin, kuai jin lai! Lai, wo jieshao yi xia®, zhe shi wo jiejie, Gao Xiaoym 4 'W j"| XiaoyTn, nT hao. Renshi nl hen gaoxing. Renshi nTmen wo ye hen gaoxmg. NTmen jia hen datJ\ ye hen piaoliang. Q[ Shi ma? QTng zuo, qTng zud. Jl^ XiaoyTn, nl zai® n3r® gongzuo? W6 zai xuexiao gongzuo. NTmen xiang he diSnr®shenme? He cha, haishi he kafei? ft W6 he cha ba.® Wo yao yi ping kele, key! ma? DuibuqT, women jia mei y6u kele. Na gei wo yi bei shuT ba. 1 24 Integrated Chinese • Level l Part 1 * Textbook VOCABULARY 1. va 2. jln 3. ft kuäi 4. it* jln lai 5. * id 6. jieshäo 7. —T yi xiä 8. ft* gäoxing 9. piäoliang 10. ZUÖ 11. zäl 12. när 13. xuexiäo 14. he 15. AOL) diän(r) 16. chä 17. käfei 18. ba 19. yäo 20. ping VC n+m adj adj prep qpr m n (interjectory particle used to soften a question) to enter adv/adj fast, quick; quickly to come in to come m/n to introduce once; a bit [See Grammar 1.] happy, pleased pretty to sit at; in; on [See Grammar 3.| where school to drink a little, a bit; some [See Grammar 1.] tea coffee (a sentence-final particle) [See Grammar 4.] to want (measure word for bottles); bottle Lesson S ■ Visiting Friends 125 VOCABULARY I Proper Noun 27. I?] 'j^ "tT GäoXiäoyTn 21. kele n [Coke or Pepsi] cola 22. keyi mv can; may 23. duibuqT V sorry 24. gei V to give 25. bei m (measure word for cup and glass) 26. shuT n water Name the beverages in the picture in Chinese. (a personal name) 1 26 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook Grammar 1, -~~~T (yí xia) and «yi} diánr) Moderating the Tone of Voice Following a verb, both (yi xia, lit. "once") and ( ) M* Jla ({yi} dianr "a bit") can soften the tone in a question or an imperative sentence, therefore making it more polite. When used in this way, -T (yi xia) modifies the verb, while ({yi} dianr) modifies the object. NT kán yí xiá, zně shi shéi de zháopián? (Take a look. Whose photo is this?) Ní xiáng chí diánr shénme? (What would you like to eat?) © — T » NT jln lai yí xiá. (Come in for a minute.) NT hě yidianr chá ba. (Have a little tea.) 2. Adjectives as Predicates É7 In Chinese, when an adjective functions as a predicate, it is not preceded by the verb (shi, to be). It is usually modified by #J& (hen, very), as seen in (I), (2), (3), and (4), or some other adverbial modifier. However, -'fl^- (hen) is not as strong as "very" in English. When forming a question with an adjective as the predicate, 'if*- is not used, as seen in (5) and (6) Lesson 5 • Visiting Friends 127 Wojintian hen gaoxing. (I'm happy today.) Ta meimei hen piaoliang. (His younger sister is pretty.) Na ge dianying hen hao. (That movie is good.) %mk^k ° NTmen daxue hen da. (Your university is very large.) a: # $ fa $] «| ? NT didi gao ma? (Is your younger brother tall?) b: it&ti ° Ta hen gao. (He is tall.) a: 4$ ? NT jia da ma7 (Is your house big?) b: A%^^ ' ° Wo jia bu da, hen xiSo. (My house is not big, it's small.) Chinese adjectives without (hen) or any sort of modifier before them can often imply comparison or contrast, as seen in (7) and (8) below. 128 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook ©a: $&&Mfc& & ? Jiejie piaoliang haishi meimei piaoliang? (Who's prettier, the older sister or the younger sister?) Měimei piaoliang. (The younger sister is prettier). Měimei de Zhóngwén háo, wó de Zhongwén bú háo. (My younger sister's Chinese is good. My Chinese is not good.) s "-----\ 3. The Preposition $X (zái, at; in; on) Combined with a noun, the preposition (zái) indicates location. When the phrase is placed before a verb, it indicates the location of the action, O a: M%£^JL ? B: &*fiJl * W5 de shu zái nar? Zái nár. (Where is my hook? It's over there.) 0 a: ^JtfjLX^ ? b: ^-jfeftjLX# ° NT zái nár gongzuó? Wó zái zhěr gongzuó. (Where do you work? I work here.) Wo zái zhě ge dáxué xué Zhongwén. (1 study Chinese at this university.) Wč bú xíhuan zái jia kán diányíng. (I don't like to watch movies at home.) Lesson 5 * Visiting Friends 129 4.The Particle PS (ba) p£* (ba) is a sentence-final "suggestion" particle, often used at the end of an imperative sentence to soften the tone. NT he kafei ba. (Why don't you have some coffee?) QTng jin lai ba-(Come in, please.) Women tiao wu ba. (Let's dance.) Language Practice i. ~*T** (yi xia 1. You wish to look at your brother'? girlfriend's picture, so you say to your brother... 4 Gege, wo nT niipengyou H J / | *J ~w . de zhaopian, hao ma? 2. You'd like your friend, Little Bai, to introduce you to Ms. Li, so you say,.. 'b€l > ^^li^^4VM ° Xiao Bai. wo xiang renshi LT xiaojie. 1fl W _ ° QTng nT___. 1 30 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook You are at the doctor's office for your appointment;the nurse tells you the doctor is busy,and asks you to sit down for a bit,So she says... DuibuqT, yTsheng xiänzäi you shir, qTng m Your roommate has bought a CD, and suggests that you listen to it, so she says... ft _° Zhege yinyue bücuö. NT Your teacher wants to talk to you about something after class and asks you to come with him, so he says... # _- wo you shir zhäo nT. NT B. Adjectives as Predicates 7Ü Gao Wenzhöng de jiä piaoliang example: If people ask your opinion of Cao Wenzhtmg's house, Gao Wenzhong dejia piaoliang ma? and yon think Gao Wenzhong's house is beautifully decorated, you can say... P5} XI J ^fv^R ^ 7l> ° Gao Wenzhong dejia hen piaoliang. But, if you don't think Gao's house is beautifully decorated, you can say... J^J ^1 'jfe ° Gao Wenzhong dejia bu piaoliang. Work with a partner. Find out from each other what you think about your doctor, school, teacher, classmates, and textbook. 1. NT de yTsheng mang 2. NT de xuexiäo O da Lesson 5 ■ Visiting Friends ft ^ ^ > *" & ,1 3. NT de tongxue gaoxing 4. NT de laoshl hao 5. NT de shu 0 you yisi (zai) 1. Look at the pictures given, and tell where Wang Peng and Li You are, and what they are doing there. example: £]!ft$*0iM.&M'%4$ (tushuguan, library) ° Wang Peng he LT Y6u zai tushuguan kan shu. 1. 3. 2. Everyone has a different routine and favorite places. Now let's find out where these people do their activities. example: Xi5o Cao zai nSr gongzuo? Xiao Gao zai xuexiao gongzuo. g zai na> ting ymyue? Wang Peng zai nar da qiu? 2.3.m£.WJi4T&? 3. ^J\-i^\ ? LTY6u zai nar kan dianylng? 4. &AJtk fa ? Xiao Bai zai nar shuijiao? 132 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook D. AJL (dianr) Imagine the main characters of the text all come to your house as your guests: you now try to offer them something to drink, to eat, or to do. Use the pictures as clues and work with a partner. example: Hit ' ? Cäo Wenzhöng, nT xiäng he diänr shenme? 1, 2. E. Do you all know each other in your class? Mobilize the entire class and form a big circle.Taking turns, introduce the person on your right to the person on your left. 1: Wo jieshäo yi xiä, zhe shi_. 2: Renshi nT hen gäoxing. Wo jieshäo yi xiä, zhe sh 3: Renshi nT hen gäoxing. Wö jieshäo yi xiä, zhe sh Lesson 5 • Visiting Friends 133 F. Group Activity In groups of three, one acts as a host and asks the two guests what they would like to drink: /^ 3 /® P§ ^Lt'H" ^ ? a: NT/NTmen xiang he dianr shenme? b:4^_° b: W6 he c: Wo he ba. ba. Apologize to one of your guests that you don't have the beverage and offer an alternative: » rc: b or c: Na gei wo yi bei/yi ping _ba. G. Survey the class First pair up and ask your partner these questions.Then report your findings to the class. NT xThuan he shenme? NT xThuan he kele haishi kafei? NT xThuan he cha ma? NT xThuan he shuT haishi he cha? The most popular beverage in the class is. Lesson 5 • Visiting Friends 133 F. Group Activity In groups of three, one acts as a host and asks the two guests what they would like to drink: /^ 3 /® P§ ^Lt'H" ^ ? a: NT/NTmen xiang he dianr shenme? b:4^_° b: W6 he c: Wo he ba. ba. Apologize to one of your guests that you don't have the beverage and offer an alternative: a: DuibuqT, meiyou keyi ma? The guest accepts or asks for something else: bl>rc: b or c: Na gei wo yi bei/yi ping _ba. G. Survey the class First pair up and ask your partner these questions.Then report your findings to the class. NT xThuan he shenme? NT xThuan he kele haishi kafei? NT xThuan he cha ma? NT xThuan he shuT haishi he cha? The most popular beverage in the class is. 134 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook NT xiäng he shenme? Lesson 5 • Visiting Friends 135 Narrative: At a Friend's House 7 — o Ifen— LANGUAGE NOTE - O Unlike its English counterpart, £y (he) always functions as a transitive verb. In other words, unless it's clear from the context, the beverage has to be specified. Therefore, T& rji ffi p«g (Tä chängchäng he) is not a complete sentence unless when the beverage is understood, e.g.: A: ffef ? (Tä chängchäng he kafei ma?) Does he often drink coffee? B: - (Tä chängchäng he.) He often does. 1 36 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook Zuotiän wänshang, Wáng Péng hé LT Yöu qü Gäo Wenzhöng jiä wánr. Zäi Gäo Wenzhöng jiä, tarnen rěnshi le® Gäo Wenzhöng de jiejie. Tä jiäo Gäo XiäoyTn, zäi xuexiäo de tushüguän göngzuö. Tä qmg Wáng Péng hě® chá, Wáng Péng hě le Häng běi. LT Yöu bů hé chá, zhT hě le yi běi shuT. Tarnen yiqT liáo tiänr, kán diánshl. Wáng Péng hé LT Yöu wänshang shi'er diän cái® hui jiä, Tä zäi när kän shü? VOCABULARY t. 2. 3. 7 wän(r) le tushüguän to have fun; to play (a dynamic particle) |Sce Grammar 5.| library 4. yiqT adv together 5. liáo tiän(r) vo to chat liáo V to chat tiän n sky 6. t cái adv not until, only then [See Grammar 6.J hui jiä vo to go home W hui V to return Lesson 5 • Visiting Friends 137 Grammar 5. The Particle T ^>£l ° Shi wo, LI You. (It's me, Li You.) B: ° Qing jin. (Please come in.) © A: (Knocking on the door.) B:*^ ? Shei ya? (Who is it?) A:$, ' 'hi- ° Wo, Xiao Wang. (It's me, Little Wang.) Jin lai. (Come in.) That's How the Chinese Say It! 147 r III. ^ ^ (shi ma, really; is that so?) (Lesson 5) You say this when yon hear something unexpected. NT de YTngwen laoshT bu shi Meiguo ren, (Your English teacher is not American.) Shi ma? Ta shi na guo ren? (Is that so? What country is he from?) Ta shi YTngguo ren. (He is British.) Xuexiao de tushuguan hen piaoliang. (The school library is very pretty.) Shi ma? Wo mingtian qu kan kan, (Really? I'll go take a look tomorrow.) Any other useful expressions you would like to learn? Please ask your teacher and make a note here: