Making Appointments LESSON 6 Di liu ke Yue shijian ^ LEARNING OBJECTIVES 4> In this lesson, you will learn to use Chinese to • Answer a phone call and initiate a phone conversation; • Set up an appointment with a teacher on the phone; • Ask for a favor; • Ask someone to return your call. RELATE AND GET READY In your own culture/community— 1. What does one say first when answering a phone call? 2. Do people state their names when answering the phone? 3. How do students address their teachers? 4. What do you say to ask a favor? 150 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook Dialogue I: Calling One's Teacher v% 9 /fv|S]|g c LANGUAGE NOTES ©The personal pronoun (ni'n) is often used to address an older person or someone of a higher social rank. It is common for strangers to address each other with and then switch to l'h (ni) as they become more familiar with each other. © "To have free time" is m h n (you shijian) or (you kongr), never (y6u shihou). —© Both I^J (wen) and W (qlng) could be" to ask" in English.The verb N (wen) means "to inquire," e.g., -^ H M (W6 wen ta yi ge wenti, I ask her a question).To mean "to invite"or"to request"say w (qTng), (W6 qlng ta tiao wO, I invite her to dance). Lesson 6 ■ Making Appointments 151 (LT You gei ^Chang laoshT da dianhua) ^ Wei? Wei, qTng wen, Chang laoshT zai ma? ^ Wojiu shi. NinM shi nawei? LaoshT, nm hao. Wo shi LT You. LT You, you shir ma? • M'; LaoshT, jTntian xiawu nin y6u shijian® ma? Wo xiang wen® nin jl ge wentf. DuibuqT, jTntian xiawu w6 yao(;/) kai hu). Mingtian ne? Q The measure word for academic courses is Jl (men). Compare: an* (san men ke,three courses),-— V "^(sanjie ke,three class periods) and -—< if (san ke, three lessons). (jT dian) is to ask for a specific time,as in "what time is it?"The general question word for "when" is ^"f1^ (shenme shihou),not \\ & H m (she nme shfjian). © In English, we say "after four o'clock/' The word "after" appears before the time expression "four o'clock."The Chinese equivalent is ^ ^ Jx5 (sidian yThou). Note the difference in word order. Likewise, we say "before Monday,"but JLffi ~~ ^ if (xTngqTyT yTqian) in Chinese. O-JcTC (yaoshi, if) is a conjunction to introduce a contingent or hypothetical action or situation. It's not the "whether if" in English. © /X. *H (mei wentf) here means "no problem."It is used to assure someone that a promise will be fulfilled or a favor will be done. But when people thank you and say mm (xiexie),you cannot respond with I"*] ^ (mei wentf). 152 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 ■ Textbook Mingtiän shängwü wö yöu Häng jié® kě, xiäwü sän diän yäo gěi ěr niánjí käo Shi :'• •' . Nin shénme shíhou® yöu kongr? Míngtian si diän yíhóu®cái yöu köngr. .■■ Yäoshi® nín fängbiän, si diän bän wö däo nín de bängöngshi qů, xíng ma? Si diän bán, méi wěntí0. Wö zäi bängöngshi děng nT. Xiěxie nín. W Bié<3) kěqi. VOCABULARY 1. gěi prep to; for [See Grammar 1. | 2. da diänhuä v o to make a phone call diänhuä n telephone 3. vtíg. wéi/wěi interj (on telephone) Hello!; Hey! 4. & zäi V" to be present; to be at (a place) 5. it jíů adv precisely; exactly 6. nín pr you (honorific for ''4s ) 7. na/něi qpr which 8. wěi m (polite measure word for people) 9. xiáwu t afternoon 10. h m shíjian n time 11. wěntí n question; problem 12. yäo mv will, be going to; to want to, to have a desire to [See Grammar 2.J Lesson 6 • Making Appointments 153 VOCABULARY 13. kai hui vo to have a meeting kai V to open; to hold (a meeting, party, etc.) & hui n meeting 14. shangwu t morning 15. jie m (measure word for class periods) 16. ke n class; course; lesson 17. nianji n grade in school 18. kao shi vo/n to give or take a test; test kao v to give or take a test shi n/v test; to try; to experiment 19. yThou t after; from now on, later on 20. kong(r) n free time 21. yaoshi conj if 22. fangbian adj convenient 23. dao V to go to; to arrive 24. bangongshi a office 25. ft xfng V all right; O.K. 26. f deng V to wait; to wait for 27. bie adv don't [See Grammar 3.] 28. keqi adj polite Proper Noun 29. f *W Chang laoshT Teacher Chang J 154 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 ■ Textbook Grammar 1. The Preposition (gěi) (gěi) can be a verb or a preposition. Tn Chinese, prepositions are generally combined with nouns or pronouns to form prepositional phrases, which appear before verbs as adverbials. o **MWr7—• Ta gěi wó dá le yí ge diánhuá. (He gave me a call.) Ta shi shéi? QTng ní gěi women jiěsháo yí xiá. (Who is he? Please introduce us.) Ní yóu nTjiějie de zháopián ma? Cěi wó kán yí xiá, xíng ma? (Do you have a picture of your older sister? Can you let me have a look?) 2. The Modal Verb fc (yáo, will; be going to) (I) The modal verb (yao) has several meanings. In this lesson, "^C (yao) indicates a future action, particularly a scheduled event or an activity that one is committed to. The negative form is expressed by adding (bu) and deleting -^T (yao). Xiáwú women yáo káo shi. (In the afternoon we are going to have a test.) JTntian wánshang měimei yáo qů kán diányíng. (This evening my younger sister is going to see a movie.) Lesson 6 ■ Making Appointments 155 ©a: Ä &4MMH*-& fclUL0 #*? Mingtian w6 yao qu Xiao Bai jia wanr, nT ne? (Tomorrow I'm going to visit Little Bai. How about you?) B: m^AT^'h^^JtJl > & ° Mingtian w6 bu qu Xiao Bai jia wanr, wo yao kai hui. (Tomorrow I'm not going to visit Little Bai. I am going to a meeting.) 3. The Adverb $'J (bie, don't) $'J (bie, don't) is used to advise someone to refrain or stop someone from doing something. Depending on the context, it can be used to form a polite formula, a gentle reminder, or a serious admonition: ° Bie keqi. (No need to be so polite.) © % fl] % ° NT bié shuö. (Don't tell/say anything. © Mil* ! Biéjin lai! (Don't come in!) © #^%f SMffcA ' #Mů ° Na ge diánymg méi you yisi, nT bié kán. (That movie is boring. Don't go see it.) 156 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 * Textbook Language Practice A. á^Mgěi) as a preposition Little Gao is very nice to his friends. If you and your classmates are his friends,you will often find him doing the following: a. I. -fr 2. ^ t EI ÁT^ 3. jieshäo péngyou ■> Xiäo Gäo chángcháng gěi women jiěsháo péngyou. a. 1. dä diänhuä 2. jieshäo xín diánymg b. 1. kän tä bába mama de zhäopiän 2. tíng Zhôngguó yľnyué 3. hě Yíngguó chá B. ~sc (yáo) indicating a future commitment Li You has the coming few days all planned out. What will Li You be doing? Take turns with a partner forming questions and answers based on the information provided below. example mingtian qu tiao wu A: LT Yóu míngtiän zuó shénme? B: ^ y^L^H ^-^"ÍtSŘ*^ ° B: Lí Yôu míngtiän yáo qú tiáo wů. t£ 1. jmtian wänshang 0 qTng péngyou he kafěi 2. míngtiän shängwú qú tóngxuéjia liánxí Zhongwén Lesson 6 • Making Appointments 157 3. 3. mmgtian xiawfl O qu laoshi de bangongshi wen wenti 4. zhe ge xmgqiwu 0 qu xuexiao kan dianying 5. zhe ge zhoumo O gei Xiao Gao jieshao yi ge pengyou C. -Ic^ (yaoshi.lf) Use the following chart to practice how to be flexible and accommodating. example: suggestion based on personal preference: -Jc 4$ -9" ^ ^fc ' Yaoshi nT bu xThuan chang ge, women tiao wu, zenmeyang? Give suggestions based on: 1) desire, 2) personal interest,3) personal preference, and 4) availability. Yes/No EXAMPLE: preference (*)■$■* (bu) xThuan 1. desire (bu) xiSng 2. interest juede (mei) you ytsi 3. preference (bu) xThuan 4. availability (ft)* (mei) you kongr Today 0 run-- ■ H= WW Tomorrow 1 58 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 ■ Textbook D. Pair Activity Ask each other: Yäoshi nT you shijian, m xiäng qü när wänr? Yäoshi pengyou qmg nT chTfan, nT xiäng chl shenme cäi? Yäoshi töngxue qTng nT kän diänyTng, nT xiäng kän shenme diänyTng? E. Pair Activity: "Hello, is Jason there?" Call your partner. Find out first if your partner is there. A: You B: Your partner C: Your partner's brother B: lltfcJb 0 / C: _ Ask the caller to identify him/herself. B/C: fcJt*|Mfc ? A: &?k._ ? Find out the reason for the call: B/C: A: Wei, qmg wen, _zäi ma? B: Wöjiü shi. / ^F-jjfc- ° C:__bü zäi. B/C; Nin shi nä wei? A: wo shi B/C: NT häo! You shir ma? Lesson 6 • Making Appointments 1 59 If it's convenient, you'd like to go to your friend's place this evening to watch TV. A' ill iti It happens that your partner and his brother are scheduled to play a ball game and are not available this evening. But they are free tomorrow night if it's okay with you. B/C: ... The new proposed night works for you. Accept it and set a time before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone. A: 160 Integrated Chinese ■ Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook Dialogue II: Calling a Friend for Help at M£ © ? # 4^ * flfc-t ? LANGUAGE NOTE O Compare the two particles (ba) and $J (ma): (NT shi LT You ba?) You are Li You, aren't you? (I think you're Li You. Am I right?) #&$>iL4 ? (NT shi LT You ma?) Are you Li You? (I am not quite sure.) Lesson 6 ■ Making Appointments 161 Wei, qmg wen, Wang Peng zai ma? Wo jiu shi. NT shi Li You ba°? ''], Wang Peng, wo xia ge xingqi®yao kSo Zhongwen, nT bang wo zhunbei yi xia, gen wo lianxi shuo Zhongwen, hao ma? JwL a> danshi nl deiw qi'ng wo he kafei. He kafei, mei wenti. Na wo shenme shihou gen nT jian mian? NT jTntian wanshang you kongr ma? J-L J,ntian wanshang Bai Ymg'ai qing w6 chi fan. Shi ma? Bai Ymg'ai qTng nT chT fan? J^L Du'- W6 nyi 'ai yThou gei nT da dianhua. H3o, wo deng nT de dianhua. H*J*.-W£-3r3&----------------------------12Jc mws^m^b----------------------------1 o j^, ---------------------------------16^ M*X-et3&i%----------------------------15^ i# 5£ .= id-------------__________________28 Bai Ymg'ai he Wang Peng chT Zhongguo cai haishi Meiguo cai? 162 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 -Textbook VOCABULARY X, xiä ge next one T xiä below; next 2. t £ Zhöngwen n Chinese language 3C wen n language; script; written language 3. f bang V to help 4. zhünbei V to prepare 5. liänxi V to practice 6. shuö V to say; to speak 7. a p (a sentence-final particle of exclamation interrogation, etc.) 8. dänshi conj but 9. # dei m must; to have to 10. gen prep with 11. jiän miän vo to meet up; to meet with n face 12. hui lai vc to come hack Lesson 6 • Making Appointments 163 Grammar 4. Time Expressions ~T" ''t^ ^1 (xia ge xTngqi, next week) literally means "the week below." By the same token, —t-^t^ :JL^I (shang ge xTngqi, last week) literally means "the week above." The measure word f- can be omitted: T>N4^=TJ-*;Jl>M.*=-L4*l. "Last/next month" is (shang ge yue/xia ge yue). However, we don't say To help you remember, envision a calendar. Next week/month is below ( T , xia) this week/ month; last week/month is above ( Shang) this week/month. Time Expressions Involving Month and Week J^J^yjs^ shang shang ge yue the month before last ^ ^ \ ^ shang shang (ge) xTngqi the week before last last month Jt (4*)slm 5hkng (9e) XTn9qT last week this month this week —r— a pi xia ge yue next month T( jf*) JUh xi"(ge) xTn9qT next week -]T-JC^ xia xia ge yue the month after next TT(^)lll xia xia (ge) xlngqT the week after next The above expressions with /} (yue, month) and (xlngqT, week) form two parallel series. "One week" is MJm (yi ge xTngqi), therefore "one week later" is ^ JL K ^ & (yi ge xlngqT yThou). "One month" is ""** ^ M (yi ge yue), not " J] (yTyue, January). "One month later" is " (yi ge yue yThou). Integrated Chinese ■ Level 1 Part 1 - Textbook Additional Time Expressions Involving Year and Day i -,- daqiantian * m ^ t j three days ago , ^ daqiannian three years ago -r- qiantian the day before yesterday qiannian the year before last f.ju -r- zuotian yesterday , a- qunian last year jTntiSn today * jTnnian A-this year ^ mingtian tomorrow no <*c mingnian next year j- houtian the day after tomorrow - hounian the year after next i ,> — dahoutian TsL JtJ ^ three days from today , M- dahounian three years from now The above expressions with (tian, day) and (nian, year) form two parallel series except for (zuotian, yesterday) and (qunian, last year). 5. The Modal Verb 1-*r (de., must) 4m The modal verb T«J" (dei) means "need to" or "must". W6 xianzai dei qu kai hui, mei kongr gen nT liao tianr. (I need to go to a meeting right now, and have no time to chat with you.) W6 ydu shir, dei qu xuexiao. (I've some business [to attend to]. I must go to school.) The negative form of (dei, must) is (buyong, need not) or (bubi, need not), not (bu dei). Therefore, the correct way to say "You don't have to go to the library" in Chinese is A, not B: a. ft^m-i-gUM* ° „ w o NT buyong qu tushuguan. NT bubi qu tushuguan. Lesson 6 • Making Appointments 165 *NT bu dei qu tushuguan. 6. Directional Complements (I) (lai/qu, to come/go) tan serve as a directional complement after such verbs as (Jin, to enter) and (huf, to return). ^ (lai, to come) signifies movement toward the speaker, while "ir (qu, to go) signifies movement away from the speaker. |A is at home, speaking on the phone to B, who is away from home.] A: 4MJ"&bMM& ? NY shenme shihou hui lai? (When are you coming back?) b: $,rr/kEJ-£r ° W6 liu dian hui qu. (I'm going back at six.) [A is outside, and B is inside. A knocks on the door, and B tells A to come in.] B: lt%L ° Jin lai. (Come in.) I n / IA |Both A and B are outside. A tells B to go inside.] 166 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook Language Practice F. B + V(O) (A gen B + V(O), A does something with B) Look at the portraits of the characters and the words given, and practice saying who does what with whom. example: shuo Zhongwen Chang laoshT gen LT You shuo Zhongwen. 1U$ liao tianr 2 o 3. jjgk O DL ^ 3C 4. tiao wu shuo YTngwen jian mian chT wSnfan G. (bie, don't) and ^ (dei, must) Use the following key words to practice how to persuade or urge someone not to do something because he or she has to do something else. example: j liao tianr y kan shu —7 NT hie liao tianr, nT dei kan shu. he cha y' shui jiao 2. / kan dianshl V gei laoshT da dianhua ; 3. ' shuTjiao v Qu kSo shi 4. ' da qiu v lianxi shuo Zhongwen Lesson 6 • Making Appointments 167 5./ $H -J^L^L* 5. j qu pengyou jia wanr y qu xuexiao gongzuo (A gen B jian mian, A meets With B) Among the characters in the text, indicate whom you would or would not like to meet with. example: © > ( ^ ) St W6 (bu) xiang gen Wang Peng jian mian. 1.1 W. 2. U/ . 3. ^fer 4.FMH 5. A I. With a partner Take out your day planner, and take turns asking each other questions: 4'$* ^ 5, ft ^ NT zhe ge xmgqTtian shangwij (yao) zuo shenme? Ah ~£ M M - INN I I >"/4 —— NT xia ge xmgqTsan xiawu (yao) zuo shenme? NT xia ge xmgqTwu wanshang (yao) zuo shenme? J. What does your friend have to do if he or she wants you to help him/her? study Chinese practice playing ball practice singing practice dancing "If I help you...,you have to ..." #_' Yaoshi wo bang nT. ##_ ° nldei_. Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 * Textbook K. Role Play: My girlfriend/boyfriend is not home. A: the caller B: the mother of the caller's boyfriend/girlfriend A is calling his/her girlfriend/boyfriend to go out on a date. But A is surprised that B answers the phone... A: i&'ltf' I i^f]*]_ A: Nin hao! QTng wen___ zäi ma? B: ° i^^^H-i ? B: Büzäi. NTshinäwei? A: ^ *L_ ° A: wo shl_ B: ^ _ B: NT zhao_ ^^JL*£j ? you shir ma? A then tells B the reason for the call... A: ^3 ^ H^,_-t- 5\§»*fc|r A: W6 mingtian wangshang xiang qTng fo/ifc_ ° ta_. B seems to know her daughter/son's schedule very well... B: Ta mingtian wangshang yao _ J~ / La _, mei kongr. A is disappointed, but does not give up, and proposes a different time... A: Na ta____ $f H H ^ ? y6u shfjian ma? B gives the same answer with a different activity that the daughter/son is committed to... B: 'ffe/Afe B: Ta yao /Si N" R] ° mei shfjian. Lesson 6 • Making Appointments 169 A thinks that he or she had better ask B to tell the daughter/son to call him/her back... A: #P If $&/ik 13 2k >Si A: Na qTnc, ta hui lai ylh6u wo deng ta de dianhua. Though a bit reluctant, B promises she will do that, then hangs up the phone. B: if 9 If" JSL ° B: Hao, zaijian. A tries to thank B and says goodbye before the click. te^^M ! #JSL ° A: Xiexie nfn! Zaijian. HOW ABOUT YOU? What languages do you speak? 1. Fa wen pn the French language 2. a £ Riwen pn the Japanese language ^ j. a* Dewen pn the German language 4. Hanwen pn the Korean language 5. F_wen pn the Russian language 6. ^ J^t^" a: XTbanyawen pn the Spanish language 7. Yldaliwen pn the Italian language 8. «ft Putaoyawen pn the Portuguese language 9. XTIawen pn the Greek language 10. 4iTi LadTngwen pn the Latin language If a language you speak is not listed above, please ask your teacher and make a note here:_. 70 Integrated Chinese * Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook About Chinese phone etiquette: The receiver of the call usually does not identify herself immediately on picking up the phone, as some people like to do in some other cultures. Instead, she would only say (wei/wei) and let the caller initiate the conversation. To make a long distance call in China, dial 0 first, then the area code followed by the phone number. Here are the area codes for two of the most important cities in China; Beijing: 10 Shanghai: 21 To call a cell phone number, however, you don't need to dial 0 first. It seems that to use it! China is now the largest cell phone market in the world. The cost of telephone communication in China can be significantly reduced by using calling cards, (dianhua ka). There are various types of calling cards, which are available in neighborhood convenience stores. (ShoujT), and they are not afraid Lesson 6 • Making Appointments 171 © Both t i (Zhongwen) and (Hanyu) mean "the Chinese language." is the name of the predominant ethnic group in China, and literally means "the language of the Han people." Therefore, Chinese citizens of non-Han ethnic backgrounds will most likely refer to the Chinese language as rather than . There is also a difference in nuance between Tp" (yu, speech) and (wen, writing), but for most purposes (Hanyu) and ^* (Zhongwen) are generally considered synonymous. This is a billboard for one of the major telecommunication companies in China. Can you figure out what services the company provides? 17950 17968 17990 17995 17908 17970 201 As seen here, there are so many choices when purchasing calling cards. 172 Integrated Chinese • Level 1 Part 1 • Textbook English Text Dialogue I (Li You is on the phone with Teacher Chang.) Teacher Chang: Hello? Li You: Hello, is Teacher Chang there? Teacher Chang: This is she. Who is this, please? Li You: Teacher, how are you? This is Li You. Teacher Chang: Hi, Li You. What's going on? Li You: Teacher, are you free this afternoon? I'd like to ask you a few questions. Teacher Chang: I'm sorry. This afternoon I have to go to a meeting, Li You: What about tomorrow? Teacher Chang: Tomorrow morning 1 have two classes. Tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock I have to give an exam to the second-year class. Li You: When will you be free? Teacher Chang: I won't be free until after four o'clock tomorrow. Li You: If it's convenient for you, I'll go to your office at four-thirty. Is that all right? Teacher Chang: Four-thirty? No problem. I'll wait for you in my office. Li You: Thank you. Teacher Chang: You're welcome. Dialogue II Li You: Hello, is Wang Peng there? Wang Peng: This is he. Is this Li You? Li You: Hi, Wang Peng. Next week I have a Chinese exam. Could you help me prepare and practice speaking Chinese with me? Wang Peng: Sure, but you must take me out for coffee, Li You: Take you out for coffee? No problem. So, when can I see you? Are you free this evening? Wang Peng: This evening Bai Ying'ai is taking me out to dinner. Li You: Is that so? Bai Ying'ai is taking you out to dinner? Wang Peng: That's right. I will call you when I get back. Li You: O.K. I'll wait for your call. Lesson 6 • Making Appointments 173 PROGRESS CHECKLIST Before proceeding to Lesson 1, be sure you can complete the following tasks in Chinese: I am able to |~yj Ask about the reason for a phone call; [y7] Ask for a favor politely; [y| Set up an appointment on the phone; y Negotiate to find a common time that everyone can meet ; [y j Request that my call be returned. Please review the lesson if any of these tasks seem difficult.