UNIT 1 – Introduction & self-reflection Introduce yourself in an interesting, “juicy” way, so that other people remember you… Be original and creative but try to cover the following: - name - background - field of study - experience with presenting in English - anything else you are willing to share Discuss the topics that are planned for the semester. Is there anything important missing? Which formats are the most usual in your field? What kind of presentations are you likely to give during your studies? In your career? Compare your answers with your neighbours’. · elevator pitch · visuals (diagrams, charts, maps) · story telling · body language · Power Point vs. Prezi · Pecha-kucha · timing · poster presentation · abstract vs. summary · discussions · title development · scholarly presentation Self-reflection To be a more effective presenter, it is useful to evaluate your own presentation skills. The following self- evaluation form can help you identify areas you should try to improve. Read each item below and rank yourself from 1 to 5 based on how frequently you believe you adhere to the item (1=never and 5=always). Then concentrate on the points that you have ranked with low numbers when you are trying to improve your oral presentation skills. Underline the key words. 1) I determine some basic objectives before planning a presentation. 2) I analyze the values, needs and constraints of my audience. 3) I write down some main ideas first, in order to build a presentation around them. 4) I incorporate both a preview and review of the main ideas as my presentation is organized. 5) I develop an introduction that will catch the attention of my audience and provide the necessary background information. 6) My conclusion refers to the introduction and, if appropriate, contains a call-to-action statement. 7) The visual aids I use are carefully prepared, simple, easy to read, and have impact. 8) The number of visual aids will enhance, not detract, from my presentation. 9) If my presentation is persuasive, my arguments are logical and support my assertions. 10) I use anxiety to fuel the enthusiasm of my presentation, not hold me back. 11) I ensure the benefits suggested to my audience are clear and compelling. 12) I communicate ideas with enthusiasm. 13) I rehearse so there is a minimum focus on notes and maximum attention paid to my audience. 14) My notes contain only "key words" so I avoid reading from a manuscript or technical paper. 15) My presentations are rehearsed standing up and using visual aids. 16) I prepare answers to anticipated questions, and practice responding to them. 17) I arrange seating (if appropriate) and check audio-visual equipment in advance. 18) I maintain good eye contact with the audience at all times. 19) My gestures are natural and not constrained by anxiety. 20) My voice is strong and clear and is not monotone. Evaluate your score: * If you scored between 80-100, you are an accomplished speaker who simply needs to maintain basic skills through practice. * If your total score was between 60-80, you have the potential to become a highly effective presenter. * If your score was between 40 and 60, this resource can help you significantly. * If you scored between 30 and 40, you should show dramatic improvement with practice. * If your total was below 30, roll up your sleeves and dig in. It may not be easy - but you can make excellent progress if you try. Source: Mandel, S. (1987) Effective Presentation Skills: A Practical Guide for Better Speaking (Revised Edition). Ontario: Reid Publishing Ltd. Think about your goals in presenting. What are the biggest challenges you are facing? How can this course help you with these? What is your ultimate dream in presenting? Is there a presenter you find inspiring? Briefly present your goals to the class. Be as specific as you can. HW Write out your main goals for next class. You should follow SMART goal setting. See the link at https://www.projectsmart.co.uk/smart-goals.php