Research Project Proposal Title of the project Author Abstract (maximum 1,000 characters) A clear and concise abstract of the project’s aim and the means of achieving it. Key words Key terms (words and/or short phrases) defining the substance of the project (normally 3 - 10). Theoretical foundations and aims (2,000–3,000 characters) A clear description of the project’s aims with respect to wider theoretical problems and an outline of how the project will contribute to their solution. Progress beyond the current state of research (2,800–3,600 characters) A summary of the current state of research in the chosen field of study and a description of how the project will expand knowledge in this field. How the project aims will be achieved (3,600-5,000 characters) A detailed description of how the aims of the project will be achieved, including: 1. specific research questions (including their rationale, which will be detailed enough to show the relationship between these questions and particular research aims, and between these questions and the partial research steps indicated below); 2. the nature of relevant data and the means of assimilating such data in order to make the analysis feasible in the given time (2 semesters for a B.A. thesis, 4 semesters for an M.A. thesis, 8 semesters for a Ph.D. thesis, 1 year for a state exam research proposal); 3. the method(s) of data acquisition and their relevance to the research questions; 4. possible ethical or legal obstacles to data acquisition or their interpretation; 5. the method(s) of data analysis and their relevance to the research questions, research aims, and theoretical foundations of the project; 6. the preliminary time frame. Please write in complete sentences, not in points. Expected contribution of the project to knowledge in the field and the applicability of the project results (maximum 1,000 characters) A statement of the intended target group and a short exposition of how and in which field(s) the results could increase our knowledge, or – if applicable – could be helpful in education or other areas. The point is not to describe all possible areas to which the results are applicable, but their applicability with respect to the primary target group. References Please use bibliographical references in the text of the proposal and list the references here (in any of the variants of the Harvard, “parenthesis” style). If applicable, please divide the list into two parts: Primary sources and Literature (as indicated below). Project bibliography A bibliography of the main sources, as well as the relevant scholarly works on the topic you plan to use in the project. Please divide the list into two parts: Primary sources and Literature. Primary sources Literature