Dril VI KSCB124 m-m » & « j l f c + * 3 I B * • • ( Chinese V I » ± * r g S ) iSSi&BE (KSCB124/04): M2J!19Bg|5Ji 24 0 (4J! 15 0-19 0 ^ 1 0 reading week - 18:00-19:40 B2.33 8:00-9:40 B2.24 26 1 J « 6 U » ± « 8 W g f t W ( KSCB124/04) : • T^Tif M : Attendance (up to two unexcesed absences are tolerated). • •Students who had three unexcused absencesfails the course) • Late arrivals of more than 20 minutes without prior explanation are considered absences. « S Ä E ( KSCB124/04) : Learning outcomes Student will be able to: - understand the main points of speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc; - deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken; - deal with unprepared conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life; - identify a moderate number of character components and high-frequency characters in areas of immediate need; - identify key facts and some details in descriptive material on daily life. n h I k STANDARD COURSE STANDARD COURSE HSK 4, 4T T 1. 2. 3. - h 4. 5. Ä # Ä B # ä r ô -e*' —- n. character, personality / / / mpression Q ®J3 ti um if : * ( ) if : * ( ) m : * ( JUSTICE if : * ( The Spring Festiva The Spriv^ Festival T T S ee i i " ^ 1 I £AS AS as Spring Festival transportation is a large-scale high transportation pressure phenomenon around the Lunar New Year in China, totaling about 40 days.