> Apokalyptické myšlení a problematika hromadných sebevražd u nových náboženských hnutí A picture containing indoor, cabinet, bed, room Description automatically generated A picture containing outdoor, grass, rock, many Description automatically generated A group of people in a field Description automatically generated A picture containing graphical user interface Description automatically generated A picture containing grass, outdoor, truck, cake Description automatically generated A group of people standing around a fire Description automatically generated Prípady hromadného násilia Osnova Nové náboženské hnutia (NNH) A person wearing a garment Description automatically generated with low confidence Čo znamená označenie „nové“? A person posing for the camera Description automatically generated A close up of a person Description automatically generated A group of people in front of a crowd posing for the camera Description automatically generated A picture containing outdoor, person, grass, person Description automatically generated A person smiling for the camera Description automatically generated A group of people posing for a photo Description automatically generated A picture containing text Description automatically generated A picture containing text, book, person Description automatically generated Text Description automatically generated A picture containing text, book Description automatically generated A person looking at the camera Description automatically generated Text Description automatically generated Problematika násilia a NNH Milenializmus a apokalypsa Milenializmus a apokalypsa Milenializmus a apokalypsa Milenializmus a apokalypsa Nenaplnenie proroctva Vytváranie prorockého prostredia Konflikt s okolitou spoločnosťou Václavík, D. (2007). Sociologie nových náboženských hnutí. Masarykova univerzita ; Malvern. Svätyňa ľudu (Peoples Temple) Davidiáni (Branch Davidians) Hnutie Bhagvána Šrí Radžníša (Osho) A person holding up her middle finger Description automatically generated with low confidence Nebeská brána