Test in the history of the English language -- Part II The test is based on the handbook A Guide to Pre-Modern English by J. Hladký. It contains questions from the areas listed below. During the test, students are allowed to use their own notes concerning the development of the sounds and the grammatical system of English. They are not allowed to use any handbooks or dictionaries, nor photocopies of pages from handbooks or dictionaries. 1. The development of sounds (i.e. consonants, vowels, and diphthongs) from IE to ModE. 2. The development of the grammatical system of the English language. (Focus on nouns, verbs, pronouns, and adjectives.) 3. The influence of other languages upon the development of English. 4. Analysis of selected grammatical categories of OE nouns (case, number), pronouns (case, number), and verbs (basic categories thematic/athematic, strong/weak, strong/preterite-present). 5. Translation of short passages of OE texts. (One passage of a "prepared" text (without vocabulary) and one passage of an "unprepared" text accompanied with vocabulary. 6. Transcription of the pronunciation of selected OE words. 7. Translation of a short passage of a ME text. 8. Transcription of the pronunciation of selected ME words. Main study material: Hladký. J. -- A Guide to Pre-Modern English (Theoretical parts dealing with the areas mentioned above and selected texts) Additional reading (optional, useful for deeper understanding): Vachek J. -- Historický vývoj angličtiny Recommended texts (i.e. "prepared" texts): OE: Our Father (West Saxon, end of 10^th century) The creation The ploughman The flood ME: Ormulum General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales (lines 1-55, and 79-100) NE: Shakespeare, W. -- Sonnet 18 (p. 291)