UNIT 5 Going to (I am going to do) a) We use going to (do) when we say what we have already decided to do, what we intend to do in the future: — A: There's a film on television tonight. Are you going to watch it? B: No, I'm too tired. I'm going to have an early night. — A: ! hear Ann has won a lot of money. What is she going to do with it? B: I've heard she's going to travel round the world, — A: Have you made the coffee yet? B: No, but I'm just going to make it. (just = just at this moment) For the difference between will and going to see Unit 8. b) We prefer to use the present continuous (I am doing) when we say what someone has arranged to do - for example, arranged to meet someone, arranged to travel somewhere. Going to is also possible: — What time are you meeting Ann? (or 'are you going to meet') — I'm travelling to Scotland on Monday, (or 'I'm going to travel'} See also Unit 4a. c) We use was/were going to to say what someone intended to do in the past (but didn't do): — We were going to travel by train but then we decided to go by car. — A: Did Tom do the examination? B: No, he was going to do it but in the end he changed his mind. — 1 was just going to cross the road when someone shouted 'Stop!'. d) Going to also has another meaning. Study this example situation: The man can't see where he is going. There is a hole in front of him. j-s ■ ^ He is going to fall into the hole. Here the speaker is saying what he thinks will happen. Of course he doesn't mean that the man intends to fa!! o We use going to in this way when we say what we think will happen. Usually there is something in the present situation (the man walking towards the hole) that makes the speaker sure about what will happen. - Look at those black clouds! It's going to rain, (the clouds are there now) - Oh, I reel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick, (I feel terrible now) 10 UNIT 5 Exercises 5.1 In this exercise you have to say when you are going to do something. Examples- Have you cleaned the car? (tomorrow) .^.i^fc-.)..^.^Í«3te.c(í^ittom0M!W- Have you made the coffee? (just) N°t.!J#imjy.iM:.3QW^.tP..m^..Ü;....... 1 Have you phoned Tom? (after lunch) Not yet, 1....................................................... 2 Have you had dinner- (just) Not yet.......................................................... y Have you painted your flat? (soon) Not ......-....................................................... 4 Have you repaired my bicycle? (just) ......................................................................... 5.2 In this exercise yo« have to write questions with going to. Example: I've won a lot of money, (what / with it?} W^are.ap^M.9pm9.t»dowi.th..ltl'.. 1 I'm going to a party tonight, (what.' wearii .................................................................................. 2 Tom has just bought a painting, (where ' hang it?)...................................................................... 3 I've decided to have a party, (who / invite?)............................................... ........................... 5.3 In this exercise you have to tue was/were going to. Example: Did you travel by train? N°J.W^.3^n9.toíffiy§y?ytřwn ^^................................. 1 Did you buy that jacket you saw in the shop window? No, I................................................................................ but I ch-inged my mind. 2 Did Sue get married? No, she.................................................................................. but she.................................................... 3 Did Tom resign from his job? No,..................................................................^.............bur .................................................................... 4 Did Wayne and Sharon go to Greece for their holidays? No,...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Did you play tennis yesterdav? No, .............................'.................................................................................................................... 6 Did you invite Ann to the party? No, ............................................................................................................................................................ 5.4 Now you have to say what you think is going to happen in these situations. Exampie:The sky is full of black clouds, (rain) Ks.mty.to.mft,.......................................... 1 Terry is doing his examinations tomorrow. He hasn't done any work for them and he is not very intelligent, (fail) He................................................................................................................ 2 It is 8.30. Tom is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8.45 but the journey takes 30 minutes, (be late)......................................................................................................................................... 3 There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. It is filling up with water verv quicklv. (sink) It....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Ann is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away, (run out of petrol)..................................................................................................... 11 UNIT 6 win (i) a) We use will I'll) when we decide to do something at the time ot speaking: - Oh, I've left the door open. I'll go and shut it. - 'What would you like to drink?' 'I'll have a lemonade, please.' - 'Did you phone Ann?" 'Oh no, I forgot. I'll do it now,' - I'm too tired to walk home. I think I'll get a taxi. You cannot use the present simple {I do) in these sentences. - I'll go and shut it. (not 'I go and shut it.') Do not use will to say what someone has already decided to do or arranged to do: - I can't meet you tomorrow because my parents are coming to see me. (not 'my parents will come') The negative of will is won't (or will not): - Receptionist: I'm afraid Mr Wood can't see you until 4 o'clock. You: Oh, in that case 1 won't wait. We often use I think I'll ... or I don't think I'll ... when we decide to do something: - I think I'll stay at home this evening. - I don't think I'll go out tonight. I'm too tired, b) We often use will in these situations: Offering to do something: - That bag looks heavy. I'll help you with it. (not 'I help') - 'I need some money'. 'Don't worry. I'll lend you some.' Agreeing or reft/sing to do something: - A: You know that book I lent you? Can 1 have it back? B: Of course. I'll bring it back this afternoon, (not 'I bring') - I've asked John to help me but he won't. - The car won't start. (= the c.ir 'refuses' to start) Promising to do something: - Thank you for lending me the money. I'll pay you back on Friday, (noi'l pay") - I won't tell Tom what you said. I promise. - I prorrfise I'll phone you as soon as 1 arrive. Asking someone to do something (Will you ...?}: - Will you shut the door, please? - Will you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate. For will see also Unit 7. For will and going to see Unit 8, 12 UNIT 6 Exercises 6.1 1" this exercise you hate to complete the sentences with I'll + a suitable verb. Example: I'm too tired to walk home. I think..........(.IL.£|££-.......a taxi. 1 I feel a bit hungry. I think................................something to eat. 2 It's too late to telephone Tom now.................................him in the morning. 3* 'It's a bit cold in this room.' 'Is it?.................................on the heating then.' 4 'We haven't got any cigarettes.' 'Oh, haven't we?................................ and get some," 5 'Did you write rhat letter to Jack?' 'Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. .................................it this evening.' 6 'Would you like tea or coffee?' '................................coffee, please.' 6.2 Now you h.we to use I think I'll... or I don't think I'll... . Read the situation and then write your sentence-Examples: It's cold. You decide to close the window. \)&WM[\i#^iy<$.)r>Šu4W-.......... It's raining. You decide not to go out. l^^..^^}MSP.out.,............................ 1 You feel tired. You decide to go to bed. I ................................................................... 2 A friend of yours offers you a lift in his car but you decide to walk. Thank you but ........................................................................................................................... 3 You arranged to play tennis. Now you decide that you don't want to play. 4 You were going to go swimming. N'ow you decide that you don't want to go. "6.3 Now you have to offer to do things. Tom has a lot of things to do and in each case you offer to do them for him. ExampIe:7om: Oh, I must do the washing-up. You: }h.á^M^fe?.,'.PÍPÍTI^SWí'«clÄJa« tWorit>its.c*íterMfc«?..... 1 You've just tried on a jacket in a shop. You are not sure whether to buy it or not. Ask your friend for advice............................................................................................................................... 2 You're going out. It's possible that it will rain and you're not sure whether to take an umbrella or not. Ask your friend for advice..................................................................................... 3 It's Ann's birthday soon and you don't know what to give her. Ask your friend for advice. What................................................................................................................................................. ? 4 Your friend wants you to phone him/her later. You don't know what time to phone. Ask him/her. What.................................................................................................................................... si This time you have to make sentences with shall we? ( Example: You and your friend haven't decided what to do this evening. You say: hhat sh^wc.^thtej^soüngf.................................................................... 5 You and your friend haven't decided where to go for your holidays. You say: Where ............................................................................................ .................................................................... 6 You and your friend haven't decided what to have for dinner. You say: 7 You and your friend are going out. You haven't decided whether to go by car or to walk. You say:.....................................................................or.................................................................................... 15 UNIT 8 Will or going to? a) Talking about future actions We use both will and going to to talk about our future actions but there is a clear difference. Study this example situation: Helen's bicycle has a flat tyre. She tells her father. Helen: My bicycle has a flat tyre. Can you repair it for me? Father: Okay, but 1 can't do it now. I'll repair it tomorrow. will; We use will when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. The speaker has not decided before. Before Helen told her father, he didn't know about the flat tyre. Later, Helen's mother speaks to her husband. Mother: Can you repair Helen's bicycle? It has a flat tyre. Father: Yes, I know. She told me. I'm going to repair it tomorrow. going co; We use going to when we have already decided to do something. Helen's father had already decided co repair the bicycle before his wife spoke to him. Here is another example: - Tom is cooking when he suddenly finds that there isn't any salt: Tom: Ann, we haven't got any salt. Ann: Oh, haven't we? I'll get some from the shop then, {she decides at the time of Speaking} Before going out, Ann talks to Jim: Ann: I'm going to get some salt from the shop, (she has already deckled) Can Iget you anything, Jim? b) Saying what will happen (predicting future happenings} We use both will and going to to say what we think will happen in the future; - Do you think Tom will get the job? - Oh dear, it's already 4 o'clock. We're going to be late. We use going to {not will) when there is something in the present situation that shows what will happen in the future (especially the near furure). The speaker feels sure about what will happen because of the situation now (see also Unit 5d); - Look at those black clouds. It's going lo rain, (the clouds are there now) - I feel terrible, I think I'm going to be sick. (I fee! terrible now) Do not use will in situations like these. Otherwise, it is safer to use will (see also Unir 7): - Ann will probably arrive at about 8 o'clock. - I think Tom will like the present you bought for him. 16 UNIT 8 Exercises 8,1 In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form using will or going to. Examples: A: Why are you turning on the television? B: lV.gfflJ39í!?..W!íÍ!*í.................(watch) the news. A: Oh, I've just realised - I haven't got any money. B: Don't worry - that's no problem. ['tU*™*.........................(lend) you some. Those clouds are very black, aren't they? 1 think it.......A$.9flM39.l£--KW--I!......(rain) 2 A: B: 3 A: B: 4 A: B: 7 T . 1 A: I've got a terrible headache. Have you? Wait there and 1..........................................(get) an aspirin for you. Why are you filling that bucket with water? I.........................................(washj the car, I've decided to re-paint this room. Oh, have you? What colour.........................................(you/paint) it? Look! There's smoke coming out of that house. It's on fire! Good heavens! I..........................................(call) the fire-brigade immediately. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it? B: No, it looks as if it..........................................(fall) down. A; Where are you going? Are you going shopping? B; Yes, I..........................................(buy) something for dinner, A: I can't work out how to use this camera. B: It's quite easy. I..........................................(show) you. 8 A: What would you like to drink-tea or coffee? B; I..........................................(have) tea, please. 9 A: Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school? B; Oh yes. Everything is planned. He..........................................(have) a holiday for a few weeks and then he..........................................(start) a computer programming course. A: Did you post that letter fot me? B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. 1..........................................(do) it now. A: What shall we have for dinner? '■ B; I don't know. I can't make up my mind. A: Come on, hurry up! Make a decision! B: Okay then. We..........................................(have) chicken. 12 Jack: We need some bread for lunch. Ben: Oh, do we? I..........................................(go) to the shop and get some. I feel like a walk. Before he goes out, Ben talks to Jane: Ben: I..........................................(get) some bread. Do you want anything from the shop? Jane: Yes, I need some envelopes. Ben: Okay, I........„................................(get) you some. 13 John has to go to the airport to catch a plane. He hasn't got a car: John; Alan, can you take me ro the airport this evening? """ Alan: Of course 1..........................................(take) you. I'd be delighted. Later that day Eric offers to take John to the airport. Eric: John, do you wanr me to take you to the airport? John: No thanks, Eric. Alan..........................................(take) me. 10 11 17 UNIT 9 When and If sentences (When I do ... / If I do ...) a) Study this example: A: What time will you phone me tonight? B: I'll phone you when 1 get home from work. 'I'll phone you when I get home from work' is a sentence with two parts: 'I'll phone you' (the main part) and 'when I get home from work' (the when part). The sentence is future (tonight) but you cannot use will or going to in the when part of che sentence. Instead we use a present tense, usually present simple (I do). © - I'll send you a postcard when I'm on holiday, (not 'when I will be') - When the rain stops, we'll go out. {not 'when the rain will stop') The same thing happens after: while after before until/till as soon as - Can you look after the children while 1 am out? (not 'wilt be') - Before you leave, you must visit the museum, (not 'will leave') - Wait until I come back, (not 'will come') You can also use the present perfect (1 have done) after when/after/until etc. to show that the first action will be finished before the second: - When I've read this book, you can have it. - Don't say anything while Tom is here. Wait here until he has gone. It is often possible to use present simple or present perfect: - I'll come as soon as 1 finish. or I'll come as soon as I've finished. - You'll feel better after you have or You'll fee! better after you've had something to eat. something to eat. c) After if we also use the present simple (I do) for the future: - It's raining. We'll get wet if we go out. (not 'if we will go') - Hurry up! If we don'l hurry, we'll be late, (not 'if we won't hurry') Be careful not to confuse when and if. Use when for things which are sure to happen: - I'm going shopping this afternoon. When I go shopping, I'll buy some food. Use if (not when) for things which will possibly happen: - / might go shopping this afternoon. If I go shopping, I'll buy some food. - If it rains this evening, I won't go out. («or'when it rains') - Don't worry if I'm late tonight, (not 'when I'm late') - If he doesn't come soon, I'm not going to wait, (nor'when he doesn't come') 18 =UNIT 9 Exercises ' 9.1 All the sentences in this exercise are about the future. Put the verbs into the correct form: will/won't or the present simple (I doj. Example: When I ............S£C............(see) Tom tomorrow, 1.......1L .yíyltô.....(invite) him to our party. 1 Before you.........................................(leave), don't forget to shut the windows. 2 1.........................................(phone) you as soon as I..........................................(arrive) in London. 3 Please don't touch anything before the police..........................................(come). 4 Everyone........................................(be) very surprised if he..........................................(pass) the examination. 5 When you.........................................(see) Brian again, you........................................(nor / recognise) him. 6 We..........................................(not/start) dinner until Jack..........................................(arrive). 7 ..........................................(you/be) lonely without me while 1..........................................(be) away? 8 If I..........................................(need) any help, 1........................................(ask) you. 9 Come on! Hurry up! Ann...............................(be) annoyed if we...............,...............(be) late. 9.2 This time you haue to make one sentence from two sentences. V Example: You are going to leave soon. You must visit the museum before that. You. .must.y/Uit, Vne. nwseum before üow leftvdü?.....................,.................... '7 'i 1 I'll find somewhere to live. Then I'll give you my address. I.................................................................. when......................................................................... ; 2 It's going to start raining. Let's go out before that. ■■. Let's..................................................................before ................................................................ ■f. 3 I'm going to do the shopping. Then I'll come straight back home. \.r-, .....................................-..........................after ...................____................................................ 4 You'll be in London next month. You must come and see me then. ................................................................. when............................................................................. '5 I'm going to finish reading this book. Then I'll get the dinner ready. ................................................................ when............................................................................. :-,6 We'll make our decision. Then we'll let you know. ................................................................ as soon as ..................................................................... -In this exercise you have to put in when or if. xqmple: Jr...............it rains this evening, I won't go out. ^p : . .rj'm going to Paris next week....................ľni there, I hope to visit a friend of mine. .Tom might phone this evening....................he does, can you take a message? I.think he'll get the job. I'll be very surprised................... he doesn't get it. J-hope to be there by 10.30. But...................I'm not there, don't wait for me. jl^n going shopping......................you want anything, I can get it for you. . I think I'll go home now. I'm feeling very tired. I think I'll go straight to bed...................1 jsět home. ^'m going away for a few days. I'll phone you...................I get back. ^ I want you to come to the party buf....................you don't want to come, you needn't. UNIT 10 Will be doing and will have done a) First study this example situation: Tom is a football fan and there is a football match on television this evening. The match begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.15. Ann wants to come and see Tom this evening and wants to know what time to come: Ann: Is it all right if I come at about 8.30? Tom: No, don't come then. I'll be watching the match on television. Ann: Oh. Well, what about 9.30? Tom: Yes, that'll be fine. The match will have finished by then. We use will be doing {future continuous) to say that we will be in the middle of doing somethingar a certain time in the future. The football match begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.15, So during this time, for example at 8.30, Tom will be watching the match. Here are some more examples: - You'll recognise her when you see her. She'll be wearing a yellow hat. - This time next week I'll be on holiday, I'll probably be lying on a beautiful beach. Compare will be doing with the other continuous forms: Tom works every morning from 9 o'clock until midday. So: - At 10 o'clock yesterday he was working, {past continuous - see Unit 12) - It's 10 o'clock now. He is working, {present continuous -see Unit 1) - At 10 o'clock tomorrow he will be working. You can also use will be doing in another way: to talk about things which are already planned Or decided: - I'll be going to the city centre later. Can I get you anything? With this meaning will be doing is similar to am doing (see Unit 4a): - I'm going to the city centre later. We often use Will (you) be -ing? to ask about people's plans, especially when we wane something or want someone co do something: - 'Will you be using your bicycle this evening?' 'No, you can take it.' - 'Will you be passing the post office when you go out?' 'Yes, why?' d) We use will have done {future perfect) to say that something will already have happened beforeacertaintimein the future. Tom's football match ends at 9.15. So after this time, for example at 9.30, the match will have finished. Here are some more examples; - Next year is Ted and Amy's 25th wedding anniversary. They will have been tnatried for 25 years. (Now they have been matried for 24 years.) - We're late, (expect the film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema. 20 UNIT 10 Exercises 10.1 In this exercise you have to make sentences with will be -ing. Example: I'm going to watch television from 9 until 10 o'clock this evening. So at 9.30 I W^.l» W*^infl.(SS^iSÜ!R...................................................... 1 Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at 4 o'clock tomorrow l ................................................................................................. 2 Jim is going to study from 7 o'clock until 10 o'clock this evening. ■> So at 8,30 this evening he ..................................................................................................... ,] 3 We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 until 11 o'clock. So at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning ................................................................................ 010.2 This time you have to write three sentences, one each about the past, present and future. Bob always reads the newspaper in the morning. It always takes him half an hour, from S o'clock until 830. So: 1 At 8.15 yesterday morning Bob........................................................................................................... 2 It's 8,15 now. He......................................................................................................................................... 3 At 8,15 tomorrow morning he............................................................................................................... 0.3 This time you have to ask questions with Will you be -ing? Example: You want to borrow your friend's bicycle this evening. fyou / use / your bicycle this evening?) Nilt^.tei^.ypurfcii^.tb&ewWtfS? 1 You want your friend to give Tom a message this aftetnoon. (you /see/Tom this afternoon?) .................................................................................................... 2 You want to use your friend's typewriter tomorrow evening, (you / use / your typewriter tomorrow evening?) ........................................................................ 3 Your friend is going shopping. You want him/her to buy some stamps for you at the post office, (you / pass / the post office when you'te in town?) ............................................ 0.4 In this exercise you have to use will have done. Example: Tom and Ann are going to the cinema. The film begins at 7.30 and it is already 7.20. And it will rake them 20 minutes to get there. When they get thete, (the film / already / start) t^,fT^.V^lMyep^^S.tarí«4- 1 Jim always goes co bed at 11 o'clock. Tom is going to visit him at 11.30 this evening. When Tom arrives, (Jim / go / Co bed)................................................................................................. 2 Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too quickly. Before the end or his holiday, (he /spend / all his money) 3 Chuck came to Britain from the US nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years since he arrived. Next Monday (he / be / here / exactly three years) 21