UNIT 47 Reported speech (1) a) Study this example situation: You want to tell someone else what Tom said. There are two ways of doing this: You can repeat Tom's words (direct speech): Tom said 'I'm feeling ill'. Or you can use reported speech: Tom said (that) he was feeling ill. Compare the two sentences: direct Tom said ' |_fj I am [ feeling ill', you use these to show it is direct speech reported Tom said (that) ľ h el I wasl feeling ill. b) When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past. So verbs usually change to the past in reported speech. For example: am/is —» was are —* were have/has —► had will —< would can —• could do/want/know etc. —* did/wanted/knew etc. Study these examples. You met Tom. Here are some things he said to you: My parents are very well. I'm going to give up my job. Ann has bought anewcar. I can't come to the parry on Friday. want to go on holiday buf I don't know where to go. 'm going away for a~\ few days. I'll phone you) when Iget back. J Now you tell someone else what Tom said (in reported speech): — Tom said (that) his parents were very well. — Tom said (that) he was going to give up his job. — Tom said (that) Ann had bought a new car. — Tom said (that) he couldn't come to the party on Friday. — Tom said (thar) he wanted to go on holiday but he didn't know whete to go. — Tom said (that) he was going away for a few days and would phone me when he got back. c) The past simple (I did) can usually stay the same in reported speech, or you can change it to the past perfect (I had done): did-«did or had done direct Tom said 'I woke up feeling ill and so I stayed in bed'. reported Tom said (that) he woke (or had woken) up feeling ill and so he stayed (or had stayed) in bed. ^ For reported speech see also Units 48 and 50b. 94 UNIT 47 Exercises 47.1 Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Charlie told you a lot of things. Here are some of the things he said to you: 1 I'm thinking of going to ivein Canada. (l. My father is in hospital. ) 3 Nota and Jim are gerting married next month. (4 I haven'r seen Bill for a whileľ^y (5 I've been playing tennis a lot recenTiy (6 Matgaret has had a baby>^/ \yTT\saw Jack ar a party a few months^ 8 I hardly ever go out thesedays!) (9 1 work 14 hours a day.) /lO I'll tell Jim I saw you) 11 You can come and stay with me i you are ever in London, 2 Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured. (7 I don'r know what Fred isdoing^y and he seemed fine. Later that day you teil another friend what Charlie said. Use reported speech. 1 !^J^..s.0!*.fcV^t.he.wM..t^ .............. 2 Chatlie said that 9 10 11 12 13 47.2 In this exercise someone says something to you which is the opposite of what they said before. You have to answer I thought you said ... Example: That restautant is expensive.' viW^iVlt^^Smtfe-W^^t^p^lvc,....... 1 'Ann is coming ro the parry.' 'I thought you said she 2 'Bill passed his examination.' 'I thought you said ...... 3 'Ann likes Bill.' '1 thought..................................................... 4 'I've got many friends.' '1 thought you said you ........... 5 'Jack and Jill are going to get married.' ' ........................ 6 'Tom works very hard.' '....................................................... 7 'I want to be rich and famous.' ' ........................................ 8 'I'll be here next week,' ' ....................................................... 9 'I can afford a holidav this vear.' ' .................................... 9S UNIT 48 Reported speech (2) a) It is not always necessary to change the verb when you use reported speech. If you are reporting something and you feel that it is still true, you do not need to change the tense of the verb: direct Tom said 'New York is bigger than London'. reported Tom said (that) New York is {or was) bigger than London. direct Ann said '1 wane to go to New York next year'. reported Ann said (that) she wants (or wanted) to go to New York next year. Notice that it is also correct to change the verb into the past. But you must use a past tense when there is a difference between what was sjid and what is ready true. Study this example situation: You met Ann. She said 'Jim is ill', [direct speech) Later that day you see Jim playing tennis and looking well. You say: 'I'm surprised to see you playing tennis, Jim. Ann said that you wete ill'. (not 'that you are ill', because he isn't ill) b) Must, might, could, would, should and ought stay the same in teporred speech. May in direct speech normally changes to might in reported speech. Say and tell If you say who you are talking to, use tell: - Tom cold me (that) he didn't like Brian, (not 'Tom said me ...') Otherwise use say: - Tom said (that) he didn't like Brian, (not 'Tom told (that) he ...') Also: you can't say 'Tom told about his trip to America'. You have to say: - Tom told us (or me/them/Ann etc.) about his trip to America. If you don't say who he told, you have to say: - Tom talked (or spoke) about his trip to America, (but not 'said about') c) We also use the infinitive fto do / to stay etc.) in reported speech, especially with tell and ask (fot orders and requests): direct reported direct reported direct reported direct reported 'Stay in bed for i few days', the doctor said to me. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days. 'Don't shout', I said to Jim. I told Jim not (o shout. 'Please don't tell anyone what happened', Ann said to me. Ann asked me not to tell anyone what (had) happened. 'Can you open the door for me, Tom?' Ann asked. Ann asked Tom to open the door for her. Said is also possible with the infinitive: - The doctor said to stay in bed for a few days, (but not 'said me') 96 UNIT 48 Exercises 48.1 In this exercise you have to write what you would say in these situations. Example: Ann says 'I'm tired'. Five minutes later she says 'Let's plav tennis'. What do you say? ym.$^.y°uwejľS-.iÁ*tá,..................................................................................... 1 Your friend says 'I'm hungry' so you go to a restaurant. When you get there he says 'I don't want to eat'. What do you say? You said .......................................................................... 1' Tom reus you 'Ann has gone away'. Later that day you meet her. What do you say? Tom told .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 George said 'I don't smoke'. A few days larer you see him smoking a cigarette. What do you say to him? You said ................................................................................................ 4 You arranged to meet Jack. He said 'I won't be late'. At last he arrives - 20 minutes late. What do you say? You.............................................................................................................. 5 Sue said 'I can't come to the party tonight". Thar night you see her ac the party. What do you say to her? ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Ann says 'I'm working tomorrow evening'. Later that day she says 'Let's go out tomorrow evening'. What do you say? ...................................................................................... 48.2 Now you have to complete these sentences with said, told or talked. Example: Tom.....SQÍÚ.... that he didn't like Brian. 1 Jack...................me that he was enjoying his new job. 2 Tom...................it was a nice restaurant but I didn't like it much. 3 The doctor...................that I would have to rest for at least a week. 4 Mrs Taylor....................us she wouldn't be able to come to the next meeting. 5 Ann...................Tom that she was going away. 6 George couldn't help me. He...................to ask Jack. " At the meeting the chairman....................about the problems facing the company. 8 Jill...................us all about her holiday in Australia, 48.3 Noii' vow have to read a sentence and write a new sentence with the same meaning. Examples: 'Listen carefully', he said to us. He told "$.<»U^M.i^wefuUi)-.............. 'Don't wait for me if I'm late', Ann said. Ann said PP.r,.|^.wc^.f^.herúf.^ŕyytó..lílÄ,............................................. 1 'Eat more fruit and vegetables', the doctor said. The doctor said ................................................................................................................................ 2 'Read the instructions before you switch on the machine', he said to me. He tofd ................................................................................................................................................... 3 'Shut the door but don't lock it', she said to us. She told ................................................................................................................................................. 4 'Can you speak more slowly? I can't understand', he said to me. He asked.................................................................................because ............................................ 5 'Don't come before 6 o'clock', I said to him. [told....................................................................................................................................................... 97 UNIT 88 Relative clauses (1) - clauses with who/thaťwhich a) Study this example: The man | who lives next door] is very friendly, L relatwe clause -• k clause is a part of a sentence. A relative clause cells us which person or thing (or what kind of person or thing) the speaker means: - The man who lives next door ... (who lives next door tells us which man) - People who live in London ... (who live in London tells us what kind of people) We use who in a relative clause when we are talking about people. We use who instead of he/she/they: the man - (Tie | lives next door - is very friendly The man 1 who I lives next door is very friendly, we know a lot of people - [ they | live in London We know a lot of people | who | live in London. - An architect is someone who designs buildings. - What was the name of the man who lent you the money? - The girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital. - Anyone who wants to do the examination must enter before next Friday, It is also possible to use (hat instead of who: - The man that lives next door is very friendly. But sometimes you must use who for people ~ see Unit 91. b) When we are talking about things, we use that (nor who) in a relative clause. We use that instead of it/they: i-------------------------------------------------------------------- where are the eggs? —J they | were in the fridge Where are the eggs I that I were in the fridge? - I don't like stories that have unhappy endings. - Gerty works for a company that makes typewriters. - Everything that happened was my fault. - The window that was broken has now been repaired. You can also use which for things (but not for people): - Where are the eggs which were in the fridge? That is more usual than which in the sentences in this unit. But sometimes you must use which - see Unit 91. c) Remember that we use who/that/which instead of he/she/they /it: - Do you know the man who lives next door? {not'... who he lives ,..') Now study the next unit for more information about relative clauses. 176 UNIT 88 Exercises 88.1 In this exercise you have to explain what some words mean. Choose the right meaning from the list and then write a sentence with who. Use a dictionary if necessary. he'she steals from a shop he/she doesn't eat meat he/she designs building» ■ he/she breaks into a house and steals things he/she doesn't drink alcohol he/she buys something from a shop 1 (an architect) .^an&i^^.il.amew^ 2 (a burglar) A burglar is someone ............................................................... 3 (a vegetarian) A vegetarian ............................................................................ 4 (a customer)........................................................................................................... 5 {a shoplifter) ....................................................................................................... 6 (a teetotaller) ..................................................................................................... 88.2 Now you have to read two sentences and then write one sentence with the same meaning. Use a relative clause in your sentence. Example: A girl was injured in [he accident. She is now in hospital. The girl wte.Wtó.^«^W,t&e.ítóÍa^ ........................... 1 A man answered the phone. He told me you were out. The man ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 A waitress setved us. She was very impolite and impatient. The ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Some boys were arrested. They have now been released. The boys ................................................,.......................................................................................................... 88.3 The sentences in this exercise are not complete. Choose the most suitable ending from the list and make it into a relative clause. he invented the telephone she runs away f torn home they are never on time theystolemycar they used to hang on that wall , it makes-typewriters— it gives you the meanings of words it won the race itcansupportlife it was found last week 1 Gerry works for a company ^!^.L°S.^^).^h? to^..rr'!=..^!:c^^»/.y.|r!rA^..i w.^!^..^.vy».^..ft.p + w™m /PeoP'f > either of/one of/two of etc. f + wh.ch (thmgs) - He tried on three jackets, none of which fitted him. - They've got three cars, two of which they never use. - Tom has a lot of friends, many of whom he was at school with. - Two men, neither of whom I had seen before, came inco my office. c) Which («Of'what') Study this example: | Jim passed his driving test. IjThis | surprised everybody. (2 sentences) [Jim passed his driving test, f which| surprised everybody. (/ sentence) I— —■ relative clause--------1 In this example which = the fact that he passed his driving test. You cannot use what instead of which in sentences like this: - She couldn't come to the party, which was a pity, (not' ... wh.u was a pity') - The weather was very good, which we hadn't expected, {not "... what we hadn't expected') For what see Unit 89c. 1S4 UNIT 92 Exercises 92.1 /" this exercise you have to write these sentences again, together with a relative clause. Use the sentences in brackets to make your relative clauses. Example: Mr Carter is very interested in our plan. (1 spoke to him on the phone last night.) M<ÍAí tWi whft i.^f«.te to.iWyK P^e .l^.t.«43.ht,.tóVť^.ktírEsfe^ i«, og*: plftři,...................... or. .MrCärí^íp ^tiowi.j i:^^ ^^tpiioo.r-.ííist-tt^ht„tó v«ry. i+ifetresijsd,i^ourptón--■ ( This is a photograph of our friends. (We went on holiday with them.) This is............................................................................................................................................................... 2 The wedding took place last Friday. (Only members of the family were invited to it.) The.................................................................................................................................................................... 3 I've just bought some books about astronomy. (I'm very interested in astronomy.) 92,2 Now you have to make sentences with all of/ most of etc. + whom/which. Example: Jack has three brothers. All of them are married. ii^h^.^f^.)>r^^,.a-l<^MW>m.Q^.m>,vr