Questions for the final credit test EVAJB3/B (18,20-19,50) A) GRAMMAR (40/100): 1) Talking about the past (units 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 25): present perfect simple and present perfect continuous (I have done and I have been doing) past perfect (I had done) used to (I used to do) Infinitive or gerund (to do or –ing) 2) Expressing future (units 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10): going to present continuous (I am doing) present simple (I do) will when and if sentences will be doing 3) Use of definite and indefinite articles (units 72, 73, 74, 75, 76) Reported speech (units 47, 48) reporting facts and expressing doubt in reported speech say and tell (verb patterns) 4) Relative clauses (units 88, 89, 90, 91) relative clauses with who/that/which as subjects to talk about people or things relative clauses with who/that/which as objects to talk about people or things; leaving who or that out; prepositions in the relative clauses; whose, whom, where ‘extra information’ clauses (who/which/whom/whose, commas) B) VOCABULARY (ST. B. IE) (20/100) Unit 1: adjectives: personal characteristics (p7) Unit 2: verbs with infinitives or gerunds (p17) Unit 3: noun collocations and verb collocations (p28), miss, lose and waste (p29) Unit 4: speech verbs (p38, 39) Unit 5: Internet vocabulary (p50) C) FUNCTIONS (ST. B. IE) (10/100) Unit 1: Introductions and greetings formal x informal (p9) Unit 2: Telephoning, Interrupting and clarifying (p18, 19) Unit 5: Making things clear (51,52) D) BVU 23-34 viz the supplementary BVU tests