DAHLMANIN PAARTIT Hiski Salomaa was one of those young Finnish people who went to the USA in the very beginning of 1900's. First he worked as a tailor, but later he began to make songs, and sing them at Halls. In Finnish: Minä kutsun sain kerran kesteihin Mrs. Dahlmanin nimipäiväpaarteihin. Ei ilot siellä sinä yönä puuttuneet, sillä surut oli kaikille suuttuneet. Siellä juomia oli monta sorttia, pelattiinpa hieman myös korttia. Eihän ihme ole ollu, jos kohmelo on tullu tuolla Dahlmanin illallispaarteissa. Paartivieraat ne Dahlmanin yllätti, lapset nurkkihin nukku että pyllähti. Koira vieraita alkoi myös haukkua, itse Dahlmanni tarjosi naukkuja. Pikku tuikun anto koiranki huulelle, tuli Bobbykin jo paremmalle tuulelle. Eihän ihme ole ollut jos kohmelo on tullu sille Dahlmanin illallispaarteissa. Juhlapöytä oli kauniiksi laitettu, ja viinit oli lasihin jo kaadettu. Siellä gramofoni soitteli valssia ja nuoremmat alkoi myös tanssia. Minä tanssihin pyysin Mrs. Hilliä, toiset joivat ja söivät Norjan silliä. Eihän ihme ole ollut jos kohmelo on tullu tuolla Dahlmanin illallispaarteissa. Ja se aamuyö oli vasta reilua koska minäkin jo aloin siellä heilua. Mrs. Dahlmanni ylös vielä nostettiin ja se pöytälamppu lahjaks sille ostettiin. Hot Dogsit, Ice Cream syötiin viel', ja Beerillä kostutettiin kiel'. Eihän ihme ole ollut jos kohmelo on tullu tuolla Dahlmanin illallispaarteissa. - Hiski Salomaa - In English: Once I was invited to Mrs. Dahlmann's famous party. it was a real party, indeed! The night with no sorrows, just because sorrows were angry to everybody present. There were drinks, all kinds, and we played little cards, too. No wonder that we all have an incredibly terrible DAGENEFTER now - Thanks to Mrs. Dahlmanns party. All guests arranged a little surprise to Mrs. Dahlmann. And their children fell asleep to the corners of rooms in the house. Mrs. Dahlmann's dog began to bark quests, and she made drinks to them, and she gave also to her dog a little shot of liquor: as a consequence her dear Bobby-puppy was in a mood, too - say, little more tender-minded. No wonder that we all have an incredibly terrible DAGENEFTER now - Thanks to Mrs. Dahlmanns party. And the dinner table was so beautiful with full glasses of wine. And in the background a gramophone played a waltz and soon younger people began to dance. I asked Mrs. Hill to dance with me, while other guests took more drinks and bites of herring from Norway. No wonder that we all have an incredibly terrible DAGENEFTER now - Thanks to Mrs. Dahlmanns party. It was almost daylight when I began to celebrate, too. We helped Mrs. Dalmnann to stand up again from the floor, and we decided together to buy her a new lamp. And then we took a couple of hot dogs, and ice cream, and little beer, too. No wonder that we all have an incredibly terrible DAGENEFTER now - Thanks to Mrs. Dahlmanns party. - Timo Kinnunen -