AI SEMINAR 8 – ANSWER KEY Religion Quiz: 1) b 2) d 3) a 4) d 5) d 6) a 7) a 8) c 9) b 10) a 11) c 12) a 13) b Abbreviations: 1. for example e.g. (exempli gratia) 2. that is i.e. (id est) 3. number no. or # 4. therefore :. 5. greater than > 6. less than < 7. equal to = 8. not equal to x 9. ditto or same as above “ 10. approximately or similar to ~ 11. in reference to re 12. and & or + 13. page p. 14. pages pp. 15. Anno Domini AD 412 16. Before Christ 3000 BC 17. et cetera etc. Listening – Note Taking: Major Religions of the World +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Religion |Buddhism |Christianity |Confucianism |Hinduism |Islam | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------+---------------+--------------+----------------+---------------+------------| |1 Time & |2500 years ago |2000 years ago|2500 years ago |not mentioned, |1400 years | | |NE India | | |but earliest |ago | |place of | | | |text is Rig | | |foundation | | | |Veda- pre 1000 | | | | | | |BC | | | | | | | | | |---------------+---------------+--------------+----------------+---------------+------------| |2 Founder of |Prince |Jesus Christ |Kong Zi | |Mohamed | |the religion |Siddharta | | | | | | |Gautama | |(Latin name is | | | | | | |Confucius) | | | |---------------+---------------+--------------+----------------+---------------+------------| |3 Lived from |563 – 483 BC |7 BC – AD 30 |551 – 479 BC | |AD 570 - 632| | | | | | | | |____ to____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------+---------------+--------------+----------------+---------------+------------| |4 Religious |Pali Canon & |Bible |Analects |Upanishads, |Koran | |texts |collections of | | |Brahmanas, | | | |Sanskrit, | | |Puranas: Veda, | | | |Tibetan & | | | | | | |Chinese texts | | |Bhagavad-Gita | | | | | | | | | |---------------+---------------+--------------+----------------+---------------+------------| |5 Number of |256 million; |1200 million; |275 million; |500 million; |1100 million| |followers today| | | | | | | |SE Asia and the|806 RomCath.; |China (esp. |India, and Ind.| | |and where |Far East | |Taiwan) |communities | | |practised | |343 Protest.; | |around world. | | | | | | | | | | | |74 East. Orth.| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |---------------+---------------+--------------+----------------+---------------+------------| |6 Other |Founder known | |Analects come |Santanadarma; | | |information |as Buddha – The| |from the Greek | | | | |Awakened One | |analekta;means |Veda means | | | | | |collection of |knowledge. | | | | | |facts & sayings | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sources consulted: Mary Waters and Alan Waters, Study Tasks in English, CUP, 1995. Discussion questions based on class work. Reading Comprehension Questions 1. What are religious people doing to encourage long-term changes in environmental practice? Religious scholars are identifying symbolic, scriptural, and ethical dimensions of religions with the natural world. They are writing reports, organising conferences, events, and movements. (par. 1, 2) 2. Do religions have the effect of restricting* or encouraging social change? Both limiting (not specified in text) and liberating effects – civil rights improvements and social movements. (par. 2, 3) 3. How can religions contribute to environmental ethics? By taking the different perspectives of Western, indigenous, and Eastern religions and emphasising their relation to the natural world and its resources; making people consider of the importance of nature. (par. 3, 4) 4. What are the five common ‘Rs’ that religions share regarding the natural world? Reverence, respect, restraint, redistribution, and responsibility. (par. 5) Zen Stories – Pre-reading Questions 1. What are some typical features of Eastern religions? Eastern religions (think about Hinduism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto) often emphasise the individual and the ability to harmonise oneself with the natural world (the first Zen story may be seen as an example of this). 2. What do you know about Zen Buddhism? Everyone has a Buddha nature inside of them; have to search inner self for self-knowledge, which is attained through mediation; meditation is Truth, realized in action, an end in itself. Grammar – Verbs + Infinitive or Gerund 1 If you were a Muslim, how often would you stop working / to work, in order to make time to pray? 2 The nun stopped praying going / to go back to work. 3 What do you remember doing / to do on your first visit to a church? 4 If you are a man, what should you always remember doing / to do when you enter a synagogue? 5 Is there anything in the past that you regret saying / to say to your priest? 6 I regret saying / to say that I don’t believe in God. 7 If you were holding a religious fast, how long would you stop eating / to eat? 8 He stopped working/to work to say a prayer. 9 The monks take many hours a day meditating / to meditate. (the infinitive functions as a statement of purpose) 10 The monks spend many hours a day meditating / to meditate. (the verb spend is followed by -ing) 11 He welcomed the new members of the group and then went on explaining / to explain the rules. (in the sense of moving on to something new) 12 How long do you intend to go on working / to work for the mission? (in the sense of continuing the activity) 13 I meant going/to go to the mass but I couldn´t. 14 If you want to go to Holy Communion, it will mean going/to go to confession first. 15 Don´t forget saying/to say a prayer before every meal. 16 I forgot being told/to be told about his son´s christening. With remember, forget, stop, go on and regret, the difference is connected with time. The -ing form refers to things that happen earlier (before the remembering, forgetting, etc. take place); the infinitive refers to things that happen after the remembering, etc.).