Tentative class outline, Autumn 2008 (syllabus subject to change) The reading for each class includes the relevant sections from the Appendix. NOTE: The tests include the Appendix! Date Home reading (to be discussed in class) Bring the book to class! Home written assignments (handouts; Chalker workbook - for specific exercises see Table of correspondences in Elf) Bring with you to class! We will work with these materials. 3.10. LEG Ch1 (1-33) LEG Ch2 (34-54) H-I + Chalker H-II + Chalker 17.10. LEG Ch3 (55-71) LEG Ch4 (72-87) LEG Ch5-6 (88-121) H-III + Chalker H-IV + Chalker H-V, VI + Chalker 7.11. Mid-term test (50% of final mark LEG Ch7 (122-143) LEG Ch8 (144-158) all relevant exercises from the handouts and Chalker 21.11. LEG Ch9 (159-186) LEG Ch10 (187-206) LEG Ch11 (207-237) LEG Ch12 (241-248) LEG Ch13 (249-272) all relevant exercises from the handouts and Chalker 5.12. LEG Ch14 (273-283) LEG Ch15 (284-298) LEG Ch16 (299-322) Revision, make-up of any delays Exam test (50% of final mark) all relevant exercises from the handouts and Chalker LEG Ch1 etc. refers to the appropriate chapter in Longman English Grammar. H-I etc. refers to the appropriate chapter in the handout (downloadable in ELF).