1 Diversity in Organizations Dr. A.H. de Lange Ch. 5 + 14 Agenda * Update: conference, deadlines * Ch. 5: Leadership? * Ch. 14: Where to go * Tips exam Wednesday * Next Wednesday (10 oct: 1 hour!!!): ­formulating challenging discussion propositions for the panel discussion of conference, ­details about the poster (to be submitted by email as well as in actual poster format on 15 october before 15:00!!; 422 and in Word on Nestor) Poster * A2- format. And hand in at secretary Social and Organizational psychology (431) next Monday + submit digital version using Nestor * Our student assistents will attach a cardboard to give it more stability. To attach the cardboard you will have to use a margin of 5 Cm 2 Linda Vos, Team Diversity and Inclusiveness Shell Netherlands and NAM Assen. Panel discussion: also Nottingham * With the 3 aforementioned experts, * But also with assistant and associate professors of Nottingham University: Jonathan Houdmont and Stavroula Leka Location Topics so far * Diversity: definitions and management * Cultural diversity and group outcomes * Individual diversity: aging and health * Immigrants and integration * Gender diversity and leadership * Leading a diverse workplace (gender and ethnic minorities), summary and looking ahead Global Influentials From technology in Texas to perfumes in Paris and satellite TV in Qatar, the men and women who lead businesses the world over. * Shai Agassi Executive Board Member of SAP * Charlie Bell President and Chief Operating Officer of McDonalďs * Ursula Burns Senior Vice President of Xerox * John Elkann Manager with the Agnelli Group and Fiat board member * Carlos Ghosn President and CEO of Nissan and CEO-designate of Renault * Robert Iger President and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company * Hamilton James Vice Chairman of The Blackstone Group * Paul Otellini President and Chief Operating Officer of Intel * Jeff Jordan eBay's Senior Vice President, U.S. Business * Mel Karmazin President and Chief Operating Officer of Viacom * Ken Kutaragi President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment * Aerin Lauder Vice President of Estee Lauder * Victor Li Managing Director and Deputy Chairman of Cheung Kong * James and Lachlan Murdoch James Murdoch is Chief Executive Officer of British Sky Broadcasting Lachlan Murdoch is Deputy Chief Operating Officer of News Corp. * Indra Nooyi President and Chief Financial Officer of PepsiCo 3 Managers versus Leaders * Managers have authority to be in charge. * Leaders influence others to follow. * Managers do things right. * Leaders do the right things. * Managing means to bring about, to accomplish, to have responsibility for, to conduct. * Leading is influencing, guiding in direction, course, action, opinion. Actual: diversity and leadership? Yes, leaders have failed to actively manage diversity organizational barriers and bias against minority employees (gender, age, disability or race) remain widespread. By adopting colorblind perspective not valuing social identity differences Homophily bias/ASA principles: selecting the ones who are similar High perc. work disability of ethnic minority workers Small percentage ethnic minority in top management level Source: State Services Commission. Human Resource Capability Survey (2001-2004) New Zealand Ch. 7 + article Goodman et al. (2003) * Positive trends: more females in higer executive functions * Negative: not equal distribution, evidence for glass cliff (M. Ryan), female workers in companies with high level of management turnover, lower salaries etc. Race/ethnic minority and opportunity? Dr. William Parham: "equal situation is an illusion" Associate Director of Clinical and COPE Services at the University of California, Los Angeles: expertise e.g. sports psychology and counseling 4 Problem early leadership theory * Based on homogenuous group * Describing only specific traits and attributes that make someone an effective leader leader * Focusing on who effective leaders are or what they do to achieve max. performance Trait Approach Focused on identifying characteristics or traits that distinguish leaders from followers. Examples: * Business knowledge * Self-confidence * Intelligence * Credibility (honesty, competence, forwardlooking, inspirational) * Desire to lead * Drive New theories * More individualistic approach (taking situation into account; for example: Leader-member exchange theory) * More pluralistic view on types of leaders (recognizing differences in values, needs, and experiences), but can improve further! Leader Styles in Path-Goal Theory * Leadership is defined in terms of four styles that emerge from two broad categories of leader behaviour: * Instrumental (task-oriented) and * Supportive (people/feelings oriented) behaviours. Situational Variables in Path Goal Theory * Subordinate Attributes: ­ Authoritarianism ­ Internal-external orientation ­ Ability * Work-Setting Attributes: ­ Task ­ Formal authority system ­ Primary work group Tasks as leaders 1. Raising awareness of biases, stereotypes, and negative attitudes (diverse selection committee) 2. Develop others (providing same challenge, adequate assessment (360-degree feedback), recognition and support; see p. 110-111) 3. Enhance teamwork (facilitate positive communication and use strategy that fits situation and persons): Ideas of minority member is often devalued; minorities are often socially isolated etc. 4. Develop mutlicultural competence 5 Dyadic relations leader/subordinate * Can be of high or low quality * Demographically and ethnic diverse: often lower quality of relation (lower trust, interaction, respect and support), and fewer informal mentoring relations * Be aware of differential access to ARENA or network for top functions Multicultural competence? * Proficiency in diagnosing diversity issues and resolving diversity-related conflicts and organizational problems by reaching a mutual satisfying solution for all parties involved * Knowledge cultural differences * Increased self-awareness (own biases etc.) * Multicultural skills Multicultural skills? * Conflict management (negotiation, mediation etc.; see interesting case 5.2 on p. 117-118) * Interpersonal communication (active listening! And personalized interaction) * Asking feedback (external sources; are you diversity friendly?) * Rol model (diversity initiatives; hiring and retaining diverse workforce) Chapter 14: looking back and heading forward * Diversity is reality: has benefits and pitfalls * Effective diversity management reduces turnover, increases productivity, and competitive advantage * Benefits for minority worker, organization and even society * More diversity specific theories needed * Different barriers on individual, interpersonal, organizational and societal level (nice overview in Table 14.1) * Tools: strong leadership, training, mentoring, access to network, multicultural competence, rewarding diversity friendly initiatives etc. What to do as future female leader? Research Catalyst (1996) of female topmanagers: 1. Deliver a top performance 2. Develop a style that is comfortable for male managers 3. Find challenging and visible tasks 4. Find powerful mentors 5. Start own company Tips Exam * Register officially for Exam (using Progress)! (25 october: 9:00-11:00) * Use slides lectures as important guideline * Read the articles! * Look at example questions * 40 comparable MC questions (40% grade; >5.5): Dutch and English version