Petelinji zajtrk ROOSTER’S BREAKFAST (angleška dialog lista) Djuro! Oh, Djurica boy. A cup of coffee? –Thanks. Oh, Djuro, my boy… Life’s not a bed of roses, times aren’t looking good, and my finances aren’t either. I don’ know. I really don’t know what to do. I’ve been calculating, adding up the money we make and you guys, and it doesn’t work out. You see, it’s like I had three pieces of bread and four mouths to feed. Do you understand? You don’t get a piece each. So, I had to decide. And I know it’s not easy to get a job nowadays, nobody has to tell me that. But, I had to make a choice. My life philosophy is that, well, Stankovic has two kids. So, um… well, he’s got to stay. Podbregar has just got married, Puksic is building the house, so he spends it all on bricks and to pay off the loan. Djuro, I said to myself, Djuro is still young, he hasn’t got a family yet, not even a girlfriend… He hasn’t got an anchor to keep him here, you see. And he’s young. You get it? And a young man is like a cat. A cat always lands on its paws and so will Djuro. He will work his way out. This is what I was trying to work out, you get it? I mean, to hell with it. You can think about me whatever you like. I was never stingy. And Djuro, I didn’t wanna fuck you up. I even got you a contact. It’s a friend of mine. A truly good man, and a master in his field. You could learn a lot from him if you only want. But, it’s up to you. I won’t poke my nose in it. Oh, well, you see. This is how it is. What I was saying… Are you sure you don’t want a coffee? This machine makes really delicious coffee… ROOSTER'S BREAKFAST Car Repair Gajaš Good dog, good dog… To hell with her, I’ve never heard her bark at a stranger. You stupid dog. She barks at her master and wags her tail at strangers. Go to your doghouse! I’m Djuro. –Gajaš. I called the other day, Radmilovič sent me here. Want some? –Yes, please. OFF You’re from the East, from Maribor, you said? Tell me, how’s TAM doing? Is TAM doing alright? What are you staring at? Look at me when I speak to you. TAM, the car factory, is it working or has it been closed? //It is still working or has it gone to hell yet? It’s rotting … //It’s perishing… Of course it’s rotting! It’s because politicians don’t give a damn. They don’t give a damn about anything that was good in ex-Yugoslavia… My boy, you were not even born yet when I was repairing cars in that car factory. Everywhere in ex-Yugoslavia people knew me. All the way down to Kragujevac. Oh, yes… Those were the days when Tito was still alive. When Tito was around, God was with us. When you look at our politicians today you see they’re not men enough, they’re cowards. Whereas Tito, he was a real man// a true man. He showed it to the Russians, (jebal je mater) and to Americans too… He said “nijet” to Stalin, and got us money from the Yankees. I don’t remember Tito. I know! That’s why you think this is none of your business! If Tito was alive, you wouldn’t have to beg and look for work. In Yugoslavia they’d roll out the red carpet for you (at work)… workers were applauded at. Gosh, I remember coming to Sarajevo in those days. Directors, secretaries, they all awaited me. //gave me warm reception… In Kragujevac a brass band was playing on my arrival… A brass band? –Brass, yes. Don’t you know what a brass band is? Brass and percussion instruments, oh, yes… And they roasted an ox. Not one, hundreds of them. Not hundreds really, but ten for sure… And then the girls came And we sang till the dawn… I’m telling you… –Listen… –What? You told me on the phone you’ve got work for me. I just wanna know I didn’t come here in vain. Listen, kid, if you wanna work for me, you have to learn when to open your mouth and when to keep it shut. Don’t forget this: //Listen to me: //Remember this: If you fight for politics, you’ll fight in vain. But if you fight for food or for a girl, then I’ll be a step ahead of you. I’ll the first to start the fight. I could make you a master, you know! A master! It wasn’t your choice to come here in this godforsaken place and it wasn’t mine either. It was the idea of those who justly or unjustly sacked you. I don’t know… What now? Are you gonna sit here without a word or are you gonna stay? Um? –You gonna take me? Yeah, I’ll take you. Look at the dog, she’s smelling you… What do you want, um? You’ll feed her when I forget to come home// //I don’t find my whereabouts, and you’ll answer the phone… –Yeah, I will… Look at her, “Gib mir ein kuss”, “Gib mir ein kuss”, she understands German. When I found her there across the river Mura, she jumped right into my car. Like a real babe/chick. “Komm mal hier”, “kom mal hier”! It’s going to bucket down with rain… What needs to be done here? –The belt. Right, the belt. Holy cow! That’s a pretty antique piece of machine. What was the last time you were here? You’ve got to come here every year, man. Look, nothing but rust in here. What about the exhaust? –Uf, it’s cracking, too… Right. It’s scorching hot! And stuffy like in hell. Leave everything as it is. Let’s go for a drink. Sit down. To hell with it! I didn’t see it… Holy cow… Who’s got the heart? And now the tarots, please. What are you gonna say to this guys? I’ve got two. Has anyone got more? Go on. Malačič, put your cards away. Who dealt the cards? –Jurek did. Alright, alright… I’m gonna play if nobody else is. Chickens. Alright. What did I get? Oh, nice. I’ll take that. You chickens hold something against me? You’re not gonna get me. One is very little. Do you hear me? Go on. Good. Yeah, I’m lying… Who’s coming out? Good. –I’m coming out. Look at him. He goes to bed at dusk and gets up the last... Morning. –This is my friend, Zobar. He’s the best dentist around. Hi. –I’m Djuro. How is it? –Djuro. I'm not deaf. I mean how is it going? How are you? Gajaš says you're from Maribor. –Yeah, from Maribor. Whereabouts? –Studenci, near the sport hall. I went to high school there. I lived there five years. I got my first job there on Kopitarjeva Street... Railway Health Centre. –Yeah, at the post office. Yes, at the train station. Those were great times. Great! We were young and handsome. Oh, and we fucked a lot. The girls were chasing us. It was different than today. Now we have to chase them, isn't that so, Gajaš? Yeah, it was like that... Take some, kid. It's all homemade. Hey, Malačič! What are we doing? Working, working. Wanna come in for a drink? –I can't right now. Later. Alright. Good afternoon. Where have you been, my dear, pretty Ana? What’s up, Gajaš? –Djuro, this is our Ana. Ana, my new apprentice. –Hello. You found a handsome guy. Oh, boy! Djuro, beware of this witty fox. She’ll hug you with one hand and stick the other right into your pockets! Beware of Gajaš, boy. If you do as he does, you’ll have your throat wet and you wallet always empty. We both know this is true, right Gajaš? –Come on, Ana. Get back to work and pour us something to drink. It’s scorching hot outside. What will you have, guys? A spritzer for me. –A beer. In twenty-nine days you’ll get your paycheck. Here you go guys… –Thanks, Ana. See kid, you’re mine now and you’ve got a guarantee in all sacred places. –Yeah, right. You still owe me for the last month. Shut up, you wicked witch! You just wanna steal money from us, the poor. Listen to me, kid. Treat women like a wolf treats a fox. Grab her by her throat and then let her go. Grab her by her throat again and let her go… Yes. I’ve seen it all. I had all sorts of chicks coming up to me. Beware of chicks who’d rather get laid than pay for repair. They’ll always come up with something broken. Then you realize they can’t pay for an hour of your work. There are also chicks who’d get laid for a windshield. Even if you charge them for the windshield, they’d come back and catch you in their trap. And you’re done. Yeah, well, to hell… Only once, I’m telling you, only once I went through this and it’ll never happen again. It’s over. It’s better to be single. –No! Listen to me, kid. The best chicks are those who cause crashes. A crash fuels a woman like a lightning strike. The chicks who cause crashes are really something special. Oh, to hell with it. That’s for sure... They just don’t give a damn. Say whatever you want. Hi! Hey, Bronja! What’s up? You can see yourself. –Um. That driver was supposed to give me way. Mhm, I see. You did a good job to this piece of metal. Leave her, bitch. Leave her… –Go away, dog. Are you alright? –Yes, I’m fine. But Cveto is out of his mind. If it happed to him, he’d say it was god’s will. Oh, it’s a good thing you had the crash after all. I’ll to polish your car and it’ll look better than a new.// //I’m gonna polish your baby so nice that it’s gonna shine prettier than a new one. Gajaš will take care of it. Cveto got so enraged as if the car was a write-off. But it’s not, right? If I can drive it’s not a write-off. No, no, it’s not a write-off. Men complicate sometimes… Yeah… –Come here, sit down. I’ll make a cup of coffee. –Alright. 29. Hey, kid! Come down! Why the hack do you always go to bed before dusk? Hey! –s kurami spat… ŠE KAKA OPCIJA? TURN IN SO EARLY–premalo deksriptivno… 30. My friends here are wondering if you are a chicken, ‘cause you’re hiding all the time! Come on down! Come here! 31. Look, who’s here! You’re stuck up in there like an old hag. Boys, this is my apprentice. Sit down, kid. Over there is Jurek Cikuta, He’s a professor of physics, but he can’t weld a bulb. –You don’t weld a bulb, you change the bulb. CHECK DICTIONARY OF COLL. Priviti –Oh, I didn’t know that… The one who’s laughing is Pavlica. Gajaš says you know how to work hard. You’re from Maribor? Yeah, I’m from Maribor. Lepec, old bastard! What’s up? Smart asses! Here’s something for your scorched throats. Wow! Look at him! –How is it going, professor? Are you done with lessons? –Come here, sit down. What a company this is. –Oh come on –Oh, yeah, right… IZBOLJŠAJ??? (Ma kaka firma) Are you the new one? Gajaš’ right hand? //Gajaš’ first assistant? I’m gonna make him a master you’ll all stare at… Gajaš, did you take a look at my Mercedes? –Yeah, I did. How much damage? –Just some crooked metal. A piece of cake for a master like me. I can make you a new car out of it, if you want. Fucking chick! This is her second crash this year. And she’s been driving only around in the town… OFF I would never employ a chick. IN PICTURE Chick’s place isn’t behind the wheel… Can you imagine a chick in your transport park, driving a truck, wearing high heels? Holy cow! Is somebody going to open this bottle or not? Yeah, yeah… Hey, kid. –I’ll open the whiskey. Kid, go get us glasses, over there above the stove, Go, go… I’ve got Bračko’s wine. Wanna try? –Oh, no. I’m not gonna have any of Bračko. Alright, I will. 32. Morning, morning… –Morning. Gajaš is sleeping. –Yeah, last night was a long one. I know. My husband got up on the wrong side of the bed today, too. Could you… Boss, hey boss,… What? –You’ve got a visit. What? –A visit. Morning, Gajaš. –Oh, Bronja. Morning. –What’s up, Bronja? Um… Listen, we haven’t started with you Mercedes, yet. Lepec has to bring the spare parts from Hungary first. It’s gonna take a day or two. Yeah, I know, it’s gonna take a day or two… I didn’t expect you to have it done. It’s just… What brings you here then? I’d borrow your car, Gajaš. Please. I must go to Austria. Oh, no, Bronja. –Please, Gajaš. What if you crash my old Yugo, too? I won’t. I wouldn’t ask you if it weren’t so urgent. My friend’s sick. I promised to get the pills from Austria. Don’t boss me! I won’t let women boss me. Light up my cigarette, kid. Only once a woman bossed me. I threw her out of my house. Your apprentice could take me if you don’t trust me. What do you say? –No way! The kid’s must work! We work from early morning till the evening here! No time to shirk work. –Come on, Gajaš. The kid hasn’t got the passport. –He doesn’t? Sure I have it! –No, you don’t! I do! He’s got it, you see. Don’t be such a bore, Gajaš. It’s only a ten-minute drive there and ten minutes back. It’s gonna take us less than an hour. Women! To hell with you! What was God thinking to create a woman? Take her to goddamn Austria. Here are the keys. And if you bump into the first traffic-light… Ah, to hell… You can’t drive anyway, and I don’t have to put up with any of this anymore… Stupid dog, to hell with you… 33. Could I get a smoke, please? Thanks. The lighter, too. Oh, yeah… It’s hot, isn’t it? –Yeah… Do you often go to Austria? –Yeah... quite often. Do you just go to Austria or you go to get the pills? Don’t hold it against me, but I’d rather we’re silent But I need some silence now… No worries, I’ve got to drive anyway. I have a headache. –I’m sorry. 37. Here, fresh up. It’s so hot. –Thanks. I’m sorry for that earlier. I was so angry. –It’s nothing… First I crashed the car, then those pills… I promised my friend to bring them, so I had to, you know? Sure. You don’t have to worry about the car. Don’t use the polite form to address me. –Oh yeah. It’s ok. Finish the cigarette. Your husband has already gone to get the spare parts. So, the car is gonna be ready in a couple of days. It’s great that Gajaš has you, you’ll speed up his workflow. //pace//rhythm Gajaš knows how to work. Yeah, he does, but he’s never in a hurry. Fucking shit… Oh, I’m sorry! 38. Step on it, step on it! Turn it off. You haven’t change the belt yet, right? No. –Do it. Clean the car and then we’re done. 39. Hello, Gajaš. –Hello. I brought the spare parts. –Oh, good, good… Where’s the kid? –Djuro, come out here. Grab the spare parts and bring them in. Where are they? In the boot? –Yes. Oh, Bronja. –Hello. Wanna coffee? –Is it fresh? Yes, perfect for the skin. Lepec, wanna some too? –No, thanks. Hey, boy. It’s hot like hell! Fucking Hungary took me all day. PREDOLG TITL!!! Come on, sit down. Gajaš, why is my car still parked ourside? No worries, the kid and I are taking it inside today! Alright. Wanna some brandy? –No. What can I bring you? Coffee? –No, nothing really. Alright. Lepec, listen to me. You’ve got a pretty nice place here, Gajaš… Look, Lepec. This time I can’t make it for free. You never did! I always pay! Yeah, you pay! When my electricity had been cut off or when I beg you on my knees. Then you pay… This time you gonna pay me in advance. No, Gajaš. Payment in advance is out of question. I brought you the spare parts, you gonna repair the car. Then I’ll pay. You know how it works. You’re the boss. No, Lepec, listen to me. This time I mean it! Pay in advance or park your car in your living room. What’s wrong with you, Gajaš? You’re wining like an old bat. What the fuck’s the matter? –Cveto, come on… If you make a fuss about it, you can keep it until winter! Mind your language, you’re in my house! Cveto, I need this car. Pay him in advance for peace’s sake. I can’t stand you two fighting here. And now you gonna fuck around with me too? If you hadn’t got the car in the first place, everything would have been alright! –Yeah, for sure! //You shouldn’t have had the car in the first place. –Yeah, right! You bother me all the time. Cveto this, Cveto that… I drove around in Hungary like insane the whole day! Why do you need the car anyway? To drive up and down the town? –I’ve got things to do. Yeah, I wonder what things. –Important things. Lepec, Bronja, come on guys. Do you see what is she doing to me? –Stop it! Both of you. We gonna take care of the car and of everything! –Thanks. –You’re thanking him? Who’s gonna pay for the repair, me or him? If you don’t pay this time, I’ll never lay my eyes on you. You can find yourself another mechanic. Goodbye, Gajaš. Bronja, pack your staff. I mean it this time, Lepec. Remember! 42. Here we are. Come here, kid. Are you hungry, kid? Pavlica brought Macedonian lamb. Straight from the hills. Prepare everything for roasting. Kid, come here. We have to find some wood to start the fire. 43. God, is this sheep heavy. Of course it’s heavy. Did you think I’d bring some shit? Yeah… What the hack… 44. OFF Got it? OFF Good. OFF Come on. Whose turn is it? Pavlica it’s your turn! Go to hell! You don’t know how to play anymore. Why did you throw in the ŠKIS? –Because I ran out of tarots. Fuck you! You gave them the heart! Fuck you! I did have the heart and you stole tarots from me! Why do you play anyway if you don’t have the tarots? You took all my tarots, jerk! You took my last king too. We’ve got the kings. –My ass you’ve got kings. Here, I’ve got king of hearts. Don’t you tell me. Did you count the tarots? You didn’t! There are twenty-one tarots, you understand? What? Twenty-two. –Yeah, twenty-one plus ŠKIS. ŠKIS is twenty-second. Go to hell… /Kiss my ass… Don’t you (show the) ŠKIS to me! –Holy cow! We both know very well who is who here. Yes, we do know who is who! Gajaš is Gajaš, mind you. OFF Pavlica, leave it… OFF You’re a fucked up nerd and you gonna stay a fucked up nerd! Oh yeah… –If it weren’t for my company, you’d all rot here in this godforsaken place. What did you say? Who paid for renovation of the town park, huh? You? With your workroom? You haven’t got money to pay for electricity. You haven’t got money for a spritzer. You haven’t got a thing! Mother fucker! I can cover you with my money! Mother fucker! Gajaš… –Fucking political bastard! Do you wanna me to throw this glass in your head? You said I didn’t have for a spritzer! I’m gonna throw this cup in your head! You mother fucker! You lost it guys. It’s only a play. Gajaš, sit down! Only if Pavlica apologizes. Come on, Pavlica, apologize. Mhm. Don’t you ever raise your voice in my house again! If you don’t, I won’t either. That’s the way to speak. Sit down. Who’s dealing cards? I am. –You, Gajaš. Give me the cards. –Let’s play our heads off! (ka se bo bliskalo!) Lumpy. //Doggy… Oh, look at him! Malačič, are you done for today? Ah, fuck it all! Pour me some schnapps. What’s the matter, Malačič? –Ah, leave it… Come on, spit it out… My audience, they’re a bunch of stupid cows. I’m doing my best, but they stuff themselves with food. I play the best music there is, but they only sit and eat. Since days of Yugoslavia people don’t know anymore what a good party is. It’s like I’m playing to dead people. Nobody cries, nobody drinks a toast, nobody sings from the heart. Ah, fuck it. Dead people. I’m playing hits of greatest Croatian sex-bomb, Severina. Her songs are heartbreaking! Yet nobody cries. Fuckers! Listen, Malačič, play her songs for us. Play for us. For you? –Yeah, for us. Aren’t we good enough audience? Well… play it here? –Yes, here. I can’t play under these conditions. There is no electricity here. –What did you say? Of course there’s electricity! I need cables for synthesizer, for mixer, for loudspeakers… I’ve got cables. How many meters do you need? Ten? –Well, yes, um… Twenty? We’ve got twenty, eh? –We do. Come on. –Do you really want me to? Yes, Roki! A small concerto for your friends. Well? –Alright. Great! Did you see, Pavlica? Leave this one. Leave it. I’m going to take it. Take the loudspeakers. 45. OFF 46. Put this bench there. Come on, Zobar. Is it 220 volts? –Yes, it is. Yeah, come on, Zobar! –This is 220 volts, right? Yes, yes. Put it here so that we’ll all have a good view. I don’t want my fuse to go to hell. Go away with the cigarette. That too… –Yeah… OFF Watch out. Be careful. It’s alright. Are you drunk or what? Are we done? –Just a second. Great! –Just a second. Fuck this acoustics. It’s no good. It’s great. Is electricity working? It’s working. Wait a second. Guys, this is the very best of my program for you. May I? SONG Why are your eyes so tired and sad? I can’t see the shine of blue sea in them.// I don’t see them shine with the glitter of blue sea… Forget about gloomy days, and give me your hand. Let’s run away tonight, when the Moon’s still young. Once again I wanna hear you say I love you. I wanna love you, I wanna make you happy. I’m gonna sing for you, I’m gonna be your only GARDELIN This is fantastic! This is great! What do you say, boys? Malačič, where did you find this song? Oh, it’s nothing. –What’s the singer’s name? Severina. –Severina. Severina Vučković. –This is so beautiful. You could come watch my performance at the health spa. Alright, I will. I’ve got two times four hundred watts there. Oh, leave that. Sing the song again! I can sing another one. No, no! Sing that one. You’ll sing another one later. Sing this song again! Listen everybody. SONG Why are your eyes so tired and sad? I can’t see the shine of blue sea in them. Forget about gloomy days, and give me your hand. 47. Did you hear it? 50. Boss, the locksmith called. Yeah. Murko called to see when we are coming to pick up the bumper for the Mercedes. Shall I go and get it? Mhm. You’re going to get the LPs. You mean discs? –What discs? You’ll get the LPs. –For the Mercedes? Stupid kid! You’ll get me Severina’s albums. Here’s the money. Bring all they’ve got. From the town? –Yeah. You’ll get them in town. Boss, I think it’s difficult to get LPs nowadays. Cassettes or CDs perhaps. –Just go and buy them. What cassettes or CDs? –Yes. Did you hear Malačič singing? Oh, lord! I must find out who this woman is. I must! She’s gotta be good if her songs are so great. God, was Malačič singing… OFF Why are you eyes so tired and sad… Bon appetite! –Oh… thanks. Sorry… –What are you doing here? Nothing. I go shopping along our avenue every day. Is it tasty? –Yes… I think so. Want some? No, thanks. –Come on… I don’t know… –Come on… I’ll take a portion if you gonna have one more. Sure, I will. –Good. Two more portions here, please. Without onions for me. The same for me. Good afternoon. –Hello. –God bless. Look at Cikuta. It’s good that he’s able to walk today. Yesterday he was dead drunk, lying on the floor at Gajaš’s. Yeah. –Boozed. //Loaded. He was my teacher in high school. What was he teaching? –He still is. Physics. Physics. Brrr… No, his classes were never problematic. He was always a bit merry, so he was in a good mood. He’d let us all pass. –Mhm… During tests, he’d doze off, so we cheated freely. As a matter of fact, Cikuta is a soft-hearted man. He is, isn’t he? People say he drinks because his wife bothers him. I don’t know. Though she looks like a witch. Oh, here it is. –Thanks. You can take this away. Bon appetite once again. –The same to you. Want a drink? No, thanks. Can I have a sip of yours? Sure. –Thanks. 53. Do you hear, kid? –What? Do you hear her? –I do, boss. This is her. Look at her. –She looks good. Sit down, kid. Never mind. You’ve always been deaf and you gonna stay deaf. But remember this: If a mechanic recognizes a nightingale’s song, it means he has a good ear for cars’ machines too. You haven’t got a clue what a woman is. Here, take some. –No, thanks. Take some. –No, really. You’re all skin and bone. Listen to me. I got a call from Sarajevo in 1975. Something cracked up in the production there and I was the only one who could fix it. There was no single machine that my hands couldn’t repair. But, that’s not the point. I’m there. We go for a dinner. We drink and have a good time. Directors, only big chiefs… And then… She appears. Jelena. A singer to blow your mind away. She was that kind of a woman, you know…Never mind. But her voice... Her voice made your tears run through your throat. We sit there. Important chiefs and me, unimportant nobody. They’re drooling over her, but she stares at me. She didn’t even glance at them. And then, in one moment she gets off the stage. She is walking towards me and she is singing. The big bosses are green with envy. She comes up to me. I close my eyes. And she kissed me. On my forehead. Among all those big chiefs she chose me. Can you imagine how they looked at me? Since then nobody called me Gajaš or Pišti anymore. They called me “The one who Jelena kissed”. And then? –What? Well, did you get any action? –Oh, kid. You’ve always been a fool and you gonna stay a fool. This… That Jelena kissed me this was the most beautiful moment in my whole life. The most beautiful. Yeah… Look at you. Why are you all dressed up like that? Boss, yesterday I ran into a friend of mine from Maribor. I thought I’d go for a beer. –Sure, go. I’m not gonna stay out late. –Alright. Boss… Oh, right! You need money. Here. Wait… There. Thanks. I’m not gonna be late. 54. How come you’ve got so much time off? I don’t know. Aren’t you working? –I don’t have to… It’s not that I don’t want to, but you know Cveto and stuff… Are you a loner? –Yes. You? Me too. It doesn’t mean I don’t have a company in my head… It doesn’t mean I don’t have any friends. Huh, friends. When I was a kid, my parents took me to the doctor. Because of my imaginary friends… Then I started hiding them. When did they disappear? –What do you mean? When did they go away? –I don’t get it. Well… –They’re still here. Can’t you see them? There. They are there. Walk on a bit. I’ve got to speak to them. 55. Pavlica, my friend! You know girls aren’t gonna run after you anymore. You’re fifty now. You’ll be heading to St. Peter’s soon. Here, we brought you this. So that you’ll make schnapps. Make sure you gonna share it with your friends. Alright? –Sure. Happy birthday. Happy birthday, my Pavlica. Attention, please. Please, please. Our dear Pavlica, my dear Ivan. We love you! We wish you a happy birthday! Let’s take our glasses and sing together. Please! KOLIKO KAPLJIC TOLIKO LET Gajaš, what’s that? –Leave that alone. This is Severina. I cut out her picture. Look, I speak of her, and I get goose bumps. The other night Malačič played all her hits at my place. All her hits. At my place… Now I see you know what’s a good stuff. At the moment she’s the hottest singer in Croatia. I know her in person. Who? Her? Severina? You know Severina? You’re pulling my leg. –No kidding. Her manager Tomica is a friend of mine. We had a dinner in Esplanada. I paid for everybody. Her manager just sat there. Oh, Lepec. You know Severina! Tell me all about her. What is she like? I wanna know everything. Go, dance a polka! Thank you… Thank you. And now, Gajaš. Especially for you, Severina. Bravo, Malačič! Bravo! Everybody who’s in love, please to the dance floor. 58. Well, let’s put it here. 59. Go away. Be careful. I don’t want that to fall on you. Don’t fuss around here. Come here. I told you twice. Isn’t that enough? Jurek, go away! Hey, Djuro! –Hello. What happened? –Lepec crashed his BMW. It seems like it’s God’s will that he crashes all his cars. What about Lepec? Is he alright? I took him to the hospital. OFF Listen… listen… They kept him in the hospital. To observing him. OFF Slowly. Fool. He doesn’t know when to use brakes. OFF Lepec is used to that. He got few bruises on his knees. Gajaš… He’s gonna survive. What’s up Ferenc? –We fucked up. What are you saying? –It got stranded. Really? –Yes. I’m gonna get a panel or something. Fucking expert. A fast car is no good, if you don’t know how to drive it. 60. Come on. Finish up the cake. I don’t want the cake. But you like this one. It’s a chocolate one. I wanna go home. –You wanna go home? Would you rather have an ice-cream? –No. This is ok. Eat it up. –I wanna go home. How is Lepec doing? –Good. He got away with it, eh? –And so did we. Yeah. Sara, finish the cake. I got it for you to eat it up. What are you doing? Why did you throw it down? It’s nothing. Here you go. –Thanks. Are you free today? –Not today. I’m picking up Cveto from the hospital. What’s the matter Sara? She’s not like that usually. I wanna go home. –You wanna go home. Alright. When then? –What? When are you free? –Don’t know. Soon. Let’s go. 63. Oh, Slovenes… They are really something. They’re happy only if they can save some money. No, not really… –It’s true. They put up quite a performance. In a trio. Yeah, I know. Trio. Three chords. They play folk music… Look, the mudguard, this is all brand new. I fixed the brakes and all. –Mhm. I’m gonna polish of your BMW it’ll look like a brand new. I’d like you to pay me today. Hope you understand me… Gajaš, just say how much it is, and I will pay you. Well, a realistic price for all the work and material... Forget about a realistic price. Why not overcharge me? Say more than it was. Gajaš, you know that I’m loaded with money. Guys, did you see what Gajaš made out of my Mercesed? He made a Jaguar. Look at it! We have to celebrate that. Come, I invite you to my Havana. Did you have an apparition of Virgin Mary in the car crash? You’ll have several apparitions in Havana… Yes, let’s go to Havana! To Havana, of course. Once in a lifetime a man meets a master like you, Gajaš. Thank you. Thanks… When was the last time you took a shower, man? Here, take my hand. Our handshake should go down in history. There… I’m embarrassed now. –Embarrassed? You? Come on, pours us a drink. –I’m gonna charge you like… Pour a drink… Have a drink, guys. I’m going to get changed. I can’t go with you. I’ve got a gig tonight. What did you say, Roki? You’re not coming? No, I can’t. I’ve got a gig. I’m gonna play greatest hits. But we’re going anyway, right guys? Sure, we’re. –Of course, we’re going. Let’s go get the hookers! Kid! Leave that. Get dressed. We’re going to Havana. What Havana? –To Havana. Don’t you know what Havana is? –A tavern? Lepec invited us on his chicks. Go get changed. I’m not going, boss. –What did you say? I’m not going to Havana. –Oh, yes, you are. Holy cow! 64. Look at him… Peep peep. And all chickens are out. Nice! Thanks. Where did you find this one? I haven’t seen her before. She’s from Ukraine. –Oh, from Ukraine… What’s her name? –Natalija. Natalija… I want her for tonight. No, you can’t get her. –Why not? Because she’s new. New girls get one week, so they can acclimatize. Come on, Lepec. –I can’t. I’ll give you 200 German marks just let me have her. You pay, but you gonna get another girl. A Czech girl. I want Natalija. You can’t get Natalija! You’ll get a Czech girl. Alright? Alright. But you’ll gonna let me have Natalija next time? Of course. Here you go. This is the girl. Arrange one for me, too. –No problem. Pay first. What did you just say? Pay first. You want me to pay you? Holy cow! I fixed you car. And now I have to pay you! You have to pay me! Holy cow…. –Wait a moment. You didn’t pay in advance, you didn’t pay for my work. Listen, Gajaš… That’s not the same. Don’t mix up these two things. This house has its own rules. You can get dead drunk, but you pay to get a fuck. You brought me in here. What were you thinking? I’m gonna sit here and drool over these chicks? What were you thinking, eh? You’re right, Lepec. What is right is right. The one who pays, the one can fuck. Go, fucker! You won’t get you willy up anyway. I’ll give you a discount on your Mercedes. I don’t have any money on me. I’m gonna give you a fifty percent discount, just don’t let me dry out// without a girl. I’m begging you. I wish I could help you, but my hands are tied. Oh, come on. –Such is policy of the house. How can you say that your hands are tied? Come on, I’m begging you. Let me have a fuck. How can you say that… –Say what? I’m telling you my hands are tied. Such is the policy. Oh, come on. –I can’t. Listen, Lepec. I’ll give you even better discount. I’ll give you a hundred percent discount. Take your car free of charge. I’ll give it to you gratis, just let me fuck tonight. My Mercedes? –Here’s my hand. You’re giving me my Mercedes for free? Yup. Here. Guys, we’re leaving… Is that it, Gajaš? –Take my word for it. Are you happy now? –Yes. Let’s go. God, is she tall. What about you boys? Don’t you want some fun? Djuro, what about you? Do you have a girl? No. –Go ahead then. It’s on the house. –No, thanks. 66. God bless, Pišti. –Hello. If you’re bringing only bills, you can take them away. It’s a telegram. It’s for David Slavinec. He lives here? Yes. He’s my apprentice. –He’s got to sign it. Really? –Yes. Djuro! Come out here. You’ve got to sign a telegram. What will you drink? –Nothing. A schnapps? –No. I’m driving. Alright. Good afternoon. –Good afternoon. Here’s the telegram. David Slavinec. You’re new here, right? –Yeah. Nice. Good. Sign here. And here. Ups, sorry. No problem. It happens. even to the best. It’s nice here, isn’t it? –Yes. Alright. Well, goodbye then. –Goodbye. Have a nice day. 69. Whose it this apartment? –It’s from a friend of mine. A very good friend of mine. She’s the only one who knows all my secrets. I thought I was the only one who knew all your secrets. So, did you like my surprise? –Mhm. Hold me. I wish we could be like this forever. We can be. –No. The timing’s not right. Like always. For me the timing’s never right. What do you mean? I wasn’t born at the right time. My father was a true Montenegrin. He ran away before I was born. What about your mom? She hanged herself when she was in the ninth month. Pregnant? No way. That’s horrible! Who brought you up? –Foster parents. How long did you live with them? Until I was eighteen. I couldn’t wait to escape. Poor you! Poor you. Tell me something. –What? I don’t know. Something you’ve never told anybody. Do you remember our trip to Austria? Mhm… –Oh, come on. Yes, I do. Well, the pills I bought there were not for my friend. They were for me. What kind of pills are they? Nobody knows me there, so I can buy stuff. Like that. What kind of pills? For my nerves. I’ve been taking them for six years. After Sara was born, things got complicated. Cveto and I got detached. I suffered from panic attacks. Because of all together, I guess. Then I started with the pills. Better that than alcohol, eh? Since we’re together I’m not taking them anymore. So, I’m your pill now? –You’re a much better drug. I’m gonna get myself something sweet. The level of sugar in my blood has dropped drastically. Where did you find Lepec? Why are you interested in him? Who said I was interested in him? He was older, dangerous and handsome. He had money and a motorbike. Everything I wanted. Cheap chick. PLEH PIČKA gold digger No. I had to rebel against my parents. They had it all arranged for me. What I’ll study, where I’ll live... Want some coating on top? So I left everything and ran away with him. It was crazy until it lasted. I thought it was going to last forever. I could have known it wasn’t going to be like that. His business isn’t what I imagined it to be. Here you go. Ups! That’s my favourite. 70. Hey, boys! –Hello. You’re having brunch//bite//break//meal and the cars are waiting, um? We’ve just sat down. Brunch… Here’s brunch. Sit down. Gajaš, what do I have here? –Don’t know. What is it? Yes or no? –Severina! You brought her! Give it to me. Holy cow! Put this soup away. I spoke to her manager, Tomica. Yeah? I mentioned Tomica to you, do you remember? –Yeah. She’s gonna have a concert. Do you know where? Where? –In Radgona. What? –In our town. Are you pulling my leg? She’s coming here to sing. Yes, she’s gonna… Wait, wait! You must get me a ticket. It’s all arranged. Booked. For an old comrade of yours. She’s gonna have three concerts. You gonna get tired of her. No way. What a woman! And she sings so beautifully! I’ve got all her cassettes. 71. I took money and cigarettes. Are we ready? If anybody looks for me, tell then I’ll be back by the evening. Hello, Djuro. Lepec and I are going to Hungary to get spare parts. Gajaš, do you have a passport? Sure I do. Why are you asking? –Oh, well. 73. You furnish it by yourself? –Yes. It’s my (hunting) lodge. How long are we alone? –Till the evening for sure. Mercedes! It’s my Mercedes. 76. You should have checked your passport… 77. Fucking shit! They said they were going to Hungary. Where can I get out? –You can’t. Perhaps they just forgot something and they’ll leave. 78. Thank you. You gonna give me some money for gas. Sure, I will. –Sure, you will. 79. What? Did they leave? –Yes. Lepec’s gone. What about Gajaš? –He’s down in the courtyard. He won’t come up here for sure. We’ll wait here for a while. –Alright. He’ll go to a bar or something. –Yes. It’s alright. He’s never come up here. It’s alright. Hey kid! Djuro! Oh, holy cow! I’m sorry. We arrived to the border and that customs officer finds out my passport is no longer valid. I couldn’t make him understand we’re just going there to get a couple of screws. I can’t risk my work going to hell for some screws. It’s weird, but you can’t DODANO buy these screws here. Holy cow. Then I come home and I see the workroom’s open, the house’s open, the kid’s gone. There are only two options: he’s either gone to a bar or he’s gone to doze off. Holy cow. Then I come and see what it is. Like that, yes. // Holy com. Then I see what tt is. That it’s like that. 80. Listen, boss. I… Lepec’s wife. Congratulations. Great. You screwed his wife. You can’t change that. Of all the women in the world you jumped on her. Look, boss… What are you laughing at? Listen to me carefully. A man never pisses over a friend’s fence. Let alone fuck his wife. What if he smells something? Boss, you don’t understand. We’re… What don’t I understand? Who don’t I understand? Holy cow! Fucking kid! I don’t understand… It’s none of your business. It’s not your problem. This is my problem. And Bronja’s problem. The only one who can fuck us up is you. If you don’t say a word, everything’s gonna be alright. Look who’s talking here! You’re acting like a professor. You gonna give me lectures on psychology or what? Great! If you’re so foolish! I’m not gonna get into debt for your funeral, my kid. They can bury you on public expenses. Or they won’t bury you at all. It’s none of my business. Holy cow! Who on earth is concerned about me? Name one person who was ever concerned about Gajaš! Nobody ever gave shit for me! Why would I give a shit? I’m not gonna give a shit! 82. Where do you drive to work? What? Oh, you mean now. through Austria. 84. What cards have you got? Good or bad? Like that… Tell the kid to come down so that we can play in four. Forget about him. He worked hard today, he’s tired. //Let him be. He worked hard today. He’s tired.// 85. Tired? Is he? Are we gonna drink schnapps or go for a spritzer? 86. Let’s go for a spritzer. Hey, Malačič! Come here. Now we can play cards in four. Have you heard what happened? What happened? –There was a raid in Havana. I didn’t know. Total mess, I’m telling you. The police broke in. They arrested Lepec and Zobar. Zobar? –Yes. Why him? –He raped a girl from Ukraine. Wait, wait. Hold your horses. How can you rape a hooker? Oh, fuck that. Was that this new, this young girl, um… Natalija? Yes, her. He took her to the room, but she wouldn’t fuck him. Zobar totally lost it. He bit her clitoris off. What? –He bit her clitoris off using his teeth. Really? –Yes. Mother fucker. –Holy… What did you say he did? –With his teeth he bit her clitoris off. Wait. –Bit off. The girl has been taken to the intensive care. Disgusting bastard! How could he do something like that to the girl. She’s gonna be crippled for the rest of her life. It can’t be that bad. –Sure it is. No one should beat a woman even if she’s a hooker. I’m afraid Zobar is in deep trouble. I heard he’s under suspicion of being a pedophile. Uf. –Of a what? Speak the language I understand. Holy cow! Pedophilia. Pedophilia. –Kids. Are you out of your mind? –No way! I spoke to a friend who works at the police station He said they’ve been watching him for some time. Supposedly, he waits for girls in front of the school. He talks sweet to them and then… To hell! Disgusting mother fucker! He’s never gonna step into my house again! If he shows up, I’ll weld his balls on the wall. I swear. Perhaps it would be right we stood by him now. What did you says? –Pedophilia is a disease. It can be treated like every other disease. Disease, rubbish! How would you feel if… But, it’s proven. Scientifically proven. How would you fell if he attacked your girl? Perhaps we should send him to a commune. If he attacked her and stuck his thing in her. Come on, this sucks. It’s psychological. –Nonsense. All pedophiles should be lined up in front of a wall and gunned down. Fast as possible... 87. Watch your head. 88. Holy cow! Have you read this, kid? He bit off her clitoris. Shocking. A man observing little girls in front of primary school - he tried to lure them into going for a drink with him. School officials gave brief and reserved comments. Exactly. Nobody knows anything about it now. Boss… –Um? Boss… –Um? Look. Don’t you dare step out. Close the door! I said close the door. Get out of my sight! I don’t wanna see your face! I said get lost! Goddamn pedophile! How dare you?! You disgraced the whole town! How does he dare come here? What did he come for, pervert? 89. Hail Mary! Goddamn! 91. That bastard gassed himself only to get on our nerves, I’m telling you. Only to bug us. But we won’t be bugged. I won’t be bugged. I swear, I won’t be bugged. I don’t give a shit about him. Fuck it! If I had found him, I would have left him rot there in the wood. I’d laugh at him. Now he’s laughing at us. Perhaps one of us should say few words on his funeral. Say what? Who are we anyway? –I don’t know. Who are we to philosophize about life? You can’t talk like that. He was a friend of ours. It should be done, Gajaš.// It behooves us. It befits us. //That’s the way people do. He was a man after all. Zobar was not a man. He was a spoiled brat. He was forty-two and still lived at his mother’s. Is that a man? He was a sucker. A chump. Come on, boss. –What? What time’s the funeral? At three o’clock. What’s the time now? –Half past two. Well, let’s go then. –Yeah, let’s go. 93. Where’s Sara? –She’s sleeping. When is Lepec coming back? –Tomorrow. 95. Lepec! Comrade! Where have you been, my friend? Hello, Gajaš. Hey. When did you come back? –This morning. How are you doing? You don’t look very well. What’s the matter? Um? Have you got some brandy? Brandy? Sure I do. Come here. I’ve got a plum brandy that will blow your brain out. Speak. What’s the matter? I can see something’s wrong. When it rains, it pours… What’s this? –A lighter. Yes, so? –I found it in our bedroom. Nobody has ever smoked in our bedroom. Neither of us has ever used a plastic lighter. I don’t understand. –There’s nothing to understand. The bitch is fucking with another man. Come on, Lepec. What are you talking about! That’s not the proof she’s been fooling around. There comes the time when you don’t need any evidence. And you’re not looking for any. Gajaš, have you ever seen her with another man? Never. –Between me and you. Have you never seen her with another man? I’m telling you I didn’t. I never go anywhere. I’m always home. I’m fixing your car with the kid. 99. Mother fucker. And fucking bitch. Oh, I almost forgot. What’s that? –A ticket for Severina’s concert. Ticket for Severina’s concert! You brought me the ticket. Thank you. How much is it? –Forget about it. Thank you so much. I’ll never forget that. Look at this… Holy cow… Pour me another one. –Sure. 100. Take it. Come on, take it! No. What now? Are you a chick? You act like one. Do you want them to do away with you? Of course not. –Of course not. Take it then! –No. Won’t you defend yourself? –No. Look. Sit down. Holy cow, I’m telling you. You’ve got to defend yourself. If you aren’t to do him in, he will do you in. What’s the matter with you? What’s the matter with me? What’s the matter with you?! Defend yourself. Be like the partisans were. Be like, like… What are you laughing at? Be like Bonnie and Clyde. Have you watched the film? You haven’t watched it, eh? I watched it. Warren Beauty was is in, a good actor. And that blond chick of his. What’s-her-name? I can’t remember. Something in F-… Faydonnaway. Yes, that’s right. I was the same age then as you are now. I took a girl to the cinema to watch this film in color! I asked he for ages to take off her bra. I asked her to come with me to empty a cashbox. But she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t do anything. You’ve got a chick who would do things. That’s why you’ve got to listen to me. I’ve seen many dirty things in my life. It’s better you die with her this morning than crawl alone in the world and complain all your life. That’s why I telling you. Take this gun. Take it. –No. Are you afraid? Tell me, are you afraid? Djuro, where’s your boss? I don’t know. I think he’s in the shower. What the fuck! Gajaš! Where are you? We’re gonna be late! Ready? Let’s go boys! Ah, Gajaš! What? –Is this a stain? Where? Oh, fuck, Pavlica! That’s not funny. Let’s go, let’s go! We’re late! Holy cow… 102. Give me that.// Give that back. Take it by yourself. I won’t. I don’t drink. Where are you going? –To the toilet. Wait. You’ve got to hear the first song! The first song is always the best. I’m speaking from experience. NAPOVEDOVALEC THE SONG SVERINA SEVERINA 103. Quickly. What is it? Nothing. What’s that? –Oh, leave it. What’s that? –It happened before. Mother fucker! Are you alright? Are you ok? What’s the matter? We’ve got to stop seeing each other for a while. What do you mean “For a while?” Just that. I can’t see you for a while. How long? For a week? For a month? How long? I don’t know. Cveto feels something’s not right, you know. And I don’t have a clear conscience. I’m sorry. I hardly made it here tonight. Understand me, please. Come on, Djuro. Leave me alone. It’s difficult enough for me. Don’t make it even harder. I’m making it harder for you? Am I? He is beating you up and now I’m making things harder? This is sick! What’s wrong with you? I wait for you all the time. Wait when you’ll have time to meet up with me. I know. But I’m married and I’ve got a child. You could’ve though about that earlier, couldn’t you? Hey! I’m sorry. Come on, don’t be like that. I’m sorry. Goodbye! –Please. I said goodbye! Go out. Go home! Goodbye! Get the fuck out of here! 105. Did I fix your BMW? –Respect to you, Gajaš! That’s what we’ll do now: see these keys? They’re waiting in my pockets until you pay. There’s no other way for me. I had expenses. Look at me. Paint, electricity,… I owe money for the material. I worked for free… NA PUF –Gajaš, I made a decision. I’ll give you the Mercedes. What Mercedes? But the car isn’t yours. It’s your wife’s! Oh, wait a minute. That’s none of your business! No… I’ll give you the Mercedes. –Lepec, I need cash. Money. Here and now. Cash! –Stop yelling! Stop yelling! Listen, Lepec. Don’t you fake Mr. Nice to me. You’ve done it many times and you know my heart’s soft. No way. Holy cow! Pay me or I’ll dismantle this BMW of yours… I’ll dismantle it into spare parts! You know me. You know I’ll do it! Look at me! Look me in the eyes, Gajaš. I am. // Have I ever left anything unsettled? // Haven’t I always settle debts? Leave that now. –Haven’t I always paid you? Tell me Gajaš. Do I owe you anything? A lot. –How much? It has accumulated over the years. I don’t know. I have it written down somewhere. Around 400 or 500 thousand. And I cut it down. Here’s two thousand marks, and I’ll arrange a dinner with Severina for you. What did you say? Severina. What Severina? Your favorite singer! She’s singing on Saturday in town. I’ll talk to Tomica. To Tomica? –To her manager. I’ve told you about him before. –Year, right. You’d arrange a dinner with Severina for me? Come on… Gajaš, you’ve saved my life hundreds of times. Why wouldn’t I return the favor? But, she can’t come in here. Look at all the mess. Of course she will come here. Tomica and I’ll arrange it. I suggest you take a picture with her and hang it in here. So that everybody will see what a boss Gajaš Štefan is. Pišti. –Pišti. That’s the same. We must drink to this, my friend. Sit down under the grapevine. I’ll bring the best drink I’ve got in the house. I’ll take this. 106. What do you think? Beautiful, isn’t it? Let’s go back to work. 107. That’s good. More to the middle. Where’s the middle? –Left, left. I said to the left, to the… Holy cow, Pavlica! Is that alright? –That’s it. Fix it there. What workers. Holy cow! Severina is going to see this. Great! Phenomenal! –Looking good, eh? Without a doubt. –It’s nice. 110. We have arrived. This is my friend Gajaš. 111. Hey, Lumpy. Good morning. –Hello. Hi. What’s up Lumpy? You know, kid. I can die now. There’s nothing more I could wish in my life. Yeah, mhm. Severina herself. She knows what love is. Gajaš had a rooster’s breakfast with Severina. Generations will talk about it. A rooster’s breakfast? What’s that? Oh, kid. You will have to learn many a thing… Rooster’s breakfast is a sex in the morning. It was tender and romantic. She will remember me too, without a doubt. Boss? I don’t know how to tell you, but… That thing last night… Generations will talk about it. I’m telling you, kid. Boss, may I tell you something? –Go ahead, kid. Don’t lose your temper again. Listen to me till the end. She’s pregnant. Is Bronja pregnant? No. It’s about Severina. –What about Severina? That chick last night was not Severina. It was a hooker from across the border. Lepec arrange with her to trick you a bit. Kid, be careful with what you say, I won’t have you regard me as a fool. I don’t. Bronja told me Lepec set it up for you. She looks like Severina and sings her songs in bars. Lepec wanted to fool you a bit. Actually, he just wanted to see if you’d figure it out. Kid, listen to me. If you’re lying, you can pack your bag. Do you swear what you’re saying is the truth? I swear. Bronja told me. I’d never make a fool of you. What’s up gang? Gajaš, what was it like last night? Good, eh? What’s the matter with you, Gajaš? You’ve got a somewhat wry expression on your face. What’s wrong, my friend? Don’t you ever step in this house again. I give you one minute to get out of here. Uf, that’s to thank me! I brought you a woman dressed like Severina. I went to look for her in a godforsaken place. All that for you. Did you really think I’d bring the real Severina? Here? Gajaš, in this godforsaken place. Do you know who is she? She is Severina Vučković! And who are you? Gajaš Pištek… What’s the matter with you? He looks like a mummy. What’s the matter with this boss of yours? Doesn’t he like jokes anymore? Did you really have to? Now you’re gonna fuck me, or what? Have you got a lighter? Mother fucker. Lepec! Boss! 113. The door. 115. Hello. –Hi. Sit down. I’m glad you’re here. Yeah… This is for you. Oh, nice. Thanks. Um, great. Grapes. I’ll have a bite. It’s good. I’ll have more later. How is it going? Have you got work? It’s alright. Take care of the workroom as if it was yours. When I come home it all has to be shipshape. Screws and tools all in apple-pie order. 116. A mechanic is like a mathematician. He calculates it all, he define it all. But with women it’s like that… Even if your whole heart belongs to her, you’ve got to save a little piece to yourself. I know that very well. I’ve had a woman once in my life. I mean the woman, the right one, and I was left empty-handed. I’m telling you. If a mechanic is indulgent with a woman, he is also indulgent with his screws. Then it starts leaking, and it leaks and leaks. You don’t notice it at first but one day you realize everything’s flooded and machine’s not working anymore. But it’s too late then. If you listen to your boss, you don’t have to worry. Your house will have a roof and your head will have a hat. Yeah, that’s the way of this world. I’ve seen too much of everything… in my life. THE END. written and directed by Marko Naberšnik ___________________________________________ based on the novel by Feri Lainšček __________________________________________ producer Franci Zajc _____________________________________________________________________ Vlado Novak ____________________________________________________________________ Primož Bezjak _____________________________________________ Pia Zemljič ________________________________________________ Dario Varga ___________________________________________________ director of photography Valentin Perko __________________________________________________ composer Saša Lošić ________________________________________________ production designer Miha Ferkov _________________________________________________ costume designer Nataša Rogelj ___________________________________________________ make-up artist Mirjam Kavčič ____________________________________________________ film editor Janez Bricelj _________________________________________________ sound recordist Jože Trtnik ________________________________________________ sound designer Boštjan Kačičnik _____________________________________________________________________ cast Pišti Gajaš Vlado Novak David Slavinec - Djuro Primož Bezjak Bronja Vuksanović Pia Zemljič Cveto Vuksanović - Lepec Dario Varga Jure Cikuta Janez Škof Rajko Roki Malačič Davor Janjić Ivan Pavlica Miloš Battelino Viktor Brodnik - Zobar Matija Rozman Radmilovič Bojan Emeršič Poštar Primož Pirnat Napovedovalec Gojmir Lešnjak Milena Cikuta Mirjam Korbar Žlajpah Ana Alenka Cilenšek Sara Ana Režek Lažna Severina Maja Ajdič Plesalka v nočnem lokalu Anita Pavličina žena Bojana Zemljič Pavličina hči Petra Petan Paznik v zaporu Matevž Luzar Kepa Psička Kepa Avtoprevoznik Feri Lainšček Radijska napovedovalka (glas) Edita Žugelj Spremljevalni ansambel Severine »Novi redatelji« Klemen Dvornik Simon Dvornik Miha Mlaker Nejc Pohar and Severina Vučković Screenwriter Marko Naberšnik based on the novel by Feri Lainšček Script consultant Šola pokaži jezik Franz Rodenkirchen - Script House Berlin Screenwriting workshop CineLink – Sarajevo film festival directed by Marko Naberšnik 1st assistant director Barbara Zemljič 2nd assistant director Matevž Luzar Danica Ikovic lector Ivan Mauko casting for extras Anže Petrič Saša Serban script girl Sandra Ržen producer Franci Zajc production manager Frenk Celarc 1^st production assistant Mitja Senčur 2^nd production assistant Ana Kajzer director of photography Valentin Perko focus puller Božo Zadravec 2^nd camera operator Simon Tanšek Camera Assistant Aleksander Pavlin Jernej Perko Set Photographer Stane Sršen Sound Recordist Jože Trtnik Boom Operator Boris Skubin Gaffer Drago Jarić Electricians Frenk Vidmar Marjan Polajnar Peter Zajc Aleksander Šenekar Lights & Effects Programmer Videoprodukcija Kregar Power Operator Dušan Turk Camera Grip Master Marjan Jelnikar Grip Marjan Hribar Rok Grdin Peter Gregorčič Blaž Jelnikar Anže Mišjak Production Designer Miha Ferkov Propsmaster Gordana Kazaić Propsmaster Assistant Janez Prohinar Set designer Franci Cilenšek Construction Assistants Igor Kravogel Rikardo Pompe Sebastjan Mavrič Damjan Krebl Andrej Klančar Tomislav Samardžija Bojan Kukovič Roman Majdič Costume Designer Nataša Rogelj Costume Designer Assistant Emina Kaliman Wardrobe Supervisors Rosana Knavs Marija Boruta Make-up Artist Mirjam Kavčič Make-up Assistant Katja Krnc SFX Supervisor Dragec Poldrugač SFX Co-ordinator Marko Poldrugač Manager of Severina Vučković Tomislav Petrović Animal Trainer Mia Zahariaš Title Designer Gregor Slemnik Title recording Franjo Senjak Drivers Franc Primc Frenk Grdin Daro Majcen Mitja Drobnič Jakob Kolar Miha Ravnik Matiček Košorok Catering Veljko Skočić Baby-sitter Marija Anžin Film Editor Janez Bricelj Assistant Film Editor Jurij Moškon Sound Designer & Re-recording Mixer Boštjan Kačičnik Mix Assistant Rudi Jeseničnik telekino operaterji/telecine operators Tomaž Hajdarevič Boštjan Sekelj Emil Svetlik Composer Saša Lošić Izvajalci glasbe: Orchestra Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija Conductor Lojze Krajnčan Sound Engineer Januš Luznar Music recorded at Studiu 14, Radio Slovenija