A 24. Write the following numbers in kanji and give their reading in furigana. 8 35 7,200 3 12 47 111 3,874 9 24 50 897 1,011 25. Give the reading of the following numbers, and write their figures in Arabic numerals. i + A Afi-b- 3 ) 1 ) A+ ) ) Hfitt ) 26. Write the following numbers in kanji and give their reading in furigana. 3,783 24,851 834,901 560,205 75,034,026 10,940 300,340 108,234 1,280,785 834,201,016 27. Give the reading of the following numbers, and write their figures in Arabic numerals -Tj^-f-^H \ztLh < ( 51 ( 26,203 S^-bl-tA _ ( tA7£f£§=+- _ ( ^Hf-?7/5f5+r: _ ( -19- Kanji