. W¥9k Dl SHÍ KĚ Lesson 10 (m ifO Shěngcí New Words m wěi Hello! 2. fr (m) a a modal particle s.* m^) zäi to be in ( at, etc. ) 4. £ («r) zhCi to live, to dwell 5. 0 (*) ling zero 6. 4-í9! (45) fángjiän room 7. & (SO hái still L* (*) häo number 9.# (*) lóu building 10. fc# (£) diänhuá telephone, phone call n.-f-^;L í«) häomär number 12. 1 '}" (íl) duôshao how much, how many "§& Zhuänmíng Proper Name 91 fc; Jiö Hongchun a person s name ~, iUSC Kěwén Text Jia Hongchun, a former classmate of Li Danian' s, is making a call to Li. Here is an excerpt from their conversation. k\ A.VH\ ifc-bfH,%*~&\ L': Shi a! Ní häo a, Hongchun! 57 Jiö: Wei,wö shi Jiä Hongchun a, ní shi Danian ma? duöshao? Jiä: Liů wü yäo sän ql ql • liů liů. 58 f : fä-Ofl Jiä: Ní häo! ♦ : &&1%JLÍM LT: Nízäinära? 1% :&,&&"%; ÍAJ& ,&■— O ^- Jiä: Wo zäi Beijing Fändián, zhů ^ -S* W o $> *£ ^ "t" "f" # Yäo líng ér si fángjiän. Ní hái "Ä? zhů shí häo lóu ma? 4*: ^"»A^E^^ÝAo Li: Dui, wó hái zhů shŕ häo lóu. ft : /L-f-^-řá]? Jiä: Jí häo fángjiän? 4* : ^ íf-'U jí CfeÄ Jh%o<»# LT: Wo hái zhů sän líng liú fángjiän. tíj&TŽ-ffSlJLjLž'y"? NT de diänhuä háomär shi f : 65137766o a ig Zhúshi Notes 1. >R! -©'S o This is an interjection used in telephone calls to greet, or arouse the attention of, the other party. 2. *#.£n# Addressing someone by their given name indicates a close relationship. H n in ff Yüyln Phonetics ifj^SOÍRl"IW"fr9ílr3£ Changes in pronunciation of the modal particle a (PPŔ[) #PT: With the influence of the ending sound of the preceding syllable, the modal particle HP? changes its pronunciation roughly as follows: & u,ao,ou JsMtM wa,RT^^"ni"o £-nMM;na,pI^"ISß"o 1 ft-i[i]Bffi^[za],#^^"P|Sf"o When preceded by a, e, i, O, or Ü, it is pronounced ya which may be written as When preceded by U, (JO, or OU, it is pronounced WO which may be written as RÉ . When it occurs after -n, it is read ľlfJ and can be represented by 8P. When it comes after -ng it is pronounced nga and is still written as "M . It is pronounced ľd after -i [\] or after a retroflexed final and is written as ißjf. It is pronounced ZO. after -i [l] and is written as PH . According to the above rules, the ipj in the text should be pronounced respectively: Wo shi Jiö Hongchün na. (W—BS) Nihäowa! (PpJ—ft) Shira. (PR) Nízäinärra? (PR) |SL i§rž Yüfa Grammar ü?llft&&i£o ^?ÜT^HföUJl±»^Bi,: iE /ž Reading numbers The figures in a number are read as the cardinal numbers are read. When a number is composed of three figures or more, the figures should be read one by one. 1) "-"#&# yaoo — is often pronounced yäo when reading numbers. 2) "=."T$ift ěr,*mm liang0 ~ should be read as ěr rather than Häng. 3) mm&m&ft omfr%m0 . If a number contains the same figure (including 0) two or more times in succession, each figure should be read separately. .^ ěr häo sänlíngliu fángjiän yäo ling ěr s] häo ling jiü qT sän häo 59 J si son sán ling ling wü häo HHHOOI^ To ask about a number, one says: d jim NY-zhü jí háor (fángjiän)? 2) •••-^■í%JLÄ^^>? Ní de fángjiän häomär shi duöshao? Ní de diánhuá häomär shi duöshao? For the reading of 2-figured numbers, please refer to Grammar, Lesson 15. 1. Ipštř Tones 1) m^tPffl The four tones jiä jiá chün chún qiöng qióng kün kún 2) V Vv chenshän däjiä däxué diqiú däolí diányíng biyě dägái dáifu dôufu jiä jiä chün chün qiöng kün qiöng kün dáyí jiänkäng fůxí jinxing fänguänr jüchäng duänliän dänshi füqin yäoshi 2. Üft Sound discrimination D zh-j zhánjián zhünjiäng jiánzhěng juänzhü zhängjin zhejiä jüzhöng jinzhän 2) ch—q chünqiü chuánqí 60 qingchün chüquänr quánchéng qiánchéng chäoqún qüchi 3) sh—x shůxué xióngshl shíxiän xůshů shouxů xuánshij shěnxůn xiáoshuô 3.|fH£Í^I Build-up exercise lóu fángjiän shí häo lóu jí häo fángjiän zhů shí häo lóu zhü jT häo fángjiän hái zhů shí häo lóu NT zhů jí häo fángjiän? Wo hái zhů shí häo lóu. när fändiän zái när Beijing Fändiän Tämen zäi när? zái Beijing Fändiän Tä zái Beijing Fändiän. Complete the following sentences using J\. and % Ú>. 1) A: Ní de diánhuä häomär shi__________? B: 2) A: Jiä Hóngchůn zhů B: häo fángjiän? 3) A: Zhě sni häo lóu? B: 4) A: Nín mäi B: běn cídiän? 5.£KíT-^£TS,#iETft!lÔ