in Dl ĚR KĚ Lesson 2 ______........ .. .. ; Shěngcí New Words 1 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. fid UWÍJ ii ## 5$-^ ^^~ ^5-M (it) (ft) (it) (it) (£) («) (45) OS) (£) (£) (.45) women nímen tarnen tarnen bäba mäma gěge dldi měimei yéye näinai ■ Kěwén Text we, us you (pi.) they, them (male) they, them (female) father mother elder brother younger brother younger sister paternal grandfather paternal grandmother ■ Li Danian and Liu Tianhua greet their teacher Gao Kai. :,: mm ft: ÍMŘ#! Li : Nín häo! Liú Göo: Nímen häo! 1. gp The neutral tone um*^m^¥^pffl(^tínj%ftmmx¥M-mjip),ů;mím, 15 Some syllables are itonic (no matter in which tone is the character the syllable represents) and are pronounced soft and short. Such syllables are known as neutral-tone syllables . The pitch of a neutral-tone syllable is varied according to the pitch of the preceding syllable, as shown in the figure below: e __.__^_ ma ^-____________ __ 5 > ^ 4 3---------- 2---------- ma — «-------------------------- ye — «------------ 1" +° mäma tarnen gěge 2nd + ' yeye 3rd +' 4,hV bába nimen women didi näinai měimei iťX. ^^ Zfe -±t" \ ÍŽF B V) Note that in writing, a neutral-tone syllable is indicated with the absence of a tone-mark. (In the formulas for syllables in succession given in this book, the neutral tone is represented by a "°" . ) 2. —^ + 5Š.JŠ The 3r tone + the neutral tone WBJo When followed by a neutral-tone syllable, a third-tone syllable is pronounced in the half-third tone. This means that only the initial falling is pronounced, not the rise. In such cases the half-third tone and the neutral tone combine to form a more or less complete third tone. ( See also Phonetics, Lesson 3. ) ß-k %T\ Liänxí Exercises 1. p3i$ Tones D n^ dě F°\M The four tones dé běn bén běn běn täi tá i täi täi měi méi mě měi 2) &P The neutral tone • ' + ° mama tarnen gége Tí ba! ' + ° yéye lái ba v + 0 women nímen näinai Häo ma? v + 0 baba didi měimei Kán ma? 2.j Sound discrimination: g—k—h 7J\ is D ga ka ha ge ke he gai kai hai gei kei hei gao kao hao gen ken hen 2) gäoge käiken háohuá gängá kěku háohän 3) gánku kěgú käihuä háokě gůkě kügäo kehuä huäkän 3. išllfi Phrases wö bába wö näinai tä péngyou tä yéye ní gége ní didi 17