i. A 2. if 3. MA 4. %n 6. ^^ 7. &£ 8. &-k 9. XA ^Hi^ DI SAN KE Lesson 3 — n tkM Shěngci New Words who, whom friend (fir) shi (ft) shéi/shuí (45) péngyou to be (45) läoshl" ma (ig) däifu (ig) ylshěng teacher (ig) hůshi (£) gôngrén an interrogative particle doctor ( iweá i/i spoken Chinese) doctor hospital nurse factory worker _ x t%3C Kewén Texts Li Danian is looking at Liu Tianhua' s photo album. Li: To shi shéi? Liú: To shi wo péngyou. The underdotted final indicates the word stress. For word stress, see Phonetics, Lesson 16. 1Í ^. ;í& Tihuän Substitution ?sm£ wo bäba ä4mj wo yéye ffe n^n wo gěge &<$,%> wo dldi Ä*!W tö wo läoshT »#5 wo näinai m »*3 wo máma Uc*^ wo měimei n LT: Tä shl läoshí ma? Liú: Tä shi läoshT. Tihuän Substitution tt tä yTshěng däifu hüshi gôngrén =.^ um Yüyin Phonetics l. ÄB-^^ai, -ei, ao, ou tt&MA Pronunciation characteristics of the compound finals ai, -ei, ao, OU É<£fŘ#ai, -ei, ao, ou t^Bif-^^^*«,^txo The first constituents in ai, -ei, 00, and OU are pronounced more loudly and clearly than the second ones. ai däifu ei shéi ao häo Gäo läoshT ou péngyou 19 2. Ä^ÄS-ft-iu, -ui The compound finals -iu and -ui Ä"ŠÍS«ioik uei mfffiÍD^#W0ÍÍÍ,^^-iu, -uio When the compound finals ÍOU and uei are preceded with initials, they are written as -iu and -UÍ . 3. JHM-ong Éft£H The nasal final -ong #gf#-ong ŤfôŤčW oJt[u], *Jt[o]0 Note that the vowel in -Ong is |_uj, not \_o\ . 4. ^E.ß The half-third tone When followed by a syllable in the 1sl, 2" , 41 or neutral tone, a third-tone syllable is pronounced in the half-third tone, that is, only the initial falling is pronounced, with the rise substituted by the syllable that follows. ^H^ + ^-^(3rd + l8') *________________________shT fc_________ läoshl A___________j______________ : fr wo mäma 3------------------t--/------------------ wo gěge 2 " ~"^=::~::::'Š2r^F'- fgH]^ + M^-P (3rd+2'"') wo pengyou 4--------------~Z^^~^u— -i_________________'*£^2________.«__ wo yéye J ; 7 2------^=^wo- — *f----------------------- m=p + mmp (3rd + 4,h) 5-------------------------------------------------- wo didi 3 FT" \rk' •>____________ v___4-V-—___>r__________________ wo měimei | _ __ľ_ľľ^=>Ji ____jk J«J______ Refer to Phonetics, Lesson 2 for the pronunciation of the sequence 3' + ° . 20 5. —ß&W: Two third-tone syllables in succession When two third-tone syllables occur in succession, the first one changes to the second tone. Ní háo wo näinai ní näinai wo läoshí ní läoshT ,mm Yüfä Grammar ■ 1. íiníOiiin Subject and predicate Chinese sentences may generally be divided into two sections: the subject (S) and the predicate (P). As a rule, the subject always precedes the predicate, hence the pattern is "Subject + Predicate" . The predicate can be composed of different elements. In this lesson, the verb shl (^) and its object (0) serve as the predicate. P S Jt + o To shi shéi? To shi läoshí. To shl wo péngyou. 2. HÍŘ]ftiŠl"ifÍ" The interrogative pronoun shéi (Ü) Shéi ("Hi) is an interrogative pronoun used in the position where the answer is expected to form a question. To shi shéi? To shi wo péngyou. %*mZf!to ®|5J*jSMffl|5]-§"?" In other words, questions with interrogative pronouns follow the same word order as 21 declarative sentences; this point is different from many other languages. A question mark "?" is used at the end of interrogative sentences. 3. m"nVfóÄÍR]'S] Questions using ma (m) The interrogative particle ma ( R§) is used at the end of a statement to form a question. To shi läoshí ma? Tä shi ní péngyou ma? 4. A4$ftÍ5lft=IĚÍ£(l) Personal pronouns as attributive (1) In the following phrases, the personal pronouns are attributives modifying the nouns following them to indicate possession. wo pényou my friend WO bába my father to did i his (or her) younger brother ní mama your mother SN ^5J Liänxí Exercises 1. M Tones 1) m^PM The four tones shä shá rěn rén _ guí guí shä shä rěn rěn guí lěng gul lěng döu nöng döu nöng lěng léng döu döu -nong nong 2) -^H^ The half-third tone v +" läoshí wo mäma wo gěge v +' wo péngyou wo yéye v + v wo bäba wo didi v + ° wömen nímen 22 nouns JfcM Sound discrimination: b—p—m—1 • D bo po mo fo bu ban pu pan mu man fu fan ben pen men fen beng peng meng feng bei pei mei fei 2) běibao piáopô meimän fenfä bänlái pípa měimiao fänfä bäobiän pópo mäimai feifü bäobán péngpäi méimao fěnfěn 3) biäopí päobú fäpiáo pengfu bčopiäo pübiän fänpü pínfä 3. íf M & >J Build-up exercise läoshT gôngrén shi läoshT shi gôngrén Bába shi läoshT. Gěge shi gôngrén. Ta bába shi läoshT. däifu Wo gěge shi gôngrén . hCishi sh däifu shi hüshi Péngyou sh däifu. Měimei shi hüshi. Tä péngyou sh' däifu. Wo měimei shi hüshi. 4. ffl"if£"š5t"R3"ÍSl°] Turn the following into questions using it orB^. 1) T5 shi wo yéye. 2) Wo mäma shi yishěng. 3) Tä didi shi gôngrén. 4) Wo shi tä péngyou. 5) Tarnen shi wo měime. i,#ÄB-£ktf'ÍííH« s. JB-*IHtf4HH—N Choose a family picture, and tell your classmates who the members of the family in the picture are. Compose a dialogue about the picture. 23